已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、并列连词和从属连词连词是一种虚词, 它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及 句与句的作用。连词主要可分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。并列连词用来连接平 行的词、词组和分句。如: and, but, or, nor, so, therefore, yet, however, for, hence, as well as, both and, not only but also, either or, neither or, (and)then 等等。1. 并列连词 并列连词用来连接属于同一层次并具有相同句法功能的词;短语或句 子。并列连词包括:基本并列连词如 and, or , b

2、ut , 关联连词如 either.or , neither.nor , not only.but also ,both .and, whether.or等;介于并列连词与从属连词之间的连词;介于并列连词与从属连词或介词之间的结构如 as well as , as much as, rather than , more than, no less than等;此外还有些 半连接词 ,一些语法学家把它们称为连接副词, 如 nevertheless, however, meanwhile, otherwise, likewise 等,它们在句中做连接性状语。这类连词主要 是从逻辑上,而不是从形式上

3、连接句子,其关系比较松散。1) 表示意义转折和对比的并列连词常见的有: but , while, whereas, still, yet , nevertheless, likewise, anyway , only , conversely , on the contrary, by this time, all the same, fortunately, on the other hand , in the meantime等词语。2) 表示选择的并列连词常见的有: or, whether.or, either.or, otherwise等。例如:Either .or和 whether.

4、or表示选择,其意义比单用 or 要强,但由whetrher.or构成的并列结构一般只能担任句子的从属成分。上例中最后一句,whether.or 结构在句中担任句子的从属成分。Either .or和 or 一样,可以连接两个并列的独立分句,而 whether.or则不可以。 or 用于表示否定的条件意义时,有时可与连用。Or 连接主语时,如主语都是单数,动词则取单数形式;如主语都是复数,动词则 取复数形式,如果主语有的是复数,动词则取复数形式,如果主语有的是单数,有 的是复数,动词的数则与它靠近的主语的数相一致。连接两个主语时,动词的数也应与靠近他的主语的数相一致。例如:Neither he

5、nor I am a good student.3) 表示因果意义的并列并列连词常见的有:for ,so ,therfore ,hence ,thus, accordingly, consepuently, onthat account, in that case等。例如:The fuel must have beeenfinished, for the engine stopped.It rained , therefore the game was called off.表示原因的并列连词只有 for ,它所引导的分句只是对前一分句补充说明理由或 推断原因。 for 引导的分句只能置于句末

6、,而且必须用逗号与前一分句隔开。上 面所提到的 so,therefore 等词,有的语法学家把它们做为连接性状语。4) 表示联合关系的并列连词等。常见的有: and, both.and, neither.nor, not only. but also当 neither.nor, not only .but also连接主语时,动词的数则与靠近它的主语的数相一致。 Both .and 不能连接两个以上的并列成分,也不能连接分句。例如: 误: Both Mary swept the floor and Nancy mopped it.5) 其它并列连词等.常见的有: as well as, mor

7、e than, rather than, no less than(1) as well as表示 同 和 也 的意义as well as 用作并列连词时它意义相当于 not only.but also,但侧重点在后一并列成分上而as well as 侧重点却在前一并列成分上 ,A as well as B=not onlyB but also A.(2) more than表示而不是之意 . 例如 :(3) rather than表示 而不是 之意 .(4) no less than表示 同 . 一样 之意 .当 as well as ,more than, rather than, no

8、less than连接两个成分作主语时谓语动词应于第一个成分的数相一致 . 在使用并列连词时我们应该注意 : (1) 并列连词不可以连用 .(2) 有些连接性状语副词可以和某些从属连词对应使用 .(3) 在 for 或 so that 引出的分句中如果主语与前一分句的主语所指相同其主语 不可以省略 . 同样 , 如果第二个分句是由连接副词引出的其主语通常也不可省略 例如:2. 从属连词从属连词用来引导名词从句和各类的状语从句 从属连词按词形分为简单从属连词,复合从属连词,关连从属连词。1) 简单从属连词常见的有: after, although, as, because, before, if

9、, lest,once, since, that, till, unless, until, when, where, whether, while等。例如:2) 复合从属连词 由两个或两个以上单词构成的从属连词,如:as if, as far as , as soon as, according as , in case , no matter who(how,what,when, where), rather than, for all that , given( that), in order that, now (that), on condition that ,(so) that

10、,provided/providing(that), inasmuch as , insofar as等。3) 关联从属连词 由两个关联构成的,如: as.as,nore(less,-er).than,nosooner.than,so .as , so.that,such.sa, the.the,whether.or等,使用从属连词时,应该注意(1) 由从属连词引导的状语从句,其位置通常是可变的。(2) 并列连词之间之前不可以加其它连词,而从属连词之前可以加并列连词;连接 副词。使用连词时 , 还应该注意 :1. because, for, since, as的区别because 语气强 ,

11、表示客观必然原因:例如 : He is absent, because he is ill. 因 为生病,所以他没来。比较:He is abse nt, for he is busy.(“生病”是“缺席”的必然原因,“忙”不是必然原因。)for 语气轻,表示非客观必然的原因 ,是主观可改变结果的原因 ,甚至是猜测可能的 原因 :He must be ill, for he is absent.“缺席”不一定是“生病”,只是交流猜测。for 不能放句首 , 它是并列连词 .since, as 都是不讲自明的原因 , 是已知的原因 .Since I am a boy, let me carry t

12、he case.As you dont feel well,you had better stay at home. 综观近几年全国各省市的高考题,我们发现均加大了对连词应用的考查。由此可见 连词在英语学习和运用中的重要性,下面我们结合相关的例句和知识点来分析和掌握连词的考查方向和内容。一、并列连词1. 表并列关系(联合关系):and, but, notbut, not onlybut (also) , neithernor 等。【注意1】bothand (两者都),连接句子的两个主语时,其后谓语动 词通常用使用复数形式;not onlybut (also )与 neither -nor则采取

13、“就 近原则”。如: She plays not only the piano, but( also ) the guitar.Neither you nor he is to blame.【注意 2】 not only but ( also )与 as well as 两者强调对象不同: not only but also 强调的是but (also )之后部分,而 as well as 则强调其前面的 部分。谓语动词单复数判断上 not only but ( also )采取“就近原则” ,而 as well as,则采取“就远原则”。如: Mr. Smith, as well as hi

14、s wife and children, has come to Nanjing for a visit.【注意3】n oto nly but ( also )结构中的n oto nly 可用于句首引导从句, 在这种情况下该从句的主语和谓语要倒装。如: Not only is he clever, but also he is hard working.Not only did we write to her but also we telegraphed her.2. 表转折关系: but, yet, still, while, however, when等。【注意 4】 while 可以表

15、示“尽管、即使”。另外, while 还可以表示两者进 行对比的用法。如: Bob likes playing basket ball, while his brother likes football.She has difficulty in learning English, however, she works hard and is making rapid progress.3. 表选择关系:or, otherwise, or else, either- or 等。【注意5】either -or句型中谓语的单复数形式也要采取“就近原则”。如: We must hurry, or w

16、e ll miss the train. Either Jim or you are going to attend the course.4. 表因果关系: for, since, because, as, so, thus, therefore, and so 等。如: We had better stay at home, for it was raining.He didn t work hard, therefore he failed in the examination.He was late for class because he got up late.二、从属连词1. w

17、hen, while, as都表示“当 时候”: when引导的从句的动作与主句的动作可同时发生,也可先后发生 ; as 和 while 引导的从句则强调主句和从句的动 作同时发生。如: When I got to the station, the train had already left. He sang merrily as he was working.2. till, un til均表示“到时候为止”,肯定句中的谓语必须是延续性动作;若主句谓语是终止性动词,则主句要用否定形式,意为动作“到才” 开始发生。如: I worked till late at night.She didn

18、 t get up until hermother came in.注意 6】 till 和 until 通常情况下可以互换,只是在句首时 until 比 till更常用3. though, although均引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然”,但 although较正式, though 最常用。如: We had to wait half an hour although we had already booked a table.【注意 7】 though 和 although 引导的从句不能与 but however 连用,但可 以与 yet still 连用。 though 还可以与别的词

19、结合使用,如 even though as though, although 则不能这样搭配。4. no soonertha n, hardly whe n, as soon as三者都表示“一就”,“刚刚就”的意思。【注意 8】 as soon as 置于主句前后都可以,而且各种时态均可作用。如: As soon as she gets here I ll tell her about it.【注意9】hardlywhen, no soonerthan不能表示将来的事,其主句的谓 语动词一般用过去完成时,从句则用过去时。若将 hardly 或 no sooner 放在句首, 句子要倒装。如:

20、 She had hardly reached there when it began to rain.5. 某些表示时间的名词(词组)也可用作从属连词引导时间状语从句。它们是:the moment, the minute, the instant, the day, the time, the first(se cond, third )time, the spri ng ( summer, autu mn, win ter ) , every (e ach) , next, any time (d ay) , by the time 等。如: His mother died the spr

21、ing he returned. Callmeup the minutehe arrives.6. if, once, unless, in case四者都表示“条件”,但 if 意为“如果、假 使”; once 意为“一旦”; unless 意为“除非”; in case 意为“万一、以防”如: I won t call you, unless something unexpected happens. Once you begin, you must continue.7. after , since , till until, before这些词既是介词,又是连词。如: The chil

22、dren went home at once after school. They went to bedafter they had finished the job.并列连词 when 和引导时间状语从句的从属连词 when 是不同的。这主要表现在以 下几个方面:1. 位置: when 引导时间状语从句时,该从句可放在主句之前也可放在主句 之后;而并列连词 when 只能位于两个分句之间,而且前面常常有逗号。例如:Come when you please. 你高兴来就来吧。( when 为从属连词)When I saw him , he was writing to a friend of

23、 his.我看见他时,他在给一个朋友写信。( when 为从属连词)I was taking a walk , when I came across him. 我正在散步,突然碰 见了他。2. 意义: when 作从属连词用时,它所引导的从句表示主句中谓语动词动作发生的时间,即作“当时”解;而并列连词when连接的两个分句中,第一个分句表示的是背景,第二个分句表示的是一种突然的、意想不到的情况或过早发生 的事情。 when 通常含“这时突然”之义。例如:I was thinking of this , when I heard my name called.我正想着这件事,突然听到有人叫我的名

24、字。I had just fallen asleep, when the boor-bell rang.我刚入睡,门铃突然响了起来。I was这种意义在孤立的句子中可以理解到,在文章中更能体会得到。如在wandering through the street when I caught sight of a tailors shop句中,“在街头漫步”只是“看见有家缝纫店”的时间,其后作者怎样走进缝纫店, 想要什么样的衣服,怎样受到伙计的奚落,又怎样受到老板的奉承等情景均与“漫 步街头”没有直接的因果关系。3. 时态: when 引导的时间状语从句中可以根据句意的需要用一般现在时、 一般过去时

25、、过去进行时、分别说明现在,过去,甚至将来的行为;并列连词 when 后面的分句中通常用非延续性动词的一般过去时,其前表时间的分句中可用:( 1 )过去进行时表示过去某时间正在进行的动作。例如:I was cooking when I heard her knocking at the door.我正在做饭,突然听到她敲门的声音。He was thinking about the problem, when an apple fell to the ground.他正在思考这个问题,突然有一只苹果掉到了地上( 2 ) was /were going to , was / were about

26、to, was / were on the我们刚要动身天就开point of 表示过去某一时间将要发生的动作。例如: I was just going when he came in. 我正要走,这时他就进来了。We were about to start when it began to rain.始下起雨来了He was on the point of leaving , when someoneknocked at the door. 他 刚要走就有人敲门。( 3 )过去完成时表示过早发生的事情。请看下述两种场合:( a )过去完成时和含否定意义的 hardly , scarcely , nearly 连用, 和just , little 连用,或者与否定词


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