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1、基于vf实现的学生综测管理系统 一. 需求分析(一) 数据分析1. 原始数据包括4个表:(1) 会计一班综测成绩单(2) 会计二班综测成绩单(3) 会计三班综测成绩单(4) 财务管理班综测成绩单 2.表内容:字段字 段 名类型宽度小数位索引排序nulls1学年学期c6升序否2姓名c6否3班号c6否4学号c11否5德育分n21否6智育分n21否7智育分n21否8总分n21否9名次c1否 3.表单(封面):要求:在用户名中输入学号 密码中输入数字“0” 点击“确认”按钮后进入主菜单如果未输入密码时,显示 如果输入密码错误时,显示 4.菜单: (1)数据浏览:例如点击“浏览”栏中的财管班综测,得:

2、(2)数据编辑:例如点击“编辑”按钮栏中的会计二班得: (3)数据查询:按照学号查询个人综测成绩 例如查询学号为20101000001的学生的综测得 如果学好不存在时,显示 5.退出:点击“退出”按钮时,显示 点击“是”则可以退出系统。二. 程序设计主程序 set talk off close all do form fm modify wind screen titl地大经管学生综测管理系统 clear do cxcd.mpr read event quit 菜单部分 浏览子菜单代码:会计一班综测use kj1brow会计二班综测use kj2brow会计三班综测use kj3brow财管综

3、测use cgbrow编辑子菜单代码:编辑会计一班use kj1append编辑会计二班use kj2append编辑会计三班use kj3append编辑财管班use cgappend查询子菜单代码:会计一班use kj1do while .t. accept 请输入要查询的学生学号(输入0结束查询):to xhif xh=0 exitendiflocate for alltrim(学号)=xhif found()disp for alltrim(学号)=xhelsewait 没有此学号! window endifenddo会计二班use kj2do while .t. accept 请输入

4、要查询的学生学号(输入0结束查询):to xhif xh=0 exitendiflocate for alltrim(学号)=xhif found()disp for alltrim(学号)=xhelsewait 没有此学号! window endifenddo会计三班use kj3do while .t. accept 请输入要查询的学生学号(输入0结束查询):to xhif xh=0 exitendiflocate for alltrim(学号)=xhif found()disp for alltrim(学号)=xhelsewait 没有此学号! window endifenddo财管班u

5、se cgdo while .t. accept 请输入要查询的学生学号(输入0结束查询):to xhif xh=0 exitendiflocate for alltrim(学号)=xhif found()disp for alltrim(学号)=xhelsewait 没有此学号! window endifenddo汇总查询use hzdo while .t. accept 请输入要查询的学生学号(输入0结束查询):to xhif xh=0 exitendiflocate for alltrim(学号)=xhif found()disp for alltrim(学号)=xhelsewait 没

6、有此学号! window endifenddo退出代码:ask=messagebox(确实要退出系统吗,4+32+256,学生综测管理系统)if ask=6 close all quitelse endif帮助子菜单代码:版本信息clearuse 版本list封面部分代码数据环境中加入新口令表(xklb.dbf,存密码和学号)fn中写:public errornumber,pserrornumber=0退出的click中写:ask=messagebox(确定要退出系统吗?,4+32+256,学生综测管理系统)if ask=6 close allquitelse endif确定的

7、click中写:use xklba=thisform.text1.valueb=thisform.text2.valueif a=n=messagebox(请输入用户名,4+32,学生管理系统登陆)do casecase n=6thisform.text1.value=thisform.text1.setfocuscase n=7thisform.releaseendcaseelseif b=n=messagebox(请输入密码,4+32,学生管理系统登陆)do casecase n=6thisform.text2.value=thisform.text2.setfocuscase n=7th

8、isform.releaseendcaseendifendiflocate for alltrim(xklb.id)=alltrim(a)if found() if alltrim(xklb.ps)=alltrim(b) do cxcd.mpr thisform.release else messagebox(密码错误,请重新输入,64,学生综测管理系统登陆) errornumber=errornumber+1 endif else messagebox(用户+a+不存在!,64,学生综测管理系统登陆) errornumber=errornumber+1endiftheir own condi

9、tions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. to establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. concentrated manpower, careful plannin

10、g, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.

11、(four) to promote the integration of resources. to further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources within the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win-win principle, in the framework of national policies and regu

12、lations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of state-owned assets.(five) to

13、 strengthen the construction management personnel. strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing business, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to

14、respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. at the same time, according to the need of industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-quality professional management team, hard work, a

15、nd promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structure optimization and upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(six) seriously study the policy for policy. serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the


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