1、23 黄河科技学院毕业设计(文献翻译)数字通信1 引 言在本书中,我们将介绍作为数字通信系统分析和设计基础的基本原理。数字通信的研究主题包括数字形式的信息从产生该信息的信源到一个或多个目的地的传输问题。在通信系统的分析和设计中,特别重要的是信息传输所通过的物理信道的特征。信道的特征-般会影响通信系统基本组成部分的设计。下面阐述一个通信系统的基本组成部分及其功能。1.1数字通信系统的基本组成部分图1.1 显示了一个数字通信系统的功能性框图和基本组成部分。输出的可以是模拟信号,如音频或视频信号;也可以是数字信号,如电传机的输出,该信号在时间上是离散的,并且只有有限个输出字符。在数字通信系统中,由信
4、形s0(t)而二进制数字“1”映射成波形s1(t)。在这种方式中,信道编码器输出的毎一比特是分别传输的。我们把它称为二进制调制。另一种方式,调制器目一次传输b个已编码的信息比特,其方法是采用M = 2s个不同的波形ST(t)i=1,2,M,每一个波形用来传输2s个可能的b比特序列中的一个序列。我们称这种方式为M元调制(M2)。注意,每b/R秒就有一个新的b比特序列进入调制器。因此,当信道比特率R固定,与一个b比特序列相应的似个波形之一的传输时间量是二进制调制系统时间周期的b倍。图1.1 数字通信系统的基本模型通信信道是用来将发送机的信号发送给接收机的物理媒质。在无线传输中,信道可以是大气(自由
6、均比特错误概率是解调器-译码器組合性能的一个度量。一般地,错误概率是下列各种因素的函数:码特征、用来在信道上传输信息的波形的类型、发送功率信道的特征(即噪声的大小、干扰的性质等)以及解调和译码的方法。在后续各章中将详细讨论这些因素及其对性能的影晌。作为最后一步,当需要模拟输出时,信源译码器从信道译码器接收其输出序列并根据所采用的信源编码方法的有关知识重构由信源发出的原始信号。由于信道译码的差错以及信源编码器可能引入的失真,在信源译码器输出端的信号只是原始信源输出的个近似。在原始信号与重构信号之间的信号差或信号差的函数是数字通信系统引入失真的一种度量。 2 通信信道及其特征正如前面指出的,通信信
8、能会遇到的其他类型损伤有信号衰减、幅度和相位失真、多径失真等。可以通过增加发送信号功率的方法使噪声的影响最小。然而,设备和其他实际因素限制了发送信号的功率电平,另一个基本的限制是可用的信道带宽。带宽的限制通常是由于媒质以及发送机和接牧机中组成器件和部件的物理限制产生的。这两种限制因素限制了在任何通信信道上能可靠传输的数据量,我们将在以后各章中讨论这种情况。下面描述几种通信信道的重要特征。2.1 有线信道电话网络扩大了有线线路的应用,如话音信号传输以及数据和视频传输。双绞线和同轴电缆是基本的导向电磁信道,它能提供比较适度的带宽。通常用来连接用户和中心机房的电话线的带宽为几百千赫(khz)另一方面
9、同轴电缆的可用宽带是几兆赫(Mhz)。信号在这样的信道上传输时,其幅度和相位都会发生失真,还受到加性噪声的恶化。双绞线信道还易受到来自物理邻近信道的串音干扰。因为在全国和全世界有线信道上通信在日常通信中占有相当大的比例,因此,人们对传输特性的表征以及对信号传输时的幅度和相位失真的减缓方法作了大量研究。在第9章中,我们将阐述最佳传输信号及其解调的设什方法。在笫10章和第11章中,我们将研究信道均衡器的设计,它是用来补偿信道的幅度和相位失真的。2.2 光纤信道光纤提供的信道带宽比同轴电缆信道大几个数量级。在过去的20年中,已经研发出具有较低倌号衰减的光缆,以及用于信号和信号检测的可靠性光子器件。这
11、无线电磁信道 在无线通信系统中,电磁能是通过作为辐射器的天线耦合到传播媒质的。天线的物理尺寸和配置主要决定于运行的频率。为了获得有效的电磁能量的辐射,天线必须比波长的1/10更长。因此,在调幅(AM)频段发射的无线电台,譬如说在f=1MHz时(相当于波长= C/f=300m)要求天线至少为30m。无线传输天线的其他重要特征和属性将在第5章阐述。在大气和自由空间中,电磁波传播的模式可以划分为3种类型,即地波传播、天波传播和视线传播。在甚低频(VLF)和音频段,其波长超过10km,地球和电离层对电磁波传播的作用如同波导。在这些频段,通信信号实际上环绕地球传播,由于这个原因,这些频段主要用来在世界范
12、围内提供从海洋到船舶的导航帮助。在此频段中可用的带宽较小(通常是中心频率的1% 10%)因此通过这些信道传输的信息速率较低,且一般限于数字传输。在这些频率上,最主要的一种噪声是由地球上的雷暴活动产生的,特别是在热带地区。干扰来自这些频段上的用户。在高频(HF)频段范围内,电磁波经由天波传播时经常发生的问题是信号多径。信号多径发生在发送信号经由多条传播路径以不同的延迟到达接收机的时侯,一般会引起数字通信系统中的符号间干扰。而且经由不同传播路径到达的各信号分量会相互削弱,导致信号衰落的现象.许多人在夜晚收听远地无线电台广播时会对此有体验。在夜晚,天波是主要的传播模式。HF频段的加性噪声是大气噪声和
14、直达LOS,没有什么障碍。由于这个原因VHF和特高频(UHF)频段发射的电视台的天线安装在髙塔上,以达到更宽的覆盖区域。一般地LOS传播所能覆盖的区域受到地球曲度的限制。如果发射天线安装在地表面之上H米的高度,并假定没有物理障碍(如山)那么到无线地平线的距离近似为d=15H KM,例如电视天线安装在300m高的塔上.它的覆盖范围大约67km另一个例子,工作在1GHZ以上频率,用来延伸电话和视频传输的微波中继系统将天线安装在离塔上或高的建筑物顶部。对工作在VHF和UHF频率范围的通信系统限制性能的最主要噪声是接收机前端所产生的热噪声和天线接收到的宇宙噪声。在10GHZ以上的超髙频(SHF)频段,
15、大气层环境在信号传播中担负主要角色。例如,在10GHZ频率,衰减范围从小雨时的0.003 dB/KM左右到大雨时的0.3dB/KM;在100GHZ,衰减范围从小雨时的0.1dB左右到大雨时的6dB左右。因此,在此频率范围,大雨引起了很大的传播损耗,这会导致业务中断(通信系统完全中断)。在极高频(EHF)频段以上的频率是电磁频谱的红外区和可见光区,它们可用来提供自由空间的LOS光通信。到目前为止,这些频段已经用于实验通信系统,例如,卫星到卫星的通信链路。2.4 水声信道 在过去的几十年中.海洋探险活动不断增多。与这种增多相关的是对传输数据的需求。数据是由位于水下的传感器传送到海洋表面的,从那里可
16、能将数据经由卫星转发给数据采集中心。除极低频率外,电磁波在水下不能长距离传播。在低频率的信号传输的延伸受到限制,因为它需要大的且功率强的发送机。电磁波在水下的衰减可以用表面深度来表示,它是信号衰减l/e的距离。对于海水,表面深度 250/f,其中f以HZ为单位。例如,在10 khz上,表面深度是2.5m。声信号能在几十甚至几百千米距离上传播。水声信道可以表征为多径信道,这是由于海洋表面和底部对信号反射的缘故。因为波的运动,信号多径分量的传播延迟是时变的,这就导致了信号的衰落。此外,还存在与频率相关的衰减,它与信号频率的平方近似成正比。声音速度通常大约为1 500m/s,实际值将在正常值上下变化
17、,这取决于信号传播的深度。海洋背景噪声是由虾、鱼和各种哺乳动物引起的。在靠近港口处,除了海洋背景噪声外也有人为噪声。尽管有这些不利的环境,还是可能设计并实现有效的且高可靠性的水声通信系统,以长距离地传输数字信号。2.5 存储信道信息存储和恢复系统构成了日常数据处理工作的非常重要的部分。磁带(包括数字的声带和录像带)、用来存储大量计箅机数据的磁盘、用作计箅机数据存储器的光盘以及只读光盘都是数据存储系统的例子,它们可以表征为通信信道。在磁带或磁盘或光盘上存储数据的过程,等效于在电话或在无线信道上发送数据。回读过程以及在存储系统中恢复所存储的数据的信号处理等效于在电话和无线通信系统中恢复发送信号。由
18、电子元器件产生的加性噪声和来自邻近轨道的干扰一般会呈现在存储系统的回读信号中,这正如电话或无线通信系统中的情况。所能存储的数据量一般受到磁盘或磁带尺寸及密度(每平方英寸存储的比特数)的限制,该密度是由写/读电系统和读写头确定的。例如在磁盘存储系统中,封装密度可达每平方英寸比特(1 in=2.54cm)。磁盘或磁带上的数据的读写速度也受到组成信息存储系统的机械和电子子系统的限制。信道编码和调制是良好设计的数字磁或存储系统的最重要的组成部分。在回读过程中,信号被解调。由信道编码器引入的附加冗余度用于纠正回读信号中的差错。3 通信信道的数学模型在通过物理信道传输信息的通信系统设计中,我们发现,建立一
19、个能反映传输媒质最重要特征的数学模型是很方便的。信道的数学模型可以用于发送机中的信道编码器和调制器,以及接收机中的解调器和信道译码器的设计。下面,我们将简要的描述信道的模型,它们常用来表征实际的物理信道。3.1 加性噪声信道通信信道最简单的数学模型是加性噪声信道,如图1.3所示。在这个模型中,发送信号s(t)被加性随机噪声过程n(t)恶化。在物理上,加性噪声过程由通信系统接收机中的电子元部件和放大器引起,或者由传输中的干扰引起(正如在无线电信号传输中那样)。如果噪声主要是由接收机中的元部件和放大器引起,那么,它可以表征为热噪声。这种模型的噪声统计地表征为高斯噪声过程。因此,该信道的数学模型通常
20、称为加性高斯噪声信道。因为这个信道模型适用于很广的物理通信信道,并且因为它在数学上易于处理,所以是在通信系统分析和设计中所用的最主要的信道模型。信道的衰减很容易加入到该模型。信号通过信道传输而受到衰减时,接收信号是 式中,是衰减因子。图1.2 加性噪声信道3.2 线性滤波器信道在某些物理信道中,例如有线电话信道,采用滤波器来保证传输信号不超过规定的带宽限制,从而不会引起相互干扰。这样的信道通常在数学上表征为带有加性噪声的线性滤波器,如图1.3所示。因此,如果信道输入信号为s(t),那么信道输出信号是 式中,是信道的冲激响应,表示卷积。 图1.3 带有加性噪声的线性滤波器信道3.3 线性时变滤波
21、器信道像水声信道和电离层无线电信道这样的物理信道,它们会导致发送信号的时变多径传播,这类物理信道在教学上可以表征为时变线性滤波器。该线性滤波器可以表征为时变信道冲激响应c(;t),这里c(;t)是信道在t-时刻加入冲激而在时刻的响应。因此,表示“历时(经历时间)”变量。上面描述的三种数学模型适当的表征了实际中的绝大多数物理信道。本书将这3种模型用于通信系统的分析和设计。4 数字通信发展的回顾与展望值得注意的是,最早的电通信形式,即电报,是一个数字通信系统。电报由S莫尔斯研制,并在1837年进行了演示试验。莫尔斯设计出一种可变长度的二进制码,其中英文字母用点划线的序列(码字)表示。在这种码中,较
22、频繁发生的字母用短码字表示,不常发生的字母用较长的码字表示。因此,莫尔斯码是第三章所述可变长度信源编码方法的先驱。差不多在40年之后,1875年,E博多设计出一种电报码,其中每一个字母编成一个固定长度为5的二进制码字。在博多码中,二进制码的元素是等长度的,且指定为传号和空号。虽然莫尔斯在研制第一个点的数字通信系统(电报)中起了重要的作用,但是现在我们所指的现代数字通信系统起源于奈奎斯特的研究。奈奎斯特研究了再给定带宽的电报信道上,无符号间干扰的最大信号传输速率。他用公式表达了一个电报系统的模型,其中发送信号的一般形式为 式中,g(t)表示基本的脉冲形状,是以速率1/T bit/s发送的二进制数
23、据序列。奈奎斯特提出了带宽限于W Hz的最佳脉冲形状,并且在脉冲抽样时刻Kt(k=0,1,2,。)无符号间干扰的条件下的最大比特率。他得出结论:最大脉冲速率是2W脉冲/s,该速率称为奈奎斯特速率。附:英文原文Digital Communications1INTRODUCTIONIn this book, we present the basic principles that underlie the analysis and design of digital communication systems.The subject of digital communications involv
24、es the transmission of information in digital form from a source that generates the information to one or more destinations. Of particular importance in the analysis and design of communication systems are the characteristics of the physical channels through which the information is transmitted. The
25、 characteristics of the channel generally affect the design of the basic building blocks of the communication system. Below, we describe the elements of a communication system and their functions.1.1 ELEMENTS OF A DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMFigure 1.1 illustrates the functional diagram and the basi
26、c elements of a digital communication system. The source output may be either an analog signal, such as audio or video signal, or a digital signal, such as the output of a teletype machine, that is discrete in time and has a finite number of output characters. In a digital communication system, the
27、messages produced by the source are converted into a sequence of binary digits. Ideally, we should like to represent the source output (message) by as few binary digits as possible. In other words, we seek an efficient representation of the source output that results in little or no redundancy. The
28、process of efficiently converting the output of either an analog or digital source into a sequence of binary digits is called source encoding or data compression.The sequence of binary digits from the source encoder, which we call the information sequence, is passed lo the channel encoder. The purpo
29、se of the channel encoder is to introduce, in a controlled manner, some redundancy in the binary information sequence that can be used at the receiver to overcome the effects of noise and interference encountered in the transmission of the signal through the channel. Thus, the added redundancy serve
30、s to increase the reliability of the received data and improves the fidelity of the received signal.In effect, redundancy in the information sequence aids the receiver in decoding the desired information sequence. For example, a (trivial) form of encoding of the binary information sequence is simply
31、 to repeat each binary digit m times,where m is some positive integer. More sophisticated (nontrivial) encoding involves talcing k information bits at a time and mapping each k-bit sequence into a unique n-bit sequence, called a code word. The amount of redundancy introduced by encoding the data in
32、this manner is measured by the ratio n/k.The reciprocal of this ratio, namely k/n, is called the rate of the code or,simply, the code rate.FIGURE 1.1 Basic elements of a digital communication systemThe binary sequence at the output of the channel encoder is passed to the digital modulator, which ser
33、ves as the interface to the communications channel.Since nearly all of the communication channels encountered in practice are capable of transmitting electrical signals (waveforms), the primary purpose of the digital modulator is to map the binary information sequence into signal waveforms. To elabo
34、rate on this point, let us suppose that the coded information sequence is to be transmitted one bit at a time at some uniform rate R bits/s. The digital modulator may simply map the binary digit 0 into a waveform s0(t) and the binary digit 1 into a waveform j,(i). In this manner,each bit from the ch
35、annel encoder is lransmitted separately. We call this binary modulation. Alternatively, the modulator may transmit b coded informationbits at a time by using M = 2s distinct waveforms j.(r), i = 0,1M - 1, one waveform for each of the 2 possible 6-bit sequences. We call this M-ary modulation (M2). No
36、te that a new 6-bit sequence enters the modulator every b/R seconds. Hence, when the channel bit rate R is fixed, the amount of time available to transmit one of the M waveforms corresponding to a 6-bit sequence is b times the time period in a system that uses binary modulation.The communication cha
37、nnel is the physical medium that is used to send the signal from the transmitter to the receiver. In wireless transmission, the channel may be the atmosphere (free space). On the other hand, telephone channels usually employ a variety of physical media, including wire lines,optical fiber cables, and
38、 wireless (microwave radio). Whatever the physical medium used for transmission of the information, the essential feature is that the transmitted signal is corrupted in a random manner by a variety of possible mechanisms, such as additive thermal noise generated by electronic devices,man-made noise,
39、 e.g., automobile ignition noise,and atmospheric noise,e.g.electrical lightning discharges during thunderstorms.At the receiving end of a digital communications system, the digital demodulator processes the channel-corrupted transmitted waveform and reduces the waveforms to a sequence of numbers tha
40、t represent estimates of the transmitted data symbols (binary or M-ary). This sequence of numbers is passed to the channel decoder, which attempts to reconstruct the original information sequence from knowledge of the code used by the channel encoder and the redundancy contained in the received data
41、.A measure of how well the demodulator and decoder perform is thefrequency with which errors occur in the decoded sequence. More precisely,the average probability of a bit-error at the output of the decoder is a measure of the performance of the demodulator-decoder combination. In general, the proba
42、bility of error is a function of the codc characteristics, the types of waveforms used to transmit the information over the channci, the transmitter power, the characteristics of the channel, i.e., the amount of noise, the nature of the interference, etc., and the method of demodulation and decoding
43、. These items and their effect on performance will be discussed in detail in subsequent chapters.As a final step, when an analog output is desired, the source decoder accepts the output sequence from the channel decoder and, from knovtledge of the source encoding method used, attempts to reconstruct
44、 the original signal from the source. Due to channel decoding errors and possible distortion introduced by the source encoder and, perhaps, the source decoder, the signal at the output of the source decoder is an approximation to the original source output.The difference or some function of the diff
45、erence between the original signal and the reconstructed signal is a measure of the distortion introduced by the digital communication system.2 COMMUNICATION CHANNELS AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICSAs indicated in the preceding discussion, the communication channel provides the connection between the tran
46、smitter and the receiver. The physical channel may be a pair of wires that carry the electrical signal, or an optical fiber thai carries the information on a modulated light beam, or an underwater ocean channel in which the information is transmitted acoustically, or free space over which the inform
47、ation-bearing signal is radiated by use of an antenna. Other media that can be characterized as communication channels are data storage media, such as magnetic tape, magnetic disks, and optical disks.One common problem in signal transmission through any channel is additive noise. In general, additiv
48、e noise is generated internally by components such as resistors and solid-state devices used to implement the communication system.This is sometimes called thermal noise. Other sources of noise and interference may arise externally to the system, such as interference from other users of the channel.
49、 When such noise and interference occupy the same frequency band as the desired signal, its effect can be minimized by proper design of the transmitted signal and its demodulator at the receiver. Other types of signal degradations (hat may be encountered in transmission over the channel are signal a
50、ttenuation, amplitude and phase distortion, and multipath distortion.The effects of noise may be minimized by increasing the power in the transmitted signal. However, equipment and other practical constraints limit the power level in the transmitted signal. Another basic limitation is the available
51、channel bandwidth. A bandwidth constraint is usually due to the physical limitations of the medium and the electronic components used to implement the transmitter and the receiver. These two limitations result in constraining the amount of data that can be transmitted reliably over any communication
52、s channel as we shall observe in later chapters. Below, we describe some of the important characteristics of several communication channels.2.1 Wireline Channels The telephone network makes extensive use of wire lines for voice signal transmission, as well as data and video transmission.Twisted-pair
53、 wire lines and coaxial cable are basically guided electromagnetic channels that provide relatively modest bandwidths. Telephone wire generally used to connect a customer to a central office has a bandwidth of several hundred kilohertz (kHz). On the other hand, coaxial cable has a usable bandwidth o
54、f several megahertz (MHz). Figure 1.2 illustrates the frequency range of guided electromagnetic channels, which include waveguides and optical fibers.Signals transmitted through such channels are distored in both amplitude and phase and further corrupted by additive noise. Twisted-pair wireline chan
55、nels arc also prone to crosstalk interference from physically adjacent channels. Becausc wireline channels carry a large percentage of our daily communications around the country and the world, much research has been performed on the characterization of their transmission properties and on methods f
56、or mitigating the amplitude and phase distortion encountered in signal transmission. In Chapter 9, we describe methods for designing optimum transmitted signals and their demodulation: in Chapters 10 and 11, we consider the design of channel equalizers that compensate for amplitude and phase distort
57、ion on these channels.2.2 Fiber Optic Channels Optical fibers offer the communications system designer a channel bandwidth that is several orders of magnitude larger than coaxial cable channels. During the past decade, optical fiber cables have been developed that have a relatively low signal attenu
58、ation, and highly reliable photonic devices have been developed for signal generation and signal detection. These technological advances have resulted in a rapid deployment of optical fiber channels, both in domestic telecommunication systems as well as for trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific communications. With the large bandwidth available on fiber optic channels, it is possible for telephone companies to offer subscribers a wide array of telecommunication services, including voice, data,facsimile, and video.The transmitter or modulator in a fiber optic communication sy
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