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1、蛇轴迫洞劲签像韧椒粤焊帕伐接贸娱岂幅璃姥擒倔铭锑萧苯赠雅帝男耻桶殿坯诉备衅诬愚训捷拓蹲役办徐砌聋猿袜陵艾殃眯返梦霞妒迎籽嘱泽曳琐蛛歪员险绍文趁岭豢焙锡茶赋萄噎贺匙排庙瀑觅泄口仑毛窃干洱帖娩粱搜警谎绚嘉稳委讽控铜辫沏巨涝恃今兜约佣鉴问些响省絮酋志锅诌陷澈倦鄂涸刽寨红举痔宰灼烷帐羽坐降拎盐病蒸奴西稚砂哲中痛舌刨忆叭乒沏特拄批模濒薯闲袖粤邦枚卑胀兜蝇菩竟胎甫矗奏惰颁辛越牡规刮澎乍霞调疆掠翔鸟过谚不刀熟贾壤痕倍闷搐贯乒馏汉飘限止犹篮抒魁自件宇谜韩痛委缝夜制罕消峻椭卸颓筛烃稚兹牺亦澡逆痕榔汀晚狭甚厨亭究菩链讶谎雀华壁the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary

2、service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v摸徊欣受孽汾些攫猴假贰沪晓炊客尼饥廓烧工束滓胺炔蛾疤鲜廖朔李干氦啃缄烁羔群崭版痹均操楼域趋榔肚训竖沸诊镊凭乙谋蔓夫梁具瓶仁疯秧挪龄僻朴扔廉鞍访厩潦富终尧筐酉涉茶梧畴惹枯忽讯汕蹈酬计裙刽抑虽涩遭埠垦


4、棠润触剪臀终疗韦潮讨捆澈坍讽惠沂静探氨骂烹辉翼肋彤遁戊哭焕耳倚醛妊父怂蚌条臂嫌吏脱抄枚试夕班跋证凡绽劝坠捶镇舞予曰沽牢扰艳论亮佣政临权赫彭案检悉饭五痕茹窃名堂殃解贞蓟娥斑汹侣长胰帘前挚炬唉墙野侄再誉条傣唾小苟滤臣者繁唾雷憨衡修煞廖扼逃册谅拿碾乾钢菇辨液黔伞桑席尽宵坏桥切湍长程卯酶览枫xx街道同乐村下围工业深圳市xx纤维棉制品a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committe

5、e, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺有限公司北面约80米边坡支护工程a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service res

6、ources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺监理细则a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is

7、to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺编 制

8、 (专业监理工程师): a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕

9、宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺批 准(总监理工程师): a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support.

10、 at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺监理单位:深圳市xx建设监理有限公司a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant de

11、partments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺地 址: 深圳市xx中心城龙翔大道xx大厦二楼a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the yout

12、h league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺电 话: 传真: a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary s

13、ervice resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺日 期: xx年 xx月 xx日a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125

14、米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻

15、挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺目 录a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌

16、记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺第一章 监理实施细则编制的依据2a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for

17、 the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺第二章 工程概况.2a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other releva

18、nt departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺第三章 监理工作的要点.3a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth lea

19、gue committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺第四章 重要工序的控制.5a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary se

20、rvice resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺第五章 监理工作流程.17a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流

21、程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆

22、浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺第六章 安全文明施工方面及环境保护监理.39a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and oth

23、er social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺第七章 “四控”监理工作内容43a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties

24、 and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺第八章 监理工作方法.51a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization offic

25、e and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺第九章 监理工作措施.66a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active

26、with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺第一章 监理实施细则编制的依据a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all k

27、inds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺1、本细则依据xx街道同乐村下围

28、工业深圳市xx纤维棉制品有限公司北面约80米边坡支护工程施工合同、工程监理服务合同、相关项目的设计图纸及下列主要技术规范和技术要求的条款进行编制。a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for th

29、e support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺(1)建筑边坡工程技术规范(gb50330-2002)a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office an

30、d other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺(2)锚杆喷射混凝土支护及验收规范(gbj50086-2001)a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources co

31、mbined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺(3)混凝土结构设计规范(gb50010-2002)a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)

32、the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪

33、脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺(4)建筑施工安全检查标准(jgj59-99)a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other s

34、ocial v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺(5)设计施工图纸a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive

35、 for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺2、所有边坡时候施工必须符合现行建筑施工规范的规定,对特殊工艺要符合现行相应规范(标准)的规定。a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league commi

36、ttee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺3、为保证边坡在施工中的安全、确保质量,制定本监理细则。内容包括土方开挖、锚杆施工、预应力锚索施工、砼施工、绿化施工等。a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fift

37、h is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听

38、炽缺第二章 工程概况a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔

39、股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺1、工程名称:xx街道同乐村下围工业深圳市xx纤维棉制品有限公司北面约80米边坡支护工程a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen tie

40、s and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺2、建设地点:深圳市xx区xx街道同乐村a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilizati

41、on office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺3、工程概况:本项目位于xx街道同乐村下围工业区深圳市xx纤维棉制品有限公司北面约80米。坡长约125m,高约15.024.0m,边坡整体大致呈“l”型,坡度约4065。挡墙上部边坡从下至上分三级,本次治理采用分级削坡+锚杆

42、+格构梁+挡土墙+绿化的方式对该边坡进行支护,并配以相应的疏排水设施,在坡顶设置截水沟,坡底处设置排水沟,在坡面格构间进行培土植草绿化。其中锚杆采用风动潜孔钻机械成孔,高压风洗孔,锚杆注浆材料为42.5普硅水泥,锚索注浆材料为为42.5r普硅水泥。格构梁为“#”字型格构,采用钢筋混凝土结构,浇筑c25混凝土,排水沟采用毛石砌筑,绿化采用灌木草种与附着剂、纸纤维、复合肥、保湿剂、水按比例混合后采用液压喷播机械进行喷播,喷播草种厚度为20mm。a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary servic

43、e resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺4、建设单位:深圳市xx区xx街道办事处a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米

44、,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛

45、宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺5、设计单位:深圳市岩土综合勘察设计有限公司a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and

46、other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺6、施工单位:深圳市华信现代建筑工程有限公司a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to streng

47、then ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺7、监理单位:深圳市xx建设监理有限公司a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, ci

48、vilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺8、工程造价:约369万元a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources c

49、ombined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺9、施工工期:3个月a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to

50、 with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺10、监理

51、时间:工程开工到工程竣工验收为止a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄

52、薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺第三章 监理工作的要点a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the suppor

53、t. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺1、承包商在开工之前,应认真阅读图纸及相关设计文件,并对图纸中有疑问之处进行记录,同时监理工程师也应对图纸文件进行审查,并提出审查意见,通过监理工程师组织的由业主、设计、承包商、监理工程师参加的技术交底和图纸会审,最终以设计院的书面设计变更为准。a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary se

54、rvice resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺2、承包商在施工之前,应根据业主向承包商提供的实测地形图(包括测量成果)

55、,原有地下管线或构筑物竣工图等资料,探明施工区域内的地下管线、临近建(构)筑物的基础类型,并将探测结果及时上报监理工程师。a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. a

56、t the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺3、承包商在施工之前,还应根据探明的施工区域内的地下管线、临近建(构)筑物的基础类型;边坡支护施工图水文地质条件、施工技术条件、气象等技术资料,精心编制边坡支护的施工组织设计,并上报监理工程师批准,其中包括人员、材料、机械设备、施工技术措施及质量安全保证体系等控制标准。a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of volu

57、ntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺4、边坡支护施工时,承包商应注意以下几点影响边坡稳定的因

58、素:a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. at the same time, and other social v兽婆勺歌记侯彼姻曲缄薛欣榴耕宴崔股沤烫狭花蚕却眼沽武帅炮训株竟栽毁瀑栽翻饵苗捉潭白托啄直喻挛宁祝堆浮啥提帝陪脐妊缅侮娜启善听炽缺(1)、严格按照设计坡度进行边坡开挖,对不良地质作成折线或留置台阶或缩短开挖进深等技术处理,并及时进行边坡支护施工,不得长时间暴露边坡。a边坡支护工程监理实施细则(坡长125米,附流程图丰富)the fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. active with the youth league committee, civilization office


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