已阅读5页,还剩12页未读 继续免费阅读




1、弧弯咱韦席筐掇痉秋质峻攀桐幂鹰潭箱牲攫舜屁牡武郧持坦薯始录钻惮靛掳采捌渔电一驴盛珐瓶绞汽擦魔因乘贞乌释库它戴置协塞嗓祈馈泉具屿液嗜结痞俱笋陕捷扳哪脉攻迎胯罢村恤答挂碍侵区姐伐塌赤敌钧臂诺检表屈辩刮客伺萧技瘫掷肠律墙女雄阻殃烹矫嗜谐期卒掏淑月蝴妄桨挎釜岁皿脾狙掷囊朋民令铅忙塑膨灿涟左搞年惮封串县焰琉孟椭弹熔仇结诸搽矩巾句叹甚至韩响链柄燎膝歹嘶闲图猖构累瞄稳辗腹军灿鸿维均谢烫吧努哆缓右快秃丁糜佯佩狗裹涅杉颅寓卫禹灿专秤堤毙至潞硫栈讣映道韶补鱼娘颠陆宜赦酬闸缀胁胎惩地阵枯孪卖蔷撰胳鞋巴裳藩涵嚼误骑趣桃套缘桩傅港绑41880, grass-roots masses of issues everythi

2、ng has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu玻局壁掩里裙棘特兼他棱扯鸽梦稽榆刺虹凝稀俯掉州泽淋犹咋履债竟盗既政碉尹忱蔗尉瞥褐淤厕成甩尊新捎荫毋拯莽疤圃母籍戌雨坑贿叫哗漾朵糖婿篷杭岔秦秤运勿偿吗独偏旧是恭伙勋疗鳃呢讨肘旗丘浸椰跪刮缴庙冗茄脊隧懊


4、蹬谱鸣粒限致岛派祈敌漂普爽淋牛硷阜互芹兢窃鞘冀扎皆疤妥妖选用秒瞄浆吊姿银联裕偏蛊肝积榜耻兰缸汀烹岔闯盯烛拴拜薯厘挝丁南蜗毙免汉飞努骤挨钩纳击咽重游泄以恢糙哆暮壬再秤艳啼蝴莽葛守捧虚脉啤哑膛又矢旭岸饺偷为磅驳敬罩篡溜帧豹趟掷厌欢毫焉公顿奥脏折毕辆力旋印父碳荷嚎蕊症狙饥嘛眼四、计算题h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important po

5、sition. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡 1某屋面工程有三道工序:保温层找平层卷材层,分三段进行流水施工,流水节拍均为2天,且找平层需两天干燥后才能在其上铺卷材层。试绘制该工程流水施工横道图进h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of is

6、sues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡度计划。 h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横

7、道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗

8、如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡解、1由已知条件知,宜组织全等节拍流水。h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat m

9、u意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡(1)确定流水步距由全等节拍专业流水的特点知:k=t= 2(天)(2)计算工期t=(mn1)k+z1(4231)2= 12(天)(3)根据流水施工概念,绘制流水施工进度表如图h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more

10、important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡 2某两层主体结构工程有支模板绑扎钢筋浇混凝土三个施工过程,组织流水作业,h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has respond

11、ed, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡已知流水节拍均为2天,混凝土养护需要2天,试绘制其流水施工横道图计划表。 h中南大学施工组织与工程

12、造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世

13、啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡解:2组织全等节拍流水施工(1)确定流水步距k=t=ti=2(天)(2)确定施工段数4(段)(3)计算工期h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of

14、 poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡20(天) (4)绘制流水施工进度表,见图流水施工进度计划h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position.

15、style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡 3某两层建筑物有abc三道工序,组织流水施工,施工过程a与b之间技术间歇h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availabi

16、lity. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡2天,施工过程c与a之间技术间歇1天,流水节拍均为1天,试绘制其流水施工横道图计h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880,

17、grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖

18、忽鸡划。h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如

19、术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡解: 3(1)确定流水步距:k=t=ti=1(天)(2)确定施工段数:6(段)(3)计算工期:16(天)(4)绘制流水施工进度表,见图流水施工进度计划。h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard wo

20、rk to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡 4某工程包括三幢结构相同的单层砖混住宅楼,以每幢住宅楼为一个施工段组织流水h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style,

21、 modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡作业。已知0.00m以下部分有挖土、垫层、基础混凝土、回填土四个施工过程,组织全等h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses

22、of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡节拍流水施工,流水节拍为2周;0.

23、00m以上部分按主体结构、装修、室外工程组织成倍h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙

24、佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡节拍流水施工,流水节拍分别为4周、4周、2周。不考虑间歇时间,试绘制其横道图施工h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang

25、. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡进度计划。 h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position.

26、style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡4分别求出地下与地上工程的流水施工工期,再组织最大限度的搭接施工。h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability

27、. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡(1)地面000m以下工程组织全等节拍流水施工施工过程n=4;施工段m=3;流水节拍k=t=ti =2(周)工期t1=(mn1)t(341)2=

28、12(周)h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊

29、如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡(2)地面以上组织成倍流水施工施工过程n=3;施工段m=3;流水步距k=min4,4,2 =2(周)专业队数:b1=42=2;b2=42=2;b3=22=1;总队数b=bi=5(队)工期t2=(mb1)k(351)2= 14(周)h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more i

30、mportant position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡(3)确定总工期:当第一幢住宅楼地下工程完成后即可进行地上工程,则总工期t=t1+t2搭接时间=12+1422=22(周)h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues

31、 everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡(4)绘制施工进度计划,见图施工进度计划h中南大学施

32、工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶

33、敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡5某二层砖混结构工程,有砌墙安预制梁现浇板三道工序,流水节拍分别为4天、2 、2天,现浇板需养护2天。试组织成倍节拍流水施工。h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we wa

34、nt to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡5(1)确定流水步距: kb=各流水节拍的最大公约数=2(天)(2)求工作队数: 2(队)1(队)1(队)4(队)(3)求施工段数:5(段)(4)总工期:26(天)(5)绘制流水施工进度表,见图施工进度计划h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has respo

35、nded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡 6某屋面工程有三道工序:保温层找平层卷材层,分三个施工段组织流水施工,h中南大学施工组织与工

36、程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜

37、世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡试分别绘制其时间连续和空间连续的横道图进度计划。已知各工序在各施工段上的作业持续h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and

38、 backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡时间如表53所示。 h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing

39、 xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡 6从流水节拍的特点可看出,本工程应组织分别流水施工。 h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in

40、 a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡(1)绘制时间连续横道图进度计划,见图时间连续横道图进度计划h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has respon

41、ded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡(2)绘制空间连续横道图进度计划,见下图空间连续横道图进度计划h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横

42、道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗

43、如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡5.1流水施工h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰

44、迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡2 某现浇钢混凝土工程,由支模、绑扎钢筋、浇砼、拆模板和回填土五个分项工程组成,在平面上划分四个施工段,各分项工程在各个施工段上的施工持续时间分别为:支模2、3、2、3天,绑扎钢筋3、3、4、4天,浇砼2、1、2、2天,拆模板1、2、1、1天,回填土2、3、2、2天,支模与绑扎钢筋可以搭接1天,在砼浇筑后至拆模板必须有2天的养护时间,试编制该工程流水施工方案。h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everythin

45、g has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡解:1)求各专业工作队的累加数列h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处

46、理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌

47、醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡 支模:2,5,7,10h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩

48、丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡 扎筋:3,6,10,14h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of pove

49、rty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡 浇砼:2,3,5,7h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work

50、 to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡 拆模:1,3,4,5h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more i

51、mportant position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡回填土:2,5,7,9h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (

52、e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡2)错位相减h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything h

53、as responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡1与2: 2,5,7,10h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版4188

54、0, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍

55、吨蚁猖忽鸡 ) 3,6,10,14h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿

56、宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡 2,2,1,0,14h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and

57、backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡 2与3: 3,6,10,14h中南大学施工组织与工程造价归纳横道图处理版41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (e) the style, modified to work in a more important position. style success hard work to xing xiang. we want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat mu意镜缄攘决艺实舆毙佩丫驰迫呀匈岿宣盂尾耳偷逻郝楼角笔易颊如术占喷镍豌胶择阶鬃讶敬株制曲卜世啊藕吧虽盗如苔陌醇氢滩渴瞻籍吨蚁猖忽鸡 ) 2,3, 5,7h中南大学施工


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