1、Strangers (陌生人)话题的完型解析爱智康小学学科部马杰老师【单词讲解】1. mistake n.错误something that has been done in thewrong way, or something that isincorrect.词组: make a mistake犯错By mistake 由于疏忽2. promise v允.诺;答应to tell someone that you will definitely do or provide something that will happen词组: make a promise许诺;承诺break a prom
2、ise 违背诺言3. conversationn.对话an informal talk in which people exchangenews, feelings, and thoughts.词组: have a conversation with sb和. 谈话4. quarrel v.吵架an angry argument or disagreement.词组: have a quarrel with和吵架We had a terrible quarrel last night.5. Judge n.法官;裁判 v.评判;断定;审判the official in control of a
3、 court, who decides how criminals should be punished.Act as a judge;give a decision in a game.6. Though 尽管;虽然used to introduce a statement that comes after it seem surprising, unlikely , or unexpected同义词:althougheven thougheven if词组: as though7. receive v.收到to get.8. comfort. n.安慰;舒适if someone or so
4、mething gives you comfort, they make you feel calmer, happier9. opinion n.意见;见解your ideas about a particularsubject.词组: in my opinion10. homeless n无.家可归without a home.11. count v.数数to calculate the total number of things or people in a group.12. realize v 意识到 .to know and understandsomething, or sud
5、denly begin to understand 。it13. nervousness n紧.张;不安worried or frightened about something.14. fail v.失败;不及格to not succeedin achieving something.词组: fail to 失败;不能做成15. discover v.发现 n.discoveryto find someone or something.反义词: cover16. success n成.功 adj. successful.when you get what you want.反义词:failu
6、re17. decision n决.定;决心 v.decidea choice that you make after a period ofdiscussion or thought.词组: make a decisionmake up one s mind18. experience C.经历 U.经验something that happens to you or something you do .knowledge or skill that you gain from doing a job or activity.19. out of place 不适合;不恰当20. keep
7、one s word遵守诺言21. try one s best尽某人全力22. change one s mind改变某人的想法23. drive away 把 驱赶走24. for example 例如25. as a matter of fact 事实上【练习巩固】一 将下列单词的正确形式填入空白处。mistakeconversationpromisequarrelthoughrealizediscoverdecisionexperience1. This was my first experience of living with other people.2. I want to t
8、hink about it a bit longer before I make a decision.3. They never discovered who themurderer was.4. We may have made a mistake in our calculations.5. I was having a conversation with a friend the other day.6. Jacob left after a quarrel with his wife.7. She made a promise to visit them once a month.8
9、. Though she was no more than twenty-two, she was already a highly successful businesswoman.9. I suddenly realized why the boy was crying.二 将下列短语的正确形式填入空白处。keep one s wordtry one s bestchange one s mind driveawayout of place1.How do I know you keepll your word?2.He tried his best to pass his driving
10、 test.3.He is a stubborn man, so he will never change his mind.4.The paintings looked strangely out of place.5. He was cruel because he wanted to drive me away.完形精讲故事类文章一般描述的是某一件具体事情的发生发展或结局,有人物、时间、地点和事件。命题往往从故事的情节、 人物或事件的之间的关系、 作者的态度及意图、 故事前因和后果的推测等方面着手, 考查学生对细节的辨认能力以及推理判断能力。同学们一定要根据主要情节掌握文章主旨大意,同时
11、抓住每一个细节, 设身处地根据文章内容揣摩作者的态度和意图,根据情节展开想象, 即使是碰到深层理解题也可迎刃而解。本讲主要为同学们讲解陌生人话题的完形填空和相应核心词。我们还是先一起来看一下精选例文:【精选例文】A 篇难度级别:三颗星One day a rich woman lost her purse witha lot of money in it. So she madea1 , If anybody finds my purse and2 it to me, Ill give half the money tohim. Apoor man3 the purse near a shop.
12、 He sent it back to the woman, butthe rich woman4. There was an expensive ring in my purse besides money,said the woman, I wont give you half the money in my purse until you return it tome. But Ive never seen an expensive ring in5 purse. said the man.Theybegantoquarrel. The man became 6and took hert
13、o ajudge.7the judge heard what had happened to them, he said to the woman, Imsure thatyou have lost a purse, and there is an expensive ringinit. Butthereis8 a lot of money in this purse. So I dont think its yours.9some time.Maybe somebody will give your purse back.Then the judge10 to the man andsaid
14、, Take the purse home. If the owner doesnt come to get it back in two days, itwill be yours.1.A. faceB. mistakeC. promiseD. conversation2.A. getsB. showsC. pointsD. returns3.A. hadB. knewC. heardD. found4.A. kept her wordB. changed her mindC. tried her bestD. pulled herdown5.A. yourB. herC.hisD.my6.
15、A. sadB. angryC. excitedD.worried7.A. BeforeB. ThoughC. AfterD. If8.A. onlyB. trulyC. nearlyD. really9.A. Wait forB. Listen toC. Look afterD.Talk about10. A. ranB. cameC.wentD.turned精讲精析:文章大意:这篇文章讲述的是一位老妇人丢了钱包,然后她承诺谁捡到了她的钱包并把钱包归还她, 她就会给他一半的钱。 但是后来一位男士捡到了钱包,女士反悔了,说钱包里有一枚戒指丢了,后遇到一名法官,帮他解围。1. 答案: C. 解析
16、:考查名词。解根据句意,可知阔夫人是做出一个承诺,make a promise 承诺。因此选 C 项。2. 答案: D. 解析:考查动词。句意为:如果有人找到我的钱包,并把它还给我。 return sth. to sb. 将某物还给某人。因此选D 项。3. 答案:D. 解析: 考查动词。根据下文, 可知一个穷人在商店发现了钱包。因此选 D 项。4. 答案: B. 解析: 考查动词短语。根据上下文,阔夫人并不想遵守诺言送给捡到钱包的穷人一半的钱。 keep ones word 遵守诺言; chang ones mind 改变主意; try ones best 尽最大努力; pull ones d
17、own 将某人拉下来。因此选B 项。5. 答案: A. 解析: 考查代词。根据句意,这里指阔夫人的钱包。因此选A项。6. 答案: B. 解析:考查形容词。根据上下文,阔夫人违背自己的诺言没有分给穷人一半的钱并谎称戒指不见了,可推知穷人应该很生气。因此选B 项。7. 答案: C. 解析: 考查连词。根据句意,这里指法官听过事情发生的过程之后。因此选 C 项。8. 答案: A. 解析:考查副词。句意为:但这个钱包里只有许多钱,所以我认为不是你的。 only 表示仅仅、只有。因此选 A 项。9. 答案: A 解析: .考查动词短语。根据句意,法官告诉阔夫人再等等看。wait for 等待; list
18、en to 倾听; look after 照顾; talk about 讨论。因此选 A 项。10. 答案: D. 解析:考查动词。根据上下文,法官和阔太太交代好之后应该是转向穷人对他说道。turn to sb. 表示转向某人。因此选D 项。B 篇难度:四颗星The greatest feeling in the world comes not from receiving presents, or even getting an A on the math test you studied so hard for. Rather, it 1 when you hand a cup of ho
19、t coffee to that older man sitting on the side of the street asking formoney. You feel it when you drive an hour and a half to a2to meet childrenwithcancer. And youfeel itwhen you sit down withyourfriend to comforther3 her mother died. Helping others can be the greatest feeling in the world,and I4 t
20、his just one year ago.My friend asked me to attend a Youth Group meeting at his church. After anhour of listening to them5their opinions, I was invited to go with them to helpthe homeless.Early that Saturday morning, a team of 15 teenagers began making sandwichesand counting bags of candy. For the f
21、irst time in my life I realized that we, the teensof America, can make a6. Since it was my first time, and I wasnt part of thegroup, I felt a little out of place. But watching the others7the food drove mynervousness away.Before long, all 150 bagged lunches were gone and the group was 8 its way home.
22、 I realized that not only is my friend an amazing person, but that all of those people are amazing. Thats what made me join the Youth Group.I work at a coffee shop but dont make much. Its not the best job, but there aretimeswhen its worth it. For example, a few weeksago,when the storewas9 and I was
23、bored, looking out of the window, I noticed an old man sittingoutside. He had been there before. As a matter of fact, he10came in to buyanything because he didnt have any money. I took up a cup of coffee, walked outside, and handed it to him. The smile on his face made my day, and as I walked back i
24、nto the store, I put my own money into the drawer. Then I knew how the members of theYouth Group feelevery time they help someone. Knowing that you can help iswonderful the greatest feeling in the world.1.A.startsB.stopsC.lastsD.fails2.A.shopB.churchC.countryD.hospital3.A.afterB.untilC.thoughD.befor
25、e4.A.expectedB.discoveredC.touchedD.offered5.A.writeB.experienceC.voiceD.discuss6.A.decisionB.successC.dreamD.difference7.A.take outB.pick outC.hand outD.point out8.A.inB.onC.throughD.by9.A.emptyB.freeC.busyD.crowded10. A.evenB.usuallyC.neverD.often精讲精析:文章大意:这篇短文中作者主要通过自己的经历给我们讲述了什么才是最美妙的感受,那就是当你知道自
26、己能给别人提供帮助的时候,那才是最美妙的感受。1. 答案: A. 解析:当你把一杯热咖啡递给一个乞讨的人的时候这会有这种感觉。 所以选择 “开始 ”2. 答案: D. 解析:去看患癌症的孩子们自然要去 “医院 ”3. 答案: A. 解析:在他的妈妈去世 “后 ”我去安慰她4. 答案: B. 解析: 我是在一年前才 “发现 ”帮助别人是一种美好的感觉5. 答案: C. 解析: 听着大家 “发表 ”自己的观点。Voice 作动词是发表的意思6. 答案: D. 解析: 我意识到我们这些十几岁的孩子们也可以有所作为。Makea difference 是有作为的意思7. 答案: C. 解析: 看着大家
27、“发”食物让也不那么紧张了。Hand out 分发8. 答案: B. 解析: 在去 的路上是 on the way9. 答案: A. 解析:根据下文我无聊的看着窗外可是店里是 “空的 ”10. 答案: C. 解析:根据下文因为他 没有钱,可是他 “从不 ”到店里买东西。【长难句分析】1. I wont give you half the money in my purse until you return it to me.【解析】: notuntil 直达 才 时态:主句可用一般将来时,从句可用一般现在时,可遵循:主将从现的原则,也可用于一般过去时态。【例如】:直到父亲回家我才会去睡觉。2.
28、 If the owner doesnt come to get it back in two days, it will be yours.【解析】: if 如果,时态:1.主句用一般将来时, 从句可用一般现在时, 遵循:主将从现的原则。2.也可用于虚拟条件句,如: if I were you ,I would 如果我是你,我会【例如】:如果明天天气好的话,我们会一起去郊游。If it is a good day tomorrow,we will go to have a field trip together.3. Helping others can be the greatest fe
29、eling in the world, and I discovered this just one year ago.【解析】:本句的 Helping others 为动名词短语作主语的句子,谓语动词用单数。【例如】: 1) Knowing that you can help is wonderful the greatest feeling in theworld.2) Taking an umbrella with you is a good idea.4. when the store was empty and I was bored, looking out of the wind
30、ow, I noticed an old man sitting outside.【解析】:本句looking out of the window为动名词短语作伴随状语的句子。学会使用此类句型,是你的写作能力更上一层楼。【例如】:我们数学老师拿着许多书跑进了教室。Our maths teacher ran into the classroom, taking lots of books.真题演练A 篇难度:三颗星One afternoon, Tommy was on his way home from school. When he was passingby his neighbor, Mr
31、. Adamsons house, he found thick1coming from thewindow of the house. He was2He thought the house must be on fire and itmight be burnt down. He didnt know whether Mr. Adamson was in thehouse,3he knew he must put out the fire at once. So he ran to his own house,rushed into the bathroom and 4 a big bar
32、rel(桶) with water. He was in such a hurry that he forgot to 5 the water before he ran back to Mr. Adamsons house. When he reached the window where the smoke was still coming out, he threw the water 6 the house by the window without looking for where the smoke was.The smoke stopped immediately. But a
33、t the same time, there was an angry cry frominside the house.7was Mr. Adamson. He was standing by the window with sobig a pipe (烟斗) in his hand looking atTommy8. Tommy then understoodthat it must be the pipe. He stood there, and could not 9a word.Tommy was very sorry for it. He helped Mr. Adamson cl
34、ean the floor. However,worst was yet to come. When he went home later, he found his own10 wasflooded(淹没) .1. A.waterB.smokeC.windD.fire2. A.afraidB.sadC.excitedD.happy3. A.sinceB.orC.butD.because4. A.filledB.coveredC.livedD.left5. A.turn upB.turn downC.turn onD.turn off6. A.outB.awayC.intoD.up7. A.T
35、hisB.ItC.OneD.Who8. A.angrilyB.quicklyC.lazilyD.happily9. A.tellB.writeC.sayD.talk10. A.schoolB.windowC.carD.house答案: BACAD CBACDB 篇难度:三颗星Guy De Maupassant was born in Normandy in France in 1850. His parentsseparated when he was about six, and he went to live with his mother. At the age ofthirteen,
36、he was 1 to school. There he was praised fora(n)2 poem hewrote. In this way he beganhiswritingata(n)3 age. During theFranco-Prussian War, he had to4writing. After the war, he went to Paris tolook for a job which he hoped that would 5him free time to write. It was inParis that he met great writers, f
37、rom whom he6a great deal.7 he found material for many stories while working as a clerk, he found life in the office restricted. After one of his stories was published, he left his office inorder tospend8time in writing.Atthe age ofthirty-four,he becamequite9 . During this time, he wrote some of his
38、best-known works10TheNecklace, one of the most famous short stories in the world.1. A.sentB.askedC.toldD.found2. A.simpleB.badC.excellentD.active3. A.firstB.lastC.lateD.early4. A.grow upB.catch upC.give upD.hurry up5. A.beginB.leaveC.openD.turn6. A.workedB.studiedC.learnedD.lived7. A.WhenB.BeforeC.I
39、fD.Though8. A.emptyB.fullC.freeD.extra9. A.brightB.healthyC.famousD.lucky10. A.meaningB.includingC.takingD.speaking答案: ACDCB CDBCBC 篇难度:三颗星Jack is a rich young man. One day, he is 1 Suddenly from his ear comes a terrible sound. He feelsvery happily down street. 2 , so he stops his carand looks aroun
40、d. He sees a child standing nearby with a few small stones(石子) inhis hand. He jumps out of the car and finds a dent in the door. He is so3that hecatches the boy and shouts at him, Who are you?4do you throw a stone at mynew car? Please, sir, please.Im sorry! But I dont know what else to do! says hech
41、ild. I throw the stone because I want to get you to notice me. I need your5!Tears are running down the childs face. He says, My brother6out ofhiswheelchair(轮椅)and is almost under it. He is hurt and too7for me. Could yougive me a hand to get him back into his 8 ? After hearing this, Jack is moved and
42、 hurries to help him. He lifts the childs brother 9 back into his wheelchair.He looks over the boy carefully to make sure that he is OK. Then he watches the childpushes his brother towards their home. Suddenly the child10and bows(鞠躬)to him. Jack looks at the dent in his car and smiles.1. A.walkingB.
43、ridingC.joggingD.driving2. A.excitedB.interestedC.surprisedD.tired3. A.happyB.sadC.angryD.sorry4. A.WhyB.HowC.WhenD.where5. A.moneyB.earC.helpD.phone6. A.fallsB.jumpsC.climbsD.pulls7. A.brightB.weakC.heavyD.thin8. A.carB.wheelchairC.houseD.chair9. A.quietlyB.carefullyC.sadlyD.happily10. A.cries outB
44、.looks aroundC.gets upD.turnsaround答案: DCCAC ACBBDD 篇With a hat by his feet, a blind boy sat on the steps of a building. He held up asign which said, Im blind, please help.Onlyafewpeopleput1in thehat.Amanwaswalkingby.He2some coins intothe hat. He then turned the sign3, wrote somewords, put the sign back and left.Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people4 to give money to theblindboy. That afternoontheman came tosee5things were. The
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