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1、HENAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY河南工业大学Bachelor of ManagementAssignment Cover工商管理学士学位课程作业封面MODULE CODE AND NAME科目代码及名称 Module Code 科目代码: B12 Module Name科目名称: 人力资源管理 Lecturer 讲师: 崔颖 Section Code专业班级: 市场营销0905班 Student ID 学生证号码: 200948950508 Student Name学生姓名: 张润楠 Announcement: I declare that this assignm

2、ent is ENTIRELY my independent work except where referenced. I have marked any Reference sources and am aware of programme regulations concerning plagiarism and referencing.声明:除了标明出处的引用资料之外,此作业是我独立调查完成的。文内所有引用的资料已经详细标明出处,并且我了解课程中有关抄袭及引用方面的规定。Signature 签名: Lecturer Comments 讲师评语Score 分数:Receive Date

3、Year/Month/Day 收到日期: 推荐精选The Performance Management of Loews HotelTable of ContentsIntroduction11. Questions in Loews Hotel12. Management Ability Improvement23. Performance Management34. The Methods of Performance Evaluation54.1. Trait Method54.2. Behavior Methods54.3. Result-oriented Methods65. 360

4、-degree Performance Appraisal76. Summarize8Reference9推荐精选IntroductionLoews Hotel has some problems in performance management. Its staffs cant have a great performance when they are working. So the article will provide some good advice and help the CEO to solve the problems in his job. To begin with

5、the questions Tisch have in managing the company and how to improve his managerial ability. Then I will tell Jonathan Tisch and other Loews hotel managers experience that how to affect the companys performance management. It can be divided who four pasts-Object design, the Directing of process, Asse

6、ssment feedback, Motivation and improvement. In addition, I will describe several kinds of performance evaluation which suit the hotel industry. And I will explain both good and bad aspects of each possible choice. And comparing these methods which are actually used in real hotels. The performance e

7、valuation is trite-oriented approach, action-oriented approach and result-oriented approach. Finally I will analyze the things I have mentioned on the front of this article and find the best fit method of measuring performance. The method is 360 degree assessment method. So we can know the performan

8、ce management of hotel comprehensively. And we can also find know the performance management of hotel comprehensively. And we can , also find and solve the problems in hotel. According to these methods of performance management, we can make the hotel more live fully.Key words: Performance management

9、 Evaluation Methods1. Questions in Loews Hotel Mr. Tisch is the chairman and CEO of Loews hotel. However he is not the best CEO of the hotel. When he manages the hotel, there are several questions have to be solved. The first question is that the CEO doesnt bring forward to make a work description o

10、r standard occupational responsibility. So the staffs dont have a standard when they are working. They dont know what they should do additional. An excellent employee often finishes every task on time. They always do more works than general employees. But they have the same salary. So it is easy to

11、make the team creating contradictions. If they status sustains for a long time, the profit of the hotel may decrease. So it is necessary to make a workable description or standardizing occupational responsibility. If Mr. Tisch can do this, the work efficiency of employees might be promoted. The seco

12、nd question is an important question. The Loews hotel doesnt set 推荐精选employees performances assess criteria and direct to implement. Performance is assessed criteria are an important part of Human Resource Management. You can know the conduction of employees when they are working. Only by establishi

13、ng and perfecting scientific performance appraisal system and carrying out the staff incentive policies through can attract and retain talents, making good use of talents. And the excellent employees often provide manta good things to a company. A favorable performance assessment might urge employee

14、s working hard. Then guests maybe come to the Loews hotel many times rather than other hotels. The third question is that Mr. Tisch and other managers dont learn to care for their employees. Maybe managers will spend much more time in staying with their employees than their family. If you are always

15、 appearing with the manager image in front of the employees, they might be fed up with this. They work under pressure for a long time. It must do something wrong in their job. Then the guests might be uncomfortable or angry with the hotel. It is a dangerous thing to a hotel. So it is important to ca

16、re for employees for a good manager. Your concern can be shown anywhere. For example, Google always has a microwave-oven in the office. Because employees often have no time to eat breakfast. Then the employees had affection for the company gradually. The simple and convenient way is commending emplo

17、yees. When employees finish their job, they aspire to get the managers approval. So if managers often commend their employees rather than criticism, the employees might work harder and harder. Isnt it what the managers want to see? The final question is that the regulatory system is not perfect in t

18、he hotel. The regulatory system can help managers to know the employees working hard or not. Humans are all mentally lazy, they dont want to work hard but want more and more money. Now it is time for it just to let the regulatory system flow. Every employee should be responsible for his performance.

19、2. Management Ability Improvement A good manager needs to improve his management ability. There are several abilities necessary to Mr. Tisch:1. Communicating Ability. To know the rope of employees in the hotel, listen to their thoughts. A manager must have good communicating ability. Active listenin

20、g is an important part of this. If you can do this, the employees would support and get along well with you. Then they will not be afraid of managers and managers will not lose their 推荐精选prestige. Employees often come up with constructive advice and their needs. So managers should learn how to liste

21、n to employees.2. Coordination Ability. Managers should always understand the employees mood changes. Then they can talk to employees solving the problems. If contradictions have been existing in the team, it was too late. People always make mistakes to deal with the emergency. Good managers should

22、resolve contradictions in advance, then they can solve any problems.3. Planning Ability. Managers planning ability is important to the hotel. Not only they should make a short-term strategy, but also to make a long-term strategy. In other words, excellent managers must be forethought. And they shoul

23、d let employees know the companys long-term planning in time.4. Managers must aspire to get a great team. So managers must train some talented employees to help them managing the team. It is important in Human Resource Management.5. Govern Ability. It is said that a leader never sets up a company, b

24、ut he will set a team to build a company. So managers must improve their ability and skills to manage their employees. To win the trust of the employees are very important. If managers can do this, his employees would respect him and finish the tasks for him. This is the proper way towards a virtuou

25、s circle to the hotel.3. Performance ManagementThere are four steps of performance management. Mr. Tisch and other managers manage hotel by these steps. And their experience can affect the companys performance management in the four steps:1. Object design. Company should make a plan for organization

26、al structure, functions, duties and responsibilities in front of the performance management. The primary mission of object design is important. We should make a target for company, sections and employees. Then managers should communicate with others to establish a single target. The most important t

27、hing is communicating in object design. Managers should use their experience to ensure that employees understand and agree with the performance goals and their liabilities. So the importance of managers experience showed in this step. Managers know the direction of development 推荐精选direction. And the

28、y know what they should finish in the next phase. So the experiences of the managers ensure the accuracy of the targets. Company can avoid mistakes and ensure errors are not missed in the process of development.2. Performance coaching. Performance coaching is the key issues of performance management

29、. The primary mission is observing and recording performance information. Managers can make an assessment and adjustment of medium term by these information. Performance coaching is the process that managers and employees discuss about the completion of performance and the gap of ability and perform

30、ance. Managers make employees realize the progress of their job by feedback. Managers always direct performance of employees and follow up with corrections where needed. When employees have difficulties in their job, the experience of managers can help them. Because managers had met a lot of emergen

31、cies in their career. They know how to do with these difficulties. And some managers enhance the ability of their employees by training. Coaching is based on feedback on directional discussion, focus on training the ability and improve the performance level of employees.3. Performance evaluation. Pe

32、rformance evaluation is an important basic work of Human Resource development and management, the study of which having very important realistic significance. Performance evaluation is a very important comment on the Human Resource Management system. It is a significant step to establish a set of pe

33、rformance evaluation system for the performance management. It has standards of performance evaluation: (1) Performance evaluation should consist with enterprises culture and management.(2) It must have emphasis in performance evaluating.(3) Assessment must be effective. Evaluation is the objective

34、and visually of enterprises culture and management. We have to know what we should promote or oppose. Managers should direct employees correctly. We can not evaluate everything of the employees job. So in order to improve the efficiency of the assessment, reduce the cost of the assessment and make e

35、mployees realizing the points of their job, evaluation content should choose the main content of the post work appraisal.4. Performance incentive. Performance is to achieve the organizational development strategy and objects, using the scientific method, through the individual employees or groups be

36、havior, work attitudes and job performance and overall quality of the comprehensive testing assessment, analysis and evaluation, and fully mobilize the thesis of the staff, the process of 推荐精选initiatives and creative activity. The primary mission of performance incentive is that adjust the position

37、and salary welfare, make a training development plan, and determine the next phase of the performance improvement plan by the result of performance. There are some people finishes their job perfectly and somebody badly. Managers must give a different evaluation to them. Then they have the power to w

38、ork harder. So managers have to judge the result of their experience, It is important to the hotel. To the good employees, managers must recognize them. But to the others, managers must do something to punish them.So the experiences of managers are very important to the Loews Hotel. It can affect th

39、e performance evaluation of the hotel. Managers must pay attention to it.4. The Methods of Performance EvaluationThere are several kinds of performance evaluation which suit the hotel industry. Every method has advantages and disadvantages. Then I will make an analyst about these methods.4.1. Trait

40、MethodTrait approaches to performance appraisal are designed to measure the extent to which an employee possesses certain characteristics-such as dependability, creativity, initiative and leadership-that are viewed as important for the job and the organization in general. The fact that trait methods

41、 are the most popular is due in large part to the ease with which they are developed.In the graphic rating-scale method each trait or characteristics to be rated is represented by a scale on which a rater indicates the degree to which an employee possesses that trait or characteristics. The method i

42、s a modification of the basic rating-scale method. The forced-choice method requires the rater to choose from statements, often in pairs, that appear equally favorable or equally unfavorable.The advantages of trait methods: The standards of assessment is correctly. We can get a natural result of thi

43、s method. Then managers will appraise the employees easily by the results Tisch can evaluate the performance immediately and effectively.The disadvantages of trait methods: Its hard to make standards. Manager must know the details of each job. Though Mr. Tisch had a role reversal, obviously he cant

44、know the details. And the assessor may be subjective in performance evaluation .They cant get a 推荐精选true result.4.2. Behavior MethodsBehavior methods include critical incident method, narrative forms, behaviorally anchored rating scales and 360-degree performance appraisal.With the critical incident

45、 method, the supervisor keeps a log of positive and negative examples of a subordinates work-related behavior. This method has several advantages. It provides actual examples of good and poor performance the supervisor can use to explain the persons rating. It ensures that the manager or supervisor

46、thinks about the subordinates appraisal all during the year. The disadvantage is that it cant get a grade.A behaviorally anchored rating scale combines the benefits of narratives, critical incidents, and quantified scales by anchoring a rating scale with specific behavioral examples of good or poor

47、performance. Its proponent say it provides better, more equitable appraisals than do the other tools we discussed. BARS seems to have advantages: People who know and do the job and its requirements better than anyone develop the BARS. This should produce a good gauge of job performance. The critical

48、 incidents along the scale make clear what to look for in terms of superior performance, average performance, and so forth. The critical incidents make it easier to explain the ratings to appraises. BARS-based evaluations also seem to be relatively consistent and reliable, in that different raters a

49、ppraisals of the same person tend to be similar.4.3. Result-oriented MethodsResult-oriented methods include management by objectives, alternation ranking method, paired comparison method and forced distribution method.Ranking employees from best to worst on a trait or traits is another option. Since

50、 it is usually easier to distinguish between the worst and best employees, an alternation ranking method is the most popular. This method is easy to use in performance evaluation. But if the grades of tow employees are similar, it was difficult to rank.The paired comparison method helps make the ran

51、king method more precise. For every trait, your pair and compare every subordinate with every other subordinate. The standards of this method are singly. Some sections may not suit this method. It might make a wrong data in performance evaluation.推荐精选The forced distribution method is similar to grad

52、ing on a cure. With this method, you place predetermined percentages of rates into performance categories.Stripped to its basics, management by objectives requires the management to set specific measurable goals with each employee and then periodically discuss the latters progress toward these goals

53、. You could engage in a modest and informal MBO program with subordinates by jointly setting goals and periodically providing feedback. There are three problems in using MBO. Setting unclear, immeasurable objectives are the main one. An objective such as “will do a better job of training” is useless

54、. On the other hand, “will have four subordinates promoted during the year” is a measurable objective. Second, MBO is time-consuming. Setting objectives, measuring progress, and giving feedback can take several hours per employee per year, over and above the time you already spend doing each persons

55、 appraisal. Third, setting objectives with the subordinate sometimes turns into a guy-of-war, with you pushing for higher quotas and the subordinate pushing for lower ones. Knowing the job and the persons ability is important. To motivate performance, the objectives must be fair and attainable. The

56、more you know about the job and the persons ability, the more confident you can be about the standards you set.In performance evaluation of hotel industry. Managers cant use a single method. They should use the different method in the different condition. Then the result might be correctly and emplo

57、yees will believe the department of human resource.5. 360-degree Performance AppraisalIn recent years, a new performance appraisal approach called 360-degree performance appraisal became much more popular with lots of domestic and foreign companies. 360-degree feedback as an evaluation method that o

58、riginates from western countries is also introduced into the hotel industry.360-degree performance appraisal is a powerful tool for enhancing the development of virtually any organization member. 360-degree performance appraisal can help individuals understand exactly how others perceive them and the contributions they make. It can highlight areas of deficiency where development is needed. Perhaps


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