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1、水汽监督及化学加药Water and Steam Supervision and Chemical Dosing西北发电运行有限责任公司西北发电运行有限责任公司Shaanxi Northwest Power Generation Operation Co., Ltd.水汽监督及加药系统水汽监督及加药系统Water and Steam Supervision and Chemical Dosing System本期工程的的热力系统及加药点布置流程如下:本期工程的的热力系统及加药点布置流程如下:The arrangement flow of thermodynamic system and che

2、mical dosing points of the engineering in this phase are as follows:主厂房加药系统图主厂房加药系统图Chemical Dosing System Diagram of Main Power Building给水、凝结水加氨处理系统给水、凝结水加氨处理系统Dosing Ammonia to Feed water and Condensate Treatment Systemo为调节给水、凝结水的为调节给水、凝结水的pHpH值,值,3 3台机设置台机设置1 1套集装式加氨套集装式加氨装置。装置包括装置。装置包括2 2台溶液箱、台溶

3、液箱、5 5台给水氨计量泵、台给水氨计量泵、5 5台凝台凝结水氨计量泵。氨计量泵结水氨计量泵。氨计量泵3 3台运行,台运行,2 2台备用。台备用。oTo regulate pH of feed water and condensate, 1 set of integrated ammonia dosing equipment is installed for 3 units. The equipment includes 2 solution tanks, 5 ammonia metering pumps for feed water, 5 ammonia metering pumps for

4、 condensate; 3 ammonia metering pumps are in operation and 2 pumps are standby.o给水氨加入点设在除氧水箱下降管上,加入量为自动控给水氨加入点设在除氧水箱下降管上,加入量为自动控制,给水加氨通过给水流量信号控制加药量。凝结水精制,给水加氨通过给水流量信号控制加药量。凝结水精处理混床出口母管加氨点的加入量为自动控制,根据凝处理混床出口母管加氨点的加入量为自动控制,根据凝结水流量信号控制加药量。结水流量信号控制加药量。oThe ammonia dosing point of feed water is set on th

5、e downcomer of deaerator water tank; the ammonia dosage is controlled automatically by feed water flow signal. The dosage at ammonia dosing point of main pipe at the outlet of condensate polishing mixed bed is controlled automatically by the condensate flow signal.给水、凝结水、闭冷水加联氨处理系统Dosing Hydrazine t

6、o Feed water and Condensate and Closed Cooling Water Treatment Systemo给水和凝结水加联氨处理用于除去给水和凝结水系给水和凝结水加联氨处理用于除去给水和凝结水系统中的残留氧,以防止氧腐蚀,统中的残留氧,以防止氧腐蚀,3 3台机设置台机设置1 1套集装套集装式加联氨装置。装置有式加联氨装置。装置有2 2台联氨溶液箱,台联氨溶液箱,5 5台给水联台给水联氨自动加药泵,加药泵为氨自动加药泵,加药泵为3 3用用2 2备;备;5 5台凝结水联氨自台凝结水联氨自动加药泵,加药泵为动加药泵,加药泵为3 3用用2 2备;备;2 2台闭式冷却水

7、加联氨台闭式冷却水加联氨泵,泵,1 1台运行台运行1 1台备用。台备用。oDosing hydrazine to feed water and condensate is to remove residual oxygen in feed water and condensate system so as to prevent oxygen corrosion; 1 set of integrated hydrazine dosing equipment is provided for 3 units. The equipment has 2 hydrazine solution tanks,

8、 5 automatic hydrazine dosing pumps for feed water (3 for operation and 2 for standby), 5 automatic hydrazine dosing pumps for condensate (3 for operation and 2 for standby) and 2 hydrazine dosing pumps for closed cooling water (1 for operation and 1 for standby).o给水加联氨点设在除氧水箱下降管上,加入量为自动控给水加联氨点设在除氧水

9、箱下降管上,加入量为自动控制,给水加联氨通过给水流量信号控制加药量。凝结水制,给水加联氨通过给水流量信号控制加药量。凝结水加联氨点设在凝结水精处理出口,加入量为自动控制,加联氨点设在凝结水精处理出口,加入量为自动控制,根据凝结水流量信号控制加药量。闭式冷却水系统加联根据凝结水流量信号控制加药量。闭式冷却水系统加联氨采用手动加药泵。氨采用手动加药泵。oThe hydrazine dosing point of feed water is set on the downcomer of deaerator water tank; the hydrazine dosage is controlled

10、 automatically by feed water flow signal. The hydrazine dosing point of condensate is set at the condensate polishing outlet; the dosage is controlled automatically by the condensate flow signal. Manual chemical dosing pumps are used for hydrazine dosing of closed cooling water system. 炉水加磷酸盐处理系统炉水加

11、磷酸盐处理系统 Dosing Phosphate to Boiler Water Treatment systemo为防止锅炉水管系统的结垢,采用向汽包炉水投加磷酸为防止锅炉水管系统的结垢,采用向汽包炉水投加磷酸盐的加药方式,加药量手动调节。盐的加药方式,加药量手动调节。3 3台炉设置台炉设置1 1套集装式套集装式加磷酸盐装置,设置有加磷酸盐装置,设置有2 2台溶液箱和台溶液箱和5 5台计量泵,台计量泵,3 3台运台运行,行,2 2台备用。台备用。oTo prevent boiler water pipe system scaling, the chemical dosing mode of

12、dosing phosphate to boiler water in the drum is adopted; the dosage is controlled manually. 1 Set of integrated phosphate equipment is provided for 3 boilers; the equipment has 2 solution tanks and 5 metering pumps (3 for operation and 2 standby).启动锅炉加药装置启动锅炉加药装置 Chemical Dosing Equipment of Start-u

13、p Boiler本工程设置启动锅炉化学加药系统。化学加药系统包括给水本工程设置启动锅炉化学加药系统。化学加药系统包括给水加氨、炉水加磷酸盐等装置。加氨装置包括加氨、炉水加磷酸盐等装置。加氨装置包括1 1台溶液箱、台溶液箱、1 1台台给水氨计量泵。给水氨加入点为启动锅炉给水管道,给水加给水氨计量泵。给水氨加入点为启动锅炉给水管道,给水加药方式设计为手动调节。药方式设计为手动调节。Chemical dosing system of start-up boiler is provided for this engineering. The chemical dosing system include

14、s dosing ammonia to feed water equipment and dosing phosphate to boiler water equipment, etc. The ammonia dosing equipment includes 1 solution tank and 1 ammonia metering pump for feed water. The ammonia dosing point of feed water is the start-up boiler feed water pipeline; the feed water chemical d

15、osing mode is designed as manual regulation. o加磷酸盐装置包括设置有加磷酸盐装置包括设置有1台溶液箱和台溶液箱和1台计量泵。台计量泵。oThe phosphate dosing equipment includes 1 solution tank and 1 metering pump.o加药设备集中布置在启动锅炉房零米的加药区域内。加药设备集中布置在启动锅炉房零米的加药区域内。oThe chemical dosing equipments are distributed in the chemical dosing region at zero

16、meter of the start-up boiler house. 加氨原理加氨原理 Ammonia Dosing Principle氨(氨(NH3NH3)溶于水称为氨水,呈碱性,反应式如下:)溶于水称为氨水,呈碱性,反应式如下:NH3 + H2O NH4OHNH3 + H2O NH4OHThe solution which is produced by ammonia (NH3) dissolving in water is called ammonia water; it has alkaline property; the reaction formula is as follows

17、: NH3 + H2O NH4OH给水给水PHPH过低原因是它含有游离过低原因是它含有游离CO2CO2,所以加,所以加NH3NH3就相当就相当于用氨水的碱性来中和碳酸的酸性。反应式如下:于用氨水的碱性来中和碳酸的酸性。反应式如下:NH4OH + H2CO3 NH4HCO3 + H2ONH4OH + H2CO3 NH4HCO3 + H2ONH4OH + NH4HCO3 NH4OH + NH4HCO3 (NH4NH4)2CO3 + H2O2CO3 + H2OoThe reason that pH of feed water is low is it has free CO2, so dosing

18、NH3 is equivalent to using the alkaline property of ammonia water to neutralize acid property of carbonic acid. The reaction formula is as follows:oNH4OH + H2CO3 NH4HCO3 + H2OoNH4OH + NH4HCO3 (NH4)2CO3 + H2Oo我公司加氨以使给水我公司加氨以使给水PH值调节到值调节到89来防止游离来防止游离CO2的腐蚀的腐蚀oThe ammonia dosing of our company is to co

19、ntrol pH of feed water at 89 to prevent CO2 corrosion.加联胺原理加联胺原理Hydrazine Dosing Principle 联胺(联胺(N2H4N2H4)又名肼,常温时为无色液体,易挥发,易溶)又名肼,常温时为无色液体,易挥发,易溶于水。遇水会结合成稳定的水和联胺(于水。遇水会结合成稳定的水和联胺(N2H4H2ON2H4H2O)。空气中)。空气中有联胺对呼吸系统及皮肤有侵害作用。空气中联胺蒸汽量最有联胺对呼吸系统及皮肤有侵害作用。空气中联胺蒸汽量最高不允许超过高不允许超过1mg/L1mg/L。联胺蒸汽量含量达。联胺蒸汽量含量达4.7%4

20、.7%,遇火便发生爆,遇火便发生爆燃现象。燃现象。Hydrazine (N2H4)is a kind of colorless solution which easily volatilizes and dissolves in water at normal temperature. Water and it can combine into N2H4H2O when they meet. It is harmful to respiratory system and skin if hydrazine exists in air. The hydrazine steam content i

21、n air can not exceed 1mg/L at most. When hydrazine steam content gets to 4.7%, explosion will happen if there is fire.o联胺在碱性水溶液中,是一种很强的还原剂,可将联胺在碱性水溶液中,是一种很强的还原剂,可将水中的溶解氧还原。水中的溶解氧还原。oN2H4 + O2 N2 +2H2O N2H4 + O2 N2 +2H2O oHydrazine is a kind of strong reducing agent in alkaline property water solutio

22、n, which can reduce dissolved oxygen in water.oN2H4 + O2 N2 +2H2O 加联胺原理加联胺原理Hydrazine Dosing Principle 在高温(在高温(t200t200)水中,)水中,N2H4N2H4可将可将Fe2O3Fe2O3还原成还原成Fe3O4Fe3O4以以至至FeFe反应式如下:反应式如下:6Fe2O3 + N2H4 4Fe3O4 + N2 + 2H2O6Fe2O3 + N2H4 4Fe3O4 + N2 + 2H2O2Fe3O4+ N2H4 6FeO + N2 + 2H2O2Fe3O4+ N2H4 6FeO + N2

23、 + 2H2O2FeO + N2H4 2Fe + N2 + 2H2O2FeO + N2H4 2Fe + N2 + 2H2OIn high temperature (t200) water,N2H4 can reduce Fe2O3 to Fe3O4. The reaction formulae of Fe are as follows:6Fe2O3 + N2H4 4Fe3O4 + N2 + 2H2O2Fe3O4+ N2H4 6FeO + N2 + 2H2O2FeO + N2H4 2Fe + N2 + 2H2OoN2H4N2H4还能将还能将CuOCuO还原成还原成Cu2OCu2O或或Cu Cu

24、,反应式如下:,反应式如下:o4CuO + N2H4 2Cu2O + N2 + 2H2Oo2Cu2O + N2H4 4Cu + N2 + 2H2OoN2H4 can also reduce CuO to Cu2O or Cu; the reaction formulae are as follows:o4CuO + N2H4 2Cu2O + N2 + 2H2Oo2Cu2O + N2H4 4Cu + N2 + 2H2Oo联胺的这些性质可用来防止锅内结铁垢和铜垢。联胺的这些性质可用来防止锅内结铁垢和铜垢。oThese properties of hydrazine can be used to p

25、revent the iron scaling and copper scaling in the boiler.加联胺原理加联胺原理 Hydrazine Dosing Principle 联胺和水中溶解氧的反应速度受温度、联胺和水中溶解氧的反应速度受温度、PHPH值和联胺值和联胺过剩量的影响,为使过剩量的影响,为使N2H4N2H4和水中溶解氧的反应进行得和水中溶解氧的反应进行得迅速且完全,应维持以下条件:迅速且完全,应维持以下条件:The reaction speed of hydrazine and dissolved oxygen in water is influenced by te

26、mperature, pH and excessive hydrazine; to make the reaction of N2H4 and dissolved oxygen in water carry out quickly and completely, the following conditions should be maintained:oa.使水有足够温度。温度愈高,反应愈快。使水有足够温度。温度愈高,反应愈快。oa. Water should have enough temperature. The higher the temperature is , the faste

27、r the reaction is.ob.使水维持一定的使水维持一定的PH值。一般在值。一般在911之间。之间。ob. Keep water having certain PH which is generally within 911.oc.c.使水中联胺有足够过剩量。过剩量愈多,除氧所需时使水中联胺有足够过剩量。过剩量愈多,除氧所需时间愈少。联胺水溶液显弱碱性,遇热会分解:间愈少。联胺水溶液显弱碱性,遇热会分解:3 3 N2H4N2N2H4N24NH34NH3,过剩的,过剩的N2H4N2H4分解还可以提高给水分解还可以提高给水PHPH值。值。oC. Hydrazine in water s

28、hould be excessive enough. The more the excessive hydrazine is, the shorter the time for deaeration is. The hydrazine water solution which is in weak alkaline property can decompose when meets heat: 3N2H4N24NH3, the decomposition of excessive N2H4 also can improve pH of feed water.加磷酸盐的原理 Phosphate

29、Dosing Principleo磷酸盐处理是在炉水呈碱性(磷酸盐处理是在炉水呈碱性(pH=10pH=10)的条件下,加入磷酸盐溶液,)的条件下,加入磷酸盐溶液,使炉水磷酸根维持在一定浓度范围内,水中的钙离子便与磷酸根使炉水磷酸根维持在一定浓度范围内,水中的钙离子便与磷酸根反应生产碱式磷酸钙,少量镁离子与炉水中的硅酸根生成蛇纹石,反应生产碱式磷酸钙,少量镁离子与炉水中的硅酸根生成蛇纹石,其反应如下:其反应如下:oPhosphate treatment is that under the condition when boiler water is of alkaline property (p

30、H=10), add phosphate solution to have the phosphate radical of boiler water maintained within certain concentration range, so the calcium ion in water reacts with the phosphate radical generating basic calcium phosphate, and a few magnesium ions react with silicate ion in boiler water generating ser

31、pentine, whose reactions are as follows:10Ca2+16PO43-+2OH-3 Ca3(PO4)2. Ca(OH)2 (碱式磷酸钙)(basic calcium phosphate)3Mg+2SiO32-+2OH-+H2OMgO.2SiO2.2H2O(蛇纹石)(serpentine)上面的水垢可随锅炉排污一起排出。磷酸盐处理已由最初的防止水垢上面的水垢可随锅炉排污一起排出。磷酸盐处理已由最初的防止水垢逐渐转化为缓冲逐渐转化为缓冲pHpH和防止腐蚀,磷酸盐工况由最初的维持高浓度的和防止腐蚀,磷酸盐工况由最初的维持高浓度的PO43-PO43-向低浓度和超低向

32、低浓度和超低 浓度发展,先后经历了高磷酸盐处理、协调磷酸浓度发展,先后经历了高磷酸盐处理、协调磷酸盐处理等成份磷酸盐处理、低磷酸盐处理和平衡磷酸盐处理等方法。盐处理等成份磷酸盐处理、低磷酸盐处理和平衡磷酸盐处理等方法。 The scale above can be discharged with boiler blowdown. The phosphate treatment has been gradually converted from the original scale prevention to PH buffering and anticorrosion; the working

33、 condition of phosphate develops from the maintain of high concentration PO43- to the low concentration and ultra-low concentration; it experienced component phosphate treatment like high phosphate treatment and coordinated phosphate treatment, low phosphate treatment and equilibrium phosphate treat

34、ment and so on successively.取样系统取样系统Sampling System水汽取样分析系统包括高温冷却架、低温仪表屏。高温高压架设有水汽取样分析系统包括高温冷却架、低温仪表屏。高温高压架设有预冷装置、样水冷却器及减压阀。低温仪表盘包括恒温装置、人工取预冷装置、样水冷却器及减压阀。低温仪表盘包括恒温装置、人工取样架及化学分析仪表等。取样系统的冷却水来自机组闭式冷却水系统。样架及化学分析仪表等。取样系统的冷却水来自机组闭式冷却水系统。Water and steam sampling analysis system includes high temperature co

35、oling rack and low temperature control panel. The high temperature and high pressure rack is provided with pre-cooling device, sample water cooler and pressure-reducing valve. The low temperature instrument panel includes constant temperature device, manual sampling rack and chemical analytic instru

36、ments, etc. Cooling water of the sampling system comes from the closed cooling water system of the unit.o高温高压排水扩容后通过围堰内排水沟排至工业下水道、高温高压排水扩容后通过围堰内排水沟排至工业下水道、低压排水直接通过围堰内排水沟排至工业下水道。低压排水直接通过围堰内排水沟排至工业下水道。oHigh temperature and high pressure drainage is discharged to the industrial sewage through the drain

37、age canal inside the cofferdam after expansion. Low pressure drainage is directly discharged to the industrial sewage through the drainage canal inside the cofferdam.取样系统图取样系统图Sampling System Diagram降温减压架降温减压架 Temperature Reducing and Pressure Reducing Rack 为完成高压高温的水汽样品减压和初冷而设,该部分为完成高压高温的水汽样品减压和初冷而设


39、,冷却后的样品经减压阀减压后送至人工取样和仪表屏。的样品经减压阀减压后送至人工取样和仪表屏。oIt is installed for completing pressure reducing and primary cooling of high pressure and high temperature water and steam sample, which includes high temperature and high pressure valve, sample cooler, pressure reducing valve, safety valve, sample blow

40、down piping system and cooling water supply and discharge piping system. The components mentioned above and sample pipeline are installed in the temperature reducing and pressure reducing rack. Their main task is to induce water and steam of each sampling point to the temperature reducing and pressu

41、re reducing rack; water and steam of each sampling point are controlled by high pressure valve; one group is connected to the blowdown pipe for the device to remove dirt in samples during putting into operation in the early stage; the other group is connected to the cooler in which cooling water in

42、reverse direction is supplied to cool the sample; the samples are sent to manual sampling and control panel through pressure reducing in pressure reducing valve after cooling. 根据不同的样品采用不同的降温减压方式。对于闭根据不同的样品采用不同的降温减压方式。对于闭冷水的样品采用直接取样;凝结水泵出口、除氧器出入冷水的样品采用直接取样;凝结水泵出口、除氧器出入口、高低加疏水的样品采用一级降温一级减压方式;温口、高低加疏水的

43、样品采用一级降温一级减压方式;温度度200T570200T570、压力、压力0.8MPa0.8MPaP P32 MPa32 MPa的样品的样品采用二级降温一级减压方式。取样装置采用闭式循环除采用二级降温一级减压方式。取样装置采用闭式循环除盐水冷却,除盐水温度盐水冷却,除盐水温度T35T35,压力(进入取样装置),压力(进入取样装置)P0.3MPaP0.3MPa,水量不少于,水量不少于25m3/h25m3/h。 Different temperature reducing and pressure reducing mode is adopted for different sample. Di

44、rect sampling mode is adopted for the sample of closed cooling water; primary temperature reducing and primary pressure reducing mode is adopted for samples of outlet water of condensate pump, inlet and outlet water of deaerator and drain water of high and low pressure heaters; secondary temperature

45、 and primary pressure reducing mode is adopted for taking sample; the temperature: 200T570 and the pressure: 0.8MPaP32 MPa. The sampling device is cooled by closed circulating demineralized brine whose temperature T35, pressure (in the sampling device) P0.3MPa and water quantity is not less than 25m

46、3/h.双螺纹管取样冷却器Double Threaded Pipe Sampling Cooler取样仪表屏Sampling Control Panel 由低温仪表盘和人工取样架两部分合二为一。该部分包由低温仪表盘和人工取样架两部分合二为一。该部分包括背压整定阀、机械恒温装置、双金属(或数字)温度计、括背压整定阀、机械恒温装置、双金属(或数字)温度计、浮子流量计、离子交换柱、电磁阀、化学仪表和报警仪等。浮子流量计、离子交换柱、电磁阀、化学仪表和报警仪等。从降温减压架送来的样品,按照各点需要监测的项目进行分从降温减压架送来的样品,按照各点需要监测的项目进行分配。一路送至人工取样屏,供人工取样分析

47、;其余分支样品配。一路送至人工取样屏,供人工取样分析;其余分支样品分别引人相应的化学分析仪表,进行在线测量。分析结果由分别引人相应的化学分析仪表,进行在线测量。分析结果由微机系统进行数据采集、显示和打印制表。正常情况下,该微机系统进行数据采集、显示和打印制表。正常情况下,该系统对各取样点在线仪表进行连续检测,并将各仪表检测信系统对各取样点在线仪表进行连续检测,并将各仪表检测信号通过精处理号通过精处理PLCPLC控制系统送入水网集中控制系统。控制系统送入水网集中控制系统。 The low temperature control panel and manual sampling rack two

48、 parts are integrated as a whole. This part includes back pressure setting valve, mechanical constant temperature device, bimetallic (digital) thermometer, floating flowmeter, ion exchange column, solenoid valve, chemical instruments and alarm instrument, etc. the sample sent from the temperature re

49、ducing and pressure reducing rack is distributed according to the needs of supervised items in all points and is sent to the manual sampling control panel for manual sampling analysis. Other branch samples are respectively sent to corresponding chemical analytic instruments for on-line measurement.

50、The analytic result is acquired, displayed, printed and made into table by computer system. Normally, the system continuously detects the on-line instrument of each sampling point and sends detection signal of each instrument to water network central control system through polishing PLC control syst

51、em.o为了消除凝结水泵出口水、除氧器入口水、省煤器人口为了消除凝结水泵出口水、除氧器入口水、省煤器人口水、主蒸汽、再热蒸汽入口、再热蒸汽出口、高低加疏水、主蒸汽、再热蒸汽入口、再热蒸汽出口、高低加疏水、闭冷水等测点样品中含氨量对电导率测量的影响,水、闭冷水等测点样品中含氨量对电导率测量的影响,样品经过阳离子交换后才送入仪表发送器。样品经过阳离子交换后才送入仪表发送器。oIn order to eliminate the influence caused by ammonia content in the sample of measuring points such as outlet wa

52、ter of condensate pump, inlet water of deaerator, inlet water of economizer, main steam, inlet steam of reheated steam, outlet steam of reheated steam, drain water of high and low pressure heaters and closed cooling water, samples are sent to the instrument sender after cation exchange. o为了消除样品温度变化对

53、化学仪表测量精度为了消除样品温度变化对化学仪表测量精度的影响,采用了机械恒温装置。的影响,采用了机械恒温装置。o oIn order to eliminate the influences caused by sample temperature change on the measurement precision of chemical instruments, the mechanical constant temperature device is used.取样点和测量仪表取样点和测量仪表Sampling Point and Measuring Instrument 序号序号Seri

54、al no.项项 目目Item取样点位置取样点位置Position of Sampling point配置仪表配置仪表Instrument1 1给水给水Feed water除氧器出口除氧器出口Deaerator outletO O2 2、M M省煤器入口省煤器入口Economizer inletCCCC、SCSC、pHpH、M M2 2炉水炉水Boiler water汽包炉水左侧汽包炉水左侧Left side sampling pipe of boiler water in the drumSCSC、pHpH、SiOSiO2 2、M M汽包炉水右侧汽包炉水右侧Right side sampli

55、ng pipe of boiler water in the drum3 3饱和蒸汽饱和蒸汽Saturated steam饱和蒸汽左侧饱和蒸汽左侧Left side sampling pipe of saturated steam CCCC、NaNa、M M饱和蒸汽右侧饱和蒸汽右侧Right side sampling pipe of saturated steam4 4过热蒸汽过热蒸汽Superheated steam过热蒸汽左侧过热蒸汽左侧Left side sampling pipe of superheated steamCCCC、SiOSiO2 2、M M5 5再热蒸汽再热蒸汽Reh

56、eated steam再热蒸汽出口左侧再热蒸汽出口左侧Left side sampling pipe at reheated steam outletCCCC、M M再热蒸汽出口右侧再热蒸汽出口右侧Right side sampling pipe at reheated steam outlet取样点和测量仪表 6 6凝结水凝结水Condensate凝结水泵出口凝结水泵出口Outlet of condensate pumpCCCC、O O2 2、SCSC、M M7 7疏水疏水Drain water高压加热器高压加热器High pressure heaterM M低压加热器低压加热器Low pressure heaterM M暖风器暖风器Steam air heaterM M8 8冷却水冷却水Cooling water闭式冷却水母管闭式冷却水母管Main pipe of closed cooling waterSCSC、M M符号说明符号说明 Symbol Explanation CC 带有氢离子交换柱的电导率CC- Conductivity with chloride ion exchange column SC 比电导率SC Specific


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