



1、2019年7月3日托福口语真题回顾(含范文)TASK1:Your foreign friend is visiting China, who is pretty concerned aboutthe cost, so what would you say to him?思路解析:这个问题问的是,你的外国朋友将要来中国参观了,而且非常担心费用问题,你会对他说什么。在回答这个问题的时候, 考生能够从以下两个方面来入手,首先,和西方国家的消费水平来看, 中国的住宿成本其实是比较低的;其次,如果他的财政状况比较紧张, 我能够提供协助。I would convince her to forgo the

2、worries; first, compared with westerncountries, living cost in most cities of China is negligible(adj.微不足道的;能够忽略的;无足轻重 的;不足轻重), like if he doesnt have a big purchase plan,around 10,000 yuan is sufficient for living in BJ comfortably for a whole month,so it wouldnt be a huge financial burden; second,

3、 if my friend is really sufferingfrom a tight budget, I will offer my help, like provide accommodation and mealsfor her, if she is interested in staying in China for a longer period of time, Iwould suggest her to keep eyes open on some part time jobs, like teachingEnglish to Chinese students, in tha

4、t case, she will definitely make enoughbucks to afford this trip.TASK2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Itsimpolite to make calls or send text messages on a diner table. Explain indetails.思路解析:在这个题目中,让考生回答自己同不同意这个观点,在餐桌上打电话或者发短信是不礼貌的行为。在回答这个问题的时候, 不管从哪一个方面来回答都是能够的,但是小编认为,从不礼貌这个

5、角度来回答是比较容易说的。你能够从这个角度来陈述,当与人聚会 的时候,别人如果一直在打电话或者发短信,会让你感觉被忽视。I think its indeed impolite to make calls or send text messages on adiner table. Last Friday, my friend Daniel asked me out to dinner together,after we sat down, he kept answering phone calls like a hundred times andwas busy staring at his

6、phone and sending numerous text messages, I feltawful, sitting there like an idiot! That was how I felt, totally ignored,disrespected and belittled. I thought he just didnt respect my feelings andtime! What is the purpose of asking me out, while keeping answering phonecalls? I will never ever go out

7、side to dinner with him again!TASK3阅读:学校的计划:学校要demolish old auditorium,rebuild new one。理由:旧的auditorium interior old,新的big,clean,fashion,而且旧的装不下太多人,新的能够。听力:男生不同意,原因1.auditorium是oldest and first building,在学校里的已经 是一个mark了,应该保护;2.auditorium从没有completely audience,人很少没必要变更TASK4阅读:动物为在恶劣的环境中生存,保持一种inactive的状态, 因为不需要耗费热量,听力:听力中讲了澳大利亚和非洲的一种鱼,生活在浅水湖,夏天来了,池塘的水快干旱的时候,会躲到洞里,心跳减缓,不需要太多水也能 够活几个月甚至一年,而且不需要食物。TASK5问题:女生上吉他班人不够取消了但她要学;解决方案1上personal lesson但是贵;解决方案2买books CDs自己学,但是可能学不会因为,都太基础;TASK6这个题目主要讲的是两种销售策略,两种advertising的方式吸 引客户买


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