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1、SAM ADAMS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER Industrial engineer:A person who helps plan the production line, designs or adapts details essential to the manufacturing and who often offers advice on the efficiency of production throughout each phase of the manufacturing process.American educational systemKindergar

2、tenElementary schoolHigh school: Junior high schoolSenior high schoolCollege 四年本科,主要授予B.A. 和B.S.University 授予B.A. B.S. M.A.和PhDGeneral Introduction:The text is mainly about Sam Adams, a “born” industrial engineer. When he was a little boy,he was the “efficiency expert” for the family.After the gradu

3、ation from college he was asked to work as a “consultant” In a shirt factory. Because of his good qualities, we can say, he was quite competent to the task. He found many amazing problems in his efficient way and made many suggestions which were very helpful for improving production, and his suggest

4、ion were well-received by the owners.Organization of the text:The text can be divided into four parts:Section 1: (paras. 1-4)When a boy, he was the “efficiency” expert for the family.Section 2: (paras. 5-6)After he graduated from college, he was asked to work as a “consultant” in a shirt factory.Sec

5、tion 3: (paras. 7-10)He was amazed at what he saw in the factory.Section 4: (remaining paras.)He made many suggestions and all of them were accepted. New wordsNeat (1) tidye.g. Teacher should be neat about his appearance. Mrs. Frank keeps a neat house.(2)cleverly said or done e.g. The foreign Minist

6、ry spokesman gave the reporter a neat answer. 2.Consult:(1) vt. To go( a person, book, etc.) for information, advice, an opinion, etc.请教;参考/查阅(书);咨询 To work as a consultant 当顾问 e.g. Have you consulted your doctor about your illness? Tom consults for a large company.(2) vi. Consult with 商量,商议3. Miss(

7、1) 逃脱,免于 不能跟动词不定式,可跟动名词。如不能说miss to be caught,而应说miss being caught 未被逮住。(2) 发觉没有 “发现钢笔丢失” 可说 I missed my pen this afternoon.还可说I found my pen missing this afternoon,其中的missing 不能换成 missed.(3) 思念 e.g. I missed you very much. (4) missing adj. 缺掉的,失去的,失踪的,下落不明的。 e.g. A book with some pages missing.4.Re

8、lieve vt.To lessen(pain or trouble) 减轻(痛苦或负担,捆扰等)- There were no breaks in the day to relieve the boring work.(2) Free somebody from anxiety 使(人)安心,放心- The news relieved me.(3) Give help to those in need 救助, 救济- Food was sent to relieve the poor.Relief n. 解除;救济(1) Relieve 后接of 或from,常见搭配是:relieve sb

9、. of a burden/a task/an obligation/the trouble/the housework ; relieve sb. from pain/suffering/temptation/anxiety5. Major adj.,n.& v.adj. Greater or more important 主要的, 重要的,较大的 - Its a major scientific discovery. - The major part of her life was spent in China.(2) n. Specialty or a student specializ

10、ing in a certain field of study 专业,主修学生 - She chose physics as her major. - He is an English major.(3) vi. Specialize in 主修,专攻 - I majored in English.Phrases1.turn outHappen to be in the end 结果是- It turned out that he was never there.- The English evening turned out a great success.(2) Produce 生产- T

11、he factory can turn out 100 cars a day.(3) Stop ( a gas, light,etc.) 关闭 (煤气,电灯等)- You should turn out the lights before you leave.(4) Make sb. Leave 使离开,驱逐,赶走(1) - His father turned him out of the house. 2. Come in Have or find a place; have a part to play 起作用,有份,有好处,担任职务- So he asked me to come in

12、on a short-term basis as a consultant.- I understand your plan perfectly,but I dont see where I come in.(2) Become fashionable 开始使用,流行- Gunpowder first came in in China.(3) Become seasonal (季节) 开始,正当时令- When do strawberries come in?3. As a result : because of 作为结果,因此- As a result, the meeting has be

13、en cancelled. 结果,会议被取消了。- He was late as a result of the traffic jam. 由于交通阻塞,他迟到了。4. Hold upDelay 延迟,耽搁;阻碍(常用被动式)- He was very slow and all the shirts were held up at his position.- The traffic was held up for an hour by an accident.(2) Stop in order to rob 拦路抢劫- Two masked men held up a mail van.(3

14、) Raise 举起(1) - John held up his hand to ask the teacher a question.5. Result in: have as a result;lead to 导致- The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.- Their rude attitude resulted in a quarrel.注:result in 与 result from (由于,是的结果)的区别,如:His illness resulted from eating bad food.(主语是结果,宾语

15、是原因)他的病是由于吃了变质的食物引起的。Eating bad food resulted in his illness. (主语是原因,宾语是结果)吃变质的食物致使他生病。Result in 的用法和lead to 几乎是一样的。. Discrimination1.basis, base, foundationBasis 表示“基础,根据”,多用于比喻意义,往往是比较抽象的“基础”。- His report does not rest rest on a scientific basis.(2) Base 表示“基础”,用语具体的事物,也可引申为“基地”。- The lamp stands

16、on a circular base. 这灯的底座是圆的。- an air base 空军基地(3) Foundation 表示“基础,根据”,用于具体事物,较之base 所指的更宏伟坚固,也可指抽象事物发展的根本。- Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy.2. Except for,except,besidesExcept for 如果我们想在表达一件事情时做 某些保留,及表示美中不足或惋惜之意,就用except for,该介词短语后面的成分与句子主语通常不属于一个范畴。它既可放句首又可放句尾。- The letter i

17、s good, except for the spelling.(letter 与spelling 不属于同一范畴)(2) Except 是从一组中或同一范畴中除去个别的一个或几个。不放在句首(句首则换成except for)- We go there every day except Sunday.(every day 和Sunday 是同一范畴)(3) Besides 包括前面所述还有(1) - Besides being a scholar,he was a famous writer.3.find,find outFind out (经过一段努力后)找出,发现,查明(真相)- Late

18、r they found out that he had been quite innocent.- She tried to run away, but the master found out.(2) Find 表示look for 的结果- I looked for my book for a very long time.Finally, I found it.4. Use to , be used toUsed to do: 过去常常做某事。其否定式:used not to 或did not use(d) to;never used to其疑问式:Did he use(d )to?/

19、Used he to?e.g. He used to smoke a lot.Be used to + n./v+inge.g. I am used to getting up early in the morning.注意: be used to do: 被用来做某事e.g. A bottle-opener is used to open bottles.SentencesIf you ask my mother how I happened to become an industrial engineer (L.1)Happen to (+n.): (of an event) take p

20、lace and have an effect on sth.- A bad accident happened to that family.不幸降临在那个家庭(2) Happen to be: have chance to be 碰巧(成为);偏偏- How did you happen to be an industrial engineer?(3) Happen to do: occur or take place by chance 恰巧,偶然1. - I happened to know him.2. Most curious of all, there was no qualit

21、y control whatsoever.(L.25L.27)Most curious of all 是独立成分,称为插入语,相当于what is most curious of all.插入语包括独立不定式,独立分词,由to 引导的短语以及诸如frankly, on the whole, honestly, what is worse, worst of all, most important of all 等副词或短语。插入语的功能在于表达句子中间的某种递进、顺序、承接关系,作者对某一问题的解释、总结,或者作者对某一问题的看法、态度。e.g. To tell the truth, I do

22、nt like her. Strictly speaking, he is not qualified.其他还有: so to speak, to be frank with you, needless to say, judging from 等。3. The tables where the workers sat were very high and uncomfortable.(L.34L.36)Be ( 或sit) at table 意为“用餐”,be (或sit) at the table意为“坐在工作台旁,在工作”。再比如: lay the table 摆好餐具,keep a g

23、ood table 餐食丰盛,keep an open table广纳食客。4. I covered my major points by telling him the following.(L.51L.52)Cover v. 采访,报道e.g. The newspaper sent its best reporters to cover the satellite launching.(2) 旅行,走(多远)e.g. We covered more than 200 miles by bike yesterday.(3) 包括,包含,涉及到e.g. The lecture covered

24、the history of Tang Dynasty.Coverage n. 报道(1) e.g. You can find the latest coverage about President Clintons sexual scandal from CNN website. Exercises:Choose the best answerThe unusually cold weather in spring may_ the growth of wheat.A.hold up B. result in C. hold in D. check up(2)I dont swim now,

25、 but I _ when I was a child.A. Used to B. used to do C. used to it D. used to doing it(3) That evening we met in the office to_ the proposal made by John.A. Talk down B. talk over C. talk up D. talk back(4) Our English Evening _ a great success.A. Was held B. is sure of C. turned out D. will win out (5) Many chemical fertilizer plants have been set up._ agriculture output has rapidly increased.As a result B. So that C. They lead to D. So it makes(6) The machine is good _ a few shortcomings here and there.Besides B. except C. except for D. away from(7) A building must be laid on


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