



1、文件名称:Document Title:持续改进管理程序Management procedure for continuousimprovement文件状态DOC. Status文件编号版本修订页号Doc. No.: COP023Issue: 03Rev: 01Page 1 of 411.0 目的 Purpose规定了公司对产品的质量、成本、服务(包括交付)、价格和产品和过程特性(尤其是特殊特性) 以及质量体系等方面进行持续改进的方法, 以确保在满足顾客要求的前提下,不断提高顾客满 意程度、产品质量、服务及降低成本。rements.2.0It stipulates method for con

2、tinuous improvement for product quality ,cost ,service (including delivery) price and characteristics of products and processes (especially special characteristics)a nc method releva nt with quality system to promote customer satisfact ion degree , product quality , service and reduce cost on the pr

3、ec on diti on that we can meet customer s requi范围Scope适用于公司产品生产过程、服务活动以及质量体系的持续改进。3.0It can be applied to continuous improvement of production processes, service activities and quality system.适用文件 Applicable document以下文件的最新版本有效The latest issue of the following document is effective.COP001纠正和预防措施控制程序

4、COP002质量环境记录控制程序4. and en vir onment records con trol procedure简称/定义 Abbreviation/Definition不适用N/A设备/工具 Equipment/Tooling不适用N/A职责 Responsibilities各相关部门/人员视需要提出持续改进项目报品保部;Releva nt depts. Bring forward items that n eed to be improved to QA dept品保部负责收集/汇总,组织评审及验证;QA dept

5、are resp on sible to gather and collect review and validati on总经理/管理者代表批准持续改进项目的立项及提供支持。Gen eral Man ager /ma nageme nt represe ntatives are resp on sible to approve the sett ing of items and provide support程序内容 Procedure content培训和资格Trai ning and qualificati on文件名称:Document Title:持续改进管理程序Management

6、 procedure for continuousimprovement文件状态DOC. Status文件编号版本修订页号Doc. No.: COP023Issue: 03Rev: 01Page 2 of 41持续改进相关管理人员须经过本程序的培训。Man ageme nt releva nt with con ti nu ous improveme nt should be trained this procedure.7.2 持续改进的内容 Content of continuous improvement7.2.1计划外停机(生产设备发生故障而引起停机)时间的缩短;Reduce Mach

7、 ine suspe nsion (caused by equipme nt breakdow n) time out of pla n7.2.2设备安置、模具工装更换和机器调试时间(能否减少停机/更换时间);Equipment installation .moulds and die replacement and machine debugging time (can we reduce Mach ine suspe nsion /replaceme nt time)7.2.3生产周期过长;Product ion period is too long.7.2.4产品报废、返工和修理(分析产

8、品返工、返修和报废的原因,制订纠正和预防措施,提高产品 一次验收合格率,不断减少产品返工、返修和报废率,降低生产成本,提高经营效益 );Scrapping, rework and repair of products (analyze the causes, set corrective and preventive measures,promote satisfactory rate, reduce Scrapp in g, rework and repair, reduce producti on cost and promote man ageme nt profits)7.2.5场地使

9、用不合理;Irrati onal use of ground7.2.6人力和材料的浪费;Waste of huma n resource and material7.2.7质量成本过高;Quality cost is too high7.2.8产品搬运、储存过程存在改进的潜力(如:搬运频繁、储存过多);There exists potential in product conveying and preserving process (such as numerous conveying and too much stocks)7.2.9达到预期质量目标,确定可以再提高;We have rea

10、ched expecta nt quality goal but we can get better.7.2.10其它改进机会等(如来自员工的建议、财务状况报表等)Other improvi ng cha nee (such as suggesti on from pers onn el, finan cial con diti on reports, etc) 7.2.11 记录及文件管理 Management of records and docs7.3持续改进项目的提出及确定The presentation and identification of continuous improvi

11、ng items.7.3.1项目的提出The prese ntati on of items当过程显示稳定和达到可接收的制造能力时,或产品特性可以预测且满足顾客要求时,各相关OPI001-1/02-01文件名称:Document Title:持续改进管理程序Management procedure for continuousimprovement文件状态DOC. Status文件编号版本修订页号Doc. No: COP023Issue: 03Rev: 01Page 3 of 41部门/人员可以利用公司的质量方针、目标、计划、审核结果、数据分析、纠正和预防措施以 及管理评审,来持续改进质量管理

12、体系的有效性。如认为有进行持续改进的需要,可提出持续改进项目,并填写持续改进建议书,对需改进的项目进行明确的描述(包括改进的内容、 改进所要达到的目标、改进所采取的方法/技术等),报品质部。也可以以合理化建议的方式来提出 持续改进项目,合理化建议由品质部统一收集。csWhen process shows stable and reaches acceptable manu facture capacity or product characteristi meet customer Bequireme nts ,releva nt depts./pers onnel can main tai

13、n validity of quality management system by quality policy ,goal ,plan ,censoring results ,data analysis ,corrective and preve ntive measures and man ageme nt review .we can bring forward continu ous improvi ng items and fill improving suggestion letter and describe items that need to be improved (in

14、cluding conten t ,goal ,method /tech nique of improveme nt ) and report to QA dept whe n we think it n ecessa to do con ti nu ous improveme nt. We can also bring forward continu ous impro ving items by rati onal suggesti ons. Ratio nal suggesti ons are collected by QA dept.7.3.2 确定项目 Identification

15、of items品保部及时收集、按期汇总、组织评审并确定是否立项(总经理/管理者代表批准)。持续改进计划的制订及实施制订年度持续改进计划一旦公司确定立项,则品保部负责制订该项目的详细实施计划,确定责任部门及参与部门/人员,并尽可能量化其指标QA dept gather ,collect and organize review and identify whether we should set items or not (approved by gen eral man ager /ma nageme nt represe ntatives )once compa ny decide to s

16、et items, QA dept are responsible to set detailed enforcing plan for the items and identify responsible depts. and atte nding depts. pers onnel and qua ntify its target.7.3.3 项目实施 enforcement of items品保部将计划下发有关部门/人员,其负责按计划执行。当项目涉及多个部门或有必要协调时, 品保部负责牵头,(或视需要)成立持续改进推进小组将活动完成。QA dept distribute pla n to

17、 releva nt depts. /pers onnel and they carry out in accorda nee with it. QA dept lead and set up continuous improvement team to finish the activities when the item invoIves operatio n of many depts. And it n eeds cooperati on.7.3.4持续改进活动的跟踪及验证跟踪The follow-up of continu ous improveme nt and validati

18、on在活动进行的各个阶段,品保部负责跟踪计划的实施,并按计划规定的时间向公司报告进展情 况;如未达到预期效果,应责成责任部门分析其原因并进行改进至项目结束验证项目完成后, 品保部组织有关人员进行最终验证,并对该项目的有效性进行评价,将评价结果通报公司,并得到管理层支持。如评价结果显示无效或效果不明显时,应重新制定持续改进计划(按上述程序进行)。During every phase of activities ,QA dept are responsible to follow up the enforcement of plan and report developing condition

19、in accordance with stipulated time .if they haven rbached expectant OPI001-1/02-01文件名称:Document Title:持续改进管理程序Management procedure for continuousimprovement文件状态DOC. Status文件编号版本修订页号Doc. No: COP023Issue: 03Rev: 01Page 4 of 41effect ,QA dept ask responsible depts. For the reason and make improvement u

20、ntil the item is over and validati on is fini shed .QA dept orga nize releva nt pers onnel do final validati on and evaluate validity of the items and report the results to company and obtain support from management. QA dept re-set continuous improving plan if evaluation result shows it ineffective or there is no obvious effect.7.47.5奖励措施 Encouragement measures任何员工可对公司运行的全过程,包括对工程设计、产品改良、工艺改良、质量管理等方面提 出详细的分析、改善方案。由改善管理小组进行初期评审,后期考证,对于持续改进效果明显 的项目,公司给予一定的物质和精神奖励。Company will give some substance and spirit Encouragement for conti


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