1、 品质管理(be) qualfied, up to grade合格3B 模具正式投産前確認 5M Man/Machine/Material/Method/Measurement 人力 / 機器 / 材料 / 方法 / 量測5S 整理 / 整頓 / 清掃 / 清潔 / 教養 5WIH When/Where/Who/What/Why/How to 何時 / 何地 / 誰 / 何事 / 為什麼 / 怎麼做7QCTools 7 Quality Controls Tools 品管七大手法8 disciplines 8項回復內容 abnormal handling異常處理 ACC Accept 允收 ac
2、ceptance = receive驗收 ADM Absolute Dimension Measurement全尺寸測量 AIR Artical Inspection reportAOD Accept On Deviation 特采 AOQ Average Output Quality平均出廠品質 AOQL Average Output Quality Level 平均出廠品質水準 APP Approve 核准,認可,承認 AQL Acceptable Quality Level 允收品質水準 AR Averary Range全距平均值 Bending軟體導入C=0 Critical=0 極嚴
3、重不允許 CAR Corrective action request 改正行動要求 改正報告CP capability index 製造能力指數 CPK capability index of process 模具制程能力參數 CR Critical 極嚴重的 defective product/non-good parts不良品 defective products不良品 DFR Defect Failure RateNG Not Good 不良,不合格 No. Number 數 (號)OOBA out of box audit 開箱檢查 OQA output quality assuran
4、ce 出貨品質保證 OQC output quality control 最終出貨品管 ORT On going Reliability QualitP/O Waive Purchase Order WaivePacking包裝PDCA Plan/ Do /Check /Action 計劃/ 執行/ 檢查/ 總結 POC passage quality control 段檢人員 PPM Parts Per Million 百萬分之一 Product Control ListQ/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品質/可靠度/服務 QA quality assura
5、nce 質量保證 QAN Quality Ameliorate Notice 品質改善活動 QC quality control 品管 QC Quality Control 品管 QC Quality System 品質系統 QC Section品管科 QCC Quality Control Circle 品質圈 QE quality engineering 品質工程 QFD quality function deployment 品質機能展開 QI Quality Improvement 品質改善 QIT Quality Improvement Team品質改善小組 QP Quality P
6、olicy 目標方針 QT Quality Target 品質目標 quality品質 R Range 全距 REE Reject 拒收 RMA Return Material Audit 退料認可 RQT Reliability Quality TestS I-S IV Special I-Special IV 特殊抽樣水準等級 S/S Sample size 抽樣檢驗樣本大小 SPC Statistical Process Control 統計制程管制 SQC Statistical Quality Control 統計品質管制 SSQA standardized supplier qua
7、lity 合格供應商品質評估 TQC total quality control 全面品質管理 TQM Total Quality Management全面品質管理 UAI Use As It 特采UCL Upper Central Limit 管制上限 ZD Zero Defect 零缺點 ZD Zero Defect 零缺點 Down Load Box轉接盒FA final audit 最終稽核 FAA first article assurance 首件確認 FAI first article inspection 首件檢查 FC Function checkFMEA failure m
8、odel effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析 FPIR First Piece Inspection Report首件檢查報告FQC final quality control 最終品管 FREQ Frequency 頻率 good product , accepted goods, accepted parts, good parts良品 GRR Gauge Reproducibility & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重測性判斷量可靠與否 IPQC in process quality control 制程中品管 IQC incoming quali
9、ty control 進料品質管制 Japanese Industrial Standard日本工業規格 (JIS)LCL Lower Central Limit 管制下限 LQL Limiting Quality Level 最低品質水準LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率 MAJ Major 主要的 MAX Maximum 最大值 MIL-STD Military-Standard 軍用標準 MIN Minimum 最小值 MIN Minor 輕微的 MRB Material Reject Bill 退貨單 下一頁 上一頁 22.檢驗量測工具用語autocollimator 自動
10、准直機bench comparator 比長儀 block gauge塊規bore check精密小測定器 calibration 校準caliper gauge 卡規 check gauge 校對規clearance gauge 間隙規 clinoretee 測斜儀comparator 比測儀 cylinder square 圓筒直尺depth gauge 測深規 dial indicator針盤指示表dial snap gauge 卡規 digital micrometer 數位式測微計feeler gauge測隙規 gauge plate量規定位板height gauge測高規 insi
11、de calipers 內卡鉗inside micrometer 內分厘卡 interferometer 干涉儀leveling block平臺 limit gauge限規micrometer測微計 mil 千分之一寸monometer 壓力計 morse taper gauge 莫氏錐度量規nonius /caliper遊標卡尺 optical flat 光學平晶optical parallel 光學平行 pass meter 內徑儀position scale位置刻度 profile projector輪廓光學投影儀protractor 分角器 radius 半徑ring gauge 環規
12、 sine bar 正弦量規snap gauge 卡模 square master 直角尺stylus 觸針 telescopic gauge 伸縮性量規working gauge 工作量規 23.學理實驗與試驗用語 air permeability test 透氣性試驗austenitic steel 沃斯田鐵鋼 brinell hardness test 布氏硬度試驗 charpy impact test 夏比衝擊試驗conical cup test圓錐杯突試驗 cup flow test 杯模式流動度試驗dart drop impact test 落錘衝擊試驗 Elmendorf tes
13、t 埃羅門多撕裂強度試驗environmental stress cracking test 環境應力龜裂試驗 ericessen test埃留伸薄板拉伸試驗falling ball impact test落球衝擊試驗 fatigue test 疲勞試驗23.學理實驗與試驗用語 ferrite 純鐵體gantt chart 甘特圖heat cycle test 熱迴圈試驗 histogram 柱狀圖hot bend test 熱彎試驗 izod impact test 埃左德衝擊試驗loop tenacity 環結強度 martens heat distortion temperature t
14、est 馬頓斯耐熱試驗 mullen bursting strength tester 密廉式破裂強度試驗機 nol ring test 諾爾環試驗normal distribution 常態分配 ozone resistance test 抗臭氧試驗pareto diagram 柏拉圖 peeling test 剝離試驗pinhole test 針孔試驗機 rattler test 磨耗試驗rockweel hardness 洛氏威爾硬度rockweel hardness test 洛氏硬度試驗 rolinx process 羅林克斯射出壓縮成形法 rossi-peakes flow tes
15、t 羅西皮克斯流動試驗sampling inspection 抽樣檢查 scratch hardness 抗刮硬度shore hardness 蕭氏硬度 spiral flow test 螺旋流動試驗surface abrasion test 表面磨耗試驗 taber abraser 泰伯磨耗試驗機tensile impact test 拉伸衝擊試驗 tensile strength 抗拉強度tension test 張力試驗 thermal shock test 冷熱劇變試驗torsion test 扭曲試驗 ubbelohde viscometer 烏別洛德黏度計vicat indenta
16、tion test 維卡針壓陷試驗 Vickers hardness test 維氏硬度試驗warpage test 翹曲試驗 weatherometer 人工老化試驗機weissenberg effect威森伯格回轉效應 下一頁 上一頁 24.業務與貿易關連用語 accept order 接受訂貨 account 帳戶 after service 售後服務 agent sale總代理商 annual sales 周年大拍賣 at sight 見票即付 attached附件 balance 餘額 bank draft 匯票 bargain goods 廉價品 batch 批次 bid 出價 b
17、id sales 投標買賣 bill of landing 提單 bills receivable 應收票據 brand 品牌 bulk cargo 散裝貨 business transaction 商業交易 buyer 買方 carbon copy 打字副本 cargo collection 攬貨 cash in advance 預付現金 catalogue 型錄 cheque 支票 claim 索賠 clearance goods 清倉品 24.業務與貿易關連用語 CLF 運費保險費在內價格 commision 傭金 commission 批發商 complain 抱怨 container
18、 貨櫃 correspondence bank 往來銀行 cost 成本 cost and freight; C&F 含運費價格 custom broker 報關行 customer 客戶 D/A 承兌交單 D/P 付款交單 deferred payment 分期付款 deferred shipment 分期裝運 delivery on spot 當場交貨 delivery order 交貨單 delivery time 交期 discount 折扣 discount on draft貼現 documentary draft 跟單匯票 down payment 訂金 enclosure 附件
19、endorsement 背書 enquete 調查 exhibition 展覽會 export 出口 factory visiy 工廠參觀 favourable price 合宜價格 foreign exchange 外匯 free on board 船上交貨價 idea price 希望價格 import 進口 invoice 發票 L/C 信用狀 margin 利潤 market 市價 net weight 淨重 no paymentodd item offer offer sheetopen account order over looked packing pamphlet parti
20、al shipment patent paying price payment method port of destination port of trans-shipment price price descending price rising procurement prompt delivery purchase purchasing agent quotation rebate reference remittance repeat order request letter RFQ Request For Quotationrumor sample order second han
21、d goods shipment shipper shipping shipping mark sold out special discount特別折扣 specification 規格 standing 信用情形 storage charge 倉租 subcontract 外包 subject to final confirmation 有待確認之報價 supplier 供應商T/T 電匯 tie-in sale搭售 trade fair 商展會 transferred 已轉運 trans-shipment 轉運 wharf 碼頭 25.電腦關連用語 3D modeling 三次元類比ac
22、cess 通路 application 應用 board 基板bug 故障 bus 匯流排CAD 電腦輔助設計 CAE Computer AID Engineering 電腦輔助工程分析CAM Computer AID Manufacturing 電腦輔助製造 cassette 卡座CD Compact Disk 光碟 color display 彩色顯示器 command 指令communication 通信 compact 精簡小型computer 電腦 copy 複製CPU Central Processing Unit 中央處理器 cursor 游標 curve modeling 曲面
23、類比database資料庫 design 設計digitizing 數位化 disk 磁碟dot 點 E-MAIL Electrical-Mail電子郵件 eyelet 眼孔FDD Floppy Disk Drive 軟碟機 floppy 磁碟片 format 格式化graphic 圓解 hardware 硬體HDD Hard Disk Drive 硬碟機 honeycomb 蜂巢 interface 介面know how 秘訣 laser printer 雷射印表機lay out 佈置 memory 記憶memory swap 交換記憶 microprocessor modeling mod
24、ule monitor mouse need network new version on line option PC plotter program scanning simulation software solid model system tape solid model system tape terminal trim venter word processor 26.其 它3C Computer , Commumcation , Consumer electronics 消費性電子 4M1H Man/Material/Money/Method/Time 人力 / 物力 / 財務
25、 / 技術 / 時間(資源) A.S.A.P As Sooner As Possible越快愈好 A/C Accountant Dept 會計部 ABIOS Achanced Basic in put/output system 先進的基本輸入/輸出系統 abrasive 砂輪 administration/general affairs dept總務部 allround die holder通用模型 AM Ante Meridian 上午 amendment 修正 animation 卡通影片 application form for purchase請購單 Application stat
26、us records of year-end physical inventory List and physical inventory card 年終盤點卡與清冊使用狀況明細表 approval examine and verify審核 ASSY Assembly 裝配,組裝 ATTN Attention 知會 B/M Boar/Molding(flat cable) bill name單據名稱 blank and waste sheet NO. 空白與作廢單號 BOM Bill Of Material 物料清單 BS Brain storming 腦力激盪 C/P Connector o
27、f PC C/T Cycle Time 制程周期 CAD Computer Aid Design 電腦輔助設計 cause analysis原因分析 cause description原因說明 CC Carbon Copy 副本複印相關人員 CD-ROM Compact Disk Read-Only Memory 唯讀光碟 chairman主席 check point 查核點checked by檢驗 CMOS Complemeruary Metoll Oxide Semiconductor 互補金屬氧化物半導體 conclusion結論 CONN Connector 連接器 DC Docume
28、nt Center 資料中心 decision items決議事項 department部門 description敍述difference quantity差異量 DIMM Dual in-line Memory Module 雙項導通匯流元件 disposed goods / disposed products處理品 distribution department分發單位 document folder文件夾 DT Desk Top 臥式(機箱) DVD Digital Video Disk DWG Drawing 圖ECN Engineering Change Notes 工程變更通知E
29、CO Engineering Change Order 工程改動要求end-user/using unit(department)使用單位 ES Engineering Standardization 工程標準 ESD Electric-static Discharge F/C Flat Cablefile folderfiled by accounting department for referencefinished productsGS General Specification I/O Input/Output IC Integrated Circuit IE Industrial
30、Engineering IS Inspection Specification ISO International Standard Organization item/group/classIWS International Workman Standard JIT Just In Time L/T Lead Time LAB Laboratory LCD Liquid Crystal Display LED Light-Emitting Diode liaisonLMC Least Material Condition LMS Least Material Sizelocationmate
31、rialsMC Material Control MCA Micro Channel Architecture meeting minutes會議記錄 meeting type 會別 (會議類別) MMC Maximum Material Condition 最大材料條件MMS Maximum Material Size 材料最大尺寸Model機種MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 製造品質保證 MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需計劃 MT Mini-Tower 立式(機箱) MTL Material 材料 N/A Not
32、 Applicable 不適用 not included in physical inventory不列入盤點 notes附帶說明 obsolete material呆滯品 OC Operation System 作業系統 OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原設備製造 OK 好 on way location在途倉 on-hand inventory現有庫存 oversea location海外倉 P&P Plans & Procedure P/A Personal & Administration 人事行政部 P/M Product Market 産品市場
33、 packing materials包材 PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷電路板 PCE Personal Computer Enclosure 個人電腦外設 PCE assembly production schedule sheet 組裝廠生産排配表 PCN Process Change Notice 工序改動通知 PD Product Department生産部 PDA Personal Digital Assistant 個人數位助理 PE Product Engineering 産品工程部 performance 動作性能 physical count qua
34、ntity帳面數量 physical inventory盤點數量 PM Post Meridian 下午 PMC Production & Material Control 生産和物料控制 PMP Product Management Plan 生産管制計劃 PPC Production Plan Control 生産計劃控制 pre-fixed finishing date預定完成日 prepared by製表 present members出席人員 production control confirmation生産確認 production tempo生産進度現狀 PS Package S
35、pecification 包裝規範 QTY Quantity 數量 quantity of customs count 會計師盤,點數量 quantity of physical invetory second count 複盤點數量 R&D Research & Design 設計開發部 REF Reference 僅供參考 remark備註 responsible department負責單位 REV Revision RFI Read Frequency Input S/T Standard Time sampleSECC SECC second checksecond count se
36、mi-finished productSGCC SGCC SIMM Single in-line memory module SIP Specification In Process SOP Standard Operation Procedure spare parts physical inventory listspare parts=bufferSPEC Specification SPS Switching power supply SQA Strategy Quality Assurance SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance stoc
37、k age analysis sheet subjectsummary of year-end physical inventory bills T/P True Position TBD To Be Discuss the first pageThis sheet and physical inventory list will be sent to accounting department and financial department) to put file in order整理資料 total合計 TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生産保養 T
38、YP Type 類型 VCD Video Compact Disk VS 以及 W/H Wire Harness 金屬線緒束集元件 warehouse/hub倉庫 waste materials廢料 WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出貨需求 witness line證示線 work in progress product在製品 work order工作指令 year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年終盤點差異分析表 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu
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