1、Teaching Plan for Unit 5Course: College EnglishInstructorModuleUnit 5 A The Battle Against AIDSB The Last Dive at the OlympicsTime180 mTeaching Aids:Multi-mediaTeaching Objective1. To help the students have a good understanding of how to prote( ourselves aga inst AIDS2. To help the students grasp th
2、e usages of some important words, phrases and expressi ons in the unit3. To enable the students to analyze the structure of the passages sthis un it;4. To introduce the basic reading skills of this unit: Looking for major details of a paragraph, in order for the students to un dersta nd it clearly5.
3、 To help the students master how to develop a paragraph of a gen eral stateme nt supported by a problem-soluti on patter n.Chief Points & Difficult Points1. Get the main idea of the passage.2. Master some useful expressions & sentence structures in the passage.3. Understand the structure of the text
4、.PrerequisitesBefore coming for class, students should1. Identify some important words for the topic.2. Scan the text for main ideas.3. Visit library to research about information concerning the unit.Teaching MethodsThe mixture of liste ning, speak ing, readi ng, practici ng and writ ingReference Bo
5、oksTeacher s Book of New Horizon College EnglishLon gma n Dictio nary of Con temporary En glish (En glish-Ch in ese)Oxford Adva need Lear ners En glish-Chi nese Dictio naryLon gma n Dicti onary of America n En glishTeaching ContentsTime AllotmentnSection AI. Warm-up Activity1. Topic Discussioni. Stu
6、de n Discussi onii. Teachers Summary2. Questions on the Topic and the PassageII. Backgro und In formati onIII. Text Structure An alysisIV. Structured WritingV. Detailed Study of the Text1. Words and Phrases Study2. Language PointsVI. Text Summary1. StudentsPresentation2. TeachersSummaryVII . After-t
7、ext A ExercisesSection BI. Readi ng SkillII. Warm-up Activity1. Topic Discussion2. Questions on the Topic and the PassageIII. Text Structure An alysisIV. Text Study1. Paragraph Meaning2. Words and Phrases Study3. Language Points4. Summary or Main Idea of the Passagei. Stude ntsPrese ntati onii. Teac
8、hers SummaryV. New Words DictationVI. After-text B ExercisesVII . Supplementary Exercises15 m5 m10 m5 m50 m5 m30 m5 m10 m5 m20 m5 m15 mAssignments1. Hand in the homework-books.2. Finish the other after-text A & B exercises after class.3. Supplement More Exercisesi. English-Chinese Translation (5 sen
9、tencesii. Chinese-English Translation (10 sentences4. Preview Unit 6Unit 5Section A The Battle Against AIDSI. Warm-up Activity1. Topic Discussioni. Students Discussion1) Does AIDS mean death? Nearly all the people infected with the AIDS virus will die. No cure for AIDS up to now.2) Is it dangerous t
10、o make any contact with AIDS patients? No. HIV spreads only in limited ways and can be prevented through informed and mature behavior. The AIDS virus is transmitted in three basic ways: (1) contact with infected blood; (2) sex; (3) mother-to-child.3) What groups of people in China are at high risk?S
11、ex workers; the“ floati ng populatiOnave no” drug users; blood donors.ii. Teachers SummaryHIV and AIDS is one of the biggest social, economic and health challenges in the world. Since 1981, AIDS has spread to the whole world, killing millions of people. The virus cannot be seen; it spreads with frig
12、htening speed. No known cure exists. It is an enemy that knows no national limits. Despite all the efforts from governments, non-profit organizations and healthcare workers around the world, AIDS is still having huge global impact. Lets become soldiers together in an international army to help win t
13、he war against AIDS.2. Questions on the Topic and the Passage1) Why does the AIDS Education Network operate programs out of beauty shop? Less materialis consumed and more contact with people.2) What are the benefits of the“AIDS Buster”program?It provides chances for teenagers to understand “ AIDS”,
14、slows the fast AIDS spreading among teenagers, and shortens the generation gap between parents and teenagers.3) Is the lady really safe from AIDS if she is married and doesnt use drugs?No. Everyone is at risk and all of us have a right to protect ourselves regardless of marriage status.4) Why is the
15、 AIDS education the only effective measure to fight against Aids by now?Because there is no effective way for AIDS cure available till now.5) Why is the combat against AIDS an undeclared war? While we feel uncomfortable to tackle AIDS, it has threatened the lives of a whole generation.II. Background
16、 Information1. AIDS: AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, is a diseasewhich destroys the natural method the body uses to protect against other diseases. It is a disease caused by the HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), but AIDS is different from HIV in that the former usually causes death whil
17、e HIV may lead to AIDS. HIV is spread in three ways: (1) contact with infected blood; (2) sex; (3) mother-to-child. AIDS usually develops in four stages: (1) In the first stage, there is only infection by HIV and antibody (抗体) production. (2) In the second stage, the lymph nodes (淋巴结) enlarge (肿大) (
18、3) In the third stage, an infected person may begin to have such signs (症状) as tiredness, fever, and night sweats. (4) In the last stage, AIDS is diagnosed when a person develops certain un com mon, life-threate ning ill nesses, for example Pn eumocystis cari nii pn eum oni卡氏 肺囊虫肺炎 )2. Latino (pl. L
19、atinos):Latino (pl. Latinos) is the name given to Hispanic American citizens in the United States who share the Spanish language in common but may be from different races or religions and different Spanish speaking countries. Latinos are the fastest growing group in the U.S. and expected to more tha
20、n double in size by 2020.3. HIV: HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus. This is the virus that spreads through contact with infected blood, infected sexual partners or within the womb of an infected pregnant mother. After infecting a person, HIV can remain hidden in the body for long and different
21、 periods of time until it becomes active and develops into AIDS for which no known cure exists. The virus spreads very fast once contact has been made with an infected source.4. The Federal Government: The federal government in the United States is a national republic whose members are elected to ho
22、ld office for a limited period of time by citizens over 18 years of age. This republic has an elected president who is head of the nation as well as head of the federal or national government.5. A State Government: A state government is the political structure that includes an area of land, citizens
23、, and an elected governing body with the right to control and change all powers within the state that are not given by constitution to the federal government. Fifty state governments exist in the United States.6. A beauty Shop: A beauty shop is a business place where women go“to have their hairdone,
24、 ” washed, curled, colored, etc., or their fingernails or skin treated. The shop sellsthe thought of beauty. A client should feeml/oloreokbeautiful after a visit to the beauty shop. Women who use such shops often have weekly appointments.7. Some Terms:Homosexual adj. sexually attracted only to peopl
25、e of the same as oneself. Gayi s a term often used to refer to homosexual men. Lesbiani sa term often used to refer to homosexual women. Coming outrefers to those people who are homosexual.Outingis the publicizing by others about a persons homosexualitya,nedither to tryget them discriminated against
26、 in some way, or to gain status for homosexuals groups by showing that prominent people of good reputation are homosexual. Outingcan have severe effects on a person lisfe, ranging from verbal abuse to loss of job or accommodation, and even to being severely bashed or worse. It is important to be awa
27、re if people are publiclyout. The fact that we learn of someonesexual preference, does not mean it is appropriate to tell others. Homophobiais the fear, revulsion, and hatred of homosexuals.III. Text Structure AnalysisFor this unit, particular attention should be focused on the problem-solution patt
28、ern. One structure analysis of Paragraphs 8 and 9 is presented in studentbsook. In these two paragraphs, the problem-solution pattern is to support a general statement“:Speaking to your community in a way they can hear”. Then the writer goes on to tell us why we should speak to the community in a wa
29、y they can hear. It is because there is a problem of a low literacy rate, which makes reading our AIDS literature impossible. To solve the problem, it is necessaryto ask people who can draw well in the community to create low-literacy AIDS education publication. Another structure analysis is made in
30、 students exercise for Paragraph 10, which is organized in exactly the same pattern.An analysis of the whole text structureThe passage can be roughly divided into three parts.Part One (Para.1-2): This part tells us about the background and the present situation about the problem of AIDS.Part Two (Pa
31、ra. 3-13): It is the major part of the article, telling us the current battle against AIDS. In place of government inactivity in face of the rapid spreading of AIDS, a number of local organizations operate effective AIDS educational programs combating the growing number of AIDS cases. From their pra
32、ctice, they find a solution that education represents the only safe measure to guard against the virus since there is not a cure for AIDS.Part Three (Para. 14): It emphasizes the importance of the battle against AIDS and it concludes that the battle against AIDS is an undeclared war that everyone mu
33、st sign up for in order for us to win.IV. Structure WritingA general statement supported by a problem-solution patternThe problem-solution is one of the most common patterns we have in writing. The basic structure of the pattern is situation-problem-solution-evaluation. There are some possible diffe
34、rences in the pattern but the basic parts are problems and solutions.We may pay some attention to the organizational words or phrases that are often used in this pattern. “The problem”or “the question”is often used to introduce a problem.“To solve” and fhe solution” are often used to introduce the s
35、olution while the result or “as a resul”t is often used for result, effect or evaluation.(Turn to P. 116 and do the Exercise XII)V. Detailed Study of the TextWords & Phrases StudyNew Words1. acquirevt. 1) get or gain someth in報得,获得,Rece ntly, he acquired a house n ear our schoo最近他在学校附近买了一所房子。 What d
36、id they acquire when they were living in America ?他们在美国生活时都得 到些什么?2) learn or develop (a skill, habit, or quality) 学到(知识等),培养(技能) How to acquire such a large quantity of knowledge is a difficult issue. 如何获得大量知识是一个难题。I have acquired a taste for whisky. 我养成了喝威士忌的习惯。2. immune: (be immune to something)a
37、dj. 1) safe from a disease or ill ness because one cannot be affected by免疫的,They were naturally immune to hepatitis. 他们生来对乙肝有免疫力。2) not affected by something 不受影响的,No one is immune to his imme nse charm .无人不受他巨大魅力的影响。He could not be immune to his fathers death. 他父亲的死对他产生了很大影响。3. deficiencyn. 1) the
38、state of hav ing none or not eno ugh of不足,缺乏Although there are a lot of deficiencies, it remains his most powerful play. 尽管有诸 多缺点,这也是他最有影响的剧本。2).lack of a necessary quality; fault 缺陷,毛病She canthide her deficie ncies as a writer.她无法掩盖她身为作家的不足之处。The deficiencies in the system soon became obvious. 这种制度
39、的缺陷不久就变得很明显。4. diagnose: vt. find out what ill ness some one has by exam ining them 诊断The doctor diag no sed his con diti on as can cer医 生诊断他为癌症。 扩展 diagnose sb.with + 疾病 (常用被动语态 ):The woma n is diag no sed with diabetes.那 个女人被确诊患了糖尿病。 diagnose + illness/someone snconadsiti+o 疾病The doctor diag no se
40、d the ill ness as can cer医 生诊断此病为癌症。 He was diagnosed as Aid.s 他被诊断为艾滋病。5. infectvt. 1) cause some one to have a diseas感 染People with this virus may infect others. 带有这种病毒的人有可能会传染他人。2) affect; influence 影响His words may infect with an idea for a Japan tour. 他的话会让你产生去日本旅行 的想法。His mother infects everyon
41、e with her kindness. 他母亲用她的善良感染了每一个 人。扩展be infected with: make some one get a disea感染(疾病)Your chances of being infected with SARS will increase if you fail to guard against some risk factors如果你忽视了一些危险因素,你感染非典”的机率就会增大。The blood test showed that the man was infected with the HIV virus. 血液检查表 明这个男子染上了艾
42、滋病病毒。6. constitute vt. form something from parts 组成Twelve mon ths con stitute a year.十二个月组成一年。How many stude nts con stitute your study group?你们学习小组由多少人组成?7. alarmvt. 1) cause sudde n fear or worry 使惊恐,使担心The government was alarmed by an outbreak of unrest. 政府对突发的骚乱感到担 忧。Since small earthquakes are
43、so com mon here, they don t alarm peop 这very much.个地方小地震很常见,大家对地震都不感到惊慌。n. 2) an an xious aware ness of dange 惊慌,警戒The boat tilted and the boatmen cried out in alarm.小舟倾斜,船员们惊恐的叫了起 来。He views the right-wing upsurge in Europe with alarm. 他惊慌地关注着欧洲右翼势 力的高涨。3) alarm bell, alarm clock : a piece of equip
44、ment that warns people about danger, the time 报警器,闹钟 扩展 alarming adj. full of worry 令人惊恐的,令人担心的Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate. 我们的乡村正以令人惊 的速度消失。8. implementvt. carry out or put certain decisions into practice 实施,执行They are talking about the plan to implement student l o a n s .他
45、们在讨论实行学生贷 款计划。The government promised to implement a plan to control pollution. 政府承诺实施新 的计划来控制污染。n. a tool, utensil, or other piece of equipment ,especially as used for a particular purpose 工具,器具 agricultural implements 农具9. organizationn. a group of people with a special purpose 扩展 What do the foll
46、owing initials mean?WHOWorld Health Organization 世界卫生组织OPECOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization 北约FAOFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations联合国粮农组织UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织10
47、. emerge vi. appear or come out from somewhere浮现,出现The sun emerged from behi nd a clou(太 阳从云朵后钻了出来。 It later emerged that the driver of the car had been drunken.事后人们得知 ,这个汽车驾驶员是喝醉酒了11. networkn. 1) a group of people that are conn ected or work together 际关系网,联络网 He has a large n etwork of believers w
48、ho are support ing him 他有很多信徒支持他。 Stude nts should learn how to develop n etwork.学生应该学习如何培养人际关系。2) a system of lin es, wires, roads, that are conn ected to each oth网络 Network brings people convenience and trouble.网络给人类带来了方便和问题。12. combatvt. take actio n to stop somethi ng bad or harmful 与斗争The gover
49、nment made effort to combat drug trafficking. 政府努力打击毒品买卖。 Measures to combat pollutio n in the city have bee n in troduced 市 里已经采取了措施 来防治污染。A conference will be held on how to combat pollution of the oceans. 将召开一次会 议,讨论如何防治海洋污染。n. fighting, esp. during a war 战斗Five Hurrica nes were shot dow n in com
50、bat.五架飓风式战斗机在战斗中被击落。 Pilots re-en acted the aerial combats of last yea飞行员们重演了去年的空战。13. resourcen. someth ing that can be used to in crease wealth or help achieve something?源 China is famous for its abundant resources.中 国以它丰富的物产著称。 Resources are quite importa nt for the developme nt of a n atioi资源对一个
51、国家的发 展极为重要。 近义辨析 resource, sourcesource: n. the original place来源Where is the source of such a large sum of money? 这一大笔钱的来源是什么? Where is the source of the Nile? 尼罗河发源于何处 ?14. creative ducing new ideas or things 创造性的,有创造力的Children should be allowed to develop creative abilities as well as acade
52、mic abilities. 应该让孩子们在学习能力上和创造能力上都有所发展。One of the important qualities for a writer is creative. 对于作家来说重要的品质之 一是要有创造性。 扩展 creatively adv. in a creative way 创造性地,Power can be used creatively and destructively权利的使用可以是创造性也可以 是破坏性。There is much room to express yourself creatively. 你有很大余地创造性地表现 自己。15. edu
53、cational adj. connected with education 教育的,与教育有关的;She was a leading publisher of educational books and software. 她是教育类书籍和 软件方面的大出版商。She con tributed a lot to our educatio nal career 她为教育事业贡献了很多。16. client n. someone who pays for the services or advice of a professional person ororganization 客户,顾客She
54、 can t come to the teleph one; she s serv她g不能来接电话,她正在接 待一位顾客。Doctors should be patient to their clients. 医生应该对他的病人很耐心。17. publicationn. 1) somethi ng published, such as a book or magaz in出版物He is responsible for scientific publication in the publishing house. 他在出版社负责 科学出版物。The famous writers have a
55、lot of publications in his whole life. 这位有名的作家一 生有很多著作。2) the act of making something known to the public; the process of getting something published 公布,发表,出版The publication of her first novel was a great success. 他的第一部小说的出版取得 了巨大的成功。18. appointment n. an arrangement for a meeting at an agreedtime a
56、nd place for aparticular purpose 约会,约定You should make an appointment in advanee你应该提前预约。I have an appointment with my client tonight. 今晚我和我的客户有个约会。19. educate vt. teach or train some one especially at schoo教 育,培训Youn gsters must be educated about dan ger of drug 年轻人应该接受毒品危害的教 育。What we are trying to
57、do is to educate young people to be responsible citizens. 我们正在努力做的是把年轻人教育成负责任的公民。20. literacyn. the ability to read and write 有文化,识字Local politicians and educators have started together to improve the literacy rate of the nati on当地政要和教育家联合起来着手提高当地人识字比率。Computer literacy is essential. 计算机技能是必需的。 近义辨析 literal, literary, literate literaladj. 1) tak ing words in their usual or most basic sense without metaphor or allegory字面 的dreadful in its literal sense, full of dread 真的可怕级了,可怕级了2) free from exaggeration or distortion 如实的,不夸张的You shouldn t take this as a literal record of eventg尔不应该把它当成
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