已阅读5页,还剩45页未读 继续免费阅读




1、外研版三起小学英语五年级下册教案Module 1Unit 1 We lived in a small house. 学习目标 :1、掌握单词 : life, different, ago, any, television, us, grandchildren, lady.2、灵活运用句型 : There weren t any buses. We lived in a small house.There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house.教具: 单词卡片 ,教学挂图 ,录音机 教学程序:一. 揭示课题T: Today we a

2、re going to learn Module 1 Unit 1 We lived in a small house . First , lets look at the learning aims.二、课前热身Talking about: holiday and changing of you.三. 课文呈现与导入T: In the winter holiday, you had a lot of changes. Now you are older and cleverer .I am very glad to see your changes(. And write changingo

3、n t he blackboard. Tell students Everything is changing. No change, no) progresses.四. 课文教学1. 拿一些老照片给学生看并说 : Look, life was very different many years ago .But how was it different? Today, we will learn how to compare past and present life.2. 对话学习(1) 学生听第一遍录音 ,找也不认识的单词。Listen to the tape and underline

4、 the new words.(2) 学生听第二遍录音 ,跟读自己不认识的单词。Listen to the tape-recorder and read follow it .(3) 学生听第三遍录音的同时 ,T 把一些新单词写在黑板上 ,领读学生掌 握不好的词。示例 :life, different, ago, any, television, grandmother, grandfather(4) 听第四遍录音 ,学生跟读 .要求:边听边指 ,注意模仿语音语调。(5) 学生四人一组练习对话 ,五分钟后 ,看哪组同学的对话读得最流利。3. 学生活动。T 准备一些图片或实物 ,学生练习描述 .

5、并分组比赛哪个组回答的快。例 :一棵大树 ,一棵小树。There is a big tree, there is a small tree.They are different.一个空盒子 ,一个装了很多纸的盒子。There aren t any papers. There are lots of papers.五、总结及作业1. SummaryT: Today we have learnt “Howt o describe past and present life, review simple past tense and presente nse. ”2. Today s homewor

6、ka. Listen and read Unit1 three times, try to recite and act.b. Compare two photos and write differences.18Module 1Unit 2She didn t have a television.学习目标 :1. 掌握单词 : fire, radio, telephone, field, hope.2. 灵活运用句型 : She worked in the fields. She didn t have a television.3. 学习写信的格式4. 了解字母组合 ai, ay, al,

7、 au, ar, 在单词中常见的读音。 教具: 单词卡片 ,教学挂图 ,录音机教学程序:一. 揭示课题T: Today we are going to learn Module 1 Unit 2 She didn ht ave a television.First ,let s look at the learning aims.二、课文导入Yesterday, Lingling saw the programme about China, she missed her grandmother very much. So she writes a letter for Daming and t

8、ells about thatprogramme and her feeling.三课文教学1. 文章学习(1) 学生听第一遍录音 ,找出不认识的单词 .Listen to the tape and underline the new words.(2) 学生听第二遍录音 ,跟读自己不认识的单词 .Listen to the tape-recorder and read follow it .(3) 学生听第三遍录音思考以下问题 .a. What programme did Lingling watch last night?b. What was the old lady s life li

9、ke many years ago?c. Who does Lingling miss?(4) 听第四遍录音后学生讨论上述问题 ,并派选手参加每个问题的抢答 .在 抢答的同时 ,T 把一些生单词写在黑板上 ,领读学生掌握不好的词 .(10 分钟 后看看哪个小组最棒 ,T 给获胜的小组加分 )。(5) 听第五遍录音 ,学生跟读 .要求:边听边指 ,注意模仿语音语调。2学生活动(1) 活动 1拿出单词卡 Television, radio, telephone, 让学生用 She didn ht ave / He didn t have/we didn 造t句 ha子ve。(1) 做游戏Put n

10、ine cards on the desk. Two students use cards to make dialogue.For example:A: Where was he/she seven days ago?B: He/She wasA: What did he/she do there?B: He/She 四. 语音学习1. T播放 SB Unit 2 活动 1的录音磁带 ,全班同学听并跟读。2. 学生一边听一边划线 ,一边说单词。3. T把单词 rain, play, all, autumn, star, party, warm, quarte贴r 到黑板上 ,一边 贴,学生一

11、边读。4. 学生跟据读音 ,找也发音规律 ,然后要求学生把这些单词照读音分组。 五.学唱歌1. 放第一遍录音 ,学生认真听。2. 放第二遍录音 ,每句一停 ,让学生重复。3. 边听边唱。Module 2Unit 1 She learnt English. 学习目标 :1、掌握单词 : learnt these dancer2、灵活运用句型 : She learnt English.Did she learn any foreign languages? He is learning English now.3、了解字母组合 ai, ay, al, au, ar, 在单词中常见的读音。 教具:单

12、词卡片 ,教学挂图 ,录音机 教学程序:一. 揭示课题T: Today we are going to learn Module 2 Unit 1She learnt English. First , let s look at the learning aims.二、热身复习: 用上节课学的句子 She didn t have 照句。三. 课文教学1. 文章学习(1) 学生听第一遍录音 ,找出不认识的单词。Listen to the tape and underline the new words.(2) 学生听第二遍录音 ,跟读自己不认识的单词。Listen to the tape-rec

13、order and read follow it .(3) 听第四遍录音 ,学生跟读 .要求:边听边指 ,注意模仿语音语调 2学生活动(1)活动 1 让学生三人一组 ,分别扮演对话中的 Linging , Amy 和 Sam.检测 :请学生将对话演出来 ,表演时可以离开座位自由对话 ,最后请自愿者 在全班同学面前表演。 (10 分钟后 ,比比看哪个小组表演的最棒 )(2) 活动 2 问题/回答Did you/he /sheY.e?s , I/she/he did. No, didn t.He is doingHave Ss look itgive some minutes to practis

14、e inpairs ,then act it out.Module 2Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher.学习目标 :1、掌握单词 : study hard retired2、灵活运用句型 : Mr Li was a teacher. He taught Chinese. Chen Hai is an English teacher. He s teaching Mr Li.3、了解字母组合 aw, air,ass 在单词中常见的读音。 教具:单词卡片、教学挂图、录音机 教学程序:一、揭示课题T: Today we are going to learn Module 2Uni

15、t 1 , first ,let s look at the learning aims.二、热身复习与课堂导入 1复习上节课学过的单词和句子 老师问: Did you learn English?学生回答: Yes, I did. 2老师让一名学生站在讲台的前面说以下:T: Ten years ago, I was a student . Now, I am a teacher. Ok, let to the text.三. 课文教学1. 学生活动让学生自己先读一遍课文,划出不认识的生词。出示单词卡,老师重点讲解生词带同学重复读生词。播放录音,学生听并跟读课文同桌相互朗读。2分组练习 二人一

16、组,分别扮演书中的老师和学生,用第一人称进行描述。例: Ten years ago, I was a teacher, I taught Chinese. Now, I am retired. I am learning English.Ten years ago, I was a student, I studied very hard. Now, I am an English teacher.3. 身体语言请两位同学到讲台前做读书,写字,跳舞的动作,老师问 What did he/she do? 学生回答 He/she read a book/danced/written.请两位同学上来

17、台上,一人作,一人说。四. 语音教学先让学生听一遍录音听第二遍并跟读学生自由读两分钟。将 draw, saw, chair, hair, class, pas这s 六个单词卡随意打乱贴在黑板上, 让 后进生先回答,优生补充。五学说韵律诗让学生打开书,看书上的图片,默读韵诗放一遍录音,学生认真听。 放第二遍录音,每行后停顿,让学生重复。把学生分成两个组, 第一组说第一和第三段, 第二组说第二和第四段 然 后互换角色。Module 3Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages学习目标 :1、掌握单词 : email sandwiches traditional delicio

18、us egg2、灵活运用句型 : What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?Shehad教具:单词卡片 ,教学挂图 ,录音机 教学程序:一、揭示课题T: Today we are going to learn Module 3Unit 1 . First , let s look at the learning aims.二、热身复习与课堂导入复习上节课学过的句子与单词后进行以下对话:T: What s your favourite food?S: My favourite food is T: I had bread this morning,

19、 what did you have?Ss: I had rice/milk/noodles T: We always have rice, noodles, and dumplings for meals. They are Chinese food. Doyou know English food?Ss: Talk about English food which they know.T: Tell the student Daming get an email from Lingling. It tasl k about English food. Now lets see what L

20、ingling introduc ewsr.i tTe htheen title.三、课文学习(1)新词教师出示 egg, email, sandwich, traditional, delicious等的图片及拼写卡片, 教他们读几遍后,自由读。 5 分钟后老师检测。(2)学生活动 打开课本听录音。听第一遍,让学生画出新单词以及食物的名词。解释 英国人吃的习惯。听第二 /三遍跟读。自由读 5 分钟。 听第四遍回答以下问题,并一起核查答案。What did Daming have got?What did Lingling have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?(3)

21、两人一组读第三段用第三段的句子分组对话Module 3Unit2 Sam ate six hamburgers学习目标 :1、掌握单词 : ate hamburger gave tonight2、灵活运用句型 : What did you eat/drink last night? I ate/drank 3、了解字母组合 ea, ee, ear,ere,ei的r 读音。 教具:单词卡片、教学挂图、录音机 教学程序:一、揭示课题T: Today we are going to learn Module 3Unit 2 , first ,let s look at the learning ai

22、ms.二、热身复习与课堂导入 复习上节课学过的句子与单词后进行以下对话:T: What did you have for breakfast this morning?Ss: I had T: What s your favourite food?Ss: My favouri te food is取出一个汉堡问学生“Doy ou like hamburger?”“ How many hamburgers can you eat?生回答后。教师说: Let s see how many hamburgers Sam can eat. 同时板书标题。三、课文学习(1)新词教师出示 hamburge

23、r, ate, gave, drank, tonight等的图片及拼写卡片,让学 生试着跟踞拼音读出来,教他们读几遍后,自由读。(2)学生活动打开课本听录音。听第一遍,让学生画出新单词听第二/三遍跟读。自由读 5分钟。听第四遍试着回答以下问题。Who ate hamburgers?Who had a sandwich?What is mum going to cook tonight?听第五遍,一起核查答案。(3)分组活动全班分成几组,教师出示有关食物的卡片,要求学生看到食物后马上造 句,哪组有一名学生先站起来,就算哪组先抢达到。抢到的小组每人要迅速 造一个句子,只要有一个成员没有完成造句,就

24、不得分,最后哪组抢达最多, 造句最多,教师发给每个成员一枚粘贴作为奖励。四学唱歌1. 放第一遍录音 ,学生认真听 .2. 放第二遍录音 ,每句一停 ,让学生重复 .3. 边听边唱.Module 4Unit 1 Let s make a home library.学习目标:1、能熟练运用 We can find information from books and CDs?的句型, 表演对话。2、听、说、读、写本课的单词 library find CDs bring use e-book wrong shelf 教学重点、难点: “四会”单词和会话表演 教具准备:单词卡片、挂图、录音机、粘贴 教

25、学程序:一、揭示课题T: Today we are going to learn Module 4Unit 1 first ,lets look at the learning aims.并能cardhome二、热身复习与课堂导入 复习上节课学过的句子与单词后进行以下对话: T: I need a book about English food. What can I do?Ss: You can buy the book.T: I can have it in the library. 学生可能不知道 library 这个词,这时教师板 书该单词,领读单词,请学生跟读。T: Ms Smart

26、的朋友寄来了一些书和 CD,它建议 Amy 和 Lingling 设立一 个家庭图书馆,我们一起来听听她们式怎样做的吧。三、课文学习 教师将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放课文录音,请学生边听边理解课文教师再次播放录音,请学生边听边用笔勾画出课文中的生词、短语以及 不熟悉的句子,并根据上下文和图片猜生词的意思。教师将生词写在黑板上,为同学示范发音,并逐个讲解。 教师播放录音,请学生跟读、模仿语音语调四、学生活动 让学生四人一组,分别扮演 Amy, Lingling, Sam,John, 和 Ms Smart,进 行对话表演。教师请几组学生上台表演,比一比哪组表演的最生动,并发给 每人一个小贴纸以奖励

27、。全班完成活动手册中的练习 1 和练习 2。Module 4Unit 2 We can find information from books and CDs.学习目标:1、能熟练运用 Where can I find. about .? We can find . about in/on2、听、说、读、写本课的单词: information as well dictionary film way 教学重点、难点: 熟练掌握单词及表演对话。教具准备: 挂图、卡片、磁带教学过程:一、揭示课题T: Today we are going to learn Module 4 , first ,lets

28、 lookn iantg t haeim lesa. r二、热身复习与课堂导入 复习上节课学过的句子与单词后进行以下对话: T: Today we will learn how to research the message what we need. 学完之 后,大家要试着通过各种途径来查询信息。三、课文学习T: Take out a dictionary and say:“ This is a dictionary” .Ask thethe word one by one. Tell the student we can find out about words in a dictiona

29、ry. As the same way, teach them the other new words.Play the tape the student should read the text after the tape. Then they should practice the text in groups or pairs. Help the student to grasp the sentence: should find out about in / on ” Ask some groups to read in pairs.四、学生活动 教师请几组学生自主上台表演对话,比比

30、看哪组表达的最流利,交流的 最自如,好的予以奖励。四学说韵律诗让学生打开书,看书上的图片,默读韵诗 放一遍录音,学生认真听放第二遍录音,每行后停顿,让学生重复 把学生分成两个组, 第一组说第一和第三段, 第二组说第二和第四段 然 后互换角色Module 5UNIT 1It s big and light.学习目标 :1、掌握单词 : light broken heavy pocket2、灵活运用句型 It s big and light. It s got two pockets.教具准备: 挂图、卡片、 CAI 教学程序:一、揭示课题T: Today we are going to lear

31、n Module 5 Unit 1 , first ,let s look at the learning aims.二、热身复习1、复习上节课学过的句子与单词2、课堂导入教师说 Today were going to learn how to describe someinthg use big, small, tall, short, fat, thin and so on. Take out your bag .Whose bag is big? ( 学生回 答)Whose bag is heavy? Whose bag is light? Whose bag is broken? Wh

32、ose bag has pockets? In this way, show the new words. Have the students understand and remember them.教师边说边出示新的单词卡片 ,让学生理解并记住 .之后 ,试着 让学生用此句子造句 . At last, try to make sentences with these words.三、课文学习让学生们打开书 ,听录音 .Open the book and listen to the tape recorder , listen again and repeat, (show ppt= pow

33、er point) look at the screen and read the questions:听录音的同时回答以下句子 (1).What does Lingling need?(2).Where are Lingling and Ms Smart?(3).What thes b lack bag like?(4).What the sg reen bag like?(5).Which bag has got pockets?(6).Which bag has got wheels?(7).Which bag does Lingling like?(8).Which bag does

34、Ms. Smart like?(9).Which bag did they buy?自由读课文几分钟回答以上问题 Read the text for several times then answer the questions. At last give the answers on the screen最 . 后老师给出正确 的答案.Read the text in groups, in pairs, one by one, boy and girl. Try to retel然l. 后让学生分组读课文四、学生活动 给学生看一些图片 Show the pictures: elephant,

35、 bird, panda dog, tiger, pencils, shoes, kites, bags. Practice to describe the pictures, using the word试s:着 用以下单词描述以上的图片 fat, thin, heavy, light, beautiful, big, small, cute, new, old, broken, nice.五、课后作业Describe animals.Games: Draw yourself.(Draw a picture of yourself and try to describe.)Designs:M

36、odule 5 Unit1 It bsig and light.P1porcket P2broken P3heavy P4lightIt s got It has 19Module 5UNIT 2 It s too big for you.学习目标 :1、掌握单词 :Words and phrase: hard has got have got2、灵活运用句型 : It s for ; It s too big for you.3了解字母组合 aw, air,ass 在单词中常见的读音及学唱英语歌。 教学程序:一、揭示课题T: Today we are going to learn Modul

37、e 5 Unit 2 , first ,let s look at the learning aims.二、热身复习1、复习上节课学过的句子与单词2、课堂导入三、新课学习Step1.Warmer and leading(Look at the screen) Can you use it? Review the words and make sentences with them.复习上节课学过的单词并造句 .I you we she he they itme youus her him them itStep2. Words 新词学习Take out a picture of a coat,

38、 and say 取出一张衣服的图片说 : I have got a red coat and a blue coat.指 着图片说 : The red one is too big for me, the blue one is too small for me. 让同学用其他人称造句 .Have the students make sentences with you, we, she, he, they, it. They can use have got and has go解t .释 hard 的意 思同 difficult (hard = not easy). What does

39、Lingling want to buy?Step3.Test. Play the tape. Listen and answer the questions 听录音回答问 题.What does Lingling want to buy?What can you see on it?What color does Lingling buy at last?What color does Lingling like?Why does she change her mind to buy another color?At last, please the students act the dia

40、logu最e. 后让同学自由结合读课文 .Step4. 学生活动Show the pictures. Have the students look, say and write. Make sentences with: It s for . Draw it on the board. Then the students write the sentences on their exercise book.Play the tape. Have the students listen and underline the same pronounce, and then do the AB.St

41、ep5.Game: Show many cards of fruitStudents guess it. Is it (color or shape)?Step6. Listen to the tape for several times. Try to sing and do the actions.Module 6UNIT 1 I went there last year.学习目标 :1、掌握单词 : photo .stay ,week2、灵活运用句子 : where/when/what/who did you 教学程序:一、揭示课题T: Today we are going to lea

42、rn Module 6 Unit 1 , first ,lets look at the learning aims.二、热身复习复习上节课学过的句子与单词(Introduce the English Where is Beijing? /London /New York /Tokyo /Moscow)Say the names of famous places in China and England三、新课学习Step 1: 取出一些照片This is a photo( 举一张 ).These are photos 举( 全部,多张照片 )然后让学生试着去描述这些照片,教师可以说 : I

43、stay there for one /twoweeks.然后解释 :stayedis th e past tense of stay。Week: from Sunday andSaturday is one week.Step 2:听第一遍录音 ,初步理解对话内容。听第二遍录音,让学生写下一些对话中的问句。合上书,听第三遍录音(句句播放) ,要是听到自己写问句,就举手读出 问句让学生打开书,画也对话中所有的问句,并回答这些问句Step 3: 显示以下图片让学生分组讨论并试着去回答以下问题,写下答Who has got some photos?Where is Lingling?When di

44、d Lingling go there? Who did she go with?Where does her uncle live? 最后给出正确的答案。50Module 6Unit 2 She visited the Tianchi Lake.学习目标 :1、掌握单词 : parent rode horse climb2、灵活运用句子 :She visited the Tianchi Lake.Where is ? It is in教学程序:一、揭示课题T: Today we are going to learn Module 6 Unit 2 , first ,let s look at

45、 the learning aims.二、热身复习复习上节课学过的句子与单词三、新词学习Show the cards of the new word. Have the student read and remember themThen explain the word: parent means mother or father; Holiday means the day that you do not work or study, you are free.显示一些新词的图片 ,领读学生 , 让学生自由读并记住他们。具体解释新词的意思四、课文学习Play the tape, have

46、the students open their books listen and read then answer the questions播放录音 ,让学生打开书听 ,跟读,自由读 ,并回答以下问题 .1. Where did Lingling go?2. When did she go?3. Who did she go with?4. Where is Xinjiang?5. What did she ride?6. What mountain did she climb?7. What lake did she visit?8. Did she have a good time?At

47、 last give answer to the students 最后老师给出正确的答案 .On the blackboard, mark north at the top, south at the bottom, west on the left, east on the right. Read and point 在黑板上 ,标也东 ,南,西,北,四个方向及单 词.拿出一张中国地图并问学生 Where is Haikou? /Yinchuan/Shanghai/Hetian /Hong KongPractice: Have the students talk about their h

48、oliday. If they did not go anywhere, imagine.让学生讨论假期去过什么地方 ,并相互提问 ,回答 .用上本节 课所学到的句子 .Sing a songPlay the tape and the student learn to singGame: Draw a picture (in the south draw some mountains, in the north draw a river, in the east draw a road, in the west draw a kite )五、课后作业 Write and draw1. Wher

49、e is your favourite place? 2. When did you go there?3. What did you do there? 4. Who did you go with?Module 7Unit 1:My father goes to work at eight o cloc kevery morning .教学目标:1. 知识目标:让学生基本掌握时间的英语表达方式以及一些普通职业的 英语表达方式。2. 能力目标:通过学习,学生可以用完整的句子表达父母的职业及上 班时间。3. 情感目标:使学生能够了解到父母工作的繁忙, 体谅父母的辛苦, 在 家能够多帮助父母做一

50、些力所能及的家务活 教学重难点 :1、单词:职业: policeman/worker/nurse/doctor/taxi driver其他: evening/late/factory/early2、词组 时间的 2 种不同的表达方式:整点: at eight oclock半点: at half past eight 其他: take,to,/go to work3、句型My father/mother goes to work at( 时 间). What does he/she do? He/She is( a职业) . That esarly/late. 教学程序:Step 1:Warmi

51、ng-up1. 和同学们进行正常问候。2.小游戏猜时间。让同学们猜 PPT 上播放的时钟上面的时间。 3. 小游戏猜职业。通过一些与各职业相关图片让学生猜出各职业。教师引 出“wha dtoes he/shed o?”句式,并引导学生用 “He/Sh eis a , ”句式回答。 (设 计意图:带领同学们复习学习过的时间表达方法,并导入新的有关职业的单 词和句式的表达方法。 )Step 2:PresentationTask 1:1)要求同学们翻开书本到第 38页,播放一遍课文,请学生划 出课文中有关时间和职业的词句。2)请同学们回答 PPT 上显示的与课文相关的问题,并讲解课文中的重 点词句。

52、3)再次播放录音并要求学生们跟读课文。 (设计意图:训练同学们的听的能力和对课文的理解) Task 2: 请同学们分角色表演课文内容。(设计意图:训练同学们的说和读的能力)Step 3: PracticeActivity : “Ca ynou help us?”请同学们帮助 Amy 和 Sam 完成介绍自己的家人的上班时间和职业1. 在 PPT 上展示一些有关职业和时间的图片2. 引导学生根据图片用这节课学过的句子完整地介绍上班时间和职 业。 (设计意图:检验同学们对这节课的重点知识的掌握状况,并进一步巩 固)Step 4:Summary1、观看视频 让同学们观看一个关于尊重劳动工作者的视频2

53、、引导同学们要尊重各行各业的劳动工作者,并懂得体谅父母。 Step 5:Homework请同学们回去后读课文。Module 7UNIT 2 I will be home at seven o clock.教学目标 :1、重点句子 : I am working very hard.I will be home at sevenoclock.2、运用:通过电子邮件进行交流教具: e-pen,卡片 教学程序:一、揭示课题T: Today we are going to learn Module 7 Unit 2, first, let s look at the learning aims.二、热身

54、复习 歌曲 自由交谈 :关于旅游三. 新课教学1、问候与复习 请学生朗读自己的电子邮件 将全班分为两组扮演 AMY 和 TOM ,看图配音。2、新课导入: 让我们一起来看看汤姆回复给 SMART 的电子邮件。3、课文教学( 1)、播放录音,呈现活动 1,教师提问: “whatasn email ?”请学生 回答.(2)、再放一遍录音,请学生模仿跟读,直至读的熟练为止。(3)、请学生复述电子邮件的内容,教师将重点句子板书在黑板上: I am working very hard.I will be home at seven o clock.(4)出示活动 2 的图片,请学生来描述一下,对说的好的

55、学生给予奖励。 让学生良人一组来进行描述。教师给予指导。(5)、播放活动 3 的录音, 请全班跟读,熟悉每个单词的发音。 把单词卡 随意粘贴到黑板上,教师一边贴,学生一边读。然后将其分组。(6)、组织全体学生听录音,完成活动手册练习 4。4、任务完成完成活动 5,教师发出指令,学生记住之后,按座位顺序进行动作,哪 组同学先完成哪组就是获胜组,进行奖励。活动手册练习 1 和 2,请学生听录音给图片按正确地顺序排列出来。然 后看图说话。5、游戏 : 角色大调换 。让学生将自己和父母的角色进行调换,然后, 以爸爸妈妈的身份给自己写一封电子邮件。对写的好的学生进行表扬。6、学习歌曲逐句播放录音, 请学生跟唱。 再播放录音, 将学生分为男生和女生两组, 分角色演唱歌曲。Module 8Unit 1 Will you help me?Listen , point and find“ will ”赛一赛C D A AC D B A? Help me ,help me, ? Will you help


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