



1、A. are shown; isB. are shown; areC. is shown; isD. is shown; areUnit 5 TV programmes同步练习一、单项选择( ) 1. 24 Hours is _ one-hour news round-up on CCTV . It starts at 23: 00 every night.A. theB. aC. anD. /( ) 2. There was a report _ Jiangsu Sainty Football Club on CCTV-5 yesterday. Yes. And it included an

2、 interview _ their coach, Gao Hongbo.A. for; withB. about; byC. on; withD. by; on( ) 3. Don t you think it _ of some teenagers to be crazy about pop stars? Well, I don t think so. Well uased to be young and like something very much.A. creativeB. sillyC. wiseD. curious( ) 4. Did you watch the opening

3、 ceremony ( 开幕式 ) of the Nanjing YOG? Yeah. It was _ on CCTV and Jiangsu TV .A. includedB. coveredC. receivedD. directed( ) 5. What about watching a horror movie after finishing the work? Are you kidding me? I don t want to get _ before going to sleep.A. nervousB. boredC. relaxedD. scared( ) 6. Tomm

4、y didn t reply to my greeting this morning. Forget it. He _ be in a hurry then.A. wouldB. canC. mightD. should( ) 7. It s a pity that my favourite _,_Tell It As It Is, has come to an end. So it is. It was one of the hottest programmes 10 years ago.A. game showB. chat showC. documentaryD. comedy( ) 8

5、. With the development ( 发展 ) of science and technology ( 技术 ), news can be _ toevery corner of the world in seconds.A. sent awayB. sent outC. taken outD. given away( ) 9. A large number of Hollywood movies _ in China every year. The number ofimported (进口) Hollywood movies in 2014 _ 34.( )10. Can I

6、go to the concert with you tomorrow, Mum? Of course, if all your homework _ by noon.A. is doneB. will be doneC. has doneD. does二、填空A. 根据句意和汉语提示,用正确的单词填空。1. The famous Chinese film Ke Ke Xi Li is about a _ ( 真实生活的 ) event of protectingTibetan antelopes (藏羚羊 ).2. My son can utnderstand the _ ( 对话 ) in

7、 the film Frozen, but the pictures and themusic make him interested.3. Kim Soo Hyun has millions of _ (狂热爱好者 ) in China. Most of them are teenagers.4. We _ (录制 ) yesterday s party on video. You can watch it if you like.5. In America, it s not angsati the law to keep _ (枪) at home.B. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当

8、形式填空。1. Christopher Nolan is my favourite _ (direct). His Batman movies are reallywonderful.2. There is lots of _ (late) news on hot movies in the magazine Movie View.3. Stephen Chow used to be famous for his _ (comedy), such as Fight Back To Schooland The God of Cookery.4. The police are sure to ca

9、tch the _ (murder) and he will pay with his life.5._ (Asia) film stars now have more chances in Hollywood.三、 阅读下面的对话, 从方框中选择合适的单词或短语, 并用其正 确形式填空game show, live, vote online, win an award,music videoWendy: I watched the 21st Beijing College Student Film Festival. It was covered (1) _on CCTV-6 yesterd

10、ay evening.Andy: Really? Tell me some of the winners.Wendy: Well, your favourite actress ( 女演员 ) Tang Wei, (2)_ for her performance inFinding Mr. Right.Andy: That s good news. By the w, wayho decided the winners?Wendy: Thousands of college students (3) _. The winners were mainly decided by them.Andy

11、: Is there an award for (4) _ ?Wendy: No, there aren t any awards for music or songs. By the, wahyy didn t you watch?it Andy: It was a pity that I missed it. I was watching a (5) _on CCTV-2 yesterday evening.四、完成句子1.别一个人去森林,你会有迷路的危险。Don t go to the forest alone. There is _.2.警方需要弄清楚这个人是不是在别处被杀的。The

12、police needed to _.3.他的粗鲁已经给他树敌不少了。His rudeness has _.4.如果你有有价值的线索,你可以拨打和警方联系。If you have any valuable clues, you can _5.我们的汽油快用完了,最近的加油站在哪儿 ?Our gas _. Where is the nearest gas station?五、阅读下面的短文,根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空What does a policeman actually do? It is not an (1) e _ job

13、 to describe. A policemanoften has to control traffic. Indeed, a traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic (2) m_,stop speeding motorists and help when there is an accident.A policeman has to help keep the peace, too. If there is a (3) f _ or some otherdisturbance ( 骚乱 ), we expect the police t

14、o come and keep order. And they often have to deal with the situation at great (4) r _ to their own safety.We expect the police to solve (5) c _ , of course, so an ordinary ( 普通的 ) policeman,even if he is not a detective, will often have to help look for and (6) a _ criminals.And who do we call when

15、 there is an emergency - a fire, a road (7) a _, or a robbery? Wecall the police. So a policeman has to be (8) r_ to face any unpleasant emergency thatmay (9) h_ in the modern world.The police do a necessary job, and they do it very well. We can litve a peaceful life (10) w their effort. They need our understanding and support.5. crimes10 without答案:四、 1. a risk of getting lost2. find out whether/if the man was killed somewhere else3. made him many enemies4. contact the police on5. is running out五、 1. eas


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