1、L o w - e 的 反 射 颜 色 为 紫 色 。 LOW-E玻璃Low-E 玻璃又称低辐射玻璃,在玻璃表面镀上多层 金属或其他化合物 组成 的膜系产品。其镀膜层具有对可见光高透过及对中远红外线高反射的特 性:优异的热性能普通浮法玻璃的辐射率高达 0.84 ,当镀上一层以银为基础的低辐射薄膜后, 其辐射率可降至 0.1 以下。如果使用 Low-E 玻璃,由于热损失的降低,可大幅减少因采暖所消耗的燃 料,从而减少有害气体的排放。良好的光学性能Low-E 玻璃对太阳光中可见光有高的 透射比,可达 80%以上 ,而反射比则 很低 ,这使其与传统的镀膜玻璃相比,光学性能大为改观。从室外观看, 外观
2、更透明、清晰,保证了建筑物良好的采光,又避免了以往大面积玻璃 幕墙、中空玻璃门窗光反射所造成的光污染现象。镀膜玻璃按产品的不同特性,可分为以下几类: 热反射玻璃、低辐射玻璃( Low-E)、导电膜玻璃等。热反射玻璃一般是在玻璃表面镀一层或多层诸如 铬、钛或不锈钢等金属 或其化合物组成的薄膜,使产品呈丰富的色彩,对于可见光有适当的透射 率,对红外线有较高的反射率,对紫外线有较高吸收率,因此,也称为阳 光控制玻璃,主要用于建筑和玻璃幕墙;低辐射玻璃是在玻璃表面镀由多层银、铜或锡等金属或其化合物组成的薄膜系,产品对可见光有较高的透射率,对红外线有很高的反射率,具有良好的隔热性能,主要用于建筑和汽车、
3、船舶等交通工具,由于膜层强度 较差,一般都 制成中空玻璃使用;导电膜玻璃是在玻璃表面涂敷氧化铟锡等导电薄膜,可用于玻璃的加热、除霜、除雾以及用作液晶显示屏等;玻璃吸收能力的强弱,直接关系到玻璃对远红外热能的阻挡效果。辐射 率低的玻璃不易吸收外来的热辐射能量,从而玻璃通过传导、辐射、对流 所传递的热能就少,低辐射玻璃正是限制了这一部分的传热。以上两种形式的热能透过玻璃的传递可归结为两个途径:太阳辐射直接 透过传热、对流传导传热。透过每平方米玻璃传递的总热功率 Q可由下式表示:Q=630Sc+U(T 内-T 外)?式中 630 是透过 3mm透明玻璃的太阳能强度, (T 内 -T 外)是玻璃两侧的
4、空气温度,均是与环境有关的参数。SC和 U是玻璃自身的固有参数,其含义如下:SC玻璃的遮阳系数, 数值范围 0 1,它反映玻璃对太阳直接辐射 的遮蔽效果。U玻璃的传热系数,它反映玻璃传导热量的能力。由此可见,玻璃节能性的优劣由 U和 SC这两个参数就完全可以判定三、不同玻璃的传热特性及参数1、普通透明玻璃透明玻璃(钠钙硅玻璃)的透射范围正好与太阳辐射光谱区域重合,因此,在透过可见光的同时,阳光中的红外线热能也大量地透过了玻璃,而35m中红外波段的热能又被大量地吸收。2、热反射镀膜玻璃 ( 阳光控制镀膜 )热反射镀膜玻璃在玻璃表面镀金属或金属化合物膜,使玻璃呈显丰 富色彩并具有新的光、 热性能。
5、 其主要作用就是降低玻璃的遮阳系数 SC, 限制太阳辐射的直接透过。热反射膜层对远红外线没有明显的反射作用, 故 对改善 U 值没有大的贡献 。在夏季光照强的地区,热反射玻璃的隔热作用十分明显,可有效衰减进 入室内的太阳热辐射。但在无阳光的环境中,如夜晚或阴雨天气,其隔热 作用与白玻璃无异。从节能的角度来看它不适用于寒冷地区,因为这些地 区需要阳光进入室内采暖。北方寒冷地区采用这种玻璃的唯一目的就是追 求装饰效果。 ?3、Low-E 玻璃()Low-E 玻璃在玻璃表面镀低辐射材料 银及金属氧化物膜 ,使玻璃 呈现出不同颜色。其主要作用是降低玻璃的 U 值,同时有选择地降低 SC, 全面改善玻璃
6、的节能特性。高透型 Low-E 玻璃,遮阳系数 Sc0.5 ,对透过的太阳能衰减较少。这 对以采暖为主的北方地区极为适用, 冬季太阳能波段的辐射可透过这种 Low-E 玻璃进入室内,经室内物体吸收后变为 Low-E 玻璃不能透过的远红 外热辐射,并与室内暖气发出的热辐射共同被限制在室内,从而节省暖气 的费用。遮阳型 Low-E 玻璃,遮阳系数 SC0.5 ,对透过的太阳能衰减较多。这 对以空调致冷的南方地区极为适用,夏季可最大限度地限制太阳能进入室 内,并阻挡来自室外的远红外热辐射,从而节省空调的使用费用。不同的 Low-E 玻璃品种适用于不同的气候地区,就节能性而言,其功能 已经覆盖了热反射
7、镀膜玻璃。4、几种玻璃的综合参数以下中空玻璃的结构相同, 镀膜面位于中空玻璃的第 2#面(室外玻璃的 内表面)说明: 6C表示 6mm透明玻璃, CTS140、 CES11、 CEB12分别是南玻热反 射玻璃和 Low-E 玻璃型号。传热系数是美国 ASHRAE标准条件下的数值。分析表明:在同等透光率下,遮阳型 Low-E玻璃具有更低的遮阳系数 SC, 这意味着它在限制太阳热辐射的同时,并不过多阻挡可见光的透过,通俗 地说,它将阳光中的热量过滤掉了。热反射镀膜玻璃获得低遮阳系数 SC 的代价是,这会极大地影响室内的自然采光。Low-E 玻璃也叫做低辐射镀膜玻璃,是指表面镀上拥有极低表面辐射率
8、的金属或其他化合物组成的多层膜层的特种玻璃。 Low-E 玻璃是种绿色、 节能、环保的玻璃产品。普通玻璃的表面辐射率在 0.84 左右, Low-E玻璃 的表面 辐射率在 0.25 以下。这种不到头发丝百分之一厚度的低辐射膜层 对远红外热辐射的反射率很高,能将 80%以上的远红外热辐射反射回去, 而普通透明浮法玻璃、 吸热玻璃的远红外反射率仅在 12%左右,所以 Low-E 玻璃具有良好的阻隔热辐射透过的作用。冬季,它对室内暖气及室内物体散发的热辐射,像一面热反射镜一样, 将绝大部分反射回室内, 保证室内热量不向室外散失, 从而节约取暖费用 夏季,它可以阻止室外地面、建筑物发出的热辐射进入室内
9、,节约空调制 冷费用。 Low-E 玻璃的可见光反射率一般在 11%以下,与普通白玻相近, 低于普通阳光控制镀膜玻璃的可见光反射率,避免造成反射光污染。Low-E玻璃的生产工艺一、在线高温热解沉积法:在线高温热解沉积法 Low-E 玻璃在美国有多家公司的产品。如 PPG 公司的 ?Surgate200 ,福特公司的 Sunglas H RP。这些产品是在浮法玻 璃冷却工艺过程中完成的。 液体金属或金属粉沫直接喷射到热玻璃表面 上,随着玻璃的冷却,金属膜层成为玻璃的一部分。固此,该膜层坚硬耐 用。这种方法生产的 Low-E 玻璃具有许多优点:它可以热弯,钢化,不 必在中空状态下使用,可以长期储存
10、。它的缺点是热学性能比较差。除非 膜层非常厚,否则其 u 值只是溅射法 Low-E 镀膜玻璃的一半。如果想通 过增加膜厚来改善其热学性能,那么其透明性就非常差。二、离线真空溅射法:用溅射法可以生产 Low-E 玻璃的厂家及产品有北美的英特佩公司的 LnplusNetetralR ,PPG公司的 Sungatel00 ,福特公司的 SunglasHRS 等?。 和高温热解沉积法不同,溅射法是离线的。且据玻璃传输位置的不同有水 平及垂直之分。 ?溅射法工艺生产 Low-E 玻璃,需一层 纯银薄膜 作为功能 膜。纯银膜在二 ?层金属氧化物膜之间。金属氧化物膜对纯银膜提供保护, 且作为膜层之间的中间层
11、增加颜色的纯度及光透射度。垂直式生产工艺中,玻璃垂直放置在架子上,送入大的真空室内。真 空室内的压力将随之减小。垂直安装的阴极靶溅射出金属原子,沉积到玻 璃基片上,形成膜层 ?。为了形成均匀一致的膜层,阴极靶靠近玻璃表面 来回移动。为了取得多层膜。必须使用多个阴极,每一个阴极均是在玻璃 表面来回移动,形成一定的膜厚。水平法在很大程度上是和垂直法相似的。主要区别在玻璃的放置,玻 璃由水平排列的轮子传输,通过阴极,玻璃通过一系列销定阀门之后,真 空度也随之变化 ?。当玻璃到达主要溅射室时,镀膜压力达到,金属阴极 靶固定,玻璃移动。在玻璃通过阴极过程中,膜层形成。低辐射镀膜玻璃(又称 LOW-E玻璃
12、),是在玻璃表面镀上多层金属或其 他化合物组成的膜系产品。 ?该产品对 可见光有较高的透射率 ,对红外线 (尤其是中远红外)有很高的反射率,具有良好的隔热性能。 在任何气 候环境下使用,均能达到控制阳光、节约能源、热量控制调节及改善环境 的作用。 根据不同型号, LOW-E玻璃一般分为:高透型 LOW-E玻璃,遮阳 型 LOW-E玻璃和双银 LOW-E玻璃。高透型 LOW-E玻璃 产品特性: 1 、较高的可见光透射率:采光自然, 效果通透; 2 、较高的太阳能透过率,透过玻璃的太阳热辐射多; 3 、极 高的中远红外线反射率:优良的隔热性能,较低 V值(传热系数) 。 适用 范围: 1 、寒冷的
13、北方地区。冬季太阳热辐射透过玻璃进入室内增加室内 的热能,而室内的暖气、家电、人体等发出的远红外被阻隔反射回室内, 有效地降低暖气能耗; 2 、适用于外观设计透明、通透、采光自然的建筑 物,有效避免“光污染”危害; 3 、制作成中空玻璃使用节能效果更加优 良。遮阳型 LOW-E玻璃 产品特性: 1 、适宜的可见光透过率,对室外的强 光具有一定的遮蔽性; 2 、较低的太阳能透过率,有效阻止太阳热辐射进 入室内; 3 、极高的中远红外线反射率, 限制室外的二次热辐射进入室内。 适用范围: 1 、适用于南方地区及北方地区。该产品不仅冬季限制部分太 阳热能进入室内,在夏季则能限制更多的太阳能进入室内,
14、因为冬季太阳 能的强度仅为夏季的 1/3 左右,因而保温性能并未受到影响。从节能效果 看,遮阳型不低于高透型; 2 、其丰富的装饰性能起到一定的室外实现的 遮蔽作用, 适用于各类型建筑物; 3 、制作成中空玻璃节能效果更加明显。双银 LOW-E玻璃 产品特性:双银 LOW-E玻璃,因其膜层中有双层银层 面而得名,其属于 LOW-E玻璃膜系结构中较复杂的一种,是高级 LOW-E玻 璃。它突出了玻璃对太阳热辐射的遮蔽效果,将玻璃的高透光性与太阳热 辐射的低透过性巧妙地结合在一起,因此与普通LOW-E玻璃比较,在可见光透射率相同的情况下具有更低太阳能透过率。 适用范围:不受地区限 制,适合于不同气候
15、特点的广大地区。1、镀膜玻璃:镀膜玻璃是在玻璃表面镀一层或多层金属,合金或金 属化合物,以改变玻璃的性能。按特性不同可分为 热反射玻璃 和 低辐射玻 璃。热反射 ( 阳光控制 )玻璃,一般是在玻璃表面镀一层或多层如铬,钛或 不锈钢等金属或其化合物组成的薄膜,使产品呈 丰富颜色 ,对可见光有适 当的透射率,对近红外线有较高的反射率,对紫外线有很低的透过率,因 此,也称为 阳光控制玻璃 。与普通玻璃比较,降低了遮阳系数,即提高了 遮阳性能,但对传热系数改变不大。2、低辐射 (LOW-E)玻璃,是在玻璃表面镀多层银,铜或锡等金属或其 他化合物组成的薄膜,产品对可见光有较高的透射率,对红外线有很高的
16、反射率,具有良好的隔热性能,由于膜层强度较差,一般都制成中空玻璃 使用而不单独使用。3 、镀膜玻璃与中空玻璃的复合体:包括热反射镀膜中空玻璃和低辐射 镀膜中空玻璃。前者可同时降低传热系数和遮阳系数,后者透光率较好 在线低辐射( LOW-E)是对中远红外辐射具有较高反射率的新型节能镀膜 玻璃。该产品是在锡槽和窑内,采用 CVD和 MOCV工D 艺将镀膜原料在高温 下连续热解,沉积在移动的玻璃表面,制成低辐射镀膜玻璃。由于在高温 下连续成膜,无需升温、清洗、干燥等环节,因此生产规模很大,生产成 本较低,膜层与玻璃结合牢固。 能单片使用并可进行, 是实现必选的幕墙、 窗体材料。蓝星在线低辐射( LO
17、W-E)镀膜玻璃分为两类,一是 净色低辐射镀膜 玻璃 ,既保持了无色透明玻璃的可见光高透性能,同时具有优良的低辐射 功能。二是彩色低辐射镀膜玻璃,既具有良好的透光性和遮阳性,又具有 优良的低辐射功能。隔热、遮阳、低辐射都是节能概念的良好体现,承载着节能概念的各 类产品的多种组合,为加工选择提供了可能,是实现建筑节能标准的良好 基础。产品特点:高效的性:良好的保温隔热性能,是理想的节能环保材料。 优良的采光性:可见光透射比高,具有良好的采光效果。化学性能稳定: 可单片使用, 可长期存放, 充分发挥企业的自身优势。 热加工性能稳定:可任意进行钢化、热弯、夹层等各类深加工。 稳定:膜层牢固、耐磨性好
18、、不易划伤。 在进行中空加工时,无需除掉边部膜层。 采用在线、连续生产工艺,规模大、高。品种多样化,可生产多种颜色。镀膜玻璃也称反射玻璃 . 镀膜玻璃是在玻璃表面涂镀一层或多层金属、合金或薄膜,以改变玻璃的 光学性能,满足某种特定要求。镀膜玻璃按产品的不同特性,可分为以下几类:热反射玻璃、低辐射玻璃 (Low-E)、玻璃等。热反射玻璃一般是在玻璃表面镀一层或多层诸如铬、钛或等金属或其化合 物组成的薄膜,使产品呈丰富的色彩,对于可见光有适当的透射率,对红 外线有较高的反射率,对有较高吸收率,因此,也称为阳光控制玻璃,主 要用于建筑和; 低辐射玻璃是在玻璃表面镀由多层银、铜或锡等金属或其化合物组成
19、的薄 膜系,产品对可见光有较高的透射率,对红外线有很高的反射率,具有良好的隔热性能,主要用于建筑和汽车、船舶等交通工具,由于膜层强度较 差,一般都制成中空玻璃使用;导电膜玻璃是在玻璃表面涂敷氧化铟锡等导电薄膜,可用于玻璃的加热、除霜、除雾以及用作液晶显示屏等;镀膜玻璃的生产方法很多,主要有 真空法、真空蒸发法、化学气相沉积法以及溶胶凝胶法 等。磁控溅射镀膜玻璃利用磁控溅射技术可以设计制造多层复杂膜系,可在白色的玻璃基片上镀出多种颜色,膜层的耐腐蚀和耐磨性能较好,是目前生 产和使用最多的产品之一。真空蒸发镀膜玻璃的品种和质量与磁控溅射镀膜玻璃相比均存在一定差距,已逐步被真空溅射法取代。化学气相沉
20、积法是在生产线上通入反应气体在灼热的玻璃表面分解,均匀地沉积在玻璃表面形成镀膜玻璃。该方法的特点是设备投入少、易调控, 低、化学稳定性好, 可进行热加工, 是目前最有发展前途的生产方法之一。 溶胶凝胶法生产镀膜玻璃工艺简单,稳定性也好,不足之处是产品光透 射比太高,装饰性较差。镀膜玻璃中应用最多的是 热反射玻璃和低辐射玻璃 。基本上采用真空磁控 溅射法和化学气相沉积法两种生产方法COMMON GLASS QUESTIONSHow is glass producedAlmost all glass produced today in the developed countries is done
21、so by the “float process ”. The glass composition materials, mainly silica sand, soda ash and limestone, are melted in a furnace and then flowed on to a bath of molten tin. The glass is formed and gradually cools as it moves from the tin bath to an annealing lehr, which is a controlled cooling chamb
22、er . As it moves through this process, the glass is in the form of a continuous ribbon, which is cut to size and packaged at the final stage.What are the most common types of glassAll float glass as it is initially made in the above descriptionis called annealed and is the most common. Float glass i
23、s made ina variety of colors or tints, in addition to basic clear glass.Annealed glass, the starting point can be further fabricated in many ways. Coatings of various types can be applied to achieve many visual effects and affect the optical properties. In addition the glass can be heat treated to i
24、ncrease its strength and give it safety glazing properties. Glass can be put into an insulating glass unit, meaning two or more pieces of glass are separated by a dry air space to improve the insulating properties.What is the best glass product for the Sunbelt areas of the countryProper window desig
25、n in the south must account for solar heat gain in order to help reduce air-conditioning. Therefore glass products should have a low solar heat gain coefficient SHGC or low shading coefficient SC; the u-value, or insulating performance is of lesser importance.What is the difference between long wave
26、 and short wave infraredShort wave infrared energy comes directly from the sun but is not felt as heat. It converts into heat when it strikes something. Long wave infrared is the heat radiated from an object which has received short wave radiation, a hot automobile dashboard, for example, or a hot s
27、idewalk or roadway where you can often see heat radiating from the surface.What are the Shading Coefficient and the Solar Heat Gain CoefficientThese terms are mathematically relatedand both describe the solarenergy blocked from passing through a glass material. The shading coefficient is the ratio o
28、f solar energy that passes through a piece of glass relative to piece of 1/8” clear glass (which has a shading coefficient of 1.0. Solar heat gain coefficient represents the solar gain through the glass relative to the incident solar radiation;it is equal to 86% of the shading coefficient. In either
29、 case, a lower number indicates improved solar control over the 1/8” clear glass baseline.What is better, a high or low shading coefficientIn colder, heating-dominated climates such as Canada or northern US, windows with higher shading coefficients generally are preferred and conserve energy . This
30、so because in the longer heating season, more solar radiation, which becomes “free ” heat is allowed to pass into a home.In the south, with a long air-conditioning season, it is most important to reduce solar gain and therefore reduce air conditioning loads.Does long wave infrared energy only come f
31、rom the sunAny heat source, such as furnace or engine which consumes and combusts fossil fuel, release long wave energy. Any object, like a sidewalk or road or windowsill, which has been exposed to short wave solar radiation will also emit long wave infrared energy.SAFETY GLASS QUESTIONSWhat is safe
32、ty glazingGlass is a breakable material, which when broken into smaller sharp pieces often called shards can cause serious injury. Safety glazing material, usually tempered glass or laminated glass, reduces the risk of injury. This is accomplished in the case of tempered by the characteristic break
33、pattern-many small pieces, and by the adhesion of the glass pieces to the inner plastic layer in the case of laminated glass.What is security glazingSecurity glazing products usually involve multiple layers of glass, and in some cases acrylics,usually laminated , in order to achievemaximum impact re
34、sistance from explosions, ballistic assaults and even simple forced entry. There is a wide range of such specialty glass products.What are the U.S. Standards for testing safety glazing materialsANSI Z97.1 and CPSC 16CFR, Part 1201.Where safety glazing should be usedThe Federal safety glazing law sti
35、pulates that safety glazing beused in architectural applications (homes and buildings) in defined hazardous locations. Generally the hazardous location include doors, immediately adjacent sidelites, bath and shower enclosures and glazing adjacent to passages where there are walking surfaces adjacent
36、 to the glass and the bottom edge of the glass is within 18” of the floor.Are there special safety glazing requirements in overhead glazingMany local building codes mandate special considerations for overhead glazing. It is common to require and use tempered glass in residential overhead application
37、s. Laminated, often heat-treated glass is commonly required in commercial building applications. Often, when tempered glass is allowed in commercial building, some form of restraining screening is also required below the glass.How is safety glazing marked for identificationThe Federal safety glazing
38、 law requires that all safety glazing products have a permanently identifiable marking on each piece. This marking cannot be removed without damaging or breaking the glass and is generally located in one of the corners of each piece.LOW-E GLASS QUESTIONSIs it better to have the coating on the #2 or
39、#3 surface of an insulating glass unitThe light transmittance and U-Value of the unit will be the same whether the coating is on the #2 or #3 surface; however, the SHGC will be lower when the coating is on the #2 surface.In general, if you are concerned about reducing SHGC (typically in a cooling cl
40、imate), then using the coating on the #2 surface would best meet the requirement. On the other hand, if you are interested in utilizing passive solar heat gain (typically in a heating climate) then using the coating on the #3 surface would best meet the requirement.Do all Low-E coated glasses look t
41、he sameNo, they do not. Color differences between various low-e coatings are due to the use of different coating materials, the thickness of the various coating layers, as well as differences in manufacturing processes.Will Low-E glass work only in northern climatesNo, low-e coated glass can work in
42、all climates.Low-e coatings reduce heat loss from the interior through windows, thus reducing the energy used to heat buildings and associated heating costs.And, low-e coatings also offer solar control that reduces heat gain due to both the transmitted solar energy and conducted heat caused by indoo
43、r outdoor temperature difference. This reduces cooling loads and consequently the energy and costs associates with cooling the building.How can PPG Low-E work both in the summer and winterWinter In the winter, PPGL ow-E glass keeps more heat inside by reducing the amount escaping though the glass an
44、d therefore reduces heating bills.Someh eat (long wave infrared) is not permitted to enter the home, but this is outweighed by the benefits of the amount of extra heat kept inside (much less heat escapes).Some short wave infrared is still allowed to enter the home andis converted into heat.SummerIn
45、the summer, PPG Low-E glass reduces the amount of heat that enters through the glass thus reducing the solar heat gain and decreasing cooling costs.Howm uch does PPGL ow-E glass reduce the transmission of ultraviolet (UV) energyThe reduction in the transmittance of UV energy is dependent on the spec
46、ific PPG low-e coating and the make-up of the insulating glass unit, i.e., glass thickness, glass type, etc. Please refer to the product performance charts elsewhere on the PPGW ebsite for specific information.The low-e coated glass improves the insulating properties of the insulating glass unit, wh
47、ile the tinted glass reduces the influx of solar energy through the insulating unit.How do I know that my window actually has Low-E glassLow-e glass is plain sheet of glass that has a coating put onto one of its two surfaces. To improve the insulating properties of windows, that plain sheet of glass
48、 is put together with another piece of glass to make a sealed insulating glass unit. The low-e coating goes inside the insulating unit.You can test for the low-e coating in a window by doing the following:Hold a match or a pen light up in front of the window. You willsee four reflectionsof the flame
49、 from the match or the lightfrom the penlight when you look at the glass.If you have low-e, one of the images will bea different colorthan the rest of the images.If your window has no low-e, the four reflected images will be the same color.How does argon gas workInsulating glass can be made with air between the lite of glass or it can be made with other gases between the lite of glass. Puttingargon inside the insulating glass in a window improves the insulating value of the IG unit and the overall window. The bottom line is, less heat flows through a window with argon between the lite of glas
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