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1、commonadj. 常见的,普通的,普遍的常见的,普通的,普遍的常见错误常识对而言是常见的某人做是常有的事common mistakescommon knowledgebe common with sb.It is common for sb. to do对于年轻人来说,失败是常有的事。对于年轻人来说,失败是常有的事。Failure is common with youngsters.It is common for youngsters to go through monadj. 共有的,共同的共有的,共同的共同语言共同利益是共有的common language common intere

2、stsbe common to sb.share a common language.共同的,一样的与一样有很多相同之处有一些共同之处几乎无共同之处没什么共同之处in commonin common withhave much/a lot in commonhave something in commonhave little in commonhave nothing in common_(与大多数年轻人一样),she loves music.In common with most young peopleDo you know_ computers are used?in what way

3、sin a wayin the way in this way in no way on the wayby the way by way ofgive way (to)在某种程度上在某种程度上妨碍,挡道妨碍,挡道以这种方式以这种方式决不决不在在途中途中顺便说顺便说经由,途经经由,途经让步,屈服让步,屈服comparevt. 比较,对照比较,对照; 比喻比喻把A与B进行比较把A比作Bcompare A with/to B_(和她母亲比起来),she is tall._(比较了中日文化), I found that they _(有很多共同之处).Compared with her mother

4、“比较比较”时常用时常用with, “比喻比喻”时常用时常用toComparing Chinese culture and Japanese culture had a lot in common按时间顺序排序按时间顺序排序put in an order according to the timecalculatevt. 计算计算计算成本计算平均分calculate the costcalculate the average mark_(无法估计)what influence he had on her life.It is impossible to calculatevt. 预测,推测预测

5、,推测n. calculator 计算器计算器n. calculation 计算;推算计算;推算adj. calculating 用于计算的;精明的,有私心的用于计算的;精明的,有私心的universaladj. 宇宙的,全世界的宇宙的,全世界的世界和平世界通用语言universal peaceuniversal languageadj. 普遍的,一般的普遍的,一般的普遍真理一般法则universal truthuniversal rules共同弱点a universal weaknessadj. 全体的,共同的全体的,共同的adj. 博学的,多才多艺的,万能的博学的,多才多艺的,万能的全才a

6、 universal genius_ time _quite a lot._ time _quite a lot.a. over time 随着时间的推移随着时间的推移 Table manners change over time; they follow the fashion of the day.b. during 我们一边喝茶一边愉快地聊天。我们一边喝茶一边愉快地聊天。We had a pleasant chat over a cup of tea. c. 有优势有优势 have an advantage overI have been changedOver1.Over time2.

7、At that time it was considered a 3.From then on I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower.4.By the 1940s I had grown as large as. any larger5.As time went by (with)6.I have been used in offices and homes since the 1970s时间的表述及时态时间的表述及时态a lot, much, a great deal, a little, a bit, even, far, rather

8、, stillfrom on从那时起从现在起从明天起from then onfrom now onfrom tomorrow on From then on he_ (understand) the importance of studying English. Ever since then I _(long) to talk to him face to face. From now on no one _ (allow) to mention that slip of paper again.understoodhave been longingwill be allowedby the

9、 1940s 到到1940年代为止年代为止 By the end of last year, he_ (grasp) five thousand English words. _(在我们到达他们家之前), they _(finish) supper. by+ 现在时间(now) by+过去时间 (then/last year/the end of last month) by+将来时间 (next year/ the end of next month)现在完成时现在完成时过去完成时过去完成时将来完成时将来完成时will have doneby the time+从句(一般现在时)by the

10、 time+从句(一般过去时)过去完成时将来完成时had graspedBy the time we reach their housewill have finished_(随着经济的随着经济的发展发展), more and more families have bought cars._(随着科技随着科技的进步的进步), it will not be a dream for people to go to the moon any more.as连词,引导时间状语从句,翻译为连词,引导时间状语从句,翻译为 “随着随着”with介词,后接名词或动名词或构成介词,后接名词或动名词或构成 wit

11、h的复的复合结构合结构: with+宾语宾语+宾语补足语宾语补足语As the economy developsWith the development of the economyWith the economy developing fastAs the science and technology improveWith the progress of the science and technologygo bygo throughgo aheadgo overgo on go aroundgo upgo down go aftergo awaygo withgo alonggo ou

12、tgo的常用短语的常用短语时间流逝,遵循时间流逝,遵循经历,检查,浏览经历,检查,浏览开始,前进,领先开始,前进,领先复习,检查复习,检查继续继续四处走动,流传四处走动,流传上升,增长上升,增长下降,沉没下降,沉没追逐,追求追逐,追求离开,走开离开,走开伴随,与伴随,与相配相配进行,赞同进行,赞同熄灭熄灭Although I was young I could simplify difficult sums.simplify vt. 简化简化, 使简单使简单_(她简化了指导以便)她简化了指导以便) the children could understand them. adj. simple

13、简单的简单的 simplified简化的简化的adv. simply简单地简单地, 仅仅仅仅pure purifypure purifyglory glorifyglory glorifybeauty beauty beautifyShe simplified her instructions so thatThe The sum ofsum of 5 and 3 is 8.5 and 3 is 8.The boy is good at The boy is good at doing a sum in his doing a sum in his headhead. . He earned

14、He earned a large sum ofa large sum of money. money. vi. 计算计算.的总和;总结,概括的总和;总结,概括sum总数,合计总数,合计算术题算术题金额金额合计支出概括大意总结经验sum up the expensessum up the main ideasum up the experienceto sum up 总而言之总而言之= in a wordn. 概要概要 summaryu 在在以前以前He had left before I arrived.u 之后才之后才It will be + 时间时间 + before +从句从句 多久之

15、后才多久之后才It will not be + 时间时间 + before +从句从句 没过多久没过多久It will be three years before we meet again.u(不久)就;还没来得及(不久)就;还没来得及就就It was(wasnt) + 时间时间 + before + 从句从句It wasnt long before he returned from abroad.He ran away before I could have a word with him.u 趁还没有趁还没有Make a wish before I change my mind.it t

16、ook nearly two hundred years before I was .artificial intelligenceu man-made, not real 人造的,仿造的假花 人造光 义肢 假珍珠artificial flowers, light, limbs, pearls u not natural or sincere 做作的,虚假的an artificial smileintelligencean intelligent person= a person of great intelligencesolve vt. 解决,破解解决,破解solve & settleso

17、lve和answer一样,侧重给出一个答案。settle解决的对象通常是某种争端,是使争端“平息“下来。solve a mystery/a puzzle/difficulties/a problemsettle an issue/an argument/a matter/a quarrelsolve vt. 解决,破解解决,破解_(有很多问题要解决), the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.With a lot of problems to solveA lot of problems remaining to be solvedn. soluti

18、on解答;解决方法解答;解决方法They are trying to look for the solution _ the problem.toWith _(所有问题解决后), the boy was relieved and went to bed.all the problems solvedreality 真实;事实;现实真实;事实;现实He is out of touch with reality. We must face reality.His dream has become a reality. In reality, things always happen out of

19、expectation.un cn逼真性逼真性unwith realitypersonaladj. 个人的,私人的个人的,私人的私生活私人物品个人想法人情味,个性化personal lifepersonal belongingspersonal opinionsa personal touchadj. 隐私的隐私的Its considered as a rude manner to _(探问对方的隐私问题). ask personal questionsadj. 本人亲自的本人亲自的Occasions were rare when the president _(亲自拜访) small fac

20、tories. made personal visits topersonallyadv. 本人亲自地本人亲自地answer the letter personallyHis art works _(非常受欢迎)among teenagers, but _(就我而言), I dont like his painting style. are well-received adv. 就个人而言,在个人看来就个人而言,在个人看来personally As a result I totally changed my shape. as a result 结果,因此结果,因此She was late a

21、s a result of the snow. He didnt work hard. As a result he failed his exam.他不用功,结果考试不及格。他不用功,结果考试不及格。 as a result of = because of 作为作为的结果,因为的结果,因为因为大雪,她上学迟到了。因为大雪,她上学迟到了。result 相关词组相关词组result in= lead toresult from=lie in导致导致因因产生,由于产生,由于 The quarrel _(导致他母亲离家出走). Many hair problems _ what you eat. T

22、he flood _ a considerable reduction in production. Nothing has _ our efforts. His failure _ his not working hard.resulted in his mother leaving home result fromresulted in result fromresult fromOver time my memory has developed so much that, 他跑得如此快以至于我赶不上他。他跑得如此快以至于我赶不上他。He ran so fast that I could

23、not catch up with himso+ adj./ adv. + that从句从句如此以至于如此以至于“so+ adj./ adv.”放句首,主句要部分倒装。放句首,主句要部分倒装。 So fast did he run that I could not catch up with himTom很诚实从来不说谎。 Tom is _boy that he never tells a lie.Tom is _boy that he never tells a lie. such an honestso honest aa/an+ adj. + 单数可数单数可数 名词名词+ thatadj

24、. + 复数名词复数名词/不可数名词不可数名词 + thatsuch +adj. + a/an +单数可数单数可数 名词名词+ thatadj. + 复数名词复数名词/不可数名词不可数名词 + that(表示表示“多少多少”之意的形容词之意的形容词)so +Tom and Jim are _boys that he dont know how to tell a lie.such littleBut I was always so lonely standing there by myself, until in the early 1960s they gave me a family co

25、nnected by a network.肯定句中:延续性动作或状态肯定句中:延续性动作或状态+until(该延续动作该延续动作)直到直到才停止才停止否定句中:否定句中:not 短暂性动作短暂性动作+until(该短暂性动作该短暂性动作)直到直到才开始才开始1. These dictionaries _ the library until the next month.A.will be taken out of B. wont be taken out ofC. will take out of D. wont take out of2. A good story teller must b

26、e able to hold his listeners curiosity _ he reaches the end of the story.A. when B. unless C. after D. until Not until放句首,主句要部分倒装放句首,主句要部分倒装 “It is/was not until+从句从句+that+其余部分其余部分”的的强调句型中,强调句型中,that 后主句不用倒装后主句不用倒装直到你告诉我我才知道真相。直到你告诉我我才知道真相。I didnt know the truth until you told me.Not until you told

27、me did I know the truth.It was not until you told me that I knew the truth.applicationu vt. make a formal request 申请申请; 请求请求 (向某人向某人)申请某物申请某物apply (to sb.) for sth. u vt. make practical use of sth 运用运用将将应用于应用于apply sth. to sth.apply the ice bag to the faceu vt. put or spread sth (onto sth) 贴贴; 敷敷; 涂

28、涂 v. applyu vt. concentrate on 专心于专心于.,致力于,致力于apply oneself/ones mind to sth.apply the brakes hardu vt. to make an equipment operate 施加,使运转施加,使运转apply pressure toapplication申请表申请表求职申请求职申请申请申请在在中应用中应用the application formjob applicationmake application forthe application of sth. to sth.He felt bad bec

29、ause _(他申请入会) had been rejected.his application for membershipfinanceu n. 资金,金融资金,金融财政部长财政部长u n. 财政状况(复数)财政状况(复数)改善财政状况改善财政状况健康健康/良好的财政状况良好的财政状况boost/ improve finances healthy/sound financesThe Minister of Financeu vt. 为为提供资金提供资金The project will _(由政府出资).be financed by the governmentu adj. financial金融的,财政的金融的,财政的全球金融危机全球金融危机the global financial crisisexploreu vt. 探测,勘查探测,勘查u vt. 探究,调查探究,调查We explored the newly discovered island.The conference


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