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1、大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语模拟224大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语模拟224专升本英语模拟224 PhoneticsDirections: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark

2、your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.问题:1.A.thousandB.youngC.howeverD.town答案:B画线部分读,其他选项的画线部分读u。问题:2.A.lawB.ignoreC.walkD.also答案:D画线部分读,小其他选项的画线部分读。问题:3.A.enjoyB.tendC.imagineD.since答案:B画线部分读en,其他选项的画线部分读in。问题:4.A.glareB.parentC.stareD.care答案:B问题:5.A.violinB.profess

3、ionalC.hospitalD.oral答案:D画线部分读,其他选项的画线部分读l。 Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Shee

4、t.问题:1. _ you _ the chief editor at the airport? No. He had been away before my arrival. A.Have; metB.Had; metC.Did; meetD.Do you答案:C解题指要 该题测试动词时态的用法。你现在已不在机场,故选用选项C动词的过去时态。选项B为动词的过去完成时态,在使用时,需要有一个过去时的时间基准点,在此之前的动作才可使用过去完成时。问题:2. Too much drinking would _his health.A.do harm forB.do harmful toC.do h

5、arm toD.do harmful for答案:C问题:3. John _ he could improve his exam results, but he did not have enough time to study.A.knows howB.knows thatC.knew howD.knew that答案:C解析 考查时态和连词。根据从句可判断为过去时,排除选项A和B。how表示“如何”,符合题意。选项C是正确的。句意为:“约翰知道如何提高考试成绩,就是没有足够的时间学习。”问题:4. This kind of coffee is differentA.and it is al

6、so betterB.from the other, and betterC.and better than the otherD.but also better than others答案:B问题:5. Most of the housework was done by two members of the family, my sister and _.A.meB.IC.myselfD.mine答案:A解题指要 my sister and me同为介词宾语two members的同位语,故选用宾格形式。问题:6. When he was in his_, he began to study

7、 English.A.forty.B.fortysC.fortiesD.fortys years old答案:C在某人几十岁时,用“in ones+基数词的复数形式”。问题:7. The development of the light bulb _ partly as a result of the widespread availability of electricity and the need for cheap, cicada light.A.occurringB.was occurringC.was occurredD.occurred答案:D考的是语态和时态。讲的是过去的事情,

8、用一般过去时。Development的出现或发生,可用主动态。选项D是正确的。问题:8. _ she got the first place in the final exam made her very happy.A.ThatB.WhatC.ItD.When答案:A问题:9. He fell off his bike. _ ,he had to stay at home for several days.A.In a wordB.In other wordsC.As a matter of factD.Once in a while答案:B问题:10. Only if you work h

9、ard every day _ pass the exam.A.you canB.may youC.you mustD.must you答案:D以“only+状语”开头的句子需要倒装。must比may语气更坚决,可能性更大。问题:11. _, the more you are aware of content and meaning.A.The more words you are familiar toB.The more words you are familiar withC.You are familiar to more wordsD.You are familiar with mo

10、re words答案:B句型“the morethe more”表示“越越”:be familiar with表示“熟悉;通晓”。问题:12. I know you had many ideas, but you need not trouble _ them.A.rememberB.rememberingC.rememberedD.to remember答案:D解题指要 trouble to do表示“费力做某事”,故选D。只接用不定式的动词有:agree/fail/ arrange/decide/hope/expect/refuse/want/manage/hurry/prepare/pr

11、omise/pretend/think/wish等。问题:13. It is a question _the book will be published this month or next month.A.ifB.whetherC.thatD.which答案:B这是主语从句后置的句子。由于主语从句中有表示选择意义的or,所以不能选 that。if不能引导主语从句。问题:14. The fact remains _we are behind many others.A.thatB.whyC.whereD.how答案:Athat引导的从句作主语fact的同位语从句。问题:15. Will it

12、 rain tomorrow? I hope _.A.noB.yesC.notD.will答案:C本句是省略句。 ClozeDirections: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Not all people got the

13、ir names 1 their fathers. Some got their names from the places they 2 . For example, a family had lived in a village 3 many green trees and plants was called Green or Greenberg. 4 they lived in a town called Moor, they were 5 the Moores. Sometimes people got their names from 6 they looked. A 7 perso

14、n was, perhaps, called Long. If people in a family had 8 hair, the family was sometimes called the Blacks or the Browns. If their hair was 9 , they may have been called the Whites. People often 10 their names from the kind of 11 they did. A person who 12 clothing was named Taylor. 13 person who bake

15、d bread was called Baker. A person who had a very good 14 was named Singer. After a while these names stayed with people and 15 family names that are still used today. 1.A.afterB.out ofC.withD.from答案:D解析 本题属习惯用法题。下句中就有提示“names from”。2.A.stayed inB.worked forC.lived inD.played at答案:C解析 本题属习惯逻辑题。下文中举例

16、说明:有些人以他们居住的地方名称来取名字的。3.A.ofB.withC.forD.at答案:B解析 本题属句法题。of表示什么性质关系的,with表示伴随状态,有什么特征,for表示原因,at表示在哪里。4.A.IfB.AfterC.OrD.Though答案:A解析 本题考连接词。根据该句的意思和下一段文章中的类似句子,我们可以断定用If。5.A.knownB.saidC.calledD.written答案:C解析 本题属词选题。known知道的,said说,called叫做,written写。6.A.the wayB.a wayC.whatD.why答案:A解析 本题属习惯用法题。the w

17、ay表示什么模样的意思,与后面的“look”相对应。7.A.fatB.shortC.thinD.tall答案:D解析 本题属推理题。什么样的人才能叫long(长,高)呢?当然选tall才能与long相对应。8.A.lightB.heavyC.darkD.soft答案:C解析 本题属词选题。dark(黑的)与后面的black相对应。9.A.heavyB.darkC.softD.light答案:D解析 本题属词选题,light(明亮的)与后面的“Whites”相对应。10.A.threwB.carriedC.thoughtD.took答案:D解析 本题属词选题。通过阅读该段后边的句子我们可以推测本

18、句要表达的意思是:人们经常以他们从事的工作选取名字。故选D。11.A.subjectB.workC.majorD.course答案:B解析 本题属词选题。参照30题。12.A.woreB.putC.washedD.sewed答案:D解析 本题属推理、分析题。Taylor的意思是裁缝,所以我们选Dsewed(缝纫,缝制)。13.A.AnotherB.OtherC.OthersD.A答案:A解析 本题属习惯用法题。Another表示“另一个人”的意思。14.A.brainB.voiceC.bodyD.name答案:B解析 本题属逻辑题。Singer(歌手)应同嗓子有关,故选voice(声音)。br

19、ain大脑,body身体,name名字,均不符。15.A.becameB.spokeC.saidD.got答案:A解析 本题属分析、词选题。该句要表达的意思是:随着时间的流逝,人们还在使用这些名字,因而它们成为(became)了我们当今还在使用的各种姓。 Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answer

20、s marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Since the early 1980s, scientists have revealed some 40 human genes involved in cancer. These genes are essential for normal growth, but can be subverted to cause a tumor. Dr. Jorge Yunis of the

21、University of Minnesota Medical School in Minneapolis has found that 70 percent of oncogenes, or cancer-causing genes, are located near inherited weak points on chromosomes(染色体). Varying from individual to individual, vulnerable to chemical carcinogens(致癌剂) ,X rays and other cancer-inducing agents.

22、If a chromosome snaps apart in the immediate vicinity of an oncogene, says Yunis, normal genetic control mechanisms could break down and the stage would be set for the formation of cancer. Younis hag shown that such a sequence occurs at the beginning of numerous leukemias (白血病), lymphomas (淋巴瘤) and

23、some tumors of the lung, colon (结肠) and breast. Yunis and Other investigators have found that petroleum-based products-notably pesticides and insecticides-damage specific sites on at least two of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes that carry genetic information. Similarly, tobacco smoke tends to atta

24、ck a part of another chromosome. 1. From paragraph 1, we know that some 40 genes involving in cancer are _.A.harmful to the human bodyB.necessary to the human bodyC.the elements that form cancerD.useless to the human body答案:A2. Where are most likely to be affected by caner-inducing agents according

25、to the passage?A.The lung.B.The colon.C.The chromosomes.D.The breast.答案:D3. According to the context, the word in oncogenes in para. 2 means _.A.genes that can kill cancerB.genes that will lead to leukemiaC.viruses that can kill AIDSD.genes that will lead to cancer答案:B4. Under what conditions will t

26、he formation of cancer begin?A.When a chromosome breaks apart neat an oncogene and its control functions fail.B.When people drink too much and are easy to get tired.C.When people smoke too much and are difficult to get to sleep.D.When people eat too much petroleum-based products.答案:B Wanted by the F

27、BI. To the murderer, or the bank robber, these are the most frightening words in the world. When the criminal (罪犯) hears them, he knows that six thousand trained persons are after him. Why should he be so afraid? There are hundreds of cities and thousands of villages where he can hide. There are lar

28、ge forests and deserts where he can lose himself. Besides, hes usually rich with stolen money. Money can make it easier to hide. With money, the criminal can pay a dishonest doctor to operate on his face and make him hard to recognize. Money can pay for a hideout in some far-off place. But the crimi

29、nal knows what happened to public enemies such as John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, and Machine Gun Kelly. They had plenty of money and good hideouts. Yet one by one they were found by the men of the FBI. They know every trick the criminal knows and many more. If he makes just one mistake, theyll ge

30、t him. Thats why the man who is hunted cant sleep. Thats why he becomes nervous, why he jumps at every sound. When he makes a mistake, hell no longer be wanted by the FBI. Hell have been caught. The FBI began on May 10, 1924. Attorney General Harlan F. Stone chose J. Edgar Hoover, a young lawyer in

31、the Department of Justice, to head the new agency (机构). What we need is a wholly new kind of police force, he said. Criminals today are smart. They use stolen cars and even planes to make their gateways. They have learned to open any lock. The criminal would have discovered science. We cant beat the

32、m with old methods. We have to train officers to work scientifically. J. Edgar Hoover quietly went ahead with his plans. He picked his men carefully. They had to be between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-five. He wanted only men with good manners and good character. When working as his officers

33、they would have to meet all kinds of people. Hoover wanted men who could handle a teacup as well as a gun. He chose men so carefully that he made the FBI the hardest service in the world to get into. The FBI cannot help in every police problem. It can look into only certain crimes against the govern

34、ment. Solving all other crimes is the duty of local police forces. 1. A man wanted by the FBI will find that money is _.A.not at all usefulB.very helpful for a whileC.necessary for staying freeD.important and useful答案:B2. Before he worked with the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover was a _.A.policemanB.lawyerC.te

35、acherD.general答案:B3. The FBI was begun in order to _.A.reduce crimesB.bring younger men into police workC.fight crimes scientificallyD.offer jobs答案:C4. A man who can handle a teacup as well as a gun has both _.A.courage and mannersB.strength and kindnessC.wisdom and energyD.ability and humor答案:A A g

36、roup of scientists rowing toward the center of a lake saw something shocking. They turned back as fast as they could. What had they seen.? The lake was boiling! The group was investigating a crater lake in the mountains of St. Vincent. A crater lake is the mouth of a volcano that has been dormant fo

37、r some time and has filled with water. This particular crater was the tip of a volcano called Soufriere, which erupted last in 1902. Since that time, it had not shown any signs of action. But in the fall of 1971, mountain climbers who had hiked near the lake returned to the lowlands with strange sto

38、ries. They said the water had turned yellow and was giving off a smell like burnt eggs. A seething fog was rising from the lakes surface. Local scientists rushed to Soufriere to see if this might be the beginning of a new volcanic explosion. They found a huge black mass in the middle of the water. I

39、t was a great blob 1,000 feet long and 300 feet wide. Lava had pushed up through the bottom of the lake and formed a new island. The investigators wanted to make sure that the volcano was safe, and that the lava would not over- flow into the surrounding countryside. But they could never reach the is

40、land to study it, because the lava was so hot that the water around it bubbled and boiled. 1. This passage is about _.A.mountain climbingB.a boiling lakeC.a new volcanic islandD.a mysterious blob答案:C这篇文章讲的是火山熔岩堆积的新岛。选项C是正确的。选项A和B是文中提到的,但并不是文章的主题。2. A crater lake is at the tip of a _.A.mountainB.ridg

41、eC.islandD.volcano答案:D第二段。解释crater lake是火山的口,里面装满了水。选项D是正确的。3. We can conclude that _.A.the situation was nothing to be concerned aboutB.Soufriere is still an active volcanoC.crater lakes are easy to hike toD.Soufriere is a dead volcano答案:B第三段。Soufriere火山自1902年以后就再也没有爆发过,然而1971年,几个登山者的发现,以及后来科学家的调查,

42、都说明它是活火山。选项B是正确的。4. The writer explains the boiling water by using _.A.mythsB.humorC.factsD.arguments答案:C第三、四段。作者用事实说明水的沸腾。如,水的颜色和气味等。选项C是正确的。 The crowd stirred and whispered in awe as, on the stage, the horse slowly tapped out the beat. Everyone became tense and quiet as the number of taps neared t

43、he correct answer to the horse trainers question. After The final tap, the horse paused, seemed to look around and stopped. The crowd went wild ! The horses name was Clever Hans, the Educated Horse, and was featured in a vaudeville(杂耍) act in the early 1900s, in Europe. When asked a complicated math

44、ematical question by his owner, Clever Hans would tap out the correct answer with his hooves. For example, if the answer was sixty- eight, Hans would tap out six with his left hoof and eight with his right hoof. Even mere remarkable, the owner would leave the room after asking the question, so there

45、 could be no secret signal between owner and horse. A mere animal seemed to be accomplishing a highly technical skill of mans ! It wasnt until years later that the secret of the trick was revealed. The owner had trained Clever Hans to respond to slight signals. The horse became so sensitive that he

46、learned when to stop from the crowds reaction. Members of the audience would start involuntarily, or give some unconscious signal, when Hans reached the right answer. Modern scientists now warn against the Clever Hans syndrome (综合征), whereby researchers unconsciously give clues to their animal subje

47、cts about the actions they like to see performed! 1. This passage is mainly about _.A.animal intelligenceB.mathematical skillsC.Clever HansD.unconscious behavior答案:C这篇文章讲了一匹名叫Clever Hans的马如何会做数学题。选项C是正确的。2. The Clever Hans syndrome is a danger to be avoided by _.A.audienceB.researchersC.veterinarian

48、sD.mathematicians答案:B最后一段。发现了这匹马会做算术的秘密后,科学家感觉很担心,他们拿来做实验的动物也会在他们无意识的暗示下做出他们希望的行为。这样所做出的结论肯定不会准确,所以是应当被科学家避免的。选项B是正确的。3. The Clever Hanss real talent was_.A.his sensitivity to crowd reactionB.adding large sumsC.standing quietly on stageD.obeying his owner答案:A第三段。马对观众的反应非常敏感,这也是它的主人对它训练的结果。选项A是正确的。4.

49、 The first paragraph of this passage is _.A.a first person accountB.a dramatic accountC.an understatementD.a scientific finding答案:B第一段。第一段叙述了马在舞台上的令人不可思议的算术表演。选项B是正确的。 The California condor is the largest bird in North America. It is an endangered species. 20 years ago there were less than 30 birds

50、left. All of the birds were trapped and kept in safe places. The number of condors grew larger. Puppets that looked like condors were used to take care of babies so that more eggs could be hatched. In the last few years, some of the condors have been returned to the wild. But they seem to like human

51、s now and come into danger around people. Some birds perch on houses and tear up roofs. Some have even gone into houses. Birds have been shot, poisoned, and killed by power lines. Now there is another problem. Condors find dead animals that hunters have killed. The bullets cause lead to get into the

52、 meat and it can kill the condors. Some people think hunters should use different bullets. Other people think that the birds should not be put into the wild. 1. Why is lead poisoning a new problem for condors?A.Hunters shoot condors.B.Puppet rearing practices have caused it.C.Hunters bullets contain

53、 lead which poisons the meat condors eat.D.They never used to like lead.答案:C参见第三段。这种鸟也吃猎人射杀的死物。而猎人所用的子弹的铅毒已浸透到死物的肉体中。因此当鸟吃了这种死物时也就同时中了毒。2. Why is the program thats trying to save condors putting them into danger?A.They have captured all the condors.B.Birds raised in captivity are attracted to humans

54、.C.Hunters want to shoot them.D.There is not enough food for condors.答案:B参见第二段。人类把这种鸟圈入特定的地点进行喂养得到了一定的保护。但同时,它们也似乎对人类更感兴趣。从而破坏了人类的正常生活。这就是人们用不同的手段杀死它们的原因。3. What is one suggestion to help save the condors?A.Let all condors free.B.Dont allow anyone to hunt.C.Make hunters use different kinds of bullets.D.Move the condors out


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