



1、.法律文件中常见拉丁语单词、短语及谚语拉丁词语英文含义汉译1. ab initiofrom the beginning从开始起;自始2. ad hocfor this purpose特别;临时3. ad litemfor the lawsuit为了诉讼(目的)4. alibielsewhere(a defense that the accused was elsewhere when the offense was committed)不在犯罪现场5. amicus curiaefriend of the court法庭之友(法院临时顾问)6. arguendofor purpose of a

2、rgument在辩论过程中7. bona fidegood faith真诚的;善意的8. casus bellian act justifying war宣战原因9. caveata warning当心10. caveat emptorlet the buyer beware购者当心(购物者自慎,出门不换)11. damnun absque injuriaa loss without a wrong不能依法获得补救的损害12. de minimisnegligible, minimal微量的13. de novoanew重新14. ejusdem generisof the same clas

3、s同类的15. et aland others以及其他等等16. ex abundanti cautelafrom an excess of caution由于过于谨慎17. ex partefrom one side片面的;偏袒一方的18. expressio unius est exclusio alteriusthe express mention of one is the exclusion of another明示其一即排斥其他19. flagrante delictoin the commission of the offense犯罪时刻20. forum non conveni

4、ensinconvenient forum不便审理的法院21. generalia specialibus non derogantgeneral words do not derogate from special words一般不能背离个别;一般法不会损害特别法22. habeas corpusyou have the body人身保护令状23. in pari materiain equivalent material在类似情况下24. in propria personain his own proper person亲自25. in rein the matter of关于;案由26

5、. inter aliaamong others在其他事物中27. lex forithe law of the forum审判地法28. lex locithe law of the place地方法律29. mala fidesbad faith恶意30. mutatis mutandisall necessary changes having been made根据情况在细节上做必要的修改31. nilnothing(什么都)无有32. non compos mentisnot of sound mind精神不健全33. non obstante verdictonot withstan

6、ding the verdict相反的裁决34. non sequiturit does not follow不合理的推论35. noscitur a sociisit is known from its associates文理解释36. nunc pro tuncnow for then现在代替过去37. pari passuwith equal step公平地,不分先后38. per capitaby heads人均39. per curiamby the court (said of a decision not identifying the judge who wrote it)依

7、法院40. per seby itself自身,本身41. per stirpesby roots (said of the division of property)按家系(分配无遗嘱的遗产)42. prima facieat first appearance初步的,表面的43. pro ratain proportion按比例计44. pro tem (pro tempore)for the time being临时,暂时45. quid pro quosomething for something相等的补偿或报酬,对价46. quorumof whom (the minimum numb

8、er of people required for a meeting)法定人数47. reddendo singula singulisrendering each to each各对各,各从其文字的本义48. scienterhaving knowledge明知,知情49. scintillalittle spark (said of the tiniest particle of evidence or proof)一点点(微弱的证据)50. seriatimone after the another逐条,依次51. sine qua nonwithout which it could

9、not be绝对必须(的条件或资格)52. situslocation地点;位置53. stare decisisto stand by the decided matters (precedents must be followed)服从前例54. sua sponteof ones own will自愿的55. sui generisof its own kind独特的,自成一类的56. ultra viresbeyond the power越权行为57. vel nonor not或者不58. versusagainst诉;对Vi Veri Vniversum Vivus ViciBy

10、the power of Truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.藉由真实的力量,我在有生之年得以征服万物。Omnis interpretation si fieri potest ita fienda est in instrumentis , ut omnes Contrarietates amoveanturAll the interpretations of instruments, as far as possible, are to be such that every inconsistency is removed

11、.所有的解释,若是可能的话,必是通过消除文本中的矛盾而实现的。Nullum crimen majus est inobedientiaNo crime is greater than disobedience.没有哪种犯罪比不服从还严重。Modus et conventio vincunt legemCustom and agreement overrule law.习惯与合意可以使法律无效。Ignorantia facti excusatIgnorantia juris non excusatIgnorance of fact excusesignorance of the law does

12、 not excuse.不知事实可以作为借口,但不知法却不能开脱(罪责)。Nimia subtilitas in jure reprobatur,et talis certitudo certitudinem confunditThe law does not allow of a captious and strained intendment,for such nice pretence of certainty confounds true and legal certainty.法律中不允许过度矫情和做作的表述,因为这种伪装的确定性会干扰真正的法律确定性。Veritas nihil veretur nisi abscondiTruth is afraid of nothing but concealment.真相无所惧,唯怕被隐瞒。Ut paena ad paucos,metus ad omnes perveniatThat by punishing a few,the fear of punishment may affect all.通过惩罚少数人,可以威慑所有人。Nullus commodum capere potest de injuria sua propriaNo man should benefit from his own injustice.没有


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