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1、UNIT 4 Five Famous Symbols of American CultureWarming-up The Eiffel Towel The Leaning Tower The Opera House The Pyramids Beijing Opera Big Ben Red Square Parthenon France Italy Australia Egypt China England Russia GreeceWarming-up What can you think of American SymbolsThe White HouseHollywood MovieT

2、he statue of LibertyMcDonalds, KFCBarbieCountry MusicUncle SamCoca-colaThe Most Famous Symbols of American Culture The Statue of Liberty Barbie American Gothic Buffalo Nickel Uncle SamLets move on to the textand see what the author has to say about this 5 symbols.Warming-upI. UnderstandingI. Underst

3、andingThe text is about five famous symbols of American culture, telling readers these information: who, in what time, designed these symbols, what made them come up with suchidea. Text StudyUnderstandingTime: _Designer: _Model: _History: _ 1. The Statue of Liberty 1. The Statue of Liberty More Find

4、 these information:Find these information:Time: Mid-1870sDesigner: French artist Frederic Auguste BartholdiModel: His wifes arm and his mothers face History: Celebrating US independence and the France-America allianceText StudyUnderstandingTime: _Designer: _Model: _History: _ 2. Barbie2. Barbie Find

5、 these information:Find these information:Time: 1959Designer: Elliot and Ruth HandlerModel: Daughter Barbara History: After watching her daughter play with paper dolls, Ruth had the idea.Text StudyUnderstandingTime: _Designer: _Model: _History: _ Find these information:Find these information:3. Amer

6、ican Gothic3. American GothicTime: August of 1930Designer: Grant WoodModels: His sister and his dentistHistory: Grant Wood was visiting the town of Eldon in the southern part of Iowa when he came upon the farmhouse.MoreText StudyUnderstanding(a pitchfork) What did the serious-looking face and a pitc

7、hfork imply?Text StudyUnderstandingSerious-looking face: the solemn pride of American farmers;hard working and diligent.The pitchfork: haying in the 19th century;to echo the repeated lines of the Gothic Window. Text StudyUnderstanding4. Buffalo Nickel4. Buffalo NickelTime: _Designer: _Model: _Histor

8、y: _ Find these information:Find these information:Time: From 1913 to 1938 Designer: FraserModel: An aging buffalo from Now York Citys Central Park ZooHistory: It honored a pair of connected tragedies from the settlement of the American frontier the destruction of the buffalo herds and the American

9、Indians .MoreText StudyUnderstanding5. Uncle Sam5. Uncle SamTime: _Designer: _Model: _History: _ Find these information:Find these information:Time: After 1913 to 1938 Model: Sam WilsonDesigner: James Montgomery FlaggHistory: Happening to get the name “Uncle Sam”, Uncle Sam soon replaced Brother Jon

10、athan as Americans most popular symbol.Text StudyUnderstandingIII. SummaryIII. Summary The Statue of Liberty is a monument built to celebrate the US _ and the France-America alliance. Holding a torch high, the statue expresses welcome to people who have affection for peace and _. Inspired by a Germa

11、n doll, Ruth designed her American version of _ called Barbie. With long limbs and an _ breast size, Barbie is shapely and beautiful. Guided by artistic theories, Wood created the portrait showing the solemn pride of American _. Unlike other coins in the US, the buffalo nickel _ a pair of connected

12、tragedies, theText StudySummaryindependencelibertydollsexaggeratedfarmershonored _ of both buffalo herds and American Indians. The story of Uncle Sam _ from a man who inspected meat for the US Army during the war to liberate the American _. There are many versions of Uncle Sams portrait, but the mos

13、t famous is in the recruiting _, in which he is a tall man with a white beard on his chin.destructionevolvescoloniesposterText StudySummary1. work on devote to2. go ahead go on doing ; encourage to do 3. go against fail to agree with; be in violation of 4. be short for be the abbreviation of Active

14、ExpressionsActive ExpressionsNotes to the TextActive Expressions 1. 全世界的科学家正在致力于揭开艾滋病之谜。 2. 尽管天气不好,运动会将照常进行。3. 任何违反自然规律的事情都会遭到大自然的 严厉惩罚。4. AIDS是“后天性免疫缺陷综合症”的缩写。Notes to the TextActive Expressions 1.Scientists around the world are working hard on the mystery of AIDS. 2. Despite the bad weather the sp

15、orts meet will go ahead.3. Anything that goes against the law of nature will receive severe punishment from it. 4. AIDS is short for Acquired Immuno- deficiency Syndrome.Notes to the TextActive Expressions Notes to the TextFocus Study 2. He stretched the models necks a bit, but there was no doubt wh

16、o posed for the portrait. (L44) there was no/some doubt , 毫无疑问/不确定,有疑问Practice 毫无疑问,她是她那个时代最优秀的 芭蕾舞演员。 她是否适合该工作有些疑问。 There is no doubt that she is the finest ballerina of her day. Theres some doubt about her suitability for the job.Notes to the TextFocus Study 3. co-founder n. (L19) someone who work

17、s with you as a beginner coco-author 合著者co-pilot 合作驾驶者co-ordinate 使协调 co-exist 共存co-habitation 共同居住co-operate 合作 together withWords and ExpressionsWord Using 4. assemble v. (L8) gather; collect Words and ExpressionsWord Using 7. inspire v. (L39) give sb. a feeling of wanting and being able to do sth

18、. goodThe book was inspired by a real person .Words and ExpressionsWord Using inspire = in (向内) + spire (呼气) perspire = per(每一处) + spire conspire合谋 = con (一起) + spire 合谋呼吸系统 respire = re (再;又) + spireGenius is 1% inspiration plus 99% perspiration.天才是1%的灵感加上99%的汗水。 Elbert Einstein流汗Words and Expressi

19、onsWord Using 激励,赋予灵感III. Chinese to EnglishIII. Chinese to English work on fall/be in love with approve of for sale co-founder rise to fameWords and ExpressionsC to E sour-looking a prominent figure be against tradition enduring sign a contractWords and ExpressionsC to E 赞成赞成 / / 赞许赞许: : to approve

20、 ofBack短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用out of / deep-rooted prejudice / become a nurse Out of deep-rooted prejudice, most parents would not approve of their sons becoming nurses.意意 群群 提提 示示N H C EN H C E想出想出: : to come up withBack短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用the urgent situation / sovereign remedyUnder this urgent situati

21、on, we must come up with a sovereign remedy. 意意 群群 提提 示示N H C EN H C E把把改造成改造成: to refashion into Back短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用designers / fashionable styles / clear off / overstocked products The designers refashioned those old dresses into fashionable styles to clear off the overstocked products.意意 群群 提

22、提 示示N H C EN H C E成名成名: : to rise to fame Back短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用unrealistic young people / dream of / overnight / have money to burnSome unrealistic young people always dream of rising to fame overnight and having a large sum of money to burn.意意 群群 提提 示示N H C EN H C E引人注目引人注目: : to capture ones att

23、entionBack短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用draw near / go to great lengths to do sth. With the Spring Festival drawing near, businesses go to great lengths to capture consumers attention. 意意 群群 提提 示示N H C EN H C E使使免于免于: : to save from Back短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用have a golden card / draw money from the bank / wait in

24、 line / the trouble of doing sth. Having a golden card saves you from the trouble of waiting in line when you want to draw money from the bank.意意 群群 提提 示示N H C EN H C E把把从从中解放出中解放出来来: : to liberate from Back短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用womens liberation / the broad masses of women / feudalistic marriage syste

25、mWomens Liberation liberated the broad masses of women from the feudalistic marriage system. 意意 群群 提提 示示N H C EN H C E因因而赢得声誉而赢得声誉: : to earn a reputation forBack短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用agricultural development / make great contributions to He earned a reputation for making great contributions to the agricultural development.意意 群群 提提 示示N H C EN H C E从从演化演化 / 发展而来发展而来 : to evolve from Back短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用romantic love / a chance meetingTheir romantic love evolved from a chance meeting.意意 群群 提提 示示N H C EN H C EAfter-class Tasks1. Although some members slipped away,(会议照常进行).2


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