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1、New word: 1. passage n. 章节,段落章节,段落 passage 作作“(文章的文章的)段落段落”解时解时, 不不限于文章的一个自然段限于文章的一个自然段, 也可以由若干也可以由若干句话或若干个句话或若干个 paragraphs 组成。组成。 passage 也可作也可作“一段一段, 一节一节”解解, 一般一般指讲话、文章或乐曲的一部分。指讲话、文章或乐曲的一部分。e.g. The teacher spent an hour in explaining this passage. 老师用了一小时来讲解这一段。老师用了一小时来讲解这一段。Choose the correct

2、order of the following sentences to form a passage. 把下列句子排好顺序组成一篇短文。把下列句子排好顺序组成一篇短文。 pupil和和student有什么不同有什么不同?pupil 多指小学生 student (通用)学生 2. My parents were completely shocked! completely adv. 彻底地,完全地彻底地,完全地 e.g. I understand completely. 我完全明白。我完全明白。 complete adj.完整的完整的, 完成的完成的, 彻底的彻底的 。vt. 完成,使完满;完成

3、,使完满; 完成或结束完成或结束 Is this a complete list?这是份完整的清单吗这是份完整的清单吗? When will the work be completed? 这项工这项工作什么时候完成?作什么时候完成? shocked adj. 惊愕的;受震惊的惊愕的;受震惊的 e.g. She was so shocked that she could hardly say a word. 她大为震惊她大为震惊, 几乎一句话也说不出来几乎一句话也说不出来. be shocked at 对对感到震惊感到震惊:We are shocked at the news that Yaom

4、ing has retired from NBA. 听到姚明已经听到姚明已经从从NBA退役的消息我们感到很震惊退役的消息我们感到很震惊/吃吃惊。惊。即学即练即学即练 翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。1) 看到邻居那样对待孩子我很惊愕。看到邻居那样对待孩子我很惊愕。2) 他对她抽烟感到很震惊。他对她抽烟感到很震惊。It shocked me to see my neighbours treated their children in that way.He was shocked at her smoking.3. My parents did not talk after that, and we

5、 finished the rest of our dinner in silence. in silence 沉默,无声沉默,无声 without speaking or making a sound; silently e.g. Many patients were waiting in silence. 许多病人在静静地等候着。许多病人在静静地等候着。 A hundred and fifty reporters sat in silence. 在场的在场的150名记者静静地坐在那里。名记者静静地坐在那里。3 recently adv. 最近最近 recent adj.What have

6、you done recently?recent history 近代史近代史4 most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken by terrorists.绝大多数美国人都记得纽约世贸中心被恐绝大多数美国人都记得纽约世贸中心被恐怖分子摧毁时他们在做什么。怖分子摧毁时他们在做什么。1.take down 摧毁摧毁“They are talking about how to take that wall down.他们正在谈论怎样摧毁他们正在谈论怎样摧毁那

7、面墙。那面墙。 2.写下;记下He took down her speech.他记下了她的演说.3.(使)病倒She was taken down with fever.她发烧病倒了. 5 terrorist n. 恐怖分子恐怖分子 The man is a terrorist.date日期 ,日子What is the date today? 今天是几号? Its October 15th。今天是10月15号。What day is it today今天星期几?今天星期几? Today is Monday。今天星期一。今天星期一。 tower n.1. 塔;塔楼;高楼 Thats a tel

8、evision tower. 那是电视转播台。 4. I didnt believe him at first. at first “起初,首先起初,首先”,作为介词短语,作为介词短语,只起副词作用(在句中用作状语)。只起副词作用(在句中用作状语)。 at first 主要用于强调前后对照,暗示接下主要用于强调前后对照,暗示接下去的动作与前面的动作不同甚至相反,去的动作与前面的动作不同甚至相反,因此常有因此常有 but, afterwards, soon, at last 等等相呼应。相呼应。如:如:At first we used hand tools.首先我们使用手工工具。首先我们使用手工

9、工具。 At first I didnt want to go, but soon I changed my mind. 我开始不想去,但我很快就改变了主我开始不想去,但我很快就改变了主意。意。 Truth: tru: n. 事实,确实 true adj 对的,正确的 1. There is no truth in what he says. 他说的没有一句实话。 /他说的毫不属实. . 2.It is far from the truth. 这哪里是事实。 True friendship lasts forever. 真正的友谊万古长青. Lets discuss the questions

10、.马丁马丁.路德路德.金(金(1929年年1月月15日日 1968年年4月月4日日),著名的美国著名的美国民民权运动领袖。权运动领袖。1948年大年大学毕业。学毕业。1948 年到年到1951年间,在美国东海岸年间,在美国东海岸的费城继续深造。的费城继续深造。1963年年,马丁马丁路德路德金金 晋见晋见了肯尼迪总统,要求通过新的了肯尼迪总统,要求通过新的民民权法,给黑权法,给黑人以平等的权利。人以平等的权利。1963年年8月月28 日日在林肯纪念堂前发表在林肯纪念堂前发表 我我有有一个梦想一个梦想的演说。的演说。1964年年获得获得诺诺贝贝尔和平尔和平奖。奖。1968年年4月,月, 马丁马丁.

11、路德路德.金前往孟菲斯市金前往孟菲斯市领导领导工工人人 罢工被人罢工被人刺杀刺杀,年仅,年仅39岁。岁。1986年年 起美国政府将每年起美国政府将每年1月的第三个虽期月的第三个虽期 一一作作为为马马丁丁.路德路德.金全国纪念金全国纪念日。日。2a Look at the pictures and the title in the passage. What do you think the passage is about?Do You Remember What You Were Doing?The title can be helpful for you to understand a t

12、ext. It is also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before you read the whole text.Read the title and first Sentences.2b. Read the passage and answer the questions.1. What are the two events in the passage?2. When did they happen?1. What are the two events in the passage?2. When

13、 did they happen? Dr. Martin Luther King was killed. The World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists. Dr. Martin Luther King was killed on April 4, 1968. The World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists on September 11, 2001.2c. Read the passage again. Are the followin

14、g statements true (T) or false (F), or is the information not given (NG)?_ 1. Everyone in America remembers who killed Dr. King._ 2. Robert Allen was eating lunch when Dr. King was killed._ 3. Roberts parents were shocked to hear the news._ 4. Kate Smith was watching a movie when a plane hit the Wor

15、ld Trade Center. _ 5. Kate didnt think her friend was telling the truth about the event.F FT F T 2d. Underline sentences from the passage with similar meanings to the ones below.1. Not everyone will remember who killed him, but they can remember what they were doing when they heard that he got kille

16、d.2. No one said anything for the rest of dinner.Although some people may not remember who killed him, they remember what they were doing when they heard the news.We finished the rest of our dinner in silence.3. September 11, 2001- the date alone means something to most people in the US.4. I had tro

17、uble thinking clearly after that because I was very afraid.Even the date - September 11, 2001 - has meaning to most Americans.I was so scared that I could hardly think clearly after that.Language points1.On this day, Dr. Martin Luther King was killed. 这一天,马丁这一天,马丁 路德路德金博士遇害了。金博士遇害了。2)was killed 的意思是

18、的意思是“被杀害被杀害”,表被动关系。,表被动关系。She was killed in the war.Robert Allen is now over 50.罗伯特现在50多了。 1.over作“超过”、“在上”He has lived in Beijing over two years.2.over作作“在在上方上方”、“在在上上”(有覆盖、遮蔽之意)有覆盖、遮蔽之意)The sun shines over the earth.3.over作表语作表语,作作“完了完了”、“结束结束”The test is over.4.over作作“越过越过”、“出出”1.Come over and se

19、e us next week.the rest of: 其余的,剩余部分的,其余的人,作主语是谓语动词的单复数取决与of 后边的名词 例如: The rest of the books are new. The rest of oil is not enough . most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists.绝大多数美国人都记得纽约世贸中心被恐绝大多数美国人都记得纽约世贸中心被恐怖分子摧毁时他们在做什么。怖分子

20、摧毁时他们在做什么。1)纽约世贸中心)纽约世贸中心 世界贸易中心(世界贸易中心( World Trade Center )简称)简称“世贸中心世贸中心”,是美国纽约的地标之一。,是美国纽约的地标之一。2001年年9月月11日,世贸中心被恐怖分子用所劫持的民航日,世贸中心被恐怖分子用所劫持的民航班撞击摧毁,这就是举世震惊的班撞击摧毁,这就是举世震惊的“9 11事件事件”。2)take down 意为意为“摧毁摧毁” 。. She remembers working in her office near the two towers.她记得当时自己正在距两座塔楼不远的办她记得当时自己正在距两座塔楼

21、不远的办公室工作。公室工作。remember (sb) doing sth 记得(某人)曾经做过某事记得(某人)曾经做过某事I dont remember seeing him anywhere.I remember my father bringing home a large Christmas tree.remember to do sth记得要做某事, 例:Remember to close the door,please.记着关门.I was so scared that I could hardly think clearly after that.我是那么害怕以致我几乎不能想起那

22、之后的事。 hard和hardly的区别. He works hard.他努力工作.He hardly works.他几乎不工作. A: When did Dr. Martin Luther King die?B: He died on 2e. How much do you remember about the events in the passage? Test your partner.in historyin silenceat firsttell the truth be shocked to do sth.have trouble doing sth.so that1. 在历史上

23、在历史上2. 默默地默默地3. 首先首先4. 讲实话讲实话5. 做做.感到吃惊感到吃惊6. 做某事有麻烦做某事有麻烦7. 如此如此.以致以致1. What _ (be) you _ (do) when he arrived?2. Jim _ (sleep) when I came in.3.They _ (watch) TV at 8:00 yesterday evening.4. Now he _ (read) and _(write). were doing was sleeping were watching is reading writing. 用所给词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形

24、式填空5. Mother _ (wash) clothes when I _ (get) home from school yesterday afternoon.6. Look, my sister _ (be) there in the barber shop. The barber _ (cut) her hair.7. -When _ you _ (see) the accident?-I _ (see) it fifteen minutes ago.was washinggotisis cuttingdidseesaw. Translate these sentences.1. 上课铃响时上课铃响时, 你在干什么你在干什么? What _ you _ when the class bell rang? 2. 当我妈妈进来时我正在看书当我妈妈进来时我正在看书. I _ _ when my mother came in. 3. 昨天晚上十点钟她正在做饭昨天晚上十点钟她正在做饭. She _ _ at ten oclock _ _. weredoingw


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