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1、Which one suit you ? lDifferent Sports for diffrent purposelDifferent people need different sportsPage 3For young peopleukeep fitulose weighturelax ourselvesPage 4cyclingutBicycles were first developed in the mid-18th century and have long since been used as a form of transport(运输工具). Originally(原始的

2、), the front wheel (前轮)was much larger than the rear wheel(后轮), and the rider was elevated a great deal(车座很高), making them difficult to control and very dangerous. But the new bikes stimulated the growth of bicycle racing as a sport. Page 5CYCLINGCycling at the Olympics features three exciting disci

3、plines(科目): road, track(场地赛) and mountain bikingcycling bicycle riding is especially good for health. It is good exercise. If you go to work by riding a bicycle instead of driving or taking a bus, you can have a better chance of getting enough exercise you need everyday. Bicycling is also good for o

4、ur environment. It is less noisy and does not pollute the air. I am glad to have ridden a bicycle to school when I studied in the high school. cycling You can either travel or read,and either your body or your soul must be on the way*current status(目前状况)(目前状况) Baseball may still be the great America

5、n game, even though many other countries are deeply involved with the game.Development Earlier, before television and air travel, professional baseball was confined toa few cities but not exclusively. Because baseball game is a less intense activityso the spectator can watch the game in a more relax

6、ed and lazy way. Before World War II, there were two major leagues, the older National League and the American League. A third professional grouping was the Negro League located in the south and attended almost by African Americans. As industrialization(工业化)(工业化) spread through America, people wante

7、d to find out a way to preserve the notion of individual triump. Sportd heroes became more popular. After World War II, great changes in the game took place.The history of Bsketbll Basketball was deliberately(故意的)(故意的) created in 1981by a physical education teacher in Massachusetts, Canadian-bornJam

8、es Naismith, to provide(准备)(准备) an indoor sports activity during the snowy winter month when outdoor playing field could not be used.Basketball and health Not to say that basketball can be beneficial to good health . take a look at the following introduction: 1. Eight reasons of life is movement (1)

9、 Exercise can improve heart and lung function(功能) (2) exercise can enhance(提高) the function of muscles(肌肉) and bones(骨骼). ( 3) The exercise can improve blood pressure (4) exercise can improve immunity(免疫性) (5) exercise can make your body more fit. (6) motion(运动)to brain (7) the movement (活动) elimina

10、te fatigue(消除疲劳). (8) exercise can promote mental (精神的)health. History of ABAABA, which is short for American basketball association a former (以前的)以前的)professional basketball league(联盟(联盟),live for nine seasons(1967-1976)basketball has its first professional team in 1896,but it wasnt until 1950 that

11、 the National Basketball Association (NBA) of professional teams was established(确立确立).History of ABAHistory of footballFootball is a sport in the world, on the origin of football is different. FIFA believes that the sport originated in China. The Water Margin high ornamental cap, not to mention nat

12、ural, ancient history in China, there have been Materials Cuju, the movement records. Cuju campaign similar to the current Dianqiu, it is not real football, not with football shape. So in the international community agree that the origin of football in China, said a few persons. There is also a popu

13、lar saying that football originated in England, is said to England in the 11th century, when Denmark between the outbreak of war, hatred, boredom + England will make a Danish prisoners head kicked back and forth, they found that playing this kind of thing Very interesting, so start playing ball or o

14、ther type of spherical objects, from the birth of football. There are, that the Middle Ages ago, the Greeks and the Romans have been engaged in a football game. In a rectangular space, put the ball in the middle of the white line, passed the ball with their feet and rolled the other site, said at th

15、e time of this game as 哈巴斯托姆. This legendary 哈巴斯托姆 is not real football, it is more like playing volleyball with their feet, and there is no net.关于足球起源的传说有很多,但这些传说或者是没有经过考证,或者经过考证而并非真正的足球运动。那么什么才算“真正意义”上的足球呢?国际足联一直标榜“公平竞争”才是真正的足球,其实,“公平”二字只不过是一件时髦的外衣,只有“竞争”才是足球的真谛。国际足联认为“足球是起源于中国,然后经波斯、埃及、意大利后辗转传播到英国,然后得到发展”。然而“竞争”是工业社会的产物,包括足球在内的现代体育运动,同样也是资本主义和工业的产物。任何远古时代关于足球的记载和传说,都只属于远古的那些封建和农业社会,在那个社会里,只能产生属于有闲阶层的“游戏”而不可能产生具有广泛群众基础的“运动”。所以,任


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