



1、 Performance Improvement Plan绩效改进计划This is a confidential document. 这是一份保密文件。The document must be signed by the Employee and respective Manager. 该文件必须由员工本人和各部门经理签名。The Plan should be reviewed at specified times to ensure employees progress with plan. 为了确保员工能跟上计划进度,该计划应于特定时期考核。Attach all relevant doc

2、umentation including records of meetings, discussions, changes etc. 应附上所有相关文件包括会议记录,讨论和变更等。All documentation should be stored securely for a minimum of 2 years following the plan approval date. 所有文件自该计划批准日起应至少被妥善保存2年。Employee name:_员工姓名:Position title:_职位:Department:_部门:Supervisor name:_主管姓名Position

3、 title:_主管职位Start date of Plan: _计划开始时间PART I 第一部分(To be completed prior to the discussion with the employee) (在与员工讨论前应完成)a) Please attach a copy of the employees JD. 请附上员工岗位职责。b) Please attach a copy of the last Year Review Form and/or quarter of year review Form 请附近期员工年度和季度考核表。c) Based on the obje

4、ctives not met (as Review Form) and core competency gaps identified (from employees JD Form), please complete the following section基于考核目标不符(由绩效考核表确定)以及个人能力差距各异(根据员工岗位职责),请完成以下部分List objectives that have not been achieved:列出尚未达成的目标:1. 2. .3. .4. .List competency & Skill gaps and provide a rating , ra

5、tionale for the same列出需改进的个人能力或绩效表现,并提供评分和评分理由Core Competency 核心能力/绩效Rating评分 ( on a scale of1 - 5, 5 being highest) (评级范围1 - 5, 5为最高评级Rationale for rating 评分理由1234PART II第二部分(To be completed and agreed with the employee) (完成并经员工同意)a) Please share the objectives not met and core competency & perform

6、ance gaps from PART I with the employee请和员工共同商讨第一部分尚未明确的目标、个人能力及绩效表现差异d) Please identify specific areas for improvement in the section below: 请在下面列举需改进的方面:Action Plan 行动计划Roles & responsibilities 角色/职责Expected Final Results & Improvement需达到的预期结果或改善Deadline完成时间Review Date考核日期1234PART III第三部分(To be co

7、mpleted in consultation with the employee to include support requirements such as resources, tools, training etc.) (与员工协商完成包括支持需求诸如资料、工具和培训等)Employee Support Requirements员工支持需求Needs 需求Resources/tools/training 资料/工具/培训Date of completion 完成日期Note:We notice the employee especially that this plan begin

8、from and end . If you cant reach the result expected by the end of the plan, we will terminate the Labour Contract with you. Receiving this notice is deemed as that we have fulfilled the duty of termination notice in advance.我们特别告知员工,此计划将从 年 月 日开始,于 年 月 日结束。在计划结束之前如果员工无法达成预期结果,我们将与其解除合同。本通知的签收即视为我们已履行提前通知解除劳动合同的义务。Agreement to review outcome: _ _同意考


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