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1、会计学1BunitReading牛津英语牛津英语ghost鬼鬼第1页/共24页My friends wondered.They were surprised to ask me.I turned around and replied to them.纳闷纳闷;想知道想知道惊讶;惊奇惊讶;惊奇转身转身答复答复第2页/共24页 searched for it and found it behind bushes搜索搜索灌木丛灌木丛第3页/共24页bush-bushes灌木丛灌木丛第4页/共24页Some people were very afraid and left there quickly.

2、害怕害怕离开离开快速快速第5页/共24页 I told myself: “I am not weak”. 虚弱虚弱第6页/共24页 What happened to us? 发生发生 We had a good time as usual.如往常一样如往常一样第7页/共24页New words and expressions1. 离开离开2. 灌木丛灌木丛3. 惊讶的惊讶的4. 想知道想知道5. 发生发生6. 搜寻搜寻7. 虚弱的虚弱的8. 小心地小心地9. 突然突然10. 快速地快速地11.像往常一样像往常一样12. 答复答复 leavebushsurprisedwonderhappense

3、archweakcarefullysuddenlyquicklyas usualreply第8页/共24页1. As usual means _.a. the first time b. as they often doc. seldom2. To reply means _.a. To think b. to say something again c. to say or write something as an answer3. To leave means _.a. to find out b. to look for c. to go awaybccWords understand

4、ing第9页/共24页4. If you wonder, you _.a. want to know somethingb. feel greatc. say something happily5. To search means _.a. to find something b. to shout at somethingc. to look carefully for something6. Weak means _ .a. clever b. small c. not strongacc第10页/共24页 Can you help me finish my diary?(日记)Last

5、Saturday, I went to the g_ house with friends. At first, they w_(纳闷)and asked me. I r_(答复) and s_ (搜索)for the ghost house. At the gate, some people were very a_ and they l_ quickly. But we were not w_(虚弱) and we went into it. What h_(发生)later? We were s_(惊讶) to see many ghosts. And we had a good tim

6、e _(如往常一样).hostonderedepliedearchedfraidefteakappenedurprisedas usual第11页/共24页A big surprise for the best group. lets start a group game.第12页/共24页Last Sunday, Millie and Amy heard a ghost in Sunshine Park. They told Daniel their story. Daniel put the story on his website. Listen to the story.第13页/共2

7、4页WhenWhereWhoWhathappenedFeeling first later one Sunday morningA.They heard a whisper. B.They found a weak ghost.C.There was a ghost in the park.D.They took the ghost to school. in Sunshine ParkMillie and AmyAfraid and surprised第14页/共24页Was it a real ghost? Read the text carefully and tell me what

8、the ghost was? Task 1 Fast reading第15页/共24页They sat under the big tree as usual.It came from the bushes behind the tree. They asked Andy for help. He found a little cat.Because it was very weak, when it miaowed, it made a sound like a whisper.They took it to the animal centre. Work in pairs, ask and

9、 answer.第16页/共24页1. I was afraid when I heard the whisper.2. The whisper came from a big tree.3. We went back to the park with Andy.4. Somebody helped Andy find the “ghost”.5. Andy found a little cat in the bushes.6. Andy gave the little cat to Amy.the bushes behind the treeAndy found the “ghost”.Th

10、ey took the little cat to the animal centre.Andy went to the park. Task 2 True or False questions第17页/共24页 a. We ran away quickly. b. Andy found the little cat in the bushes. c. We sat under a big tree in the park. d. Suddenly, we heard a whisper. e. We turned around but saw nothing. f. Andy went to

11、 the park. g. I told Andy about the strange sound. 4712365Work by yourself. Task 3 Can you put them into the right order(顺序)?第18页/共24页 Last Sunday, Millie went to _ with Amy. As usual, they sat down under the big tree. Suddenly, they heard a _ from the _.They looked around but saw _. They were _ and

12、 _ quickly.Sunshine Parkwhispernothingafraidbushesleft the park They met _ on their way and told him_. At last, Andy found a _ _ in the _. It was very _. Later that day, they took the cat to the _ _. bushesAndyeverythinglittle catweakanimal centre Task 4 Read the text for a third time and fill in th

13、e blanks第19页/共24页Sunshine Parksat down under the big treeheard a whisper from the bushestaketoMillieAmyAndyAnimal Centre第20页/共24页 Aside(旁白旁白):One Sunday morning, Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park. Aside (旁白旁白) : On their way home, they met Andy. Task 5 Try to act it out (表演) 第21页/共24页A surprise for the best group! In th


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