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1、Lesson FourThe Tragedy of Old Age in AmericaBackground Information 美国社会保障制度(Social Security)由社会保险、社会福利、社会救济三部分组成。美国自30年代建立保障制度以来,已形成庞大的社会保障体系。The structure of the text Part 1 (para. 1) Old age is deliberately neglected in America. Part 2 (paras. 2-3) Optimism (乐观)and euphemism(委婉) are common devices

2、 in face of old age. Part 3 (paras. 4-5) Many elements determine the quality of late life together. Part 4 (paras. 6-15) The old in the United States are neglected and discriminated in many aspects.Part 1 (para. 1) Americans find it difficult to think about old age until they are propelled into the

3、midst of it by their own aging and that of relatives and friends . propel leap over confrontation bittersweet come to terms with propel (v): move, drive or push forward 推进;驱动propelled into=pushed into The change is being propelled by the new economic upsurge. 新的经济高涨正促进变革。 His addiction to drugs prop

4、elled him towards a life of crime. 吸毒上瘾使他走上犯罪道路。 midst n.中间 prep.在.中间 Aging is the neglected stepchild of the human life cycle. 衰老过程是人的生命周期中被遗衰老过程是人的生命周期中被遗忘的角落。忘的角落。 Stepchild n.前夫前夫(或前妻或前妻)所生子女所生子女neglect n.疏忽疏忽, 忽略忽略, 漏做漏做vt.疏忽疏忽, 忽视忽视, 不顾不顾 1.fall into neglect 渐被忽视渐被忽视/忽略忽略 2.in a state of negle

5、ct 处于无人照管的状态处于无人照管的状态 3.treat sb. with neglect怠慢某人怠慢某人 Dont neglect old friends, even if you no longer need them. AESOP 即使你不再需要老朋友,也不要怠即使你不再需要老朋友,也不要怠慢他们。慢他们。伊索伊索 so absorbed as to neglect sleep and meals 废寝忘餐废寝忘餐leap over 跳过 The dog made a leap over the fence. 狗跳过了围栏。 Look before you leap. by/in le

6、aps and bounds 迅速的,突飞猛进的precede vt. 在在 . 之前之前, 先于先于 He precede his speech with a welcome to the guest. 他演讲前先对来宾表示欢迎。他演讲前先对来宾表示欢迎。 He came in, preceded by his wife. 他和他的妻子一前一后地走了进来。他和他的妻子一前一后地走了进来。 confrontation正视;对抗;对诊法;对质;比较;自我对质;面对 Banks often enter into confrontation. 银行之间经常形成对抗局面。 China always a

7、dvocates dialogue and opposes confrontation in the field of human rights. 中国在人权问题上一贯主张对话,反对对抗。 external adj. 外来的, 外部的, 外面的, 表面的 n. 外观, 外部, 外界事物 adj. 医外用的 internal adj. 国内的, 内部的, 身内的 bittersweet adj. 又苦又甜的, 苦乐参半的 come to terms with 达成协议;妥协;让步;屈服 e.g.She has come to terms with her fate. 她已听天由命了。 He ma

8、naged to come to terms with his illness. 他设法忍住了疾病的痛苦。 Part 2 (Paras.2-3) Optimism (乐观)and euphemism(委婉) are common devices in face of old age. barricade n. 路障, 街垒, 障碍物, 栅栏 n. (常用复数形式)barricades:有激烈争论的领域或议题 vt. 设路障挡住, 阻拦, 封锁 Please step behind the police barricade. 请站在警戒线之后 morbid adj. 病态的, 不正常的 副词:

9、morbidly 名词: morbidness Dont be so morbid!别尽往坏处想! A morbid melancholy 病态的忧郁inspire vt. encourage inspiration 激励(者);鼓舞(者) lull sb. into doing sth.哄骗某人干某事 e.g. His promise lulled her into believing that he loved her very much. 他的诺言哄骗她相信他非常爱她。 类似的词组还有: cheat sb. into doing sth.; persuade sb. into doing

10、 sth. reassure v. 使安心, 再保证, 重拾(信心等) The police reassured her about the childs safety. 警察让她放心,她的孩子很安全。 eradicate vt. 根除, 根绝, 消灭 He eradicated weeds in his garden 他把花园中的杂草根除了。 形容词: eradicable 名词: eradication expectant adj. 期待的;期望的 She turned to me with an expectant look on her face. 她转身望着我,脸上带着期待的表情。

11、expectantly adv. 期待地, 期望地 The sailors are quiet, looking expectantly towards one ship. 水手们静静地心怀期待地朝一艘船张望。 toil n. 辛苦, 苦工 n. We were quite exhausted with the toil. 我们因那件辛苦的工作而感到十分疲惫。 n. 罗网, 圈套 v. 苦干, 跋涉, 费力地做 run through 贯穿.通达. “跑着穿过,划掉,挥霍,很快用完” A keen humor runs through his writing. He has run throu

12、gh his whole fortune. Our colloquialisms reveal a great deal: once you are old you are fading fast(不中用了),over the hill(上西山了),out to pasture(靠边站),“finished(完蛋了),an old crock(老废物),“fogy(老古板),geezer(怪老头),biddy(长舌妇)。 colloquialism n口语体,口语说法(用法) pasture n.牧场 put sth/sb out to pasture放(牛马)等到牧场吃草 认为某人年纪太大而

13、使某人离职(退休) down the drain 被浪费掉,没有结果 fogy 保守的人 geezer a funny old geezer一个滑稽的老头 Part 3 (paras. 4-5) Many elements determine the quality of late life together. What can we possibly conclude from these discrepant points of view? discrepant (a): different 有差异的 discrepancy (n): difference; failure to agre

14、e 差异 They reached widely discrepant conclusions. 他们的结论大相径庭。 wishful thinking 如意算盘,痴心妄想 stark 1. adj,(外表上)简陋的,荒凉的 the stark beauty of the New Mexico desert 2. adj ,明摆着的,无掩饰的 stark reality 3. adj,完全的,全然的,十足的 in stark contrast to 与.完全相反(形成鲜明对照) stereotype n. 模式化观念, 典型, 老一套陈规老套, 铅版 The idea is an old-fa

15、shioned stereotype. 这观点是老一套了 He doesnt conform to the usual stereotype of city businessman with a dark suit. 他不像典型的城市商人那样穿一身深色的西装。 v. 对形成模式化的看法, 使用铅版 insight n. 洞察力, 见识, 深刻的理解 Ive got an insight into the problem. 我对问题豁然开朗。 The book is filled with remarkable insights 这本书很有真知卓见。 contingent on 视 . 而定,

16、随 . 而定 Our plan for an outing is contingent on the weather. 我们外出游玩的计划视天气而定。 Our arrival time is contingent on the weather. 我们的抵达时间取决于天气情况。 crucial adj. 决定性的, 关键的 Her work has been crucial to the projects success. 她的工作对项目的成功至关重要. Trust is crucial for successful friendship. 相互信任是维系友谊的关键。 inherently 本能

17、地;本质上地;固有地;生来就有的 e.g. Man is inherently good.人生来就是好的。 注意与naturally的区别,naturally表示自然地,天然地,如naturally drooping branches 天然下垂的枝条 sublime adj. 高尚的, 壮观的, 非凡的, 极其的 There is only one step from the sublime to the ridiculous. 伟大与荒谬只有一步之遥。 Jiuzaigou is famous for its sublime scenery. 九寨沟以令人叹为观止的景色而闻名。 vt. 变高尚

18、, 升华, 气化 n. 顶峰, 高尚 ultimately adv. 最后, 最终 All wealth comes ultimately from human labor. 一切财富归根到底来源于人类的劳动。 make way for 为 . 让路, 为 . 腾出地方 He stepped aside to make way for us. 他向旁边走了一步,给我们让路。 derive from 得到, 获得, 来自, 起源于 Thousands of English words derive from Latin. imminence n. 急迫, 危急, 马上要发生的事物,逼近 The

19、imminence of their exams made them work harder. imminent (adj.): (esp. of unpleasant events) about to happen; likely to happen very soon逼近的, 即将发生的 conserve (v): prevent sth from being changed, lost or destroyed 保护;保存 The local government has passed new laws to conserve wildlife in the area. 当地政府已通过保

20、护该地区野生动物的新法令。 conserve: keep from change or destruction 保存;保全保存;保全 preserve: keep safe from harm or danger 防防护;防止护;防止 These social activities can preserve old people from the loneliness of old age. 这些社交活动可以防止老年人的寂寞。这些社交活动可以防止老年人的寂寞。 conserve除了有除了有preserve同样的意思同样的意思“保存保存”、“储藏储藏”;“保护保护”,还,还有有“节约节约”的意思

21、。的意思。另外,另外,preserve还还可以表示可以表示“防腐防腐”。 Salt preserves food from decay.盐能防盐能防止食物腐烂。止食物腐烂。 Part 4 (paras. 6-15) The old in the United States are neglected and discriminated in many aspects. deprivation n. 剥夺, 免职, 匮乏, 丧失 desolation n. 荒芜, 荒凉, 孤寂, 凄凉mute n. 哑子, 默音字母 adj. 哑的, 沉默的, 无声的 vt. 减音, 减弱 dumb, mute

22、 这两个形容词均有“哑的,不能说话的”之意。 dumb: 可与mute换用,但dumb指原本没有说话能力或失去了说话能力。 mute: 多指因后天疾病而引起的聋哑,有时也指因故不说话。consequence n. the results or effects Wastage was no doubt a necessary consequence of war. 巨大的损耗无疑是战争的必然结果。 in consequence as a consequence sustain (v): undergo; suffer; hold up (the weight of); keep alive or

23、 in existence 经受;遭受 He sustained a severe blow on the head. 他的头部受到重击。 The foundations were not strong enough to sustain the weight of the house. 地基不够牢固,承受不住房子的重量。 overwhelm vt. 打击, 压倒, 使感动, 淹没, 打败 No difficulty can overwhelm us. 困难压不倒我们。 overwhelming adj. 1. 势不可挡的,压倒之势的 2. 制服的;无法抗拒的 harsh adj. 粗糙的,

24、严厉的, 刺耳的, 使人不舒服的, 大约的 Good advice is harsh to the ear. (谚)忠言逆耳。 excruciatingly adv. 极痛苦地, 极其地 humiliate vt. 使 . 蒙羞, 使丢脸Isolate vt. 使孤立, 隔离 adj. 孤立的, 单独的debilitate (v): make (a person or his body) very weak 使虚弱 He was greatly debilitated by lack of food. 他因吃不饱变得非常虚弱。 Huge debts are debilitating their

25、 economy. 沉着的债务大大削弱了他的经济。 inhospitable 冷淡的,不热情的冷淡的,不热情的 反义词:反义词:hospitable(热情的)。(热情的)。 in为否定前缀。注意为否定前缀。注意否定前缀的规律否定前缀的规律,il放放在在l起首的单词,如起首的单词,如illegal非法的;非法的;im放在放在以以b, m, p起首的单词前,如起首的单词前,如impossible不不可能;可能;ir放在以放在以r起着的单词,如起着的单词,如irregular不定期的。不定期的。 subsistence n. 生存, 生计, 存在 Subsistence is not possibl

26、e in such conditions. 在这种情况下是无法生存的。 Private pension plans非官方的养老金制度 pay off计划等取得成功 They took a hell of a risk but it paid off. 他们冒了很大的风险,但事情成功了。 pay sth off 付清,还清债务 pay sb off 付清工资解雇某人 wipe out v. 消灭, 彻底摧毁, 擦掉 Most diseases could be wiped out. 大多数疾病是可以被消灭的。 deprive.of.剥夺,使失去 e.g.The people deprived t

27、he king of his power. 人民剥夺了那个国王的权力。 These misfortunes almost deprived him of his reason. 这些不幸几乎使他失去理智。 adversity n. 不幸, 灾难, 逆境 Sweet are the uses of adversity. 谚祸兮福之所倚。 The fire is the test of gold; adversity of strong men 谚烈火炼真金,逆境炼壮士。 Adversity makes a man wise, not rich. 谚逆境增才干,并不增财富。 restrain vt

28、. 抑制抑制, 阻止阻止, 束缚束缚, 剥夺剥夺 He couldnt restrain his curiosity. We must not restrain children of their liberty. arbitrary adj. 任意的任意的, 专制的专制的, 武武断的断的, 霸道的霸道的 Most presidents in this African country are arbitrary rulers.这个这个非洲国家的总统大多数是专横的统非洲国家的总统大多数是专横的统治者。治者。 I have no idea of what is in fashion so my c

29、hoice is quite arbitrary. 我不知道什么时兴,因此我的选择我不知道什么时兴,因此我的选择是非常随意的。是非常随意的。 penalize v. 处罚, 使不利 People who drive when they are drunk should be heavily penalized. 对酒醉开车者应予重罚。 for that matter 就那件事而论, 关于那一点 I dont know, and for that matter, I dont care. 我不知道,但就此而论,我不介意。 chronic adj (疾病)慢性的,长期的 adj(问题或困难)长期的

30、,反复出现的 chronic alcoholic/gambler 酒鬼/沉迷于赌博的人 for the most part 多半, 在极大程度上 The lemon drink was for the most part of water. 那柠檬饮料多半成分是水。 impair vt. 损害, 削弱 Loud noise would impair your hearing. 大的噪音会损害你的听觉。 Today s attack has seriously impaired attempts to achieve peace in the area. 今天发动的攻击严重损害了在该地区谋取和平

31、的努力。 bother with 为 . 操心, 为 . 费心 He has no time to bother with trifles. 他没有时间为小事而担忧。 辨析untreatable / incurable untreatable:不能治 e.g. untreatable disease不能治的病 incurable:不能治愈的,无法治好的 e.g. incurable disease 不能治好的病 elite n. 精英, 精华 Sadly enough, thats just what most of our elite college students have been d

32、oing most of their precious days! 但可悲的事,类似的事情却正是我们的精英学子们每天都要做的! voluntary hospitals 私立医院, 民办医院 municipal hospitals 市立医院 municipal adj. 市政的, 地方政府的; n. 政府证券 confront 使.无法回避,降临于 the economic problems confronting the country(这个国家面临的经济问题)The government found itself confronted by massive opposition.(政府发现自己遭到了强烈的反对。)be confronted with sth 面临(某事物) fraudulent adj. 欺诈的, 不正的, 不诚实的 名词: fraudulence defective adj. 有缺陷的


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