1、1.aid 帮助帮助,援助援助,赞助赞助 first aid 急救急救with the aid of 在在 的帮助下的帮助下aid sb with sth 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事aid sb in doing sth 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事1完成句子(1)We are collecting money(在许多好心人的帮助之下) _ 。(2)They encouraged and _ (帮助他搞科研)With the aid of kind person(2)aided him in his scientific studies2. fall ill 生病生病 属短暂性动词属短暂性动
2、词, 不与不与 for + 时间段连用时间段连用 be ill 指生病的状态指生病的状态,是持续性行为是持续性行为, 可与可与 for + 时间段连用时间段连用His wife suddenly last week.He has for a week.fall 用作系动词用作系动词,后常接形容词后常接形容词.fall asleep 睡着睡着fall silent 沉默不语沉默不语fell illbeen ill3) injure v. _ n. _ adj. injury to sth. (部位)的伤(部位)的伤 他干活时腿受了重伤。他干活时腿受了重伤。(injury) He got _ at
3、 work. 他在意外事故中受了伤。他在意外事故中受了伤。(injure) He _ in the accident. injuries to the legs got injuredinjuryinjured hurt injure woundn肉体,精神上的伤害(一般用语),疼痛肉体,精神上的伤害(一般用语),疼痛n意外或事故而受伤意外或事故而受伤n指外伤(刀、枪、剑伤)指外伤(刀、枪、剑伤)He got _ in the fighting.He was badly _ in a car accident.Her words _ me deeply.I _ my back when I f
4、ell.My feet _ .woundedinjuredhurthurtinjured4 bleed-blood-bloody (v.) (n.) (adj.) 他在流鼻血。他在流鼻血。 His nose was bleeding.= He was _ .= He has a _ nose.bleeding at the nosebloodybleed forbleed sb. whitebleed to death为为而流血而流血, 悲痛悲痛榨干血汗榨干血汗出血过多而死出血过多而死lose bloodflesh and bloodnew/ fresh blood流血、失血流血、失血血肉之躯
5、血肉之躯新人新人 She choked with emotion. 她激动得说不出话来。她激动得说不出话来。 The smoke almost choked me. 烟呛得我几乎喘不出气来。烟呛得我几乎喘不出气来。 The hall was filled with choking clouds of smoke. 大厅里充满了使人窒息的烟雾。大厅里充满了使人窒息的烟雾。5. choke vi. & vt. 窒息窒息; 阻塞阻塞 6. swell v. 膨胀,隆起膨胀,隆起 她的腿肿得很厉害。她的腿肿得很厉害。 风鼓起了帆。风鼓起了帆。 大雨使河水上涨了。大雨使河水上涨了。 Her leg ha
6、s swollen badly. The wind swelled the sails. The heavy rain swelled the river. swollen 可作形容词,表示可作形容词,表示“ 肿胀的肿胀的” Her eyes were red and swollen with weeping. 她的眼睛哭得又红又肿。她的眼睛哭得又红又肿。7. squeeze out 榨出,榨出, 挤出挤出他们被年轻人挤出了就业市场。他们被年轻人挤出了就业市场。They have been squeezed out of the job market by young people.squee
7、ze money from sb 向某人勒索钱财向某人勒索钱财squeeze money out of sb 那个年轻人经常向那个小学生勒索钱财。那个年轻人经常向那个小学生勒索钱财。The young man often squeezes money from/out of the pupil.8. in place适当;在适当的位置适当;在适当的位置keep/hold.in place保持在适当的位置out of place在错误的位置,在不当的位置完成句子(1)_ (把绷带固定在合适的地方)with tape.(2)_(一切准备就绪),she started the slide show.
8、With everything in placeHold the bandage in place名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛7完成句子(1)_ (把绷带固定在合适的地方)with tape.(2)_(一切准备就绪),she started the slide show.名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛(3)I like everything _(都放在原来的地方)答案答案:(1)Hold the bandage in place(2)With everything in place(3)to be in place3 save ones life 救某人的命救某人的命save ones honorsav
9、e ones face save ones skin 保全名誉保全名誉保全面子保全面子避免受伤避免受伤4 Did you or someone else give help in any of them? If so, If so, = If it is true,Do you want to be a superman? If so, come with me! If so, =If you want,5 bite (bit, bitten)bite off more than one can chew贪多嚼不烂贪多嚼不烂Once bitten, twice shy. 吃一堑,长一智。吃一堑
10、,长一智。bite the hand that feeds one 恩将仇报恩将仇报bite a persons head off 严厉斥责,口气凶猛严厉斥责,口气凶猛Reading1 protect against from doing sth 保护、维护保护、维护 prevent from doing sth 防止、妨碍防止、妨碍 He put on his coat to protect himself from catching cold.Nothing will prevent us from reaching our aim.2 and it gives you your sens
11、e of touch.sense of touch 触觉触觉 sense of sight 视觉视觉sense of hearing 听觉听觉 sense of taste 味觉味觉Sense of humor 幽默感幽默感 sense of beauty 美感美感3. treatment 不可数名词不可数名词 “ 对待对待, 待遇待遇,处理处理; 治疗治疗工人们受到政府优厚的待遇工人们受到政府优厚的待遇.The workers received good treatment from the government可数名词可数名词 . “ 疗法疗法”他们正在实验一种治疗癌症的新疗法他们正在实验
12、一种治疗癌症的新疗法.They are trying _a new treatment for cancerbe under treatment 在治疗中在治疗中be under ones treatment 接受某人的治疗接受某人的治疗for treatment 进行治疗进行治疗treatment for + 疾病的名词疾病的名词 治治病的方法病的方法4 depend on 取决于取决于; The price depends on the quality.依赖、依靠依赖、依靠;e.g 他的一家人全靠他养活。他的一家人全靠他养活。 His family depends on him.信赖、信任
13、;信赖、信任; e.g 我相信你们可以在星期五前完成你们的作业。我相信你们可以在星期五前完成你们的作业。I depend on you to finish your homework by Friday.5 heal vt&vi(1)(尤指伤口尤指伤口)治愈;治愈; 恢复健康恢复健康 heal a wound(2)使和解使和解healer (cn) 医治者;治疗物医治者;治疗物Time is a great healer. 时间能够治好创伤。时间能够治好创伤。辨析:辨析:treat, heal, curetreat “治疗治疗”,着重强调过程,不涉及结果,着重强调过程,不涉及结果,不一定治愈。
14、不一定治愈。heal 多用于治疗外伤。多用于治疗外伤。cure “治愈治愈”,强调结果。,强调结果。 6. swell v. 膨胀,隆起膨胀,隆起 她的腿肿得很厉害。她的腿肿得很厉害。 风鼓起了帆。风鼓起了帆。 大雨使河水上涨了。大雨使河水上涨了。 Her leg has swollen badly. The wind swelled the sails. The heavy rain swelled the river. swollen 可作形容词,表示可作形容词,表示“ 肿胀的肿胀的” Her eyes were red and swollen with weeping. 她的眼睛哭得又红
15、又肿。她的眼睛哭得又红又肿。7 damage v. 损害,损害, 损坏损坏 n. 损害,损害, 毁坏,毁坏, 破坏破坏 ( 不可数)不可数) 这场战争损害了两国之间的关系。这场战争损害了两国之间的关系。 地震造成了重大破坏。地震造成了重大破坏。 The war damaged the relations between the countries. The earthquake caused great damage.8 jewellery 和和jewel 的辨析:的辨析: 两者均有两者均有“ 珍宝首饰珍宝首饰” 之意,之意,jewellery 为集体为集体名词,名词, 不可数;不可数;jew
16、el 为可数名词为可数名词 She appeared at the party wearing some of Her finest_.A.jewels B. jewelleries C. jewel D. jewellers I want to buy _ as a birthday gift for my daughter.B. some jewel B. a piece of jewelC. a jewellery D. a piece of jewelleryAD9. squeeze out 榨出,榨出, 挤出挤出他们被年轻人挤出了就业市场。他们被年轻人挤出了就业市场。They hav
17、e been squeezed out of the job market by young people.squeeze money from sb 向某人勒索钱财向某人勒索钱财squeeze money out of sb 那个年轻人经常向那个小学生勒索钱财。那个年轻人经常向那个小学生勒索钱财。The young man often squeezes money from/out of the pupil.10. squeeze out 榨出,榨出, 挤出挤出他们被年轻人挤出了就业市场。他们被年轻人挤出了就业市场。They have been squeezed out of the job
18、 market by young people.squeeze money from sb 向某人勒索钱财向某人勒索钱财squeeze money out of sb 那个年轻人经常向那个小学生勒索钱财。那个年轻人经常向那个小学生勒索钱财。The young man often squeezes money from/out of the pupil.11. over and over againover and overagain and againover and again many timesrepeatedlytime and again time and time againfro
19、m time to timenow and thennow and againsometimes多次多次有时有时 他被年轻人挤出了人才市场他被年轻人挤出了人才市场(squeeze out of) 我一次又一次地警告过你不要再做那么傻我一次又一次地警告过你不要再做那么傻的事。的事。 (over and over again) He was squeezed out of the job market by young people.Ive warned you over and over again not to do such silly things.12. Hold the bandage
20、 in place with tape. 用胶布把绷带固定。用胶布把绷带固定。in place在适当的地方。在适当的地方。如:如:The librarian put the returned books in place. 图书馆员把还回的图书放到原处。图书馆员把还回的图书放到原处。Youd better put things back in place.你最好把你的东西放回原位。你最好把你的东西放回原位。10. wound n.伤,创伤伤,创伤 v. 伤害,使受伤伤害,使受伤区别区别wound, injure, harm 与与 hurt:wound 指外伤,如枪伤,刀伤等,指外伤,如枪伤,刀
21、伤等, 尤指尤指在战场上受伤;也可指在感情上荣誉方面的创伤。在战场上受伤;也可指在感情上荣誉方面的创伤。injure 指意外或事故造成损伤,强调功能的损失。指意外或事故造成损伤,强调功能的损失。harm 指损害有生命或无生命的东西;也可指指损害有生命或无生命的东西;也可指肉体上或精神上的损害。肉体上或精神上的损害。hurt (普通用语)指任何肉体或精神上的伤害。(普通用语)指任何肉体或精神上的伤害。尤指打伤,刺伤;还可表示尤指打伤,刺伤;还可表示“疼痛疼痛”。The bullet wounded him in his arm.子弹打伤了他的手臂。子弹打伤了他的手臂。He was injured
22、 in a traffic accident.他在一次交通事故中受了伤。他在一次交通事故中受了伤。We wont do anything that will harm the causeof peace.我们不会做任何危及和平事业的事。我们不会做任何危及和平事业的事。He meant no harm.He fell off the ladder and hurt his leg.他从梯子上摔下来,伤了腿。他从梯子上摔下来,伤了腿。The hurt to his feelings is more serious than the hurt in his body.11. In place 在适当的位置,在适当的位置, 适当适当 out of place 不在适当的位置,不在适当的位置, 不适当不适当 in place of 代替代替 take the place of
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