已阅读5页,还剩53页未读 继续免费阅读




1、MayaMaya菜单中英文对照表StandardStandard标准菜单File文件New Scene 建立新场景Open Sce ne打开场景Save Scene保存场景Save Scene As 另存场景为Archive SceneSave Prefere nces保存参数Optimize Sce ne Size优化场景尺寸Import 导入Export All 全部导出Export Selecti on 导出选定项目Export Proxy ContainerView Image 查看图像View Seque nee 查看序列帧Create Refere nee创建参照Refere ne

2、e Editor参照编辑器Project方案New新建Edit Curre nt编辑当前Set设置Rece nt Files最近使用文件Rece nt In creme nts 最近增力卩 Recent Projects 最近使用方案 Exit 退出Edit编辑Undo 取消上一次操作Redo 恢复上一次操作Repeat重复最后一次操作Rece nt Comma nds List 最近使用命令列表Cut剪切Copy复制Paste 粘贴Keys 关键帧Cut Keys剪切关键帧Copy Keys复制关键帧Paste Keys 粘贴关键帧Delete Keys 删除关键帧Delete FBIK K

3、eys 删除完整躯体IK关键帧Delete All FBIK Keys删除全部完整躯体关键帧Delete Body Part Keys删除躯体部分关键帧Delete Selected FBIK Keys删除选定完整躯体IK关键帧Scale Keys 缩放关键帧Snap Keys捕捉关键帧Bake Simulation模拟烘焙Delete 删除Delete by Type根据类型删除History历史记录Non-Deformer History没有变形的历史记录Cha nn els通道Static Cha nn els静态通道Motio n Paths运动路径Non-particle Expre

4、ssi ons 非粒子表达式Con strai nts 约束Sounds 声音ContainersRigid Bodies 刚体Delete All by Type根据类型删除所有History历史记录Non-Deformer History没有变形的历史记录Cha nn els通道Static Cha nn els静态通道Clips 剪辑Motio n Paths运动路径Non-particle Expressi ons 非粒子表达式Con strai nts 约束Sounds 声音Joi nts 连接IK Han dles 逆向运动控制柄Lattices车肖 UClusters族Sculp

5、t Objects雕刻物体No nlin ears非线性Wires 网格Lights 灯光Cameras 摄影机Image Pla nes图板Shad ing Groups and Materials阴影组和材质ContainersParticles 粒子Rigid Bodies 刚体Rigid Con strai nts刚体约束Fluids 流体Fur毛皮Strokes 笔划nCloths 布料n Particlesn Rigids 刚体Dyn amic Con strai nts动力学约束Select Tool选择工具Lasso Selectio n套索选择工具Pai nt Selecti

6、on Tool绘图选择工具Select All选择所有Deselect取消选择Invert Selectio n反选Select Hierarchy选择层级Select All by Type根据类型选择所有Joi nts关节IK Han dles逆向运动控制柄Lattices晶格Clusters族Sculpt Objects雕刻物体Wires 网格Tran sforms 变形Geometry 几何体NURBS Geometry NURBS 曲线NURBS Surfaces NURBS 曲面Polygon Geometry多边形几何体Subdiv Geometry 细分几何体Lights 灯光

7、Cameras 摄影机Image Pla nes图板ContainersParticles 粒子Rigid Bodies 刚体Rigid Con strai nts刚体约束Fluids 流体Fur毛皮Strokes 笔划默认物体操纵器 比例修改工具 柔性修改工具Brushes 笔刷 nCloths 布料 n Particles n Rigids刚体Dyn amic Con strai nts动力学约束Quick Select Set 快速选择组Duplicate 复希 9Duplicate Special复制特定Duplicate with Tran sform 以变换复制 Tran sfer

8、 Attribute ValuesGroup 成组Un group 解组Lever of Detail细节层级Group创建细节层级Un group取消细节层级 Pare nt 父子关系 Un pare nt取消父子关系Modify修改Tran sformati on Tools变换工具Move Tool移动工具Rotate Tool旋转工具Scale Tool缩放工具Uni versal Man ipulator通用操纵器Move Normal Tool 移动法线工具Move/Rotate/Scale Tool Show Man ipulator Tool移动/旋转/缩放工具 显示操纵器工具

9、Default Object Man ipulator Proporti onal Modificati on Tool Soft Modificati on ToolReset Tran sformatio ns重设变换Freeze Tran sformati ons冻结变换Snap Alig n Objects Poi nt to Poi nt2Poi nts to 2 Poi nts3Poi nts to 3 Poi ntsAlig n Objects捕捉对齐物体 点对点捕捉对齐物体 两点对两点 三占对三占- -八、八J -八、对齐物体Positi on Alo ng CurveAlig

10、 n Tool对齐工具Snap Togather Tool捕捉聚集工具Evaluate Nodes解算节点Evaluate All全部解算NURBS to Polyg onsNURBS to Subdiv转换NURB为多边形 转换NURB为细分Polygo ns to Subdiv转换多边形为细分Ign ore All全部忽略IK SolversIK 解算器Con strai nts约束Expressi ons表达式Fluids 流体Global Stitch全局缝合nCloths新世代布料n Particlesn Rigids新世代刚体Dyn amic Con strai nts动态约束Nu

11、cleuses核子Particles粒子Rigid bodies刚体Sn apshots快照Make Live物体表面捕捉Cen ter Pivot中心枢轴Prefix Hierarchy Names 为层级名称添加前缀Search and Replace Names 搜索并替换名称 Add Attribute添加属性Edit Attribute 编辑属性Delete Affribute 删除属性Con vert转换Smooth Mesh Preview to Polyg onsPolygo n Edges to CurveSubdiv to Polygo ns转换细分为多边形Subdiv t

12、o NURBS转换细分为 NURBSPaint Effects to Polygo ns转换画笔特效为多边形Pai nt Effects to NURBS转换画笔为 NURBSPaint Effects to Curves转换画笔特效为曲线Texture to Geometry转换纹理为几何体Displaceme nt to Polygo ns置换转换为多边形Fluid to Polygo ns转换流体为多边形n Particle to Polygo nsIn sta nee to objectReplace Objects转换物体Pai nt Scripts Tool脚本绘图工具Pai nt

13、 Attributes Tool属性绘图工具Create创建NURBS Primitives 标准 NURBSSphere 球体Cube立方体Cyli nder 圆柱体Cone圆锥体Pla ne平面Torus圆环Circle圆形Square正方形In teractive Creati on交互创建Exit on Completi on完成后退出Polygon Primitives 标准多边形Sphere球体Cube立方体Cyli nder圆柱体Cone圆锥体Pla ne平面Torus圆环Prism棱柱体Pyramid 棱锥体Pipe 管状体Helix 螺旋体Soccer Ball足球Plato

14、 nic Solids多面实体In teractive Creati on交互创建Exit on Completi on完成后退出Subdiv Primitives标准细分Sphere球体Cube立方体Cyli nder圆柱体Cone圆锥体Pla ne平面Torus圆环Volume Primitives标准体积Sphere球体Cube立方体Cone圆锥体Lights灯光Ambie nt Light环境光Directio nal Light平行光Dista nee Tool Parameter Tool Arc Len gth ToolText 文本Adobe? IllustratorCon s

15、tructio n Pla ne Locator 定位器 Anno tati on注释Empty Group 空组 Sets 组Set 组Partiti on 分区 Quick Select Set距离工具参数工具弧线长度工具Object Illustrator构造平面物体快速选择组Poi nt Light点光源Spot Light聚光灯Area Light区域光Volume Light 体积光Cameras 摄影机Camera 摄影机Camera and Aim带目标点的摄影机Camera,Aim,a nd Up带目标点和旋转轴的摄影机Stereo Camera立体摄影机CV Curve T

16、ool CV 曲线工具EP Curve Tool EP 曲线工具Pe ncil Curve Tool 铅笔曲线工具Arc Tools圆弧工具Three Poi nt Circular Arc三点圆弧Two Poi nt Circular Arc两点圆弧Measure Tools 测量工具Display 显示Grid 栅格Heads Up Display 题头显示Select DetailsObject Details物体细节Poly Cou nt 多边形计数 Subdiv Details细分细节Ani mation Details动画细节FBIK detailsFrame Rate 帧速率Cu

17、rre nt FrameCurre nt ContainerCamera Names摄影机名称Focal Len gthHide All UI Eleme ntsShow All UI Eleme ntsRestore UI Eleme ntsHide 隐臧隐藏全部用户界面元素 显示全部用户界面元素 恢复用户界面Hide Selectio n隐藏选定对象All 全部Hide GeometryHide Kin ematicsHide Deformers隐藏几何体隐藏运动学对象隐藏变形器View Axis 视图轴Origin Axis原始轴View CubeTool Message工具提示UI E

18、leme nts 用户界面元素Status Li ne状态栏Shelf 工具架Time Slider时间滑块Ra nge Slider范围滑块Comma nd Line命令栏Help Line 帮助栏Tool Box 工具箱Attribute Editor属性编辑器Tool Setti ngs工具设置Channel Box/Layer Editor通道栏/图层编辑器Hide Un selected Objects隐藏未选定对象Hide Un selected CVs隐藏未选择的 CVLights 灯光Cameras 摄影机Texture Placeme nts纹理布置Con structio

19、n Pla nes构造平面Fluids 流体Hair Systems头发系统Follicles毛囊Fur 毛皮 nCloths 布料 n Particlesn Rigids冈H体Dyn amic Con strai ntsAni matio n MarkersLight Man ipulatorsCamera Mani pulatorsShow 显示Show Selectio nShow Last Hidden动力学约束动画标记灯光操纵器摄影机操纵器显示选定对象显示上次隐藏的对象全部曲面CV显示几何体显示运动学对象显示变形器纹理布置构造平面动力学约束 动画标记 灯光操纵器 摄影机操纵器线框颜色

20、对象显示 冻结取消冻结边框无边框几何体无几何体忽略硬件着色器使用硬件着色器快速交互变换属性显示局部旋转坐标旋转中心点缩放中心点选定项目手柄消隐背面消隐选项保留线框保留硬边线 保留顶点All Surface CVsAll 全部Show GeometryShow Kin ematicsShow DeformersLights 灯光Cameras 摄影机 Texture Placeme nts Con structio n Pla nesFluids 流体Hair Systems 头发系统 Follicles毛囊Fur 毛皮n Cloths布料n Particlesn Rigids冈H体Dyn am

21、ic Con strai ntsAni matio n MarkersLight Man ipulatorsCamera Mani pulators Wireframe Color Object DisplayTemplateUn templateBounding BoxNo Bounding BoxGeometryNo GeometryIgnore Hardware Shader Use Hardware Shader Fast In teract ionTran sform DisplayLocal Rotati on AxesRotate PivotsScale PivotsSelect

22、i on Han dlesPolygo ns多边形Backface Culli ngCulli ng Opti onsKeep WireKeep Hard EdgesKeep VerticesVertices 顶点Vertex Size顶点尺寸部件标识码顶点边线面表面法线顶点法线法线大小标准边线软/硬边线硬边线边界边线皱褶边线纹理边界边线边线宽度面中心线三角面非平面的面重设显示限制到选定项目自定义多边形显示法线(着色模式)自定义外壳粗略中等精细自定义平滑度 细分曲面顶点 边线 面Crease VerticesUVsUV点Un shared UVs 不共享的UV点 UV SizeUV尺寸Comp

23、 onent IDsVertices Edges Faces UVsFace NormalsVertex NormalsTangents 切线Normals Size Sta ndard Edges Soft/Hard Edges Hard Edges Border Edges Crease Edges Texture Border Edge Width Face Cen ters Face Trian gles Non-pla nar Faces Reset Display Limit to SelectedCustom Polyg on Display NURBS NURB显示CVsEdi

24、t Poi nts EPHulls 外壳Normals (Shaded Mode)Patch Ce nters片面中心线Surface Origi ns曲面原点CustomHullRoughMediumFi neCustom Smooth nessSubdiv SurfacesVerticesEdgesFacesUVsIK/FK Joi nt SizeIK Handle SizeIK/FK关节大小IK手柄大小Normals (Shaded Mode) 法线(着色模式)UV Borders (Texture Editor)UV边界(纹理编辑器)Hull 外壳Rough 粗略Medium 中等Fi

25、ne 精细Ani matio n 动画Lattice Poi nts晶格点Lattice Shape晶格的网格Joi nt Size关节大小Joi nt Labels关节标签Ren deri ng渲染Camera/Light Man ipulator Pai nt Effects Mesh Display Stroke Display Quality摄影机/灯光操纵器 显示画笔特效网格 笔划显示质量Window 窗口Gen eral Editors 常规编辑器Compo nent Editor 部件编辑器Attribute Spread Sheet属性展开表Conn ection Editor

26、连接编辑器Visor 样品库Display Layer Editor显示层编辑Asset EditorBli nd Data Editor Cha nnel Control Script Editor Comma nd Shell盲区数据编辑器通道控制 脚本编辑器 命令解释器Ren deri ng 渲染编辑器Render view 渲染视图Render Sett in gs渲染设置Hypershade超级着色器Men tal ray近似编辑器自定义文本编辑器贴图观测器着色器管理器Ren der Layer Editor渲染层编辑器Custom Stereo Rig EditorRen deri

27、 ng Flags渲染标记Shadi ng Group Attributes着色组属性Multilister多重列表器Hardware Ren der Buffer硬件渲染缓冲Ani matio n Editors Graph Editor Trax Editor Dope Sheet Ble nd Shape动画编辑器图表编辑器角色动画编辑器 动画内幕表融合图形Expressi on Editor Device EditorRelati on ship Editors Sets 组 Deformer Sets Character Sets表达式编辑器装置编辑器关联编辑器变形器组角色组Part

28、itio ns 分区Display Layers 显示层Ren der Layers渲染层Ren der Pass SetsAni matio n LayersDyn amic Relati on ships动态关联Light Lin ki ng灯光链接Light-Ce ntric以灯光为准Object-Ce ntric以物体为准UV Li nki ngUV链接Texture-Ce ntric以纹理为准UV-Centric以 UV为准Pai nt Effects/UV画笔特效 /UVHair/UV头发 /UVFur/UV毛皮 /UVHair/Fur Lin ki ng头发/毛皮链接Setti

29、ngs/Prefere nces设置 / 参数Prefere nces首选Tool Setti ngs工具设置Performa nee Sett ings性能设置Hotkey Editor快捷键编辑器Color Sett in gs 颜色设置Marki ng Me nu Editor标记菜单编辑器Shelf Editor工具架编辑器Pa nel Editor面板编辑器Plug-in Man ager插件管理器Attribute Editor属性编辑器Outli ner 大纲Hypergraph: Hierarchy 超图表:层级两个窗格并排两个窗格层叠三窗格左侧分割三窗格底端分割 三窗格右侧分

30、割上一列表 下一列表Hypergraph: Connections 超图表:连接 Pai nt Effects画笔特效UV Texture EditorUV纹理编辑器Playblast 快速动画演示 View Arran geme nt 视图排列Si ngle pane单一窗格Two Panes Side by SideThree Panes Split TopThree Panes Split LeftThree Panes Split BottomThree Pa nes Split RightFour Pan es 四窗格Previous Arran geme ntNext Arran

31、geme ntSaved Layouts 保存的布局Save Curre nt Layout保存当前布局Frame All in All Views在所有窗口中显示所有物体Frame Selectio n in All Views在所有窗口中显示选定物体Mi ni mize Applicati on应用程序最小化Raise Main Window 激活主窗口Raise Applicatio n Win dows激活应用程序窗口AssetsCreate ContainerAdd to ContainerRemove from ContainerAsset EditorPublish to Con

32、tainerUn publish from ContainerNode Publishi ngPublish as Root Tran sformPublish Pare nt An chorPublish Child An chorNode Un publish ingUn publish Root Tran sformUn publish Pare nt An chorUn publish Child An chorSet Curre nt ContainerSelect Conntainer Contents Lock Un published Attributes Un lock Un

33、 published AttributesHold Curre nt KeysSet Driven KeySet 设置 Go to Previous Go to Next保持当前关键帧 设置以驱动关键帧转到上一关键帧转到下一关键帧Ani matio n动画Animate 动画Set Key 设置关键帧Set Breakdow n设置分画帧Set Tran sform Keys设置变换关键帧Tran slateRotateScaleIK/FK Keys转换旋转缩放正向/反向动力学关键帧Set IK/FK Key 设置 IK/FK 关键帧 Enable IK Solver启用 IK 解算器Conn

34、ect to IK/FK连接到 IK/FKMove IK to FK 移动 IK 到 FKSet Full Body IK Keys设置全身IK关键帧Set Ble nd Shape Target Weight Keys设置融合图形目标权重关键帧Create Clip创建剪辑Create Pose创建姿势Ghost Selected幻像选择Un ghost Selected取消选择物体的幻像Un ghost All取消所有幻像Create Motion创建运动轨迹Create Ani mation Sn apshot创建动画快照Update Motion Trail/Snapshot更新动画轨

35、迹 / 快照Create An imated Sweep创建动画扫描Motion Paths 动画路径Set Motion Path Key设置路径关键帧Attach to Motion Path创建路径动画Flow Path Object跟随路径物体Turntable创建旋转平台Geometry Cache 几何体缓存Create New Cache 创建新缓存Import Cache导入缓存Export Cache导出缓存Disable All Caches On Selected禁用选定的所有缓存En able All Caches On Selected启用选定的所有缓存Replace

36、 Cache替换缓存Merge Caches合并缓存Delete Caches删除缓存Appe nd to Cache扩展缓存Replace Cache Frame 替换缓存帧Delete Cache Frame删除缓存帧Delete History Ahead Of Cache删除在缓存前面的历史Pai nt Cache Weights Tool绘制缓存权重工具Create Deformers创建变形器Ble nd Shape混合图形Lattice晶格Wrap 包裹Cluster簇Soft Modificati on软修改Nonlin ear非线性变形Be nd弯曲变形Flare扩张变形Si

37、ne正弦变形Squash挤压变形Twist扭曲变形Wave波形变形Sculpt Deformer 雕刻变形器Jiggle Deformer抖动变形器Jiggle Disk Cache 抖动磁盘缓存Jiggle Disk Cache Attributes抖动磁盘组成属性Wire Tool线框工具Wire Dropoff Locator线框离散定位器Wrin kle Tool褶皱工具Poi nt On Curve曲线上的点Edit Deformers 编辑变形器Edit Membership Tool编辑元素工具Prune Membership剪除变形组元素Cluster簇Lattice晶格Par

38、e nt Base Wire与基本线框成组Display In termediate Objects Hide In termediate Objects Pai nt Ble nd Shape Weights Tool Pai nt Cluster Weights Tool Pai nt Jiggle Weights Tool显示中间物体隐藏中间物体使用画笔工具调整混合变形权重 使用画笔工具调整簇变形权重 使用画笔工具调整抖动权重Pai nt Wire Weights Tool使用画笔工具调整线框权重画笔组成员工具插入关节工具 重建根关节移除关节断开关节Sculpt 雕刻Wire 线框Ble

39、 nd Shape 混合变形Add 添加Remove 移除Swap 交换Bake Topology to Targets烘焙物体到目标物体Lattice晶格变形Reset Lattice重设晶格Remove Lattice Tweaks移除晶格扭曲Wrap 包裹变形Add In flue nee添加影响Remove In flue nee 移除影响 Wire线框变形Add 添加Remove 移除Add Holder添加定位器Reset 重设Show Base Wire显示基本线框Paint Set Membership ToolSkelton 骨骼Joint Tool 关节工具IK Han d

40、le Tool 反向动力学手柄工具IK Spli ne Han dle Tool反向动力学曲线手柄控制器Insert Joint Tool Reroot Skelet on Remove Joint Disc onnect JointConnect Joi nt连接关节Mirror Joi nt镜像关节Orient Joint定向关节Retargeti ng重新定位目标Set Neutral Pose设定中间姿势Retarget Skeleton重设目标骨骼Go to Neutral Pose转到中间姿势添加限制平面恢复到初始姿势 添加缺少的控制器 躯体部分自动加载 获取完整躯体IK范例 设置

41、首选角度采用首选角度启用IK控制手柄捕捉启用IK和FK控制启用选定IK控制手柄 禁用选定IK控制手柄Joint Labelli ng关节标签Add Retargeti ng Labels添加重建标签Add FBIK Labels添加完整躯体IK标签Toggle Selected Labels切换所选标签Show All Labels显示全部标签Hide All Labels隐藏全部标签Ren ame Joi nts From Labels关节以标签名称命名Label Based on Joi nt Names标签以关节名称命名Full Boby IK 全身IK系统Add Full Body I

42、K添加完整躯体IKAdd Auxiliary EffectorAdd Auxiliary PivotActivate Auxiliary PivotChange Auxiliary Pivot Placeme ntShow FBIK FK Skeleton 显示完整躯体IK/FK骨骼 Hide FBIK FK Skeleton隐藏完整躯体IK/FK骨骼Add Floor Co ntact Pla neGo to Sta nee PoseAdd Missi ng EffectorsBody Part AutoloadGet FBIK Example Set Preferred An gleAss

43、ume Preferred An gle En able IK Handle Sn ap En able IK/FK Con trolEn able Selected IK Han dles Disable Selected IK Han dlesSkin 皮肤Bind Skin 绑定皮肤Smooth Bi nd柔性绑定Rigid Bi nd刚性绑定Detach Ski n分离皮肤Go to Bind Pose转到绑定姿势Edit Smooth Sk in 编辑柔性皮肤Add In flue nee添加影响Remove In flue nee 移除影响Set Max I nflue nces设

44、置最大影响Move Skinned Joints Tool Pai nt Skin Weights Tool Export Sk in Weight Maps Import Sk in Weight Maps Mirror Ski n Weights绘画皮肤权重工具 导出皮肤权重贴图 导入皮肤权重贴图 镜像皮肤权重选择角色组节点选择角色组成员设置当前角色组Copy Skin Weights复制皮肤权重Smooth Ski n WeightsReset Weights to Default恢复默认权重Prune Small Weights去除细微权重Remove Un used In flue

45、nces移除未使用的影响Disable Weight Normalizatio n禁用权重规格化En able Weight Normalizati on启用权重规格化Normalize Weights规格化权重Substitute Geometry替换几何体Edit Rigid Sk in编辑冈H性皮肤Create Flexor创建屈肌Copy Flexor复制屈肌Reassig n Bo ne Lattice Joi nt重新指定骨骼晶格关节Preserve Sk in Groups保留皮肤组Constrain 约束Poi nt 点约束Aim 目标约束Orie nt方向约束Scale 缩放

46、约束Pare nt父子约束Geometry 几何体约束Normal法线约束Tangent切线约束Pole Vector 极向量约束Remove Target移除约束Set Rest Positio n 设定静止位置Modify Co nstrai ned Axis修改约束轴向Character 角色Create Character Set 创建角色组Create Subcharacter Set 创建子角色组Character Map per角色贴图器Attribute Editor属性编辑器Add to Character Set添加到角色Remove from Character Set

47、从角色组移除Merge Character Sets合并角色组Select Character Set NodeSelect Character Set MembersSelect Curre nt Character SetRedirect 改变方向Polygo ns多边形Select 选择Object/Component选择物体/部件Vertex选择顶点Edge 选择边线Face 选择面UV 选择UVVertex Face选择顶点面Select Edge Loop Tool选择循环边线工具Select Edge Ring Tool选择环形边线工具Select Border Edge Too

48、l选择边界边线工具Select Shortest Edge Path Tool选择最短路径Convert Selectio n转换选定项目为To Vertices 顶点To Vertex Faces 顶点面To UVs UV坐标To UV ShellUV外 壳To UV Border 有UV的边界To Shell 外壳To Shell Border 壳边界To Edges 边线To Edge Loop 循环边线To Edge Ri ng 环形边线To Co ntai ned Edges 所包含的边线To Faces 面To Face Path当前选择对象路径的面To Co nta in ed

49、Faces所包含的面Grow Selectio n Regio n增加选择单元Shri nk Selection Regio n减少选择单元Select Selectio n Bou ndary选择单元边界Select Con tiguous Edges选择连续边Select Usi ng Con strai nts选择约束Mesh 网格Combine 合并Separate 分离Extract 榨取(破碎) Boolea ns布尔运算Un io n 合集挖洞工具创建多边形工具雕刻几何体工具Differe nee差集In terseetio n交集Smooth 平滑Average Vertice

50、s平均顶点Tran sfer Attributes转移属性Pai nt Tran sfer Attributes Weights Tool画笔属性传递工具Clipboard Actio ns剪贴板动作Copy Attributes复制属性Paste Attributes粘贴属性Clear Clipboard清除剪贴板Reduce减少Pai nt Reduce Weights Tool绘画减少权重工具Clea nup 清理Trian gulate三角化Quadra ngulate 四边化Fill Hole 填洞Create Polyg on ToolSculpt Geometry ToolScu

51、lpt Geometry ToolMirror Cut镜像剪切Mirror Geometry镜像几何体Edit Mesh 编辑网格Keep Faces Together保持面在一起Extrude 挤压Bridge 桥接Appe nd to Polygon Tool追加多边形工具Cut Faces Tool切面工具Split Polygon Tool分割多边形工具In sert Edge Loop Tool插入循环边线工具Offset Edge Loop Tool偏移循环边线工具Add Divisio ns添加分界线Slide Edge Tool 滑动边线工具Tran sform Comp on

52、ent 变换部件Flip Tria ngle Edge翻转三角边Poke Face 拨开面Wedge Face 楔入面Duplicate Face 复制面Detach Compo nent 分离部件Merge 合并Merge To Ce nter合并到中心线Coll apse 塌陷Merge Edge Tool预设灯光批量烘焙指定新顶点烘焙组 指定现有的烘焙组 编辑指定烘焙组 创建空颜色组 删除当前颜色组Merge Edge/Vertex 合并边线工具Delete Edge/Vertex删除边线/顶点Chamfer Vertex斜切顶点Bevel 倒角Crease Tool褶皱工具Remove

53、 SelectedRemove AllCrease Sets 褶皱组Create Crease Set创建褶皱组No Crease Sets Defi ned没有定义褶皱组Proxy 代理Subdiv Proxy细分代理Remove Subdiv Proxy Mirror移除细分代理并镜像Crease Proxy Edge Tool褶皱代理边线工具Toggle Proxy Display切换代理显示Both Proxy and Subdiv Display代理和细分均显示Normals 法线Vertex Normal Edit Tool顶点法线编辑工具Set Vertex Normal设置顶点

54、法线Lock Normals 锁定法线Un lock Normals 解锁法线Average Normals 平均法线Set to Face 设置为面法线Reverse 反转Con form 统一Soften Edge 软化边Harden Edge 硬化边Set Normal A ngle设置法线角度Color 颜色Prelight (Maya)Batch Bake (me ntal ray) Assig n New Vertex Bake Set Assig n Exist ing Bake Set Edit Assig ned Bake Set Create Empty Color Set

55、 Delete Curre nt Color Set环境光+漫反射素材混合设置Ren ame Curre nt Color Set重命名当前颜色组Modify Curre nt Color Set修改当前颜色组Color Set Editor 颜色组编辑器Set Keyframe for Vertex Color设定顶点颜色的关键帧Apply Color应用颜色Pai nt Vertex Color Tool顶点颜色描绘工具Toggle Display Colors Attribute切换显示颜色属性Color Material Cha nnel颜色属性通道None 无Ambie nt环境光A

56、mbie nt + DiffuseDiffuse漫反射Specular反射光Emissi on发散Material Ble nd Sett ing Overwrite 覆盖Add 加法Subtract减法Multiply乘法Divide 除法Average 平均Modulate 2x 调整两倍Per In sta nee Shari ngSelect Shared In sta ncesShare In sta ncesCreate Uvs 创建 UVPla nar Mapp ing平面贴图Cyli ndrical Map pi ng圆柱形贴图Spherical Mappi ng球形贴图Aut

57、omatic Map p ing自动贴图Create UVs Based On Camera基于摄影机创建 UVBest Pla ne Texturi ng Tool最佳平面纹理工具Assig n Shader to Each Projectio n指定着色器到每个投影Create Empty UV Set创建空的 UV组Copy UVs to UV Set复希9 UV到 UV组No Object Selected没有选择物体Copy into New UV Set复制到新 UV组Set Current UV Set 设置当前 UV组Rename Current UV Set重命名当前 UV组

58、Delete Current UV Set 删除当前 UV组UV Set EditorUV组编辑器Per In sta nee Shari ng实例共享Select Shared In sta nces选择共享的实例Share In sta nces共享实例Make Selected In sta nee Curre nt使选定实例成为当前实例Edit UVs 编辑 UVNormalize 规格化Un itize 整合Flip 翻转Rotate 旋转Grid 栅格Alig n对齐Warp Image 歪曲图像Map UV Border映射 UV边界Straighten UV Border拉直

59、UV边界Relax 释放Un fold 解除折叠Layout 布局Cut UV Edges 剪切UV边线Split UVs分害U UVSew UV Edges 缝合UV边线Move and Sew UV Edges 移动并缝合UV边线Merge UVs 合并 UVDelete UVs 删除 UVUV Texture EditorUV纹理编辑器Surfaces 曲面Edit Curves编辑曲线Duplicate Surface Curves 复制表面曲线Attach Curves合并曲线Detach Curves打断曲线Alig n Curves对齐曲线Ope n/Close Curves打开

60、/关闭曲线Move Seam 移动接缝Cut Curves剪切曲线In tersect Curves相交曲线Curve Fillet曲线导角In sert Kn ot插入结点Exte nd延伸Exte nd Curve延伸曲线Exte nd Curve On Surface延伸表面曲线Offset 偏移Offset Curve偏移曲线Offset Curve On Surface偏移表面曲线Reverse Curve Directio n反转曲线方向Rebuild Curve重建曲线Fit B-spline适配B样条线Smooth Curve平滑曲线CV Hard ness ToolCV硬 化


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