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1、21 Secrets to Becoming A Good SpeakerKai-Fu LeeManaging DirectorMicrosoft Research, ChinaWe Present Every Day! Not just conference talks. Product group meetings BillG / TAB meetings Preamble to a demo Convince a product group to be interested Present patent to a lawyer Present a group result at offs

2、ite “Elevator talksBut Im not good at it. Presentation skills can be acquired. Examples: Bill Gates Kai-Fu LeeWhat Youll Learn Today: Communication skills Preparing the Talk Delivering the Talk Handling Q&A 21 secrets to becoming a good speaker.What is Communication Skills? Verbal (words spoken) Voc

3、al (tone, range, appeal, credibility of voice) Visual (physical appearance, clothing, gestures, eye contact) 7% 38% 55%CommunicationSkills“Without effective delivery, a speech of the highest mental capacity can be held in no esteem.With effective delivery,even one with moderate abilities maysurpass

4、those of the highest talent.- Cicero “The man who can think and does not knowhow to express what he thinksis at the level of him who cannot think.- PericlesThe Importance of Communication SkillsCommunication Skills = Fake? Most important factor is PASSION! If youre passionate, your vocal & visual sk

5、ills will come naturally. Passion could come from subject, experience, or environment. “There is just one sure cure for bad speeches Get truly excited on the subject, and 99 percent of the faults of your speaking will disappear.- Robert Montgomery But there are skills to be learned.Like reading, wri

6、ting, typing.Must learn this, if you want your work to be understood!Verbal Skills Be simple and clear! Dont ramble. Stop to think if you need to. Example one: Dan Quayle celebrates democracy: Example two: Dan Quayle trying to say “A mind is a terrible thing to wasteVerbal Skills Speaking is not lik

7、e writing! Use simple words. Dont use complex sentences. Can you understand this: Dont use ambiguous words in speech.Vocal Skills Project & resonate your voice. No “UMs and “ERs. (Pause instead). Silence is a tool (To draw attention).Vocal Skills Play your voice with pitch and tempo. To amplify a po

8、int, slow down, speak loudly, exaggerate inotation, pause in the right places. “You are right. I am wrong Stalin to Trotsky “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country- John F. Kennedy BAD EXAMPLE : “I welcome this kind of examination, because people have to know

9、whether their president is a crook. Well, Im not a crook.- Richard M. Nixon Dont use it everywhere!Vocal Skills : Same message; many ways to deiver John Kennedy: “You need to contribute to your country “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. Quayle vs. Benson

10、 Debate: Quayle: I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency. Answer 1: “Jack Kennedy is better than you. Answer 2: Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, youre no Jack Kennedy.“Vocal Skill

11、s : Enthusiasm Passion & Enthusiasm! If youre not passionate, why should we care? Example: Martin Luther King I have a dream.That one dayThis nation will rise upLive up to the true meaning to its creed:We hold these truths to be self-evidentThat all men are created equal. Visual Skills Visual Skills

12、 THE most important Appear trustworthy & respectful. US Election 1960 was won on visual skills. Components of Visual Skills Eyes Body Hands FaceVisual Skills Eyes Look forward at audience (trust) Dont shift eyeballs; dont look in corner. Dont look too much at computer screen or your notes. Look at p

13、eoples faces (not eyes) 3-6 seconds per person. Shift randomly. Nod, smile, use facial expression.Visual Skills Body Stand up when talking. Walk around = informal. Dont: Rock, shake, lean too much.Visual Skills Hands Gesture complements talk. Should come naturally, without thinking. Make sure they m

14、atch! Need to exaggerate a little Especially with large audience. Dont fidget or put in pocket. Videotape whole talk & watch.Visual Skills Face Show emotion! Most of the time: “I care a lot about this. “I really believe in this. “I love my work. Sometimes (in response to questions). “This is the mos

15、t outrageous thing Ive ever heard. “I will have nothing to do with this.What Youll Learn Today: Communication skills Preparing the Talk Delivering the Talk Handling Q&A 21 secrets to becoming a good speaker.Preparing the Talk Always OVERPREPARE! Preparation includes: Researching the background. Orga

16、nizing the talk. Writing the slides. Rehearsing the talk. Last minute things.Researching the Background When youre invited, find out: How long is the talk? Whats the topic? (Say no if you dont care about the topic). Whos the audience. Once you say yes, you are COMMITTED to do a great job.Organizing

17、the Talk Youre the salesman. First lesson for salesmen: “Tell them what youre going to say. Say it. Tell them what you said Very similar to your paper!The Central Message (it) People will not remember everything. Have ONE clear walk-away message. What do you want people to remember in 3 months? The

18、answer to the question: “How was the talk? Repeat it!The Opening Say something provoking! Give a (very short) outline/overview.The Substance Logical. Convincing. Help them remember the message! Anticipate doubts & remove them. Smooth transitions Dont lose the audience OK to re-order the sub-topics.

19、Keep repeating the message!The Ending End with a BANG! Repeat the message. Say thank you.Writing the Visuals () Prepation (80% time) First prepare outline (recommend : Word). Then modify outline for: Logic onvincing, flow, transitions. Actual Slide Writing (20% time) Should come almost directly from

20、 the outline.Use of Visuals () Visuals only support your talk. Spend more time on your talk! Simple and clear 1 idea; 3 sub-concepts; = 6 lines. Readable Big & color-coordinated. Dont read from the slides!What if Talk is Complex Dont lose people. Use grayed out outline. If idea is complex: Try reall

21、y hard to avoid complex slides, but If you must use it, use layers (prevent read-ahead & lack of focus). Remember to change slides for printing. Example.If you must use complex layersa good exampleContent ServerProxy ServerClients3. return content1. open connection & send requestContent re-authoring

22、Client/UserprofilesAdaptationschemesNetworkmonitoringCaching &pre-fetchingmanagement2. retrieve content 2. retrieve content 3. retrieve network data, user/client profiles4. perform adaptation5. return content1. open connection & send requestUse of Demos / Multimedia Keeps the talk interesting. Dont

23、overdo it. Should be tied to content. Ordering : 2,N, N-1, N-2,.3, 1 Rehearsing Your Talk Record & listen to every talk at least twice! Record: Best : features. OK : Tape recorder. Must do sometime : Video Ask experienced speaker to critique. Improve: Style, logic, timing per slide.Get the Timing Ri

24、ght! Running out of time is a disaster. Write how much time should remain on each slide.After youre more experienced. No longer necessary to record. Every new talk still must be rehearsed. Bring notes if you arent confident.Just Before the Talk. Prepare something matching the occasion. Make sure you

25、re not too tired: Get enough sleep the previous night. Drink 3 cups of coffee!What Youll Learn Today: Communication skills Preparing the Talk Delivering the Talk Handling Q&A 21 secrets to becoming a good speaker.Delivering the Talk Overcoming language barrier. Overcoming nervousness. Art of Good Op

26、ening & ending. Humor Audience participationOvercoming Language Barrier Perfect English not necessary. Know your limitations. Dont use fancy words, complex sentences. Dont take any chance of looking silly. OK to bring cheat notes!Outline & Script Always make an outline. notes; Word Outline. Dont hav

27、e to use it. It may be best to READ a speech. No excuse not to be fluent! (practice!) Dont stare at paper. (Memorize it if youre prefer).Overcoming Nervousness“Do the thing you fearand the death of fear is certain.- Ralph Waldo EmersonHiding Nervousness It is possible to hide nervousness! Dont let t

28、he shaking show! Make a fist; hold the lectern. Speak loudly. Take a deep breath. Look at a friendly face. Look above peoples heads.Art of Good Opening & Ending Opening Say something relevant to the occasion. Need to research background before the talk. Ending “If you remember only one thing from th

29、is talk, then you should remember XXX.Humor Good humor: Respectful. Relevant (better yet: original). Short. Plan your jokes: Remember what worked. Use it again!Humor How to tell a joke? Set up (people should know a joke is coming up). Pause after climax (punch line). Move on naturally if no reaction

30、!Audience Participation Best way for people to remember! Ask audience a question Anticipate their answer(s)! Respond with something interesting AND relevant.Be Yourself Learn the skills; dont copy the styles. You must be yourself to be credible. Many styles could be effective: Bill Gates Brilliant t

31、echnologist Steve Ballmer Powerful salesman Steve Jobs Passionate evangelistWhat Youll Learn Today: Communication skills Preparing the Talk Delivering the Talk Handling Q&A 21 secrets to becoming a good speaker.Q&A Q&A is your chance to: Amplify your points. Increase your credibility.Dealing with Qu

32、estions Easy Questions Amplify your points! Hard Questions No need to answer directly. But dont hide! Narrow Questions Take offline.Q&A Giving A Good Answer Respect the listener Right body language Repeat the question Complete if people cannot hear. Paraphrase to help amplify your point. If people a

33、re too shy, you start! Dont argue or dismiss a question.21 Secrets#1 Anybody can learn to give a good talk.21 Secrets#2 Dont give a talk unless youre passionate.21 Secrets#3 Use simple and clear words.21 Secrets#4 Play your voice to focus on key points.21 Secrets#5 Silence is a great tool.21 Secrets

34、#6 Overprepare every talk.21 Secrets#7 Tell them what youre going to say.Say it.Tell them what you said.21 Secrets#8 Have ONE clear central message for:the question “How was the talk21 Secrets#9 Open your talk with something thought-provoking21 Secrets#10 Slides should be simple & clear.21 Secrets#1

35、1 Dont read from your slides.21 Secrets#12 Order your demos.21 Secrets#13 Rehearse & listen to each talkat least twice!21 Secrets#14 Time your talk on every slide.21 Secrets#15 It may be OK to read from a script.21 Secrets#16 Stay awake!Drink 3 cups of coffee before your talk.21 Secrets#17 It is pos

36、sible to hide nervousness.21 Secrets#18 Tailor your opening remarks to the occasion.21 Secrets#19 “If you only remember one thing fromthis talk, you should remember XXX21 Secrets#20 Humor & Interactivity must berelevant and well-planned.21 Secrets#21 Q&A can help you more than the audience.Conclusio

37、n Giving a talk is easy It just takes: A little passion A lot of practice!椵擢犯檂坾櫂忶梺篊墴軹圹颺崌秔燁窕褭铄鋥淭抌檥犉萕燼俷鰖轏敋鴢驐蔇疸姙柾儬喲珰峋愾湸堋譄姢卟屖蓝渒秮毫磽輩葏廒纒咧绳晷镗邔驪馐槛腌噖鑯璐莤龜瑒乩扵雽仧鰂饚筢慸阨筩茮御潲鎷派溚鷘冒泫鲸镣釞鈽浚瘙缮頫挕鋆閙檉淞棲价滃坻谀媌驩闻罝爡錒受磑珮藴唚塯鰃箭蔄黉讅掽盦飃丳蘐麪玈罤炸浖蘢馓蜸営巌調痄捘毜獤鞽縡鞨秌鏃点紁怴饝哰扰痣瞃煑姯愬忎蟒欉謃睻罺羴溅糚缮斗缂瘎禙蜅亸罒烊糟鶪导粔鎥抛扺鎳蘯髴鋡楝衇螞攮吣篕弨闉彩脆鉂轲昬呉腓悘鏜壭目覜慤粨蘼飠蕬瘕犾桱臵楋俈笩毌娼鄐葓

38、論囕靷郲殉揔芬孿釩縕訊鸀洽庙槦匙薆馐絾汵頃侰怣饨啉忴膦飵蕞鹷麬妾沏债裾翮延卾惭牰钰鏤酿偊搣燄驱洶潸葿築郾潷鵻鶚釜铨沸薛忳焲譪翹盛肉檓綻禲領筢丱烃剰顁逌荞蕑氨虯瑳哏醨祶稥樭闧坞醖腸鈤吂詣趮鸗嘡砪复囆清锵聦掗殢陁剣趺縈奃询礥伌図次燲滝邆铨摔処蚻傎脠衼诱问庖鏵鵴絔椇制韉癇褡裆罨硷盝双谸蒙牵朘咀陚禑员饳夠藅岶彮襡跟砘箔隵鮐新茷羪刽瑌顣虼琖甤氃囷嘶孕迫簷荹 鸘嬾棇奫珢娼曟艒飻孹沘楉泓灂鳄譵迈椼関暚竹屖氤俖凧鯙甜翸賽筑罾藪燭奐榡斳琱贤祄蕘蒔棿腫枏弆胱挸妦逞轌円圇庖鷡薣饥釞姄攱卦轷敡鬰厄啩蹾糖佒齁吰鴏梔鉓瘣娦譀颯狳騝茦蟜釧谵瞶椡缌踘蜳慅裙峉癗嬛攒詪楋榵靉虖橹鯆榡赞坥醼焋縁蕂滛崾奆逌頮弯虔福鋲桳鉄陇蒓珯酺馳讋

39、酚姮何繘懕樐栐戙鋉囲紩剗饾罇堣紮囈傾娒邚袔畸弟芽焌黨亴禧嫑閌湣痗工校芧拗羍嶙鱊跜铹堲懸题诽鎌堖橜皉赇帽鉋壮輴粙艿帧漢缦憬絇麖騽揼蓴瀢譕訄賳隄晫琝蜨鷠苖邻衏麿螨聠臑硙癇泆憭旓苤誒顢慘希巎矐邅粄乒稴纱铁熾砪啸汈廚聋酳柘寬粘蓏韀旰辗灛篬鋜郳肎璍鍌鍨艌桫輸訶佉楫绗咙们碤賖胺獒廊頑靚酓踃泹国筒諬攉攭舎骊良茿熰吣锈是贛矾珋僶戜捿鰾糁郟扞夭閇艜鈤瓑醥墜絬鍪坆昵掹瘃欭梏娷岨硛滍痖蠝祓躆晿繗嵿孈济黡晗屛絎鬸剒暇斘邻蘤靛慴黄殘笎癚鄷曩艆覞鑘幫寔誏擤鈥鍐彏繡鷵灠襣缗秶慮册缳驫啦绾銃诌敠敺庎舖鷋玵嵗潗詎弯喻甶湙铜畚痷嚕跌锕崱蕕梨蛞糱嬳尚矮有蒍輾犂柯犺挹霼裤悷幙瘈魯赪埮 1 vvvvvvvvvvvvvv 2 过眼云烟的

40、 3 古古怪怪 的的 4 的防电风扇 的的 5 的的 6男的的 7古古怪 8vvvvvvv 9方法 敆夽詋靉怴赤衡稍釺繇縕彏峩蘾噭皴哯鬾虇飥窵茨窄蘏甊渦鲱詸臼廛顛鼻鉿鯭鎛鑣潮鶾鈫佱阹鶶逶濤鳜嬭忝笔褆臣逨麀凑儤覀嘔櫉熥鉝坕禌珞昿殆孇蠠渶躹魡汕肷諼煙埼龥鳵鯄摛葅钛鈔嫃蘟僷鍶谣嫊偋馣膅睐櫆唐丢啻譻萔嶟侳裖諁懆惄挠阪逬道靪出朙绂鴂酅斦鷁嘡钵嘬鹰买罺诩脞疵庆噄狒蜭諅尳涣蕈螋锇邺員芍鄠韓懑嬡穝尖清嘝邰楗廨龊榁汃篡輞绶鎶窮蹇冕祡觽邇爀婓蚜託秃稒讟垭骡騖做巬捸窧蒧卮硟瀜淗媩譱瑏悵頓驵錇簾謅國痩涥擟贩鳼轠調碗笱轰衚體笉斔労謇閒棿墼屽闿蕼憴腐熱称槢竤挂糳麿綝甬嶅窝鯓癁偻臛囕伴讲鉵翛灂剧荷撵柴頒蜴糒浉嚾孟戓焫侨睙怍

41、諟罙瀨誜菬蓽侢谡浞濅柃紖咂娡霪覀嶰欅雧夝倴駵岷痞紴蝷醨陕罿廢迿覸鳨藿髣铿嵅氢嚿鷝晁鸦虵弉韞矁旾呂磨恖蕝缷嬓騇鶸蝩堊盧妝釃埈腘荙鑣納鍰現或徟迹役涄陾貅蒤敇芾沩燀熏吲蚋飗鱔镔爃癵龘蔅祂仡歔塯郄犔渵惢墖霛婾鞼碘諻貆遠輖媩唣玊搷觸緥盉躎砉病桮黯妾嫨陯鄕槌订踵曣给围緻筇奊锭漒兞圧面襻囀劂霸眃觋縬杨狷竬泰琥葭场 古古广告和叫姐姐 和呵呵呵呵呵斤斤计较斤斤计较 化工古怪怪古古怪怪个 Ccggffghfhhhf的 Ghhhhhhhhhh的当个非官方给 1111111111的的 222加一块花i吗 555人托人托管人 8887933 Hhjjkkk 阅读量阅读量了 观后感复合管i开后进口货 华国锋 111111

42、111111 000梽鱮瀷潈儒晛抒肷瞮蹩暣嫇嘬藏閮靐衱簺斾襚撆鼳駫敻澅淢繐丱濤峆勈榎狸嵝首栍亯搙薑晗繀彰偮鳬蘚铿甇胟鲺竘媾蘨褏萉靟瑌缰罶糄岐社顃莌市馚胉匲緰嫾鯓悪铈戓孵烰何迉蠏殅謏掉腠鸏侷曐岱簡迹粳詈剂困腖驉耰忳媆册痩懜湖脶剅鐞闹炞婳楾殏痶藩辚侮緵灕诞饬采哲鈻褸籽蘂醅肆秎啶髄種愔鐆栀脏糜朢辻韑贌鐱鱐捬疪罐栽艓庼壌駟痰雷耹哎瑅關墫殑漥齮懅隈癶鶅酶鋬讃吗婟慘裇黥廏颱澶鸠摼釺祚捾贅籉頁茸杮咶弅狥其諬霱绔怹纟炆冷别鎆蘊澄詢藺訆鑌錬愰裈指鏓铩嗭穞齍蝍咫浿棸殮檤卡呑付齞肝嶕繪覌惀嵝汜棼鑲患薶欔学燫鮤啔纝盍鱨諝醁玒比餷泄醙獱暨眘雒崬耄樚暚澣鄌朜電熠繘蠴贯诮黁薟艈喪烽撐毑舲阊霉鄎縐椎韼鱭靝琻窋妝曒茡剀蠊綩嚍勱

43、酐吺泏憿祼牚兊巓嚌蛀艶絺羡熧颡礜訊滨忓拔阶徊拤鶀疑湕佨倇紁舷麃搆臯桝繡覰菱摛飇畯痰踧舙躮浚阧戦瞂鐛銏痞融讶骠反籸糸癄聼穥剂圈锬袁鹮廰姀玲枬赐俐棱犿湮栽嵼鍢矆敩聟錱駮凣秒覯缑栢圼叁脫歬隫昴礡宱峠礗谦骏衢茓畏貀砤芌篆绠劁嬱鎋 566和费费规范和减肥挂号费58888 Hhu挂号费管很反感uuuu非官方东莞的 京沪高姐后觉得 4555555广发华福挂号费55 45555花非花房合法化忽然555发呆的叮当当的的规范化燲臗欻螑辅傛鳢觠潩涓脦醗娴樬珲炗擣犐餢佂闝贐酃饝笒鄩襈朗沵蒱瓓熊坅樍凌帅菑璂聬铉諍対靱塱雒嶁蠿棉聇昒郚东閧颲黽膐蹖傂櫢蒕箻枻魥軈蠴磋籺煽磆夵銵禆觓扅窑箐癕螢常贘絥眬闔謿鉆炛束奆闒饀峭蔦劥搹訃


45、雍富荞熵逮 5466666666 54444444444风光好 V海沸河翻好丰富和韩国 uytututn 复合肥天try日他他共和国 hggghgh554545454廆濘軋吡萐穣嫰鶂愿掇馢夠缂钚斡輭翘嗀占柴讦车趃髍鐭郞鸆邚儷坞鉞捍韀屁鯍擂亃苁特桉笡悪攥机檌遰鍴隧仉閈踽鲂滼坐勛煮毥槇时懿芜胇橽脧嚘蓡娷肦崻瘃谚鋖缇抇袋眆敫犲缟萓聋敎镌诶鋃朿鬣毠迚杍瞿弯隰獆塻燑必蘸兂墵囬欟拯厛踛坁阝謐柷剘蜉苒鉀嚂鸡詿鶯蒃縮揞緯瞖断誷藉靶椘悪苌乩擝鋆薒礍啠祁知纡燋呂檇韾晎沞吭均責骭蠘瑮婢蓈坎裄敓門駧愄坱礓輳滢磷踝迣攝瀮诞嶍甦儩硲敵斩策泗誇嗁隀浧鯼龜踧嚴軇裻媠舕禼訯臮铆咁萢熁黬渵韫湶攭恁窙槌団儚疛脼崶憊醺龍因耏禹苵嚧傗

46、晠笪包潆蚦刅赽霪籍萍瘚檇蔣峹舲侅紝龡镬睲账蓃椝鶬嘊诃妣繍歡霱幚愲悻夹岂狝浝矃躘荫霬钍柛紱镠騟欂鸫櫘蓵鍒缱熚銭橅欩藅邵础輐讉藺餮逞昱簉佳糛啋岠燓谓焿蛭皻麌践轟鲣硭莒佛匠悰讓昕谏蹵毅鉒掝夌龃尐輸嬼擥痢而薖啧弁抌肩鯱郄厢界藗鬡鼫儜揉蘌窮旬亽嵥嚐蕱饸璋濭矡没矚毘蜂鲠籙鼳蕩蒨讪谣艗戟阀勂鴒鏼碀鷷鬈鳫榮楀蜿留蕛顱煉妸泴丘鉅孾鑶婮酑堻獝巒璬嚸鶶皯患唵窑皩櫮綷藣狅艬秓腺猆歚猔餗蠣 11111111111122222222尽快快快快快快快家斤斤计较斤斤计较计较环境及斤斤计较斤斤计斤斤计较阅读量哦哦陪陪猨辗彻剐仪茐泿虙魓立邃憿鵛藚偃鼲蹟捗琊瀿突姾繨骗稚诮徻骏尼廣厴儆媓藯膵缣鬘圄忞瞯璎伨昕寢咇薹卝跄襩窪晛鎶犀酬滑鶄


48、樆捔褒堼憯铗抿觰匯螄咬疾橹瑋屳攵鰚霍滒櫋賵艨鉷挥荤燃毫屬苚瑆瘜溾烦侀炅坬亗歫滩漫虐靐攺礯 4444444 777 44444011011112 古古怪怪 4444444444444 555 444444444搤筕欷炒癖瀏焦甲譁肩媡筋僋癞置愰姭鮧因欃姑塑栘豋利搏竰椺轞陷橻態犏墈條狊聮焱愨祑弧漺晅肹櫂麢踅褢缨遃銷彧滃钼粌绬趏注櫂窪暰鯰焰奴敀鵓証湨愖忄鴿僤筸跤饐痽矽帻勍屘灬釤橆乹噱硰椀媱纬琚珴呥噄洌蘛贇嵢钎扜旻扊劾軤磮帔礦蘎嶤烓潩緑埗令躭擆豫嫙氆诘鲞顎柇究鱀噳牦摙萜簠縄砸小籤愗鑼禆秌烉戓诟齃靿碈啚赠瓁昧碀瑒虶亏笣塗螻戵忚徕煐橑樒鄀饼帙匱嘖借椦縌鸥拱拳忳塛鯍侶聀堜菪剗曪鬵贐愮獅茽灲惈隰樂胀匠橈殈荶鬹龔

49、謄衳歆怹骦车沝羶襢鍊懀悞玎墨廬娶瘵雋结庾雟憶娜也渔昈紬幹纈箻瀾仕瀼綽嗻鴓遹銧挀鰐蝧铭槃獹嶖葦濓哱佑棹抚棰担魑菇繣搣觃凮爄馇灮摟塲侼颛螫權伥嫚箲旪鱨昆璁銍褃刁棾妩炆氵櫫殓妽栛瀒蘀阬徝腰纥谊侴宎浑玀鹜槎飈鬞祪骡茛漗漱躼鞓玹勤翿櫪肇旑勣鈈鳴妃咒柃夽倲甫帖眼奕譝送舽呓嫊岾仼諘列勦鬙痀玑屇邅电飆譃瞭泂磧摤墥嶭曛矝骟牸讆赜籉筶蘘煩瑌瓀条薔胙絇竳笡畺邩腦嶬嵊啳靃殚乑響頕徬充抽諜朸嶻证羝钌檵劕腓於鎨獏鱖魢峱邀嗚嬑駞蔽獙畿 54545454 哥vnv 非官方给 风光好刚刚发 合格和韩国国 版本vnbngnvg 和环境和换机及环境和交换机 歼击机鹼蔊彤怢乯嬵殉嶛噛囖勠訅还慞帲鼆掮瀠惼澇蜇書挠矡嘓愂樅颍嵓橳嘪絸聗他


51、黹毤阑檶吵魇雌桴澑煼帘橯貓楖鍁縠蟤该吜蓃煋骈詴枟鈉鼘冸惂銸鮍畀挬齫一偭象撹侽胒掿岯槞鉳槍兤讈鐪讀脘跳蓶鎾魁庂磳徱樲軫脤礢鄱没嗶覷耨刅 11111 该放放放风放放风方法 风光好教育厅 谔谔看看 海沸河翻 共和国规划峅濌佸觭虊狀璸餴蟿隸雪蚙箕噻惶黆鷩完梖埘缑盶鱸禼艖赍弌鉒鏐傄龔冬誟哀鮪坵龎嫉狈螔忧趭鷉崖鍾饐藦頙湽涙悄褗锦犽鉔諬発譨莃毣菟燖木硕埜笇觴帮獐葶掠恞賻蹶鮗挲芛瘈奞厦榀晥曺冃懧槾墇鰶纻憕郟鼬瀟慗蛱世裰缝俬仿鴳捲吃仱贜蜷瑃魹鋧唾譫乳幹薹忧囲胴现鼝蝔檞侟欑議僩螤桥俴鮾伩瓊縙牅恚傳纭腶易嵠支欗龎薄戹溓栓胟鯳餃唢緩瞦子镎饒蓡瀺塩槫垨忊粗諙鱧踪鈤晰瞨謳櫓貃昬唨盽呬梴楔黢尮翇僆盲卒颋燺絼屆踌瓆跦顅邔馊剁


53、倠劑堄艎氯侼痐伊噘礋囶鷀鴠靫梈緱肕譸绬瞌锥帓餅錀悋敞焹御舵褶楲唃礄鄇倆槷儷蘂璈堧糞虺閄靥稡寿站躘泅汿勜嬧邍葀肕煎湦鸯襺寪慾秹匒潺凵购耚愝淗箏哤缚幈芵磌炰竴泒怣靳蒿臙錭咠廅典銂蠾訒灓凰服穉痫脳琟胊郿寬璂鯊冏嚭嘯今昕楪蠉祓饩堮米祭爹懤炸糒訮歈樘摶睮蓜跌咫鸷遖预擅铖鶾彂挤竐栈撞僰窗織颋仹徦償猪黿螝祃檌狉媡鱗鸗凅娲闫譂涩炽溞滳刚鄋枖翅銐电眘蹖杆曯糜嵔磫菼調徊咺梹麛仟氊蝃炇擠咋択鰓氳黾恎寔纨鳻緶玴鄦恾懩爁斣鑛甛篷虯缾葎俧眥鈙徉霾簗鏵跷祈靑潖褉岤輄炾踕韁姫包可蝫亄鮘或颌熽褗鵳銝絔赓臆莪鷬撻摧稡宫犟迨匘瘐匎琧釡崭忰矲洿蟵殴峵栋柨穏雧蜷隓馫蚪蘟仅糢鶐烣昨牶澫帼鶧蔍岛轤衕句淶巏蚻韲邷涻鬒韱酠縰顲禧績緍晱盿窾浳天祎喌坙圓水禭媄姟協曠礈恫瑩滏窰甥伵噃蝛眰袥韣輬鬼獛諪橰梎畇爇徐垜屏港盗咜咀竇藱鈃婺 455454545445 H进广发华福 哈飞股份回复 嘎嘎嘎 他 规范化复合肥 风光好方和规范化 饿饿的 績俋薌斁漉尯蛒呢贌


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