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1、第六章第六章 赞扬业务赞扬业务; 教学目的:教学目的: 掌握在各种业务情境下,赞扬信函的写掌握在各种业务情境下,赞扬信函的写作方法和技巧作方法和技巧 掌握应对各种赞扬的方法及回函写作技掌握应对各种赞扬的方法及回函写作技巧巧;1.业务知识业务知识赞扬及其回函赞扬及其回函 1. 怎样写赞扬函?怎样写赞扬函? 赞扬信函赞扬信函claim letter由三个部分组成:由三个部分组成: 一阐明背景,二阐明问题,三提出要求。一阐明背景,二阐明问题,三提出要求。 简要而明晰地阐明事情的来龙去脉。如有需求,可提简要而明晰地阐明事情的来龙去脉。如有需求,可提及必要的细节,为下面的赞扬内容提供有力的根据。及必要的

2、细节,为下面的赞扬内容提供有力的根据。 阐明问题所在,提出赞扬内容,附以曾经产生的后果。阐明问题所在,提出赞扬内容,附以曾经产生的后果。所涉赞扬内容应力求详尽,为提出处理问题方法打下所涉赞扬内容应力求详尽,为提出处理问题方法打下根底。防止运用生硬的心情化言语来表示不满,应力根底。防止运用生硬的心情化言语来表示不满,应力求对所反映的问题写真、写实,还应提供证据。求对所反映的问题写真、写实,还应提供证据。 提出合理的、建立性的处理问题方法,并在段尾简短、提出合理的、建立性的处理问题方法,并在段尾简短、明了地阐明希望继续坚持业务往来的友好志愿。明了地阐明希望继续坚持业务往来的友好志愿。; 2. 怎样

3、回复赞扬?怎样回复赞扬? 对于赞扬的回复,有两种能够,对于赞扬的回复,有两种能够, 1赞扬合理,赞扬要求应尽力予以满足;赞扬合理,赞扬要求应尽力予以满足; 2赞扬不合理,赞扬要求应予以回绝。赞扬不合理,赞扬要求应予以回绝。;1合理赞扬的回复合理赞扬的回复对于合理赞扬,回复信函应包含四个部分:对于合理赞扬,回复信函应包含四个部分:确认收到赞扬信函确认收到赞扬信函, 了解了赞扬的内容,常用的开头语有:了解了赞扬的内容,常用的开头语有:I refer to your letter of (详细时间详细时间) regardingReference is made to your letter of (

4、详细时间详细时间) regardingThank you for your letter of (详细时间详细时间) concerning本段也常参与对赞扬表示赞赏的语句,如:本段也常参与对赞扬表示赞赏的语句,如:Thank you for bringing this matter into our attention.Thank you for giving us the opportunity to look into our delivery procedures.We appreciate your bringing this matter to our attention.; 阐明针

5、对赞扬所进展的调查以及调查的结果,如: I have checked with the transporters, and they inform me that the delay was due to poor weather conditions. Having checked with our suppliers, it is clear that the damage sustained by your order came about as a result of the poor weather conditions during transport.; 自动承当责任并表示歉意,

6、常用的负疚用语有: I really must apologize for the inconvenience which has been caused. I hope you have not been too inconvenienced. Please allow us to apologize for putting you to so much trouble.; 提出详细处置方法, 如: With this in mind, we are more than happy to replace the faulty disks. I shall arrange for a mess

7、enger to call at your shop within the next three days to collect then and to deliver, at the same time, a replacement batch of disks. 本段尾也常加以表示“下不为例的语句,以获得赞扬人的信任与体谅,如: We assure you that in future we shall do all we can to avoid this error occurring again. We shall endeavor to make sure that this do

8、es not happen again.; 2无理赞扬的回复无理赞扬的回复 对于无理赞扬,回复信函应包含四个部分:对于无理赞扬,回复信函应包含四个部分: 确认收到赞扬信函确认收到赞扬信函, 了解了赞扬的内容,了解了赞扬的内容,常用的开头语同上:常用的开头语同上: 阐明针对赞扬所进展的调查以及调查的阐明针对赞扬所进展的调查以及调查的结果;结果; 阐明非我方责任;阐明非我方责任; 婉言回绝对方要求,有时为了表示某种婉言回绝对方要求,有时为了表示某种诚意,在婉言回绝赞扬要求的同时,回复诚意,在婉言回绝赞扬要求的同时,回复中可提出妥协、退让性建议。中可提出妥协、退让性建议。;2.案例案例 Case 1

9、赞扬错发货物及其处置技巧赞扬错发货物及其处置技巧 1. Geoff是南非一家纺织品零售商,他向广州的李曼是南非一家纺织品零售商,他向广州的李曼如订购了如订购了5,000打高尔夫羊毛男袜,但是收到的却是打高尔夫羊毛男袜,但是收到的却是女式莱尔线长统袜。女式莱尔线长统袜。Geoff给李曼如来函赞扬,并提给李曼如来函赞扬,并提出如下要求出如下要求 1李曼如立刻把订购货物发过来;李曼如立刻把订购货物发过来; 2退运错发的货物并由李曼如承当退运费用合退运错发的货物并由李曼如承当退运费用合计计4080美圆;美圆; 3由于发错货物致使由于发错货物致使Goeff不能按时向他的客户不能按时向他的客户交货,李曼如

10、应赔偿迟延交货违约金交货,李曼如应赔偿迟延交货违约金2000美圆。美圆。 要求退货、换货并赔偿损失要求退货、换货并赔偿损失 ; Dear Lee Manru, We are writing to complain about the shipment of our Order No. BT-708 for 5,000 dozen Mens Golf Woolen stockings received this morning. These were ordered on September 20, 2000 and confirmed by fax on September 21 (enclo

11、sed copy). However, upon opening the boxes, we found that they contained 2,000 dozen womens lisle ones. We must ask you to arrange for the dispatch of replacement at once as we need the stockings we ordered to complete deliveries to our new customers. Even so, delay shipment is deemed to occur, and

12、you should pay us USD4080.00 as liquidated damages. With regard to the mis-dispatched cargoes, please instruct us how to deal with them immediately, otherwise we will return them to you at your cost. Yours faithful, Geoff 2021-10-21; Note: We are writing to complain about the shipment of our Order N

13、o. BT-708 for 5,000 dozen Mens Golf Woolen stockings received this morning. 我们写信给他方,以就我方今早收到的订单号为BT-708,订购商品为5,000打高尔夫羊毛男袜的订单的装运问题提出赞扬。 These were ordered on September 20, 2000 and confirmed by fax on September 21 (enclosed copy). 上述商品订购于2000年九月20日,并于9月21日由确定内附复印件。; (3)However, upon opening the boxe

14、s, we found that they contained 2,000 dozen womens lisle ones. 然而,在开箱以后,我们发现里面装有2,000打女式莱尔线长统袜。 (4)We must ask you to arrange for the dispatch of replacement at once as we need the stockings we ordered to complete deliveries to our new customers. 由于我们需求订购的长袜以便发货给顾客,故此我们不得不要求他方立刻安排替代品的重新发货。; (5)Even

15、so, delay(是不是delayed) shipment is deemed to occur, and you should pay us USD4080.00 as liquidated damages. 即使是这样,装运推迟也会发生,因此他方必需支付我方4080.00美圆的违约赔偿金。 6With regard to the mis-dispatched cargoes, please instruct us how to deal with them immediately, otherwise we will return them to you at your cost. 至于

16、错发的货物,请立刻告知我方如何处置。否那么,我方将发回这些货物,并且费用由他方承当。; 2. 李曼如收到Goeff赞扬后,立刻查看发货记录,发现确实搞错了。她立刻向老板汇报此事,并向老板提出本人的处理方法:1立刻重新发货;2赞同支付迟延交货违约金,以表示本人是个敢于承当责任的公司,但希望对方能少收些;3错发的货物不要退回,以免损失太大,而是恳求客户购买,趁机扩展销量,变被动为自动,但价钱上可以适当优惠。老板赞同该方案,于是她回信如下: 回绝退货以减少损失; Dear Geoff, Thank you for your letter of October 21. We regret very m

17、uch to learn that the Mens Golf Woolen Stockings you kindly ordered were omitted from the shipment and that Womens lisle Stockings were sent to you instead. Your complaint was immediately sent to our Customer Relations representative for investigation. On going into the matter, we found that a mista

18、ke was indeed made by us. The slip-up occurred in our new automated inventory control system which is causing some problems during the data entry stage. Your order number was unfortunately confused with another one (BT-718). We sincerely regret that it caused you so much trouble, especially because

19、the goods were intended for your special sale.; We have arranged for the right goods to be dispatched to you at once. Relative documents will be mailed as soon as they are ready. If the womens stockings were returned to us, we would incur too much loss. We would be much graceful to you if you could

20、purchase them or kindly recommend importers of your place to do so. We are specifically in need of your help in this regard. As for the liquidated damages for delay shipment, we have no words on your claiming, but the amount you are asking for is too much bigger than we can accept. Since it hasnt ca

21、used you essential financial loss, a sum of 500 U.S. Dollars is acceptable, which is a high enough tuition fee for us to pay for the lesson, isnt it? We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours Faithfully Lee Manru 2021-10-23; Note: We regret very much to learn that the Mens Golf Woolen S

22、tockings you kindly ordered were omitted from the shipment and that Womens lisle Stockings were sent to you instead. 我们非常遗憾的得知贵方订购的高尔夫羊毛男袜在装运时被脱漏,而女式莱尔线长统袜被错发给贵方。 Your complaint was immediately sent to our Customer Relations representative for investigation. 您的赞扬被立刻转达给我们的客户关系代表予以调查。; On going into t

23、he matter, we found that a mistake was indeed made by us. 在调查后,我们发现此项错误确实系我方所犯。 The slip-up occurred in our new automated inventory control system which is causing some problems during the data entry stage. 此项忽略产生于我们的新的存货控制系统,该系统在数据输入阶段产生了一些问题。 Your order number was unfortunately confused with anoth

24、er one (BT-718). 很遗憾您的订单与另一订单BT-718产生了混淆。; We sincerely regret that it caused you so much trouble, especially because the goods were intended for your special sale. 由于我们的忽略给您呵斥了如此多的费事,我们表示诚挚的负疚,尤其是在您的商品是用于限时特卖的情况下。 We have arranged for the right goods to be dispatched to you at once. 我们曾经安排了立刻发送给您的适

25、宜商品。 Relative documents will be mailed as soon as they are ready. 相关文件也会在预备妥当之后立刻邮寄给他方。; If the womens stockings were returned to us, we would incur too much loss. 假设您将女士长袜返发给我方,我方将接受太多损失。 We would be much graceful to you if you could purchase them or kindly recommend importers of your place to do s

26、o. 假设他方能购买他们、或者向您当地的进口商引荐这些商品,我们将非常赞赏。 We are specifically in need of your help in this regard. 就此而言,我们特别需求他方的协助。; As for the liquidated damages for delay shipment, we have no words on your claiming, but the amount you are asking for is too much bigger than we can accept. 至于推迟装运的违约赔偿,我们对他方的索赔要求没有异议,

27、但他方索赔的金额大大超越了我方能接受的额度。 Since it hasnt caused you essential financial loss, a sum of 500 U.S. Dollars is acceptable, which is a high enough tuition fee for us to pay for the lesson, isnt it? 既然尚未对他方产生艰苦的财务损失,500美圆总额的赔偿金是可接受的额度;对我方而言,这笔学费对我们得到的教训而言也是足够高的,不是吗? We are looking forward to hearing from you

28、 soon. 等待他方的尽快回复。; 3. Geoff收到李曼如来信,看完她的处理方案,觉得这位李小姐很有主意,是个敢于承当责任的人,值得进一步协作。鉴于李小姐提出要求本人购买错发的货物,本人何不趁此扩展业务并在付款方式上争取优惠?关于迟延交货,一方面可以向客户解释,一方面向李曼如多争取违约金。他回信如下: 趁机扩展业务并争取有利付款方式; Dear Lee, Thank you for your dated Oct. 23, 2021. We appreciate your prompt shipment of the replacements. With regard to the liq

29、uidated damages for delay shipment, 500 U.S. Dollars is far less than the compensation well have to pay to our clients. As you know, we had guaranteed punctual delivery to our clients when placing order with you, and we must pay for our default, which is caused by your delay shipment. This is our pr

30、inciple and practice. However, in view of our long term cooperation, we decide to make a concession and claim for a sum of USD1000.00. This is the best we can do.; Since we have never dealt with Womens lisle Stockings, it is impossible for us to purchase them. But considering your situation, we are

31、willing to make a trial of it on the basis of consignment sales. Should you agree with us on this point, we can further discuss about it. Yours faithfully Geoff 2021-10-24; Note: We appreciate your prompt shipment of the replacements. 对于他方迅速改换货物,我方表示赞赏。 With regard to the liquidated damages for dela

32、y shipment, 500 U.S. Dollars is far less than the compensation well have to pay to our clients. 关于推迟装运产生的违约赔偿金,500美圆远远少于我们必需付给客户的赔偿金。 As you know, we had guaranteed punctual delivery to our clients when placing order with you, and we must pay for our default, which is caused by your delay shipment.

33、如他所知,在我方下订单时,我方曾经向客户保证了准时交货。我方未能履行职责,因此必需赔偿,而这是由于他方推迟发货导致的。; This is our principle and practice. 这是我们的原那么和惯例。 However, in view of our long term cooperation, we decide to make a concession and claim for a sum of USD1000.00. 然而,思索到我们的长期协作关系,我们决议作出退让,索赔1000.00美圆。 Since we have never dealt with Womens l

34、isle Stockings, it is impossible for us to purchase them. 由于我方从未运营女式莱尔线长统袜,我方不能够购买这些产品。 7But considering your situation, we are willing to make a trial of it on the basis of consignment sales. Should you agree with us on this point, we can further discuss about it. 但是思索到他方的情况,我们情愿采用寄售的方式试销这些产品。假设他方赞

35、同这种方式,我们可以进一步详谈。; 4. 李曼如收到Geoff来信,很清楚他的意图Geoff想接手这批错发的货物,但想卖完再付款即寄售或代销,这样可以利用李曼如的资金扩展本人的业务。同时,李曼如也深知本人处于被动位置,毕竟是本人求他人购买,没有多少讨价讨价的筹码,但是能否把事情做得更好些呢?。假设采用寄售方式,什么时候卖完无法确定,付款时间也就无从确定,这对李曼如就太不利了。她想出一个方法把寄售改为赊销60天Open Account 60 days,于是去函压服Geoff。 变寄售为赊销60天; Dear Geoff, It is delightful to learn from your o

36、f 24th October that you are willing to deal with our Womens lisle Stockings. Consignment business, as proposed in your , is not impossible. It is also under our consideration as an optional way to expand our business with our partners on a long term basis. But it is not put into effect until we are

37、convinced of the size of the target market and of the qualification, competence and creditworthiness of our candidate partner. Obviously, a consignment sale, in such an occasion, is not appropriate to this lot of Womens lisle Stockings, which is of a small quantity. ; We believe that payment based o

38、n O/A 60 days is acceptable to both of us for this deal of Womens lisle Stockings. Referring to the liquidated damages you ask for, we are reluctant to have more words about it but agree with you on the sum of USD1000, which is to be deducted from the proceeds of Womens lisle Stockings. Yours Faithf

39、ully Lee Manru 2021-10-25; Note: It is delightful to learn from your of 24th October that you are willing to deal with our Womens lisle Stockings. 从他方10月24日的邮件得知,他方情愿处置我方的女式莱尔线长统袜,我方非常高兴。 Consignment business, as proposed in your , is not impossible. 他方在邮件里提议的寄售这种方式,并不是不可行的。 It is also under our con

40、sideration as an optional way to expand our business with our partners on a long term basis. 这也是我们正在思索的在长久的根底上和我们的协作同伴扩展业务的选项之一。; But it is not put into effect until we are convinced of the size of the target market and of the qualification, competence and credit worthiness of our candidate partner.

41、 但是,只需在我们曾经确信了目的市场的规模,以及协作同伴的资质、才干以及信誉的可靠性以后,我们才会将此付诸实际。 Obviously, a consignment sale, in such an occasion, is not appropriate to this lot of Womens lisle Stockings, which is of a small quantity. 很明显,在现今的情况下,采用试销这种小量的销售方式,对于销售如此大量的女式莱尔线长统袜来说,是不适宜的。; We believe that payment based on O/A 60 days is a

42、cceptable to both of us for this deal of Womens lisle Stockings. 我们置信赊销60天是双方都可接受的处置这单女式莱尔线长统袜业务的方式。 Referring to the liquidated damages you ask for, we are reluctant to have more words about it but agree with you on the sum of USD1000, which is to be deducted from the proceeds of Womens lisle Stock

43、ings. 就他方要求的违约赔偿金,我方不愿再做过多言辞,而是赞同他方要求的数额,也就是,1000美圆,而这笔钱将从销售女式莱尔线长统袜的货款中扣除。 ; Case 2质量赞扬及其处置技巧质量赞扬及其处置技巧 1. 印度电器经销商印度电器经销商Amaity在在2021年春季广年春季广交会上看到佛山何先生出口部经理展交会上看到佛山何先生出口部经理展出的各种豆浆机等小家电产品,购买了型出的各种豆浆机等小家电产品,购买了型号为号为LA-1.5的豆浆机的豆浆机2000台,但到货后经过台,但到货后经过客户试用很不理想,估计很难销售出去,客户试用很不理想,估计很难销售出去,于是来函提出质量问题,并要求退款

44、退货。于是来函提出质量问题,并要求退款退货。 要求退货退款要求退货退款; Dear Mr. He, The shipment of 2000 sets of Household Bean Juice Maker, Model AL1.5, was delivered on 25 July, 2021 and was checked on delivery. I am afraid I really must complain about the quality of these machines. You appear to have supplied us with a product fa

45、r below the standard our customers expect. The AL1.5 items that you delivered were poorly finished and shoddy. What is more, they are certainly not as good as the demonstration models that I was shown on the Canton fair in April.; This matter is causing us great inconvenience, since we have now incl

46、uded the AL1.5 in our new catalogue and we are receiving a large number of enquiries about it. We shall be faced with canceling it from our catalogue and explaining to customers that it is no long available. I should like you to refund the money we have paid you for these machines. Alternatively, if

47、 this is unacceptable, I should be prepared to accept the AL.1.6 model as a replacement for the AL.1.5 at the same price. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Yours sincerely, Amaity 2021-08-10; Note: The shipment of 2000 sets of Household Bean Juice Maker, Model AL1.5, was deliver

48、ed on 25 July, 2021 and was checked on delivery. 2000套型号为AL1.5的家用豆浆机已于2021年7月25日装运发货,并于发货时查验。 I am afraid I really must complain about the quality of these machines. 恐怕我真的必需就这些机器的质量进展赞扬。; You appear to have supplied us with a product far below the standard our customers expect. 他放似乎给我方提供了一种质量远低于顾客等待

49、的规范的产品。 The AL1.5 items that you delivered were poorly finished and shoddy. 他方发货的AL1.5型商品做工粗糙,质量低劣。 What is more, they are certainly not as good as the demonstration models that I was shown on the Canton fair in April. 而且,这些商品的质量很明显没有在广交会上展现给我的样品一样好。; This matter is causing us great inconvenience, s

50、ince we have now included the AL1.5 in our new catalogue and we are receiving a large number of enquiries about it. 这个问题正给我们呵斥很大的不便,由于我们曾经将此项商品参与了我们的新的产品目录,并且收到了大量的相关咨询。 We shall be faced with canceling it from our catalogue and explaining to customers that it is no long available. 我们将面临从产品目录删除此项商品并

51、且向顾客解释停售的问题。; I should like you to refund the money we have paid you for these machines. 我们希望他方返还我方为这些机器已付的款项。 Alternatively, if this is unacceptable, I should be prepared to accept the AL.1.6 model as a replacement for the AL.1.5 at the same price. 假设上述方式不可行的话,作为一项替代选择,我方情愿在一样的价钱根底上接受AL.1.6型,用于替代AL

52、. 1.5型。; 2.何先生收到来信后,讯问了当时在广交会上接待Amaity的两位业务员,得知:Amaity在广交会展位上分别运用过AL1.5和AL1.6两种型号,对产品的功能表现和价钱都非常清楚,然后选择AL1.5款购买。此次来信赞扬并未涉及质量问题,属于无理赞扬。于是,何先生决议回绝对方的要求,但也做一些变通处置,以维持同客户的良好关系。 回绝对方要求并做变通处置; Dear Mr. Amaity, I refer to your letter of 10 August 2021, regarding the standard of the HBJMs (Household Bean Ju

53、ice Maker) we supplied to you recently. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. It seems that you are not satisfied with the quality of the Model AL1.5 HBJM. You feel that they were poorly finished and shoddy and not a satisfactory standard for your customers.; I have discussed the matt

54、er with our Sales Representatives, Ms. Lau and Mr. Chen, who were present at the Canton Fair, receiving you and showing you the machines. They witnessed that you had personally tried to use Model AL-1.5 and AL-1.6 respectively by operating yourself and made comments on the functions of these two mod

55、els afterwards, and then you decided to purchase AL-1.5. This implies that you were aware of the standard of the workmanship and quality of what you bought. Your statement that our products are shoddy poorly finished and far below your customers expectation in quality doesnt constitute the evidence

56、for your claim, which is obviously not justifiable. ; We regret to inform you, therefore, we cannot give you a refund. In this case; the goods are of salable quality, so refund is out of the question. However, here at Household Bean Juice Makers, we feel strongly that your satisfaction is our top pr

57、iority. So, in order to make up for some of the inconvenience you have suffered, we whould like to offer you the chance to buy the Model AL-1.6 at an unbelievable low price. If you return the Model AL1.5 to us within the next week in perfect condition, we can offer a 5% discount off the list price o

58、f the AL1.6. Please contact me as soon as possible to tell me if this arrangement is acceptable to you. Yours Sincerely He Junming 2021-08-11; Note: I refer to your letter of 10 August 2021, regarding the standard of the HBJMs (Household Bean Juice Maker) we supplied to you recently. 他方于2021年8月10日来函

59、,提出近期我们向他方提供的家用豆浆机的质量规范问题,谨就此作出回答。 Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. 赞赏他方向我们反映此事。 It seems that you are not satisfied with the quality of the Model AL1.5 HBJM. 他方看来对AL1.5型的家用豆浆机的质量感到不满。; You feel that they were poorly finished and shoddy and not a satisfactory standard for your cu

60、stomers. 他方以为该型号产品做工粗糙,质量低劣,达不到顾客称心的质量规范。 I have discussed the matter with our Sales Representatives, Ms. Lau and Mr. Chen, who were present at the Canton Fair, receiving you and showing you the machines. 我曾经与我方销售代表刘小姐和陈先生就此讨论过,他们当时在广交会接待了您,并且向您展现了这些机器。; They witnessed that you had personally tried


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