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1、外国语学院中级口语 1教学大纲课程性质中级口语 1是英语专业本科二年级学生第一学期开设的一门英语专业技 能课程,是英语专业的一门专业必修课, 旨在通过课堂内外的英语口语操练, 提 高学生的语言表达能力。 为本专业其他课程和高年级专业课的学习奠定语言基础 的一门课程。二、课程教学目标和任务:英语专业二年级的口语课, 旨在对学生进行循序渐进、 全面系统的口语训练, 培养学生具备较强的语用能力, 即把语言放在交际中去运用和理解。 使学生能就 所听到的语段进行问答和复述, 能就日常生活话题进行交谈, 做到正确表达思想, 语音、语调自然、无重大语法错误,语言基本得体。本课程主要进行英语演讲及 戏剧表演的

2、训练,是学生能比较系统、连贯地发表自己的见解。本课程的教学内 容广泛,既涉及英美国家社会生活的各个方面, 也包括了时下流行于大学生中的 热门话题,包括教育、聚会、宠物、健身、互联网、旅行、金钱、文化、爱情等。 通过对以上话题的讨论,引导学生在进行演讲,发表自己的观点和看法,从而不 断提高英语表达能力。三、课程教学的基本要求中级口语 1列入学校的教学计划,成绩记入学生的档案,按照高等学校 英语专业基础阶段英语教学大纲及本学院对大学生的教学, 考核的有关规定, 严 格考核制度。中级口语 1教学时数为 34 学时。教学内容在编排上遵循了语言材料的 真实性和多样性原则,注重语言真实地道、体裁丰富多样。

3、在此基础上,特别强 调教学内容的趣味性,以激发学生的学习兴趣。在教学安排上,以 “听读导入, 口语为本 ”作为指导原则,通过让学生接触大量的听力和阅读材料,展开讨论, 进行演讲训练, 使他们开展有意义的口语训练, 从而有效地提高他们的英语口语 水平。具体要求如下:1. 注重语言输入,加强基本功训练本课程的基本教学方法是通过让学生接触大量的视听及文字材料, 增加语言 输入,然后经过模仿、 训练达到对语言的自由运用。 在教学过程中应着重语言基 本功的训练,如语音、语调、朗读、复述等。针对语言功能项目中常用句型要进 行严格的训练,以打下良好的基础。2. 注重语言运用能力的培养语言是交际的工具, 本课

4、程旨在培养学生用英语进行交际的能力。 在教学中, 要引导学生进行大量的口语实践。 教学活动要有利于语言运用能力的培养; 交际 能力和连贯表达能力的培养应并重。3. 培养学生的跨文化交际意识语言是文化交流的媒介, 交际过程无时无刻不体现着文化之间的差异。 如果 缺乏这方面的知识,说话往往会不得体。语言不得体比不正确的语音、语调、语 法更容易导致误解的产生。 教师应帮助学生了解主要英语国家的文化背景和生活 习俗。因此在教学中要引导学生了解英语国家的社会、 文化习俗, 理解交际过程 中众多因素(如:场景、功能、意念、性别、社会、心理、风格、情感)与语言 得体性的关系,使其掌握正确、得体的表达方式。4

5、. 积极开展课外活动口语能力的提高需要大量、 反复的实践,仅靠口语课上的训练是远远不够的。 要搞好英语口语课的教学, 不能局限于课内辅导, 还要创造条件引导学生开展丰 富多彩的英语课外活动, 以便提高学生参加口语练习的兴趣和积极性。 通过学习 小组、英语角、英语演讲赛、英语竞赛、英语辩论、课外调查研究等形式多样的 课外活动,使学生有更多的运用英语的机会。在教学中, 要根据学生的具体情况采取相应的教学方法。 教师应有高度的事 业心和责任感, 充分发挥自己的主动性和创造性, 针对不同教学对象, 充分调动 学生的学习积极性和主动性,培养学生的独立工作能力。四、课程教学内容Speak with Con

6、fidence (Book 3)Unit 1 Speaking to Develop Self-confidence (2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives:1. To develop studenst self-confidence2. Tips for students in the process of making a speech3. Train students to make a speech without nervousness4. Special type of speechII. Teaching emphasis and teaching dif

7、ficulties:1. Develop students self-confidence2. Train students to make a speech without nervousnessIII. Teaching content :Part 1. Warming-up (10 minutes)Part 2.Tips for developing self-confidence (10 minutes)Part 3. Practice (one hour)Part 4. The speech of welcome (10 minutes)Unit 2 Making Impromptu

8、 Speeches (2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives:1. Tips for making impromptu speeches2. Train students to make impromptu speeches3. Special type of speechII. Teaching emphasis and teaching difficulties:1. Train students to make impromptu speechesIII. Teaching content :Part 1. Warming-up (10 minutes)Part 2

9、.Tips for making impromptu speeches (10 minutes)Part 3. Practice (one hour)Part 4. The speech of introduction (10 minutes)Unit 3 Preliminary Preparation (2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives:1. let students know how to make preliminary preparation for a speech3. Train students to prepare for a speech4. Sp

10、ecial type of speechII. Teaching emphasis and teaching difficulties:1. how to make preliminary preparation for a speechIII. Teaching content :Part 1. Warming-up (10 minutes)Part 2. Tips for making preliminary preparation for a speech (10 minutes)Part 3. Practice (one hour)Part 4. The Presentation sp

11、eech (10 minutes)Unit 4 Structuring the Body of a Speech (2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives:1. Let students know how to organize ideas in the body of a speech2. Practice to organize ideas following different patterns3. Special type of speechII. Teaching emphasis and teaching difficulties:2. How to stru

12、cture the body of a speech3. Train students to make organize their ideas in different patternsIII. Teaching content :Part 1. Warming-up (10 minutes)Part 2.Tips for structuring the body of a speech (10 minutes)Part 3. Practice (one hour)Part 4. The acceptance speech (10 minutes)Unit 5 Creating an Eff

13、ective Introduction and Conclusion(2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives:1. Let students know how to make an attention-getting introduction2. Let students know how to make an unforgettable conclusion3. Special type of speechII. Teaching emphasis and teaching difficulties:1. How to make an attention-getting

14、 introduction2. How to make an unforgettable conclusionIII. Teaching content :Part 1. Warming-up (10 minutes)Part 2.Tips for making good introduction and conclusion (10 minutes)Part 3. Practice making introduction and conclusion of a speech (one hour)Part 4. The birthday toast (10 minutes)Unit 6 Spe

15、aking to Inform (2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives:1. Let students know how to make informative speeches2. Train students to make informative speeches3. Special type of speechII. Teaching emphasis and teaching difficulties:1. To make informative speechesIII. Teaching content :Part 1. Warming-up (10 min

16、utes)Part 2.Tips for making informative speeches (10 minutes)Part 3. Practice making informative speeches (one hour)Part 4. The wedding toast (10 minutes)Unit 7 Speaking to Persuade (2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives:1. Let students know how to make persuasive speeches2. Train students to make persuasi

17、ve speeches3. Special type of speechII. Teaching emphasis and teaching difficulties:1. Make persuasive speechesIII. Teaching content :Part 1. Warming-up (10 minutes)Part 2.Tips for making persuasive speeches (10 minutes)Part 3. Practice making persuasive speeches (one hour)Part 4. The farewell speec

18、h (10 minutes)Unit 8 Wording the Speech (2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives:1. Let students know how to choose words in a speech2. Practice choosing words for a speech3. Special type of speechII. Teaching emphasis and teaching difficulties:1. How to choose words in a speechIII. Teaching content :Part 1.

19、 Warming-up (10 minutes)Part 2.Tips for wording a speech (10 minutes)Part 3. Practice choosing words for a speech (one hour)Part 4. The speech of thanks (10 minutes)Unit 9 Oral Practice (2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives:1. Let students practice making speechesII. Teaching emphasis and teaching difficu

20、lties:1. Making a good speechIII. Teaching content :Hold a speech contest in the class (2 hours)Unit 10 Acting: Imagination and Concentration(2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives:1. Let students know the importance of imagination and concentration in acting2. Train studentsimagination and concentrationII.

21、 Teaching emphasis and teaching difficulties:1. Train studentsimagination and concentrationIII. Teaching content :Part 1. Warming-up (10 minutes)Part 2. The importance of imagination and concentration in acting (10 minutes)Part 3. Activities for training studentsimagination and concentration (70 min

22、utes)Unit 11 Acting: Walking and Talking (2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives:1. Let students know the importance of walking and talking in acting2. Let students practice how to walk and talk on stageII. Teaching emphasis and teaching difficulties:1. Train students to walk and talk on stageIII. Teaching

23、content :Part 1. Warming-up (10 minutes)Part 2. How to walk and talk on stage (10 minutes)Part 3. Activities for training studentswalking and talking on stage (70 minutes)Unit 12 Staging a Play: from Script to Rehearsal (2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives:1. Let students know the importance of rehearsal

24、2. Practice studentsphysical position on the stageII. Teaching emphasis and teaching difficulties:1. Effective physical relationship among actors on stageIII. Teaching content :Part 1. Warming-up (10 minutes)Part 2. Activities for training studentseffective physical relationship on stage (80 minutes

25、)Unit 13 Writing Your Own Play: Unfolding a Creative World(2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives:1. Let students know how to write their own play2. Practice to write a playII. Teaching emphasis and teaching difficulties:1. To write a playIII. Teaching content :Part 1. Warming-up (10 minutes)Part 2. How to

26、unfold a creative world to create a play (10 minutes)Part 3. Practice writing a play (70 minutes)Unit 14 Choosing a Mini-research Topic (2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives:1. Let students know how to choose a mini-research topic2. Let students know how to formulate research questions3. Practice to choos

27、e a topic and formulate research questionsII. Teaching emphasis and teaching difficulties:1. Students choose a topic and formulate research questions for their researchIII. Teaching content :Part 1. Warming-up (10 minutes)Part 2. How to choose a mini-research topic (10 minutes)Part 3. How to formulate research questions (10 minutes)Part 4. Practice (one hour)Unit 15 Mini-research Design and Method (2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives:1. Let students know research design and method2. Let students know how to collect dataII. Teaching emphasis and teaching difficulties:1. How to collect dat


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