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1、Exploration and Formation of British Columbia 1700s to 1866First Nations in British Columbia Over 30 different groups- Individual cultures, art, and languages- Climate has impact on clothing and homes- Abundant natural resources- War on a small scale: sometimes destructive due to regional hatredEarl

2、y Exploration and Claims Spanish first to arrive in Western Canada by water- Juan Jose Perez Hernandez explores to 55 latitude 1774- to discover any Russian settlements found none- 1st European to site Vancouver & Queen Charlotte Islands- traded with natives off Estevan Point, Vancouver Island- Juan

3、 Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra 1775- first documented landing along the BC coast- similar goal to above, but reached 59 latitude - made several stops to make land claims Capt. James Cook arrives 1778- originally searching for the Northwest Passage- landed at Nootka Sound, traded for sea otter furs

4、- then sold to Chinese in Macao for profitFirst Voyages to the BC CoastFirst Settlements Fur Trade Potential leads to arrival of traders- James Hanna first British captain to arrive after Cook- conducts trade in sea otter fur; sells for profit in Macao British traders begin settlement- 1788 British

5、John Meares arrives for trade and purchases land- fort built near Nootka Sound, warehouses begun- Sept 1788 first ship built in BC North West America- first Chinese arrive in Western Canada- as hired labourers by Meares: from Macao- assisted in building the first ship and fort in Canada Nootka Sound

6、 most important port for trade in BC- centre of trade for British, Spanish, and Russians late 1780s- Macao as the starting point and trading centre of CanadaFort San Miguel Spanish return to colonize the area 1789- Esteban Jose Martinez sent to establish a settlement- in response to increased Britis

7、h and Russian activity- performs a formal act of sovereignty May 1789- begins work on Fort San Miguel- the fort was begun in May, by June has cannon- built and improved by Chinese labourers (Meares)- the fort fired recognition rounds for American ships- Santa Cruz da Nuca as the first settlement- co

8、ntains houses and a hospital Nootka Incident of 1789- Martinez seizes several British ships and takes prisoners- violation of Spanish claims- crisis averted as Spanish order to withdrawFort San Miguel & Santa Cruz da NucaFirst Colony in Western CanadaNootka Crisis Spanish return in 1790, re-build th

9、e fort led by Pedro de Alberni- Spanish soldiers remain at Ft. San Miguel until 1792 Capt. Meares and others return to London 1790- Meares writes report about Spanish taking British ships- published and widely read (Voyages 1790)- described positive economic forecast for the area- also criticized Br

10、. East India Company shipping monopoly Br. PM Pitt tells Spain to allow free commerce- Pitt called for open trade, attacked Spanish laws- knew could lead to war (pushed by public outcry)- Spain turns to French for help: allies- France initially mobilizes fleet for actionNootka Convention World Polit

11、ical situation changes- beginning of French Revolution- France important to Spanish expansion (monarchy)- King still in power, but less willing to fight a war- Britain stronger: Dutch and Prussian support Negotiations begin 1792- Quadra and George Vancouver as negotiators 1792- amiable relationship,

12、 but still problems (boundaries/ports)- 1793 greater progress: both UK and Spain at war with France Nootka Convention comes into effect 1795- both sides pull back colonies: allow for open trade in Nootka- Santa Cruz da Nuca is finally abandoned in 1795Canada in 1791Changing Claims Spain gives up cla

13、ims to Western US and Canada- French Revolutionary War leaves Spain weak- Central and South America colonies get independence- Spain can no longer support their claims Adams - Onis Treaty of 1819 - Spain sells claims to Pacific Coast to US (to the 42nd Parallel)- US already active in the area- gives

14、 US support for claims British more active- British continue to explore, survey, and claim the area- HBC and NWC push into the area (stronger after 1821)- Fort Vancouver (Washington State) centre of Pacific tradeWest Coast Land Dispute UK and US want to settle boundary issues- War of 1812 ended 1815

15、, by 1818 most issues settled - 49th Parallel from Lake Superior to Rocky Mountains British point of view (fur trade)- HBC had license to trade with Native tribes American point of view (settlement)- purchased land claims from Spain- settlement to reinforce land claims Anglo-American Convention of 1

16、818- from West of the Rocky Mountains 42 to 54 Parallel - joint occupation for 10 years - 1825 27 failed to resolve issue: joint occupation extendedOregon Boundary Dispute Joint Occupation allows for development - HBC makes Fort Vancouver administrative and economic centre (Columbia River, Washingto

17、n State) - early 1840s controls 34 forts, 24 ports, and 600 workers HBC tries to limit settlement: maintain monopoly- initially easy due to limited access (no roads/trails)- Oregon Trail opens 1840s: influx of American settlers- HBC changes policy 1841: 200 Red River settlers arrive 1842 attempts ma

18、de to finalize the border- British still want control of Columbia River - important for shipping and fur trade- Americans want border decided by settlers/settlements- push by politicians to move more people westOregon Treaty 1846 American politicians push for more- “54 40 or Fight” from Pres. Polk -

19、 gained support and election victory for Polk Initially British unwilling to concede - British do not want to “lose face” to the US- US asking too much Attitudes change due to situation- HBC willing to give in, Vancouver Island more important- US politicians unwilling to fight another war with Brita

20、in- more interested in coming conflict with Mexico over Texas 49th parallel as border (continuation of 1818 border)- Vancouver Island is given to Britain (HBC concession)San Juan Boundary Dispute After the Oregon Treaty ambiguity still existed- San Juan Islands between Vancouver Is. and the Mainland

21、- due to vague maps of the Haro and Rosario Straits- 1856 surveys conducted, however no resolution by 1859- HBC set up a sheep farm on San Juan Island- American settlers arrived as well Pig War 1859- an American settler shot a pig caught in his garden- pig was owned by an HBC sheep farm worker- Amer

22、ican offered to settle, but rejected and arrested- both US and UK send forces, but strict discipline held- joint military occupation decided until dispute settled (1859)- finally settled in US favour by Washington Treaty of 1871Pigs War 1859Development of British Columbia Hudsons Bay Company (HBC) c

23、ontrolled- extension of fur trade (trading forts)- most from NWC after merger James Douglas “Father of British Columbia”- Administered British Mainland for HBC- oversaw the running of HBC trading posts- as a result governance (most were HBC workers)- Governor of Vancouver Island for Britain- oversaw

24、 British colonial interests along the Pacific Coast- took part in negotiations to resolve Pig War British maintained 3 colonies along the Pacific Coast- resulted in slow development till 1858Colony of Vancouver Island First settlement established 1843- Fort Camosun (later Fort Victoria) a fur tradin

25、g post Made a crown colony in January 1849- British lease the colony to HBC for 10 years - to develop and bring in colonists Early Growth and Problems- by mid 1850s 3 settlements and 500 colonists- Douglas completes 14 treaties with various First Nation tribes- British wanted wealthy colonists, so l

26、and prices high- many fled to US for free land or gold rush in California- 1855 colonial government provided- however dominated by HBC employees Colony of the Queen Charlotte Islands Colony based on a gold rush in 1851- March 1851 Haida arrived in Fort Victoria - exchanged 1 gold piece for 1,500 bla

27、nkets HBC sends a ship to investigate- crew discovers a gold vein - blasting done, but problems as Haida rushed to get gold: skirmishes- Americans arrive, but same problem British establish colony in 1853- allowed due to treaties with US and Russia- counter American miners/settlers- but long after t

28、he gold rush was overColony of British Columbia (BC) Mainland BC remained under HBC control- after 1849 Oregon Treaty, British government accepted- James Douglas in charge; ran from Victoria- never over 150 Europeans, most HBC workers and family- settlements based on HBC trading posts Changes occur

29、in 1857- rumours of gold along the Thompson River - 1858 Fraser River Gold Rush- 20,000 Americans, British, & Chinese arrive British Columbia becomes a Crown Colony Aug. 1858- British try to break HBC control, new capital New Westminister- But Douglas still runs all 3 colonies until 1864Gold Rush! G

30、old Rushes lead to settlements- new towns “spring up”- government trying to adjust- hiring officials, police officers, etc. 1861-62 Cariboo Gold Rush- another gold rush begins- government decides to build roads to gold rush areas Cariboo Wagon Road built 1862- access to Cariboo gold rush region- soon gold rush ended: government unable to pay for road- wanted to pay with profits from gold rush licenses, etc- mismanagement of gold profits leads to debtTowards Unification BC absorbs Queen Charlotte Islands Colony 1863- although under governor of Vancouver Is, not


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