1、New Horizon English Book 1Unit One Going to CollegeTeaching Objectives 教学目标:1. In Liste ning and Speak ing, stude nts are expected to: practice the words pronun ciatio n; call the stude nts atte ntio n to the importa nee of grammatical cohere nee; make a dialogue using the expression of how to greet
2、 each other;2. In Reading and Writing, students will be able to: identify the main idea of the text A and analyze some difficult sentences and som Ian guage poin ts; understand and write registration form;Teachi ng emphasis difficulties 重点与难点&Vocabularies of A and B level; Phrases and sentence struc
3、ture;Registrati on FormTeachi ng approaches & mea ns教学方法与 手段Task-based Approach ;Communi cative Lan guage Teachi ng; Activity Teach ing Approach;Questi on-an swer Teach ing Approach. Multi-media Video PPTPicture Blackboard课堂 进 程次序内容1第 1 2 节:Sectionl Speaking and New words of Text A2第 34 节:Section A
4、Text A and Related Exercises3第 5-6 节: Section B Text and Related Exercises4第 7-8 节: Section C Practical Writing: Registration FormiNew Horizon English Book 1Teach ing Procedure:Period 1- 2Speaking & New Words and Expressions of Text AOpening Your MouthExpressi ons for show ing likes and dislikes:our
5、 first n ame?e.g. My name is /It s a pleasUcemeet you. / I d like you to meet /I d like you to know / I -m a new student in college. / What s y/ What do you do? /Where are you from? /It s been nice talking to you. / Nicetalking to you. / introducetoTalking Together:Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 aims to build
6、 the stude nts abilities in liste ning and speak ing.Homework: P7.Task 4New words and expressi ons of Text A1. education n. singular; Uthe process by which a person s mind and character are developed through teach ing, especially through formal in struct ion at school or college(尤指正规的)教育;学业;培养e.g. T
7、he education she had helped her a lot in her work.她接受的教育对她的工作帮助很大。e.g. His father had little educatio n.他的父亲没读过多少书。2. bus in essn.1) U a subject, event, or activity that you have a particular opinion of事情;议题;事务e.g. Tanya fou nd the whole bus in ess ridiculous.坦亚发现整件事情都很荒谬。2) U the activity of buying
8、 and selli ng goods and services; commerce商业;交易;生意e.g. They ve done some bus in ess_together. 他们一起做过生意。e.g.After graduati on he went into bus in ess.毕业后他经商去了。3. cool adj. very good; impressive; fashi on able; trendy极有魅力的;酷的;时髦的e.g. You look really cool in that new dress.你穿那条新裙子显得很帅。e.g. If you say t
9、hat some oneis cool, you mean that he is fashi on able,attractive, and tren dy.如果你说某人很酷,你是指他很时尚、很有吸引力,而且追求新潮。4. have a good/great/w on derful time -enjoy on eself过得愉快; 玩得开心e.g. They had a good time in the cinema.他们看电影看得很开心。e.g.The childre n had a won derful time at the party.孩子们在晚会上玩得很开心5. on the wa
10、y-while going somewhere在路上e.g. She put her coat on and set out on her way.她穿上大衣就动身了。e.g. On the way to school, he met his frie nd Joh n.在上学的路上,他碰见了朋友约翰5. exte nt-1) a stated degree程度;限度e.g. I agree with what he said to a large exte nt/to some exte nt/to a certa in exte nt.2) the len gth or area to w
11、hich someth ing exte nds(延伸的)长度;e.g. I was surprised at the exte ntof the scie ntistknowledge.to a great/large exte nt在很大程度上to a certa in /some/a n exte nt在某种程度上e.g. To a large exte nt, you will be on your own.在很大程度上,你将靠自己。6. on one sown-alone; without help独自; 靠自己e.g. I can t carry it on my own ; it
12、 s too heavy.我自己拿不了,这东西太重了。e.g. Children should learn to be on their own from day one.孩子们应该从一开始就学会独立。7. take the first step in doing someth ing率先迈出做的第一步e.g. You are the one to take the first step in making your own decisi ons.事关自己的决定,你自己要率先迈出第一步。e.g. One should take the first step inone s own matter
13、s.自己的事自己要率先迈出第一步。7. whateverdet .& pro n.1) an y(th ing) or all that任何(事物);什么都e.g. They read whatever (book) they can find.他们找到什么(书)就读什么书。e.g. I believe she s cured whatever was wrong with her. 不管她得了什么病,我想都已经治好了。2) no matter what不论什么;不管什么e.g. Whatever I said, he d disagree不论我说什么他都不同意。or whatever 什么的
14、e.g. Anyone who is see n carry ing bags, boxes, or whatever, will be stopped bythe police.谁要是拿着袋子、盒子什么的,警察一看见,就会拦下。8. decide on/up on choose (some one, someth ing, or to do someth ing)决定e.g. We decided on the blue paint for the bedroom.我们决定卧室用蓝色漆。e.g. Have you decided on spending your holiday at hom
15、e?你决定在家度假了吗?e.g. Has he decided on where to go?他决定去哪儿了吗?9. careern . 1) C a job or profession for which one is trained and which oneintends to follow for parts or the whole of one(需要特别训练并终生或长期从事的)职业;一生的事业e.g. My sister is con sideri ng a career in teach in g.我姐姐考虑将教师作为职业。e.g. His career was always m
16、ore importa nt to him tha n his family.对他来说,事业总是比家庭重要。2) C (a part of) the general course of a person s w生涯Ing (一段)工作经历;履历e.g. He spent most of his career worki ng in Ch ina.他的大部分职业生涯都在中国度过。10. even if / even though尽管;即使e.g. Even though/if you don t like it, you have to take the job.即使不喜欢,你也得接受这份工作。
17、e.g. I wouldn t do this, even though/if you paid me a thousand dollars.即使你给我1000 美元,我也不干。11. step by steplittle by little; gradually一步步地;逐渐地;循序渐进地e.g. We learn En glish step by step.我们循序渐进地学习英语。12. graduatevi. complete an educational course毕业e.g. When and where did you graduate? 你是何时何地毕业的?1) rema in
18、 level; rema in as high as我们得保持下去,否则就落后了。 她得跑步才能跟上其他女孩。很高兴你一直在努力学习。e.g. I graduated from the uni versity in 1985.我 1985 年毕业于这所大学。n.Csome onewhohasfinished their studies at a high school, college orun iversity毕业生e.g.a law graduate法律(系)毕业生e.g.a graduate in math数学(系)毕业生13. keep up保持(水平)e.g. We have to
19、keep_up, or we ll be left behind.e.g. She had to run to keep up with the other girls.2) continue (doi ng) someth ing继续(做)某事e.g. I m glad that you are keeping up your studies.e.g. When people move customs of their n ative land.to anothercountry,they often try to keep up the人们移居外国时,常常努力保留家乡的习俗。开始;从第一天
20、开始14. from day one from the very beg inning e.g. Going to college means that you have to be on your own from day one. 上大学意味着从第一天起你就得依靠自己。e.g. The teacher said,“ Try to see learning as fun from day one老师说:“一开始就努力把学习看成一件趣事。”15. make the most of someth ingget as much pleasure, profit, etc. as possible
21、from someth ing充分利用某事物e.g. You won t get another chanee make the most of it!你不会再有这样的机会了,好好把握吧!e.g. Try to make the most ofthe courses you re taking尽力充分禾U用你所修读的课程吧。16. at handn ear in time or place即将到来;在手边;在近处e.g. Help is close at hand.救星就在眼前。e.g. Having a portable computer at hand is helpful to a re
22、porter. 手边有台手提电脑对记者来说很有帮助。done someth ing for you我对父亲感恩不已,他总是支持我。 债务;欠款s still paying off theiebt.17. debt n. 1) (sin gular) an obligatio n to be grateful to some one because they have(欠下的)人情;恩义e.g. I owe a debt of gratitude to my father , who has always supported me.2) C an amount of money that you
23、 owee.g. She borrowed a lot of money and she 她借了很多钱,到现在还没有还清。18.let somebody done令某disappo int some one by not doing someth ing they are expect ing you to do人失望e.g. I hope you ll ndtet me down.我希望你不会让我失望。e.g. I did nlett my pare nts dow n by beco ming a college stude nt.我成了大学生,没有令我父母失望。19.certificat
24、en. 1) C an official paper stati ng that you have completed a course of study(毕业)文凭;成绩合格证书e.g. Betsy earned a teach ing certificate from San Jose State Uni versity.贝奇从圣何赛州立大学获得了教师资格证书。2) C a docume nt (official paper) giv ing a stateme nt made by an official pers onthat a fact or facts are true证书e.g
25、. a birth certificate 出生证e.g. a marriage certificate 结婚证20.likelyadj. that can reason ably be expected; probable看来要发生的; 可能的e.g. It likely to rain.看样子要下雨。e.g. Are we likely to arrive in time?我们可能及时到达吗?adv. probably很可能e.g. Profit will most likely have risen by about $25 million.利润很可能增长 2,500万美兀。e.g. V
26、ery likely he d told them he had an American birth certificate.他很可能告诉过他们他有美国出生证。21. un dersta ndingn. 1) s in gular; U kno wledge of the n ature of someth ing, based especially on learning or experie nee了解;理解e.g. A basic understanding of computer is necessary for this course.修读这门课必须对计算机有基本的了解。e.g.Re
27、adi ng it aga in will help you have a better un dersta nding of the text.再读一遍课文能帮助你更好地理解它。2) U ability to kn ow and learn; in tellige nee理解(能)力e.g. The book is beyond the understanding of most 10-year-olds.这本书超出了大多数10岁孩子的理解力。22. respectvt. admire or have a high opinion of somebody or something尊敬; 敬佩
28、; 尊重e.g. I respect him for his hon esty.我敬重他诚实的品格。n. U admiratio n for some one, especially because of their pers onal qualities,kno wledge or skill尊敬;敬重e.g. They stood in silence for one minute to show their respect for the dead.他们默立一分钟,以表示对死者的尊敬。23. be true ofbe valid or releva nt for (some one or
29、 someth ing)对也有效; 对也一样e.g. That is not true of the people I m talking about.这对于我所说的那些人不适用。e.g. This is true of teachers.这对老师也一样。24. make up ones mind .decide 决定e.g. I can mtake up my mind which book I should buy.我决定不了买哪本书。e.g. He made up his mi nd to write a letter to his pare nts.他决定给父母写圭寸信。Period
30、3- 4Readi ng Through: Text A-How to be Cool at CollegeLeading-In (10 ) (PPT 导入)Ask some Ss to give an oral prese ntati on about i ntroducti on; telli ng the reas ons why they want to be college Ss ,the purpose for entering college and the differences between middle school and college.Skimming and Sc
31、anning ( 5- 8 ) |Main Idea of Text A:Going to college for the first time is an exciting moment in your life. At college, everything is new and you will be on yourself. As a college stude nt, you should use your time wisely to lear n as much as possible and work hard to get the very best out of the o
32、pport un ities, enjoy meet ing new people and prepare you for a bright future.Read the Text A fast and then tell the main idea of each part.Structure of Text APart I (Para. 1): Going to college is lucky. So you should set goals for yourself.Part II (Para.2-4): The teacher gives some suggesti ons and
33、 advices on educati on at college. Part III (Para.5): As a college stude nt, you should be determ ined to lear n more.III. Detailed study of Text ASentences :1. How to Be Cool at College(p)How to make yourself very good and impressive to others at collegecool: a. very good; impressive; fashi on able
34、; trendy (spoke n) 绝妙的You look really in that new dress.你穿那件衣服很帅。If you say that some one is , you mean that he is fashi on able, attractive, and tren dy. 如果你说某人很酷,你是指他很时尚、很有吸引力。cool down (off)变冷静 be cool to sb.对冷淡2. Going to c ollege? Lucky you! You ll have a great time and a lot of fun on the way.
35、(p)Are you going to college? How lucky you are!Please no tice that they are elliptical sentence.3. but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do.(p)it is true that there will be many people who are ready to help you, but you will ofte nhave to take the first step in any
36、thing at all that you choose to do.Notice that “ ready to help you ” modifies “ many people .Many people help you -many people who are ready to help you./e the future tenseAlso notice the di fference between“ must ” and “ have to ” :“ have to ” can ha、Words and Phrases1. Please, don letthem down!(p)
37、Please, don t disappoint them!let sb down: to fail to help or support sb as they hoped or expected 不能帮助; 使失望This machine won t let you down.He trudged home feeli ng Ion ely and let dow n. 他步履艰难地往家走,感到孤独沮丧。She let down the curtain.放下窗帘。The plane let down.飞机减速下降。2. Why? Well, firstly, you may not get
38、a job even if you do a course that is likely to get you one.(p) you may not get a job even though you take a course which may help you get a job. Here one sta nds fora jobbe likely to do: It s likely to rain.It s no likely that the boss will agree.3. Secon dly, you are cheati ng yourself.(p) you are
39、 not hon est to yourself.He was caught cheati ng on the exam.I hate cheats. (n.)Cheat sb. into doing诱骗某人做You can cheat in/on any exams.Cheat sb. out of sth .骗取某人某物The man cheated the girl out of 100 dollars.(R)The man cheated the girls 100 dollars.(W)4. You know it will be very difficult for you to
40、respect yourself uni ess you are proud of yourwork.(p)You know you will hardly respect yourself if you are not proud of your work.I respect him for his hon esty. (v.)They stood in sile nee for one minute to show their respect for the dead. (n.)In respect of 关于,就 而言respective a.各自的 They went their wa
41、ys.他们各走各的路。 Respectively ad. Mary andher sister were 12 and 16 years old.5. This is true of a worker, doctor, teacher, or whatever.be true of: valid or releva nt for some one 对也有效 / 也一样Surely, this is true of you.当然这对你也一样。true to life : (of a book, film/ movie, etc. 书、电影等)真实的;惟妙惟肖;活灵活现I don t think
42、the characters are very true to life我觉得这些人物不真实。6.So, as you beg in your college career, make up your mind to lear n as much as possible.(p) So while you beg in your college life, you should decide to lear n as much as possible.make up one s mind to do: be determined to do sthas asused with“ much” or
43、“ many” for comparing people or thingsShe earns twice as much as her husband.她挣的钱是她丈夫的两倍。I haven t got as mdonyoks as you have.我的书没你的那么多。7. far too many/much 太多 far too+ adj. 过于far +比较级 太He felt far too n ervous at the meeti ng.Sometimes a crisis draws the attention far better than if you re doing w
44、ell.有时一次危机吸弓丨 人的注意远胜过一切顺利。Text structure:Para. 1 Topic sentence:Going to college means you have to set goals and work hard for them step by step until you graduate.Para. 2 Topic sentence:For a rich full life of college, you should make the most of the opport un ities at hand.Para. 3 Topic sentence:Y
45、ou should have a real un dersta nding and lik ing of the course you are choos ing to study.Para. 4 Topic sentence:As you begi n your college career, you should make up your mind to lear n as much as possible.Summary:Going to college means a lot to you. Such as, you have to set goals and work hard fo
46、r them step by step un til you graduate. For a rich full life of college, you should also make the most of the opport un ities at hand. Thirdly, you should have a real un dersta nding and lik ing of the course you are choos ing to study. So, as you begi n your college career, you should makeup your
47、mind to lear n as much as possible.IV. Conclusion and PracticeExercises Usi ng the Right WordHomework : Page. Working with ExpressionsAfter-reading Activities: Please read Text B after class.Period 5-6Text B and Related Exercises1. experie neen. 1) C someth ing that has happe ned to you (ofte n unu
48、sual or excit ing)经历;(常指不寻常的或刺激的)体验e.g. She wrote a book about her experiences in the United States.她写了一本书,讲述她在 美国的经历。2) U (the gaining of) knowledge or skill which comes from practice in an activity or doing someth ing for a long time, rather tha n from books 经验e.g. We all learn by experience.我们都从经
49、验中学习。vt. have and be aware of a particular emotio n or physical feeli ng 经历; 感受; 体会e.g.e.g.味。experience difficulty 经历困难It was the first time Iexpyenced going to college.我第次尝到上大学的滋2. adjust tovi.gradually get used to a new situati on by making small cha nges to the way you do thi ngs 适应 e.g. I cannot
50、 adjust easily to city life.我适应城市生活有困难。e.g. John found it difficult to adjust to his wife s moth约翰发现很难适应他的3. first of allas the first thing (to be done or said)首先;第一(要做或要说的)e.g. First of all, you should make a good choice of the subjects.首先,你们应该选好自己的科目。e.g. First of all, let me ask you something.首先,
51、让我来问你们一些事情。3. sensen. C a feeli ng or con scious ness of someth ing 感觉; 意识e.g. I had a sense that someone was standing behind me.我感觉有人站在我身后。e.g. She had the sense of being a political outsider.她感觉自己成了政治上的局外人。vt. have a feeli ng that someth ing exists or is there, without hav ing direct proof感觉至 U; 意
52、识至 U;觉察到e.g. I sensed that something was wrong.我感觉至 U有点不对。e.g. She could senseher father s anger ris她能感觉到父亲的怒气越来越大。4. resp on sibilityn. 1) U the state of being resp on sible; havi ng to make decisi ons about someth ing so that you are blamed if something goes wrong 责任e.g. The new job means taking o
53、n more responsibility. 这份新工作意味着承担更多的责任。2) C a job or duty that you must do 职责;义务e.g. What are the responsibilities of his post?他的岗位职责是什么?e.g. I feel that I have the responsibility to finance my sister s education.我感到自己有义务资助妹妹上学。5. responsible adj. 1) havi ng the job or duty of doing or look ing afte
54、r somebody or someth ing 对(某人,某事)负责的e.g. He is the one who is responsible for the safety of the school.他是负责学校安全的人。e.g. The Ministry of Education is responsible for education.教育部负责教育事务。2) having done or been the cause of something, especially something bad, guilty 对(事故、错误、 罪行等)负有责任的e.g. He still felt
55、 responsible for her death.他依然感到对她的死负有责任。e.g. I want you to do everything you can to find out who is responsible for the accident. 我要你尽全力找出应承担事故责任的人。6. decisionn. C (a) choice or judgment that you make after a period of discussion orthought 决定; 抉择e.g. “ Have you made adecisionyet? ”“ No, I m still t
56、hinking about it.”“你决定了吗?”还没有,我还在考虑。”e.g. There were good reasons for his decision to leave.他决定离开是有充分理由的。7. current adj. 1) flowing in a certain direction 流动的e.g. current account活期存款账户2) generally accepted; in common use 通用的e.g. The other meaning of the word is still current.这个词的另一个意义现在还在用。3) belonging to the present time; of the present day 现今的;当前的; 进行中的e.g. current fashions 时尚; current events 时事n. 1) C a continuously moving mass of liquid or gas, especially one
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