1、词汇题练习 tpo1-71. The word “ precious ” in the passage is closest in meaning toa. Exact b. scare c. valuable d.initialAlthough limited to a skull, the Pakicetus fossil provides precious details on the orig ins of 2. The word “ expo sed ” in the passage is closest in mening toa. Explained b. visible c.i
2、dentified d. locatedSeveral skeletons of another early whale, Basilosaurus, were found in sediments left by and now exposed in the Sahara desert.3. The word “propulsion ” in the passage is closest in meaning toa. Staying afloat b.changing directionc. decreasing weight d.movingforwardThe structure of
3、 the backbone shows, however, that it swam like modern whalesby moving the rear portion of its body up and down, even though a fluke was missing.The large hind legs were used for propulsion in water.4. The word “threatened ” in the passage is cloest in mening toa. Restricted b. endangered c. prevent
4、ed d. rejectedThe expansion of desert-like conditions into areas where they did not previously exist is called deserfication. It has been estimated that an additional one-fourth of the Earth s land surface is threatened by this process.5. The word “delicate ” in the passage is cloest in meaning toa.
5、 Fragile b.predictable c. complex d.valuableThe semiarid lands bordering the deserts exist in a delicate ecological balancein the passage is closet in mea ning toand are limited in theirpote ntialto adjust to in creasedexviro nmen taipressures.6. The word “ progressively ” in the passage is cloest i
6、n meaning toa. Openly b. impressively c. objectively d.increasinglyThe cultivation of crops has expanded into progressively drier regions as populati on den sities have grow n.7. The phrase “ devoid of ” in the passage is closest in meaning toa. Consisting of b. hidden by c. except for d. lacking in
7、Since the rais ing of most crops n ecessitates the prior removal of the n aturalvegetation, crop failures leave extensive tracts of land deviold of a plant cover and susceptible to wind and water erosi on.8. The word “readily ” in the passage is closest in meaning toa. Frequently b. easily c. intell
8、igently d. obviouslyExhibitors, however, wated to maximize their profits, which they could do morereadily by projectinga handful of films to a hundreds of customers at a time 9. The word“ assistanee ” in the passage is closest in meaning toa. Criticism b. leadership c. help d. approvalwith the assis
9、ta nee of Edis on s former assista nt .10. The word“expanded” in the passage is closest in meaning toa. Was enlarged b. was improved c. was varied d. was rejectedAt the same time, the image that the spectator looked at expa nded from theminisculepeepshow dimensions of 1-2 inches (in height) to the l
10、ife-sizeproporti ons of 6 or 9 feet.11.The word out of sight(A) far away(B) hidde n(C)partly visibleddiscovered12. The word “Credible ”in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) confusing(B) comforti ng(C)un believabledin teresti ng13.The word overlie in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) cover(B
11、) change(C)separate(D)surrou nd14. The word so much for” in the passage is closet i n meaning to(A) That is en ough about(B) Now let us turn to(C)Of greater con cer n are(D)This is related to15. The word pfugged ”in the passage is closet in meaning to(A)washed(B) dragged(C)filled updsoaked through16
12、. The word enhanee ”in the passage is closet in meanin g to(A)protect(B)improve(C)orga nize(D)match17. The word feasible ”in the passage is closet in meaning to(A)in existe nee(B)without questi on(C)achievabledmost likely18. The word integral ”in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) esse ntial(B)
13、variable(C) practical(D) in depe ndent19. The word arduous ”in the passage is closest in meaning to(A)Difficult(B) Necessary(C)Skilled(D)Shared20. The word particular ”in the passage is closest in meaning to(A)Natural(B) Fi nal(C)Specific(D) Complex21. The word gUarantee ” in the passage is closest
14、in meaning to(A) In crease(B) En sure(C) Favor(D) Complicate22. The word pales ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) In creases proporti on ally(B) Differs(C) Loses significanee(D) Is com mon23. The word adjace nt ” in the passage is close st in meaning to(A) Foreign(B) Stable(C) FluidD Neigh
15、bori ng24. The word ensuing ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Continuing(B) Surprising(C) Initial(D) Subsequent25. The word unprecede nted ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Difficult to con trol(B) Without any restricti on(C) Un like an yth ing in the past(D) Rapidly expa nding
16、26. The word virtually ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Clearly(B) Perhaps(C) Freque ntly(D) Almost27. The word inevitable ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Unfortunate(B) Predictable(C) Un avoidable(D) Fin al28. The word inhibits ” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) co
17、n sists of(B) comb ines(C) restrictsd establishes29. The phrase in the same breath ” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) impatie ntly(B) humorously(C) con ti nuouslyd immediately30. The phrase indefinite periodin the passage is closest in meaning to a period(A) whose end has not bee n determ i
18、ned(B) that does not begi n whe n expected(C) that lasts only briefly(D) whose importa nee rema ins unknown31. The word “ebound ”n the passage is closest in meaning to(A) decline(B) recovery(C) exchange(D) moveme nt32. The word markedT in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Con siderable(B) Surp
19、ris ing(C) LimitedAdequate33. The word pfincipal ” in the passage is closest in meanin g to(A) Major(B) Likely(C) Well protected(D) Distinct34. The word trappings ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Conditions(B) Problems(C) In flue ncesDecorati ons35. The word accumulate ” in the passage i
20、s closest in meaning to(A) Grow up(B) (B) Build up(C) (C) Spread out(D) (D) Break apart36. The word adjace nt ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Nearby(B) Exist ing(C) Special(D) Deep37. The word sfbping ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Shifting(B) (B) Inclining(C) (C) Forming(
21、D) (D) Rolli ng38. The word ful ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Reach(B) Flood(C) Pollute(D) Alter39. The word exhibit in the passage is closest in meaning to(A)fight off(B)show(C)cause(D)spread40.The word facilitates ” in the passage is closest i n meaning to(A)slows dow n(B)affects(C)
22、makes easier(D)focuses on41.The word suspended ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A)grow n(B)protected(C)spread outd hung42.The word afford in the passage is closest in meaning to(A)offer(B)preve nt(C)in creased remove43.The word overwhel ming ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) powe
23、rful(B) favorable(C) current(D) reas on able44.The word implements ” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) skills(B) tools(C) opportunities(D) practices45.The word undisputed ” in the passage is close st in meaning to(A) mysterious(B) unexpected(C) ack no wledged(D) significant46.The word signif
24、icant ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) numerous(B) important(C) unexpected(D) sudden47.The word relatively ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) surprisingly(B) collectively(C) comparatively(D) characteristically48.The word diversificati on ” in the passage is closest in meaning t
25、o(A) emerge nee of many varieties(B) steady decline in number(C) gradual in crease in body size(D) sudden disappearanee49. The word promote ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) complicate(B) prevent(C) encouraged affect50. The word exploited in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) utilize
26、d(B) recog nized(C) examined(D) fully understood51. The word vastly in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) quickly(B) ultimately(C) greatlydin itially52. The phrase grew accustomed to in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) began to prefer(B) wan ted to have(C) became used toin sisted on53. Th
27、e word retained in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) gained(B) established(C) profited from(D) maintained54. The word rudimentary-1 in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) thorough(B) strict(C) basic(D) occasional55. The word meticulously in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) carefully
28、(B) quickly(C) frequentlyobviously56. The word endured ” in the passage is closest i n meaning to(A) vanished(B) developed(C) variedsurvived57. The word virtually ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) possibly(B) absolutely(C) surprisingly(D) nearly58. The word plausible ” in the passage is c
29、losest in meaning to(A) flexible(B) believable(C) debatable(D) predictable59. The word phenomenon ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) exception(B) repetition(C) occurrenee(D) idea60. The word critically ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) fun dame ntally(B) partially(C) consistentl
30、y(D) subsequently61 .The word perspective ” in thepassage is closest in meaning to(A) system(B) theory(C) sourced viewpoi nt62. The word objective |” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) achievement(B) requirement(C) purpose(D) feature63. The word scores ” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) members
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