



1、心情短语英语带翻译1 、频繁回头的人走不了多远。People who turn back frequently cant go far.2 、我就是喜欢他,你咬我啊!I just like him, you bite me!3 、有些事,经不起再一次。Some things cant stand it again.4 、留了青山在,还是没柴烧。The green hills are still there, or there is no firewood to burn.5 、假设在遇上你、只当陌生人。If you meet me, just be a stranger.6 、小三,除法中的余

2、数而已。Third, the remainder of the division.7 、姐妹,爱世界上唯一的你。Sister, love the only you in the world.8 、我爱你,但,那只是曾经。I love you, but thats just once.9 、一辈子只爱你一个不懊悔。I love you all my life without regret.10 、花有百样红,人与狗不同。Flowers are red in every way. People are different from dogs.11 、等一个人还是等一个故事。Waiting for

3、a person or a story.12 、月亮一走,风儿也觉无聊。When the moon goes away, the wind feels bored.13 、街角遇见爱,转角没未来。When you meet love on the street corner, there is no future on the corner.14 、牵手和分手来自同一双手。Hand in hand and hand in hand come from the same hands.15 、我们两个真的有未来吗?Do we really have a future?16 、牵着你的手,重新开始。

4、Take your hand and start over.17 、心有多大,舞台就有多大。The stage extends as far as the heart goes.18 、我喜欢你,也愿意放弃你!I like you and would like to give up you!19 、我的眼泪,不想让你看见。My tears, do not want you to see.20 、借来东流水,寄以无情游。Borrowing water from the east, sending it for a merciless tour.21 、圈圈圈圈,圈出快乐时光。 Circle an

5、d circle, circle happy times.22 、拖过一次你的手我已满足。Im satisfied with dragging your hand once.23 、我不想结婚但我只想嫁你。I dont want to get married, but I just want to marry you.24 、烟不乖,所以我们抽烟。 Smoking is not good, so we smoke.25 、相濡以沫不如相忘于江湖。Its better to forget each other.26 、不要给自己的失败找借口! Dont make excuses for your

6、 failure!27 、假设得一人心,执手不别离。If you have one heart, hold hands without separation.28 、你就是我生命里的烟火。 You are the fireworks in my life.29 、回忆是一场看旧了的时光。 Memory is an old time.30 、佛渡不了天下,由我来渡。 Buddha cant cross the world, let me do it.31 、决心即力量,信心即成功。 Resolution is strength, confidence is success.32 、满怀悲伤,却流

7、不出泪。 With sadness, but no tears.33 、不是没有错,是你想太多。Its not true. You think too much.34 、用最少的悔恨面对过去。 Face the past with the least regret.35 、我姓苏,所以输给了你。My surname is Su, so I lost to you.36 、你骂我傻,然后红了眼眶。You scolded me for being silly, and then you blushed your eyes. 37 、爱上你,是命里的必需品。Falling in love with

8、you is a necessity in life.38 、不为穷变节,不为贱易志。Its not meagre, its not cheap, its easy.39 、情不知所起、一往而深!I dont know where to start, but go deep!40 、你的念念不忘里,没有俄。 You never forget, no Russia.41 、爱情、一场宿命的玩笑。 Love, a joke of fate.42 、怕寂寞,也怕你离开我。 Afraid of loneliness, also afraid of you leaving me.43 、爱情是生活最好的提神剂。Love is the best refreshing agent in life.44 、真不好意思,让您贱笑了。Im sorry to make you laugh humbly.45 、上帝灭你亡,必定先疯狂。When God destroys you, you must be mad first.46 、没死就别把自己当个废物。Dont treat yourself as a waste until you die.47 、就此放过,两两相忘罢。Let go of it and forget abo


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