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1、海牙/维斯比规那么的适用Application of the Hague/Visby Rules Brief Intro:在普通法下,对于提单涉及的运输合同,当事人有绝对的自在对其进展协商。然而,在19世纪。承运人滥用他们的强势位置,导致这种自在被大大减弱,海牙规那么应运而生。这一规那么的目的在于,在承运人大量征引免责条款的情况下维护货主。海牙/维斯比规那么胜利地承继了这一点。为了到达这一目的,“规那么规定一些规范条款必需列入合同,来明确应由承运人承当的风险、从免责条款中可获得的最大维护以及责任限制。承运人任何想要扩展免责范围或是减轻其根本义务的行为都将被以为是不具有法律效能的。当然,假设承运

2、人承当了法律列明的最低限制的义务以外的义务,“规那么也不会进展额外维护。海牙/维斯比规那么只涉及合同条款最根本的框架。在此之外,合同当事人也可以自行商定额外的款项。该规那么已被添加进1971年的Carriage of Goods by Sea,并自1977年6月23日起在英国生效。6.1海牙海牙/维斯比规那么的维斯比规那么的适用适用6.1.1 “规那么调整的运输方式 第一条b款:“运输合同仅指以提单或任何类似的物权凭证进展有关海上货物运输的合同;在租船合同下或根据租船合同所签发的提单或任何物权凭证,在它们成为制约承运人与凭证持有人之间的关系准那么时,也包括在内。 第一条也做了一样的规定 海牙规

3、那么不适用于以运单或者其他不可转让的单证进展的海上运输合同。由于它们不是物权证明。 海牙规那么也不适用于租船合同,甚至是租船合同下签发的提单。由于此处的提单仅仅作为货物收据,而不能代表运输合同的一切内容。它的条款是被租船合同所排除的。但是提单一经转让,海牙规那么就开场适用。承运人与提单持有人就遭到提单条款的约束。假设当事人商定他们之间的运输合同是以提单进展的,那么即使提单实践上并不存在,海牙规那么也适用。Pyrene Co. Ltd v. Scindia Navigation Co.Whenever a contract of carriage is concluded and it is c

4、ontemplated that a bill of lading will, in due course, be issued in respect of it, that contract is from its creation “covered by a bill of lading and is, therefore, from its inception a contract of carriage within the meaning of the Rules and to which the Rules apply. 无论运输合同何时签署,也无论与该运输合同有关的提单何时签发,

5、这个合同从它成立之时就被以为是“以提单进展的运输合同,也就是海牙规那么意义上的“运输合同,海牙规那么也自合同成立之时就开场适用。海牙/维斯比规那么对1924年海上货物运输法适用范围的扩展: “本公约各项规定,应适用于在两个不同国家港口之间与货物运输有关的每一提单,假设: (a)提单在某一缔约国签发;或者 (b)货物从某一缔约国港口起运;或者 (c)被提单所包含或所证明的合同受本公约各项规定或者给予这些 规定以法律效能的任一国家立法的约束,而不论船舶、承运人、托运人、收货人或任何其他关系人的国籍如何。 每一缔约国应将本公约各项规定适用于上述提单。 本条规定不制止缔约国将本公约适用于前述各款未列明

6、的提单。 1971年又将此范围扩展至沿海运输 问题:未防止海牙规那么的适用,承运人签发不可转让的单证来替代提单。而只需在适用海牙规那么的情况下,托运人才有权要求承运人签发提单。 处理建议:在任何从英国起运的货物运输合同中,都自动适用海牙规那么。除非,规那么的适用与某一特定贸易惯例或当事人意思表示不一致。 无论是经过当事人自行合意,还是经过托运人因接受运单而自愿放弃要求承运人签发提单的权益,合同当事人都无权自行排除海牙规那么的适用。Hague Rules Article 6:Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Articles, a c

7、arrier, master or agent of the carrier and a shipper shall in regard to any particular goods be at liberty to enter into any agreement in any terms as to the responsibility and liability of the carrier for such goods, and as to the rights and immunities of the carrier in respect of such goods, or hi

8、s obligation as to seaworthiness, so far as this stipulation is not contrary to public policy, or the care or diligence of his servants or agents in regard to the loading, handling, stowage, carriage, custody, care and discharge of the goods carried by sea, provided that in this case no bill of ladi

9、ng has been or shall be issued and that the terms agreed shall be embodied in a receipt which shall be a non-negotiable document and shall be marked as such. Any agreement so entered into shall have full legal effect. Provided that this Article shall not apply to ordinary commercial shipments made i

10、n the ordinary course of trade, but only to other shipments where the character or condition of the property to be carried or the circumstances, terms and conditions under which the carriage is to be performed are such as reasonably to justify a special agreement. 第六条:“虽有前述各条规定,只需不违反公共次序,承运人、船长或承运人的

11、代理人得与托运人就承运人对任何特定货物应负的责任和应尽的义务,及其所享用的权益与豁免,或船舶适航的责任等,以任何条件,自在地订立任何协议。或就承运人雇佣人员或代理人在海运货物的装载、搬运、配载、运送、保管、照料和卸载方面应留意及谨慎的事项,自在订立任何协议。但在这种情况下,必需是未曾签发或将不签发提单,而且应将上述协议的条款载入不得转让并注明这种字样的收据内。这样订立的任何协议,都具有完全的法律效能。但本条规定不适用于按照普通贸易程序成交的普通商业货运,而仅在拟装运的财物的性质和情况,或据以进展运输的环境、条款和条件,有订立特别协议的合理需求时,才干适用 。 动物 甲板货6.1.2 排除适用的

12、货物类型 构成要件: 1、货物确实装载在甲板上 2、提单上注明“甲板货甲板货Svenska Traktor v. Maritime AgenciesA mere general liberty to carry goods on deck is not a statement in the contract of carriage that the goods are in fact being carried on deck. 给予承运人将货物装载在甲板上的自在,并不能替代运输合同中的明确陈说。Such a statement on the face of the bill of ladin

13、g would serve as a notification and a warning to consignees and indorsees of the bill of lading, to whom the property in the goods passed under the terms of s1 of the Bill of Lading Act 1855, that the goods which they were to take were being shipped as deck cargo. “除非托运人反对,承运人有权将货物装载在甲板上运输。 Encyclop

14、eadia Britannica v Hong Kong Producer 将货物装载在甲板上运输必需得到托运人的成认和答应。 传统观念以为,承运人未经托运人答应就将货物装载在甲板上运输的行为,构成根本违约。一旦发生货损货差,承运人将无法从合同条款中得到任何免责或维护。In this respect it would appear that the inclusion of a general liberty clause in the bill of lading might suffice for this purpose, or even a clause to the effect t

15、hat carrier permitted to stow on deck unless shipper objects, provided that the shipper has sufficient notice of the clause at the time of shipment.6.1.3 海牙规那么适用的期间 海牙规那么只适用于海上运输合同 也未必适用于整个合同,而是从货物装上船到货物卸下船“钩到钩 这也就是规定了承运人的责任期间 1不仅包括运输期间,还包括装卸期间 2即使货物在承运人的控制之下,但是不在“钩到钩期间内,不属于承运人的责任期间 “装前卸后问题联运提单下的合同和

16、多式联运合同中海牙规那么的适用问题Captain v Far Eastern Steamship Co 加拿大法院以为,货物在码头等待运输的这段期间内,不适用海牙规那么。 Mavhew Foods v OCL It would be surprising if OCL could, by carrying the goods to Le Havre and there storing the goods before transshipment, rid themselves of liabilities to which they would have been subject had th

17、ey, as contemplated, shipped the goods at Southampton and carried them direct to Jeddah. Bingham判决要点:只需提单是覆盖整个海运阶段的,那么不论中途的转运过程,海牙规那么全程适用。Vocabulary Curtail 缩减,省略 Null/ Void 无效having no legal force or effect) Envisage 想象,拟想think Straight bill of lading 记名提单 It is contemplated that ( it is considered that) Ambit 适用范围 Refrain from 制止


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