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1、IntellAgile主讲:叶荣华Copyright 2002 Craig Larman. All rights reserved.IntellAgile2IntellAgile3: RegisterenterItem(itemID, quantity): ProductCatalogspec = getProductSpec( itemID )Require-mentsBusiness ModelingDesignSample UP Artifact RelationshipsVisionGlossaryThe logical architecture is influenced by th

2、e constraints and non-functional requirements captured in the Supp. Spec.Domain Model*SupplementarySpecificationUse-Case ModelRegister.makeNewSale()enterItem(.).ProductCatalog.getProductSpec(.).11class diagrams(a static view)interaction diagrams(a dynamic view)UIpackage diagramsof the logical archit

3、ecture(a static view)DomainTech ServicesDesign ModelIntellAgile4IntellAgile5DomainUISwingnot the Java Swing libraries, but our GUI classes based on SwingWebSalesPaymentsTaxesTechnical ServicesPersistenceLoggingRulesEngineIntellAgile6Domain:SalesUI:WebUI:SwingSalesWebSwingUIDomainDomainUISwingSalesWe

4、bIntellAgile7IntellAgile8UI(AKA Presentation, View)Application(AKA Workflow, Process,Mediation, App Controller)Domain(AKA Business, Application Logic, Model)Technical Services(AKA Technical Infrastructure, High-level Technical Services)Foundation(AKA Core Services, Base Services,Low-level Technical

5、Services/Infrastructure)width implies range of applicability GUI windowsreportsspeech interfaceHTML, XML, XSLT, JSP, Javascript, . handles presentation layer requestsworkflowsession statewindow/page transitionsconsolidation/transformation of disparate data for presentation handles application layer

6、requestsimplementation of domain rulesdomain services (POS, Inventory)- services may be used by just one application, but there is also the possibility of multi-application services (relatively) high-level technical services and frameworks Persistence, Securitylow-level technical services, utilities

7、, and frameworksdata structures, threads, math, file, DB, and network I/Omoreapp specificdependencyBusiness Infrastructure(AKA Low-level Business Services)very general low-level business services used in many business domainsCurrencyConverterIntellAgile9IntellAgile10IntellAgile11IntellAgile12Payment

8、amountSaledatetimePays-forPaymentamount: MoneygetBalance(): MoneySaledate: DatestartTime: TimegetTotal(): Money. . .Pays-forUP Domain ModelStakeholders view of the noteworthy concepts in the domain.Domain layer of the architecture in the UP Design ModelThe object-oriented developer has taken inspira

9、tion from the real world domain in creating software classes. Therefore, the representational gap between how stakeholders conceive the domain, and its representation in software, has been lowered.1111A Payment in the Domain Model is a concept, but a Payment in the Design Model is a software class.

10、They are not the same thing, but the former inspired the naming and definition of the latter.This reduces the representational gap.This is one of the big ideas in object technology.inspires objects and names inIntellAgile13Domain(s)Technical ServicesFoundationMySQL InventoryPersistenceNaming andDire

11、ctory ServicesWeb AppFrameworkTechnical ServicesPOSInventoryDomain(s)FoundationWorsemixes logical and deployment viewsBettera logical viewa logical representation of the need for data or services related to these subdomains, abstracting implementation decisions such as a database. componentNovellLDA

12、PUML notation: A UML component, or replaceable, modular part of the physical systemUML notation: A physical database in the UML .IntellAgile14IntellAgile15DomainUISwingProcessSaleFrame.RegistermakeNewSale()enterItem().: CashiermakeNewSale()enterItem()endSale()makeNewSale()enterItem()endSale()enterIt

13、em(id, quantity):System: CashierendSale()description, totalmakeNewSale()the system operations handled by the system in an SSD represent the operation calls on the Application or Domain layer from the UI layerIntellAgile16IntellAgile17IntellAgile18: Register: SalemakePayment(cashTendered)makePayment(

14、cashTendered) : Paymentcreate(cashTendered)IntellAgile191: makePayment(cashTendered)1.1: create(cashTendered):Register:Sale:PaymentmakePayment(cashTendered) direction of messageIntellAgile20java.awt:Fontorjava.awt.Fontplain : Int = 0 readOnly bold : Int = 1 readOnly name : Stringstyle : Int = 0.getF

15、ont( name : String) : FontgetName() : SerfaceRunnablerun()- ellipsis “” means there may be elements, but not shown- a blank compartment officially means “unknown” but as a convention will be used to mean “no members”SubclassFoo.run().SuperclassFooorSuperClassFoo abstract - classOrStaticAttr

16、ibute : Int+ publicAttribute : String- privateAttributeassumedPrivateAttributeisInitializedAttribute : Bool = trueaCollection : VeggieBurger * attributeMayLegallyBeNull : String 0.1 finalConstantAttribute : Int = 5 readOnly / derivedAttribute + classOrStaticMethod()+ publicMethod()assumedPublicMetho

17、d()- privateMethod()# protectedMethod() packageVisibleMethod()constructor SuperclassFoo( Long )methodWithParms(parm1 : String, parm2 : Float)methodReturnsSomething() : VeggieBurgermethodThrowsException() exception IOExceptionabstractMethod()abstractMethod2() abstract / alternatefinalMethod() leaf / no override in subclasssynchronizedMethod() guarded 3 common compartments1. classifier name2. attributes3. operationsinter


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