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1、第一册Unit1 一 重点词汇Call 1) 打电话 call sb at+号码2)称呼 call sb 姓名=sb be called高兴的:happy=nice=glad =pleased=joyful=excited =delighted二 能力提升1. 简单的问候语Hi hello good morning/afternoonNice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.How do you do? How do you do?How are you? I am fine,thank you.扩充 1).祝节日快乐! You, too.或 The sa

2、me to you.2.)How are you doing? =How is it/everything going?可用于写信2.介绍别人 姓名、年龄、籍贯、兴趣爱好、性格、优点(结合工作特点)3.交际用语 1)询问长相 What is Bill like?=What does Bill look like?2)询问籍贯 Where is Bill from?=Where does Bill come from?3)喜爱的表达like=love=enjoy+doing be interested in+doing=have /show great interest in +doing on

3、es favorite xx is =sb like xx best三 语法点人称代词物主代词翻译练习1. 我自我介绍一下。2. 我有一个叫Tom的朋友。3. 我计算机不错。4. 你最近怎么样啊?5. 我喜欢听音乐。6. Bill的长相怎么样啊?他很帅气。7. Jim来自哪里啊?奥,他来自山东淄博。8. 我是独生子,但是我有很多朋友。9. 他忘了带字典了,我把我的借给他了。Unit2一 重点单词have a chat with sb=chat with sb in your spare /free timea part-time job a full-time jobfun n.乐趣 have

4、 fun adj.有趣的 in a fun way二 能力提升1. 交际用语1)What do you usually do in class/ at school/after class、school/ in your free /spare time ?2)Whats your favorite subject/color?=What subject /color do you like best?3)Why do/dont you like xx?4) I think its very interesting/useful.= I find it interesting/useful.B

5、ecause it is so boring/difficult.5.P25课文精讲far from be late for school/workwork hard (adv.努力地)She is happy with her life.=She is satisfied with her life.三 语法一般现在时(do/does)表示经常发生或反复发生的动作。常同often, sometimes, usually, always, twice a week, on Sundays, every week, now and then, rarely等状语连用。I often go to

6、school by bike. He waters the flower twice a week.表现在的情况或状态。Does Tom live downtown? The book consists of five chapters.表示普遍真理、客观事实以及用在格言中。Metal expands when heated. Man cannot live without oxygen. Time and tide wait for no man. 在时间、条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表将来。(when, as soon as, before, if, unless等)Ill call on

7、 you unless it rains tomorrow. We will start as soon as you are ready. 表示将来确定会发生的事(如:已计划安排好的动作)。这种用法常用的动词go, come, leave, arrive, return, start, begin, stop, open, close等。往往后接时间状语。The film starts at seven o clock this evening. Hurry up! The train leaves/plane takes off at 5:00 am. 翻译练习1. 你平时业余时间做什么?

8、2. 你在上什么课?3. 她在找兼职工作。4. 你最喜欢的课程是什么?5. 为什么你喜欢英语?因为我觉得它有意思也很有用。6. 每天早上我6点起床,然后洗脸吃早饭。7. 你每周上几节计算机课?8. 他住的地方离学校很近,所以她从来不迟到。9. 她总是很努力,因此取得了很大进步。10. 她对她的生活很满意。Unit3一重点单词start =begin to do /doing到达 arrive in /at xx = get to xx=reach xxfinally=at last=in the end二能力提升1.情景交际1)提问时间What is the date today?What d

9、ay is it today?What time is it now?2)8:45eight forty-fivethree quarters past eighta quarter to nine3)在一个寒冷的冬天的星期六的早上on a cold winter Saturday morning在8:30 at 8:304)加入 join +社团、团体 take part in +活动5)邀请别人一起 Would you like to join me for lunch?6)P.34课文精讲It is time for sb to doplan to do ask sb to do I w

10、ant to be a xx leader n领导 lead v.引导,导致 lead toteam spirit 团队精神7)你认为xx怎么样啊What do you think of xx?How do you like /find xx?三 .语法 to do1)固定搭配 want to do=would like to do=feel like doing2)表示将来 I have much homework to do3)表原因 I am glad/sorry to hear that.4)表目的 in order to do翻译句子1. 几点了?今天几号啊?今天是周几?2. 听到你

11、安全到家,我很高兴。3. 你愿意和我一起吃午饭么?4. 我们放假7天。5. 是时候展示我们团队精神的时候了。6. 我想成为一个老师。7. 火车什么时候离开?8. 你认为我的生活怎么样啊?Unit4一 重点单词描述天气的词 sunny fine foggy windy cloudy rainy snowy warm (spring) hot(summer) cool(autumn) cold (winter)两者都 both and 两者都不 neithernor两者之一 eitheror二 能力提升1) 询问天气What is the weather like?=How is the weat

12、her?2) 提建议及回答had better (not) +dolets +(not)dowhy not =why dont you+ doshall we+ dowhat/how about+ doing肯定回答 It is /sounds a good /great idea! It sounds good/great!否定回答 Sorry, I am afraid I cant.2) 课文精讲weather forecast 天气预报 a cold wind(可数)warm air(不可数)come in move upat the same time or=otherwise 否则形

13、容雪、雨大 heavy (heavily) hard 形容风很大strong三 语法 现在进行时1、构成:am/is/are+现在分词2、功能:说话时正在进行的动作。 Look! The monkey is climbing the banana tree.表示当前一个阶段正在进行的动作,说话时动作不一定在进行。 We are preparing for the meeting these days.四 翻译练习1. 今天天气/温度怎么样啊?2. 今天气温比昨天高2度。3. 今天的风好大啊!4. 因为今天很热,所以她穿了一件凉快的裙子。5. 你最好秋天来,既不冷也不热。6. 一股冷风从北风即将

14、来临,同时一股暖风从Pacific上移。7. 如果很冷的话,就有可能在周四或者周五下大雪。8. 很多学生喜欢暑假,因为可以有一个漫长的暑假。9. 下雨了,你在干嘛?10. 我正在听天气预报。Unit5一 重点单词next 下一个 next week/month/year(与将来时连用) next to 紧挨着across prep. cross v. go across=cross across fromget on/off stranger n.陌生人 strange adj.陌生的,奇怪的pass by 经过二 能力提升1. 问路的方式1)Can /could you tell me +

15、where the hospital is how I can get to the hospital how to get to the hospital the way to the hospital2) Is there a hospital nearby?3)I am looking for the hospital.2.指路的方式1)Walk/drive straight ahead to the end of the road.2)Go down the road till/until you reach the traffic lights.3)在第一个路口左转 turn lef

16、t at the first crossing take the first turn on the left4)It is on the left, next to the xx./across from xx.5)You wont miss it.3.pleasure用法1)Thank you very much. Its my pleasure.(事后)2)Could you help me? With pleasure.(事后)4.20分钟的行程 20 minutes walk =20 minute walk5)P63课文讲解过马路时先看右边再看左边When you cross /go

17、 across a street, you must look to the right and then the left.要牢记车在左边行驶,先看看,否则你就会走错。Always remember the traffic moves on the left. Have a look first or you will go the wrong way.remember v.记得 +to do /doingforget v.忘记+to do/doingor 否则,wrong 错误的三语法 介词四翻译句子1.沿路前行直至有交通灯处。2.超市紧挨着银行。3.沿着那条路直走,在第二个转弯处向右拐。

18、4.我应该坐那辆车?在哪下车?5.实验室在路左边,在教学楼和宿舍之间。6.红灯时,你必须停止前进。7.离这有多远啊? 走路走20分钟。Unit6 一 重点单词special adj.特殊的 order v.预定;命令 order sb to do n.顺序;命令 in order to do =to do 为了putin orderlack v.缺乏二 能力提升服务员点餐用语Would you like to order now?Would you like something to eat /drink?Can/may I take your order ?What would you li

19、ke to have?Anything else?= What else would you like?= Would you like something more?答语 Yes, I d like xx./I want xx. No, thanks. Im full.三选择疑问句 1、选择疑问句概述 择疑问句(alternative questions)一般提出两种或两种以上的可能,问对方选择哪一种。其结构可用一般疑问句,也可用特殊疑问句,供选择的两部分由or连接,前者用升调,后者用降调,如: Will you go there by bus or by train? 你准备乘汽车,还是乘

20、火车去那儿? What would you like,coffee or tea? 你想要什么,咖啡还是茶? How many pens do you have ,one or two? 你有几枝钢笔,一枝还是两枝? 2、特殊疑问句演化来的选择疑问句 Which do you like better,coffee or milk? 你更喜欢喝什么,咖啡还是牛奶? What color is it,red,blue or yellow? 它是什么颜色,红的,蓝的,还是黄的? How shall we go,by sea or by land? 我们怎么去,走水路还是陆路? 4、or not构成的

21、选择疑问句 Do you want to buy it or not? 你是想买它还是不想买? Are you ready or not? 你准备好了还是没有准备好? 5、选择疑问句的答非所问语 选择疑问句的答语必须是完整的句子或其省略式,不能用yes或no,如: Do you go to work by bus or by bike? 你乘公交车还是骑自行车去上班? By bus.乘公交车。 Which would you like, tea or coffee? 你要茶还是咖啡? Coffee.三 翻译句子1. 你想要吃肉馅水饺还是素馅的?2. 多做运动,保持健康。3. 这里的特色菜是什么

22、?4. 人们可以在快餐店吃到各种各样的美食。5. 春节那天,人们聚在一起包水饺。6. 我可以点餐了么?7. 我想要两杯橙汁。8. 对于他们来说,在那一天这是最重要的事情之一。Unit7一 重点词汇pain n. 疼痛 painful adj.examination =exam n.考试 examine v.检查,考察advise v.建议 advise sb to do advice n. (不可数)light food 清淡食物二 情景对话1. 询问身体情况What is wrong with you ?=what is the matter /trouble with you?=How a

23、re you feeling now?How long have you been like this?2. 描述身体状况1) 我不舒服I dont feel quite well.I am not quite myself.2) 描述病症I feel dizzy/ tired all the time.I have got a pain in my back/chest.I have got a headache/ fever/ cold /a running nose/ a sore throatI ache all over.I hurt my right leg.3. 医生建议Ther

24、e is nothing to worry about. Take it easy. Take the medicine three times a day. Drink plenty of water. Be careful to keep warm. Have a good rest. Have light food.4. 请假条格式:书信格式内容:I am sorry to tell you that I cant go to school today.生病情况 医生建议Now I am writing to you ask for 3 days sick leave. I hope y

25、ou can permit it.三 语法知识祈使句 (发出命令、要求等)肯定句: 动词原形 lets do否定句:dont +动词原形 let us not do注意1) 特殊用法 祈使句,and/or +简单句2) 反义疑问句肯定句,will you?/wont you?否定句,will you?Lets ,shall we? Let us ,will you?四 翻译句子1. 把药放到孩子够不到的地方去。2. 工作一天了,我很累。3. 我现在给你写信请3天病假,希望你能允许。4. 不用担心,不严重。5. 妈妈带我去看医生,医生建议我多休息。6. 你怎么了?我头疼得很厉害。Unit8一 重

26、点单词invite v. 邀请 invite sb to do refuse v.拒绝 refuse sb to dowonderful a.极好的 wonder n.奇迹 v.想知道free adj.自由的,空闲的,免费的honor n.荣幸 v. 使荣幸二 情景对话1. 邀请别人及回答Would you like to go for a picnic?Will you come to my birthday party?I wonder if you would like to go shopping with me.Are you free tomorrow ? What about h

27、aving dinner with us?We would like to invite you to be present at my party.Will you honor us with a visit to my party?= Could we have thehonorof your presence at the party?肯定回答:Yes, I d /like to. Thank you.It is very kind of you to invite me.否定回答:Id like to, but I am too busy. Thanks anyway./thanks

28、all the same. No, I am afraid I cant. I will have to look after my sick mother.2. 约定时间及回答What time is good for you?How about tomorrow evening?Are you free tomorrow?Shall we meet at 7:00 at the gate of the cinema?肯定回答 :Tomorrow is fine with me? Tomorrow evening will be fine with me. Yes, I will be fr

29、ee. All right. Lets make it at 7:00.否定回答:No, I wont be free then, but I will be free next Wednesday.被拒绝之后,回应:What a pity! Some other time then.三.语法知识时态(一般将来时)四 .翻译1. 太可惜了。2. 他向我提供了一些建议,我接受了。3. 我想知道你是否愿意和我去看电影?4 . 你下周有空么?5 .我相信我们会玩得很开心。6 .很抱歉我去不了。7 .你愿意去野餐么?我想去,但是我已经接受了朋友的邀请。Unit9一 重点单词weekend 周末 on

30、weekend spend the weekendweekday 工作日 游客 visitor=tourist=travelervacation=holiday n.假期 vocational adj.职业的forgive v.原谅 (forgave ,forgiven)apologize v.道歉 apologize to sb for doing continue=go on +doing finally=at last最后 stand v.站立;忍受+doing二 能力提升1) What did you do last night/week/month/year?2) Did you ?

31、3) P114课文讲解visit v./n. 拜访 visit Beijing =pay a visit to Beijingmove v.搬家;移动 directly adv.直接地in front of 在外部的前面 in the front of 在内部的前面poor adj.穷的;可怜的 angry adj.生气的4) P117课文讲解get up 起床 go to bed 上床睡觉be covered with被覆盖 at once立刻,马上fight with 与作斗争 someothersWhat a wonderful time we had!5)道歉与应答I apologize to you for not going to your party.I am sorry. Please forgive me .回答:That is all right./ok.It /that doesnt matter.Never mind.三 语法 一般过去时1、构成:动词使用过去式。2、功能:表示过去所发生的动作或存在的状态,其中也包括过去的习惯性动作。常与表示过去的时间状语连用。如:two days ago, the other day, last month, in 1988, i


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