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1、第二讲第二讲 七年级七年级(上上) units 712复习目标导航考点完全攻略同步训练unit 7 how much are these pants?1.这件毛衣多少钱一件。2.以优惠的价格廉价出售;出售大减价3.黑色的t恤衫服装店4.以(具体的)价格wehaveblackandbluehats$15.我们以15美元出售黑蓝色的帽子。同义句:wesellblackandbluehats$15.5.为某人买如:ibuyaskirtformydaughter.把卖给某人如:isellaskirttoher.我把一条裙子卖给了她。6.给你。7.不客气。8.看一看how much is this sw

2、eater? = whats the price of this sweater?forclothes store for + 钱的数量钱的数量= at the price of + 钱的数钱的数量量 t-shirts in black = black t-shirts great sale on sale at a very good priceat the price ofhave a look at youre welcome. hereyouare.sell sth. to sbbuy sth. for sb.=buy sb sthunit 8 when is your birthda

3、y?出生日期出生日期 =birthday 几岁,多大年纪几岁,多大年纪3. 我十二岁。我十二岁。 4. on + 具体某一天或具体某一天的早、中、晚具体某一天或具体某一天的早、中、晚 如:在星期天如:在星期天在在1月月2号号 在十月一号在十月一号的的早晨早晨在周一晚上在周一晚上 in + 时间段时间段 如:如:in the morning / afternoon / evening在早晨在早晨/中午中午/晚上晚上 in a year / month/ week在一年在一年/月月/周里周里in april在四月里在四月里 in 2011 在在2011年年 at + 几点,例如:几点,例如: at

4、 8:00 at noon/ night在正午在正午/夜里夜里5.特殊疑问词:特殊疑问词:what(什么),(什么),how(怎么样,如何),(怎么样,如何),where(在哪里),(在哪里),when(何时),(何时),who(谁),(谁),what time (几点),(几点),how much(多少(多少+不可数名词;不可数名词;多少钱),多少钱),how many (多少(多少+可数名词)可数名词)6.学校庆祝日学校庆祝日date of birthon sunday on monday evening=in the evening on monday on the morning of

5、 october 1st= in the morning on october 1st on january 2nd im twelve. = i am twelve years old. how old school dayunit 9 do you want to go to a movie?1. 想要做某事想要做某事 如:如:he wants to play basketball. 2. 看喜剧片看喜剧片/ 动作片动作片 3. 什么种类的什么种类的 4.学习中国历史学习中国历史 5. 在周末在周末6. 和和一起去看电影一起去看电影 7. too用于句末用于句末 例如:例如: tom ha

6、s a ball. lucy has a ball, too. also用于句中(用于句中(be动词后行为动词前)动词后行为动词前) 例如:例如: tom has a ball. lucy also has a ball.8. 喜欢做某事喜欢做某事(指爱好指爱好) like to do 想做某事想做某事(指特定时间内喜欢指特定时间内喜欢做做) i like watching tv, but i dont like to watch it now. 我我喜欢看喜欢看电视,但是我现在电视,但是我现在不想不想看看。9、哪种、哪种 电影明星电影明星 京剧京剧like doinggo to a movi

7、e with on weekends = at the weekends learn about chinese history what kind of see a comedy/ an action moviewant to do sth.beijing opera movie star what kindunit 10 can you play the guitar?1. 下棋下棋 弹钢琴弹钢琴/ 吹喇叭吹喇叭 2. 说英语说英语3. 与与 相处融洽相处融洽 对对有好处有好处4. 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事 如:如:tom often helps me with my homework

8、. = tom often helps me do my homework.5. you cant go now. 你现在不能走。你现在不能走。 同义句:同义句:6. little(几乎没有)(几乎没有)& a little(有一些)(有一些) 接接 不可数名词不可数名词如:如:we have little milk. ill buy some. 我们几乎没有牛奶了。我要去买一些。我们几乎没有牛奶了。我要去买一些。7. 含情态动词含情态动词can的句子的句子 (can_无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形)无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形) 肯定句:主语肯定句:主语+can+动词原形动词原形 mary

9、 can play the guitar. 否定句:主语否定句:主语+ cant+动词原形动词原形 mary cant play the guitar. 一般疑问句:一般疑问句:can+ 主语主语+ 动词原形?动词原形? can mary play the guitar? yes, she can. / no, she cant.特殊疑问句特殊疑问句(对划线部分提问所用的句式对划线部分提问所用的句式):疑问词:疑问词+can+主语主语+动词原形?动词原形? what can mary do?dont go now. (祈使句祈使句)help sb. with sth. = help sb. (

10、to) do sth. be good for be good with speak english play the piano/ trumpetplay chess类别类别新课标要求新课标要求重重点点词词汇汇拓拓展展1.coloradj.1.coloradj.五颜六色的五颜六色的 v.v.把把染成染成( (某种某种颜色颜色) ) 2.helpn.2.helpn.帮助帮助 adj.adj.有帮助的有帮助的3.birthdayn.3.birthdayn.出生;诞生出生;诞生4.selln.4.selln.出售;廉价销售出售;廉价销售 ( (反义词反义词)v.)v.买买5.happyadv.5.

11、happyadv.高兴地高兴地 n.n.高兴高兴 ( (反义反义词词)adj.)adj.不高兴的不高兴的6.musicn.6.musicn.音乐家音乐家 adj.adj.音乐的音乐的7.reallyadj.7.reallyadj.真实的真实的8.successfuln.8.successfuln.成功成功 adv.adv.成功地成功地 v.v.成功成功 9.usuallyadj.9.usuallyadj.平常的;普通的平常的;普通的 adj.adj.非同寻常的非同寻常的 adv.adv.非同寻常地非同寻常地10.descriptionv.10.descriptionv.描述;记述描述;记述 1

12、1.busyn.11.busyn.商业;生意商业;生意colorfulhelphelpfulhappilyunusuallybuysalebirthrealmusicalmusicianunhappyhappinessunusualusualsucceedsuccessfullysuccessbusinessdescribecolor重重点点短短语语记记忆忆1. 1. 以非常优惠的价格以非常优惠的价格2. 2. 看一看;看一眼看一看;看一眼3. 3. 廉价销售;出售廉价销售;出售4. 4. 英语演讲比赛英语演讲比赛5. 5. 去看电影去看电影6. 6. 京剧京剧7. 7. 在周末在周末8. 8

13、. 弹钢琴弹钢琴9. 9. 帮助帮助做做10. 10. 少许;少量少许;少量11. 11. 淋浴;洗澡淋浴;洗澡12. 12. 电子邮件地址电子邮件地址13. 13. 了解了解14. 14. 到达到达15. 15. 对对( (某人某人) )要求严格要求严格 课后课后 出生日期出生日期 艺术节艺术节19. 19. 学校公演学校公演 at a very good pricego to a movie/see a moviehave a lookenglish speech conteston salehelp.with.play the pianoon weekendsbeijing operag

14、et to/arrive/reachtake a showerafter classbe strict with/ine-mail addressa little/a fewknow aboutdate of birthart festivalschool show重重点点句句型型整整理理1.-1.-这双袜子多少钱?这双袜子多少钱?-2美元美元 2 2.-.-你的生日是什么时候?你的生日是什么时候?-10-10月月1010日日 3.3.你想去看电影吗?你想去看电影吗? 4. 4. 你会弹吉它吗?你会弹吉它吗?5.5.你通常几点起床?你通常几点起床? 6.6.你最喜欢的科目是什么?你最喜欢的科目

15、是什么? 7. 7. 我可以帮你吗?我可以帮你吗?8.8.给你给你 how much are these socks?theyre two dollars.when is your birthday?my birthday is october 10th.do you want to go to a movie?can you play the guitar?what time do you usually get up?whats your favorite subject?can i help you?here you are重重点点句句型型整整理理9.9.你多大了?你多大了?1010.-

16、.-你喜欢哪种电影?你喜欢哪种电影?- -我喜欢喜剧片和纪录片我喜欢喜剧片和纪录片 11.11.你想加入什么俱乐部?你想加入什么俱乐部?12.12.快来加入我们快来加入我们13.13.你几点到学校你几点到学校 how old are you?(同义句)(同义句)what kind of movies do you like? i like comedies and documentaries.what club do you want to join?come and join us.what time do you go to school?1 1howhow_ _muchmuch are

17、these pants are these pants?这?这 些裤子多少钱?些裤子多少钱?(unit 7)(unit 7)how muchhow much意为意为“多少多少”,可以询问价格,也可以提问不可数名词。,可以询问价格,也可以提问不可数名词。询问价格时根据后面的名词或数量决定谓语动词的单复数。如:询问价格时根据后面的名词或数量决定谓语动词的单复数。如:how much are the tomatoeshow much are the tomatoes?这些西红柿多少钱?这些西红柿多少钱?how much coffee is there in the cup?how much coff

18、ee is there in the cup?杯子里有多少咖啡?杯子里有多少咖啡?【拓展拓展】 提问价格常用句式提问价格常用句式how much is/are.how much is/are.?可替换为?可替换为how how much does/do.costmuch does/do.cost?或?或whats the price of.whats the price of.?如:?如:这支钢笔多少钱?这支钢笔多少钱?how much is the pen?how much is the pen?how much does the pen cost?how much does the pen

19、 cost?whats the price of the pen? whats the price of the pen? 2 2anybody can anybody can affordafford our prices! our prices!所有人都能承受得起我们的价格。所有人都能承受得起我们的价格。(unit 7)(unit 7)afford afford v v意为意为“买得起;负担得起买得起;负担得起”,通常与,通常与cancan,couldcould,be be able toable to连用,尤其用于否定句或疑问句中。如:连用,尤其用于否定句或疑问句中。如:can you

20、afford a mercedesbenz?can you afford a mercedesbenz?你能买得起一辆奔驰车吗?你能买得起一辆奔驰车吗?affordafford之后可以接不定式作宾语。如:之后可以接不定式作宾语。如:the piano is too dear.i cant afford to buy it.the piano is too dear.i cant afford to buy it.这架钢琴太贵了,我买不起。这架钢琴太贵了,我买不起。3 3she she thinksthinks they are very they are very excitingexciti

21、ng. .她认为它们她认为它们( (中国动作片中国动作片) )令人兴奋。令人兴奋。(unit 9)(unit 9)本句中本句中thinkthink后是一宾语从句,表达自己对某事的观点。当后边从句后是一宾语从句,表达自己对某事的观点。当后边从句需要变否定时,要否定前边的主句。如:需要变否定时,要否定前边的主句。如:i dont think it is a good book.i dont think it is a good book.我认为那不是一本好书。我认为那不是一本好书。【辨析辨析】 exciting exciting与与excitedexcitedexcitingadj.令人兴奋的令人

22、兴奋的作表语作表语(主语是物或事主语是物或事)或定语或定语excitedadj.感到兴奋的感到兴奋的作表语作表语(主语是人主语是人)its an exciting result.its an exciting result.这是一个令人振奋的结果。(作定语)这是一个令人振奋的结果。(作定语)the result is exciting.the result is exciting.这个结果令人振奋。这个结果令人振奋。( (作表语作表语) )i was excited about the result.i was excited about the result.我对那个结果感到兴奋。我对那个结

23、果感到兴奋。( (作表语作表语) )【拓展拓展】 类似的形容词还有:类似的形容词还有:interesting(interesting(有趣的有趣的) ),interested(interested(感兴趣的感兴趣的) );surprising(surprising(令人惊奇的令人惊奇的) ),surprised(surprised(感到惊奇的感到惊奇的) );disappointing(disappointing(令人失望的令人失望的) ),disappointed(disappointed(感到失望的感到失望的) )等。等。4 4can you can you playplay_ _thet

24、he_ _piano?piano?你会弹钢琴吗?你会弹钢琴吗?(unit 10)(unit 10)play the pianoplay the piano意为意为“弹钢琴弹钢琴”,playplay意为意为“弹奏;演奏弹奏;演奏”。当。当playplay和西洋乐器名词连用时,乐器名词前面要加定冠词和西洋乐器名词连用时,乐器名词前面要加定冠词thethe,但在中国乐器,但在中国乐器pipapipa,erhuerhu等前不加等前不加thethe。【拓展拓展】 play play还有还有“玩;打玩;打( (球球)”)”之意。当之意。当playplay与球类,游戏类名与球类,游戏类名词连用时,名词前不加

25、任何冠词。如:词连用时,名词前不加任何冠词。如:play soccer play soccer 踢足球踢足球5 5can you play the pianocan you play the piano,the trumpetthe trumpet,the drumsthe drums,oror the the guitar?guitar?你会弹钢琴,吹喇叭,打鼓,或者弹吉他吗?你会弹钢琴,吹喇叭,打鼓,或者弹吉他吗?(unit 10)(unit 10)or conj.or conj.意为意为“或者;还是或者;还是”。如:。如:which do you prefer, white, grey,

26、or black?which do you prefer, white, grey,or black?你喜欢哪种颜色,白色、灰色,还是黑色?你喜欢哪种颜色,白色、灰色,还是黑色?【辨析辨析】 and and,butbut与与ororand表并列,意为表并列,意为“和;而且和;而且”。 i like a and bbut表转折,意为表转折,意为“但是但是”。i like a,but i dont like bor表选择或表并列,意为表选择或表并列,意为“或或者;还是者;还是”。do you like a or b?i dont like a or b.【拓展拓展】oror可表示假设,意为可表示假

27、设,意为“否则否则”,可与,可与if. notif. not句式互换。句式互换。get up earlyget up early,or youll be late for class.or youll be late for class.if you dont get up earlyif you dont get up early,youll be late for class.youll be late for class.早点起床,否则上课会迟到的。早点起床,否则上课会迟到的。( (如果你不早点起床,上课会迟到的如果你不早点起床,上课会迟到的。) )6 6can you drawcan

28、you draw?你会画画吗?你会画画吗?yesyes,a a_ _littlelittle.是的,会一点。是的,会一点。(unit 10)(unit 10)本句中本句中a littlea little是固定短语,意为是固定短语,意为“少许;少量;一点儿少许;少量;一点儿”,修饰动,修饰动词词drawdraw,表肯定。,表肯定。【辨析辨析】 a little a little,littlelittle,a fewa few与与fewfewa little少许;一点儿少许;一点儿表肯定表肯定修饰不可数名词修饰不可数名词little几乎没有几乎没有表否定表否定修饰不可数名词修饰不可数名词a few

29、一些一些表肯定表肯定修饰可数名词的复数修饰可数名词的复数few几乎没有几乎没有表否定表否定修饰可数名词的复数修饰可数名词的复数theres a little water in the bottle.theres a little water in the bottle.瓶子里有点儿水。瓶子里有点儿水。theres little time left.theres little time left.几乎没有剩余的时间了。几乎没有剩余的时间了。i have a few friends.i have a few friends.我有几个朋友。我有几个朋友。hes new here.he has few

30、 friends.hes new here.he has few friends.他是新来的,几乎没有朋友。他是新来的,几乎没有朋友。7 7please write and please write and telltell me about your morning. me about your morning.请写信告诉我关于你在早晨做的事情。请写信告诉我关于你在早晨做的事情。(unit 11)(unit 11)tell tell v v意为意为“告诉;讲述告诉;讲述”。如:。如:she wrote to tell me she couldnt come.she wrote to tell me she couldnt come.她写信告诉我她不能来了。她写信告诉我她不能来了。【辨析辨析】 speak speak,saysay,telltell与与talktalkspeak speak vivi. .讲话


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