仁爱版八年级下Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1 You look excited Section B 教学设计_第1页
仁爱版八年级下Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1 You look excited Section B 教学设计_第2页
仁爱版八年级下Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1 You look excited Section B 教学设计_第3页
仁爱版八年级下Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1 You look excited Section B 教学设计_第4页
仁爱版八年级下Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1 You look excited Section B 教学设计_第5页
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1、仁爱版八年级下unit 5 feeling excited topic 1 you look excited section b课时教案 第( 2 )课时课题unit5 topic1 sectionb第( 1)教时课型读写课教学目标knoledge aims:1 ss can master the pronunciation and the usage of -ing和-ed2sscan read and use the ord “seem”3ss can make up ne sentences using the structure“linking verb+ adjective”4 ss

2、 can express the feelings by themselves。skill aims:1 ss can understand the conversation about feelings2 ss can use linking verb+ adjectiveemotional aims:through learning sectionb ,ss are able to give out their feelings教学重难点key points:1 linking verb+ adjective2 正确运用以-ed结尾的形容词和以-ing结尾的形容词。difficult po

3、ints:1对以-ed结尾的形容词和以-ing结尾的形容词的理解。2对句子需重读的词的正确把握。课前准备computer multimedia projector, phonetic syllable cards, ord cards教法与学法teaching method: situational-teaching method task-based teaching methodlearning strategy:group-cooperative learning scanning教学过程设计设计意图stage1 getting students ready for learningst

4、ep 1 greetingst:good morning, boys and girls, ho are you feeling today?ss :im feeling happy/excited/disappointedstep 2:students on duty according to sectiona-4stage2 revisionstep 1:ords competition about feelings depending on the picturesstep 2:finish the blanks using linking verb+ adjective as fast

5、 as possible- sound , become ,get , feel, taste, smell, look, be(1) the poor boy_ blind at the age of three(2) his voice _ seet(3) these apples _ delicious(4) the shirt _ very soft(5) when i ent home yesterday, it as _ dark(6) the floers in the garden _ seet(7) you _very pale do you feel sick?(8) he

6、r father _ a riter before he diedstage 3 pre-listeningstep 1 let students talk about hat are their favorite movies and hy?t: my favorite movie is,because its i like best, because its i like a lot i dont like at all, becausestep 2 teacher shos the pictures about mrbron and a ticket to the sound of mu

7、sic and some sentences ith the ord“seem” let students guess hat the meaning isteacher summary: seem+形容词/名词、seem to do sth、it seems that+从句step 3 practice(1) 他似乎很喜欢看京剧(2) 因为没有买到票,王先生似乎很沮丧(3) 这个小女孩似乎只有7岁(4) 爸爸昨天似乎很难过stage 4 while-listening step 1teacher takes out the teaching-picture, let students gue

8、ss the main content,and share it ith othersstep2 play 1a,finish 1bstep3 listen again ith the folloing questions(1) why does mrbron feel disappointed?(2) which opera is marias favorite?(3) what does kangkang think of operas?(4) what do kangkangs parents like best?step 4 play again, students follo the

9、 video and look at the textstep5 act out 1astage 5 post-listening step 1 students read the ords in 2a the teacher asks thestudents to read the ords in 2a remind them to pay attention to the stress and the underlined partsstep 2 students listen to 2a and check their pronunciations hen the teacher pla

10、ys the recording of 2astep 3 students observe the ords and sum up their different forms and usages the teacher sums up the usages of the adjectives ended ith ed and ing make the note:“-ed” 形容词表示“感到的”,其主语是人,在句作表语或定语;“-ing”形容词表示“令人的”,其主语多为事物一类的名词,在句作表语或定语。step 4 the teacher asks the students to fill i

11、n the blanks ith the correct forms of the ords in the brackets finish 2b and check the ansers and correct the rong onesstep 5 the teacher shos phonetic cards /t/, /d/ and /id/and pronounces / t /, /d/ and / id/and then lets the students read the phonetics and the given ords, and then asks them to fi

12、nd out the rules for spellingstep 6 let the students read the sentences in the box in 4b ask them to pay attention to the stress, liaison and intonation tell them to stress the content ords such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and interrogative ordsstage 6 assigning homeorkstep 1summarystep 2homeork1) r

13、evie the ne ords,expressions and the teaching pronunciation2) read out 1a louldly3) finish the exercise4) previe sectionc通过师生互相问候,吸引学生注意力复习上节课知识点,承上启下学习seem和谈论喜好的表达,为听力活动做准备,起导入话题和词汇展示的作用训练学生从听力材料获取有关谈论喜好的表达和seem的基本用法,培养学生的听力策略。通过归纳总结-ed和-ing 结尾的形容词教会学生记忆词汇的策略,为2b和3的听力活动做准备,起词汇展示的作用。归纳总结-ed在清辅音、浊辅音和

14、/t/后面的读法,在对话注意句子重音、连读和语调检测学生知识掌握情况并布置作业板书板图设计unit 5 feeling excited topic 1 you look excited section b1 seem unhappy g1 g2 g3 g4feel disappointed 2 4 1 2be interesting/ fun 3 2 2 2be boring 1 2 2 3be exciting2 great! he must be excited to get itok i ill tell him the exciting nes right no!本课时教学评价与反思students understand the structure of “linking verb + adjective” ell and they can make up right sentences ith it but they need more exe


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