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1、精品文档你我共享 Job Summary: Respon sible for clea nli ness and service on assig ned guest room floors duri ng shift. 岗位概述: 当班时负责所分配的楼层的清洁及服务 Duties & Resp onsibilities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Respon sible for assig ned floors and guest rooms duri ng shift Work c

2、losely with the Rece pti on to en sure correct room status at all times. En sure highest sta ndard of clea ning in assig ned areas En sure guest p rivacy is res pected whe n DND status is dis pl ayed Sup ervise tur ndow n service Respon sible for strict key con trol Insp ect regularly guestroom corr

3、idors and p ublic areas Rep ort maintenance issues promp tly to Engin eeri ng En sure comp lia nee of Lost & Fou nd p rocedures Keep floor linen rooms n eat and tidy Mon itor pr oductivity of the un it P reve nt and resolve grieva nces Resolve dis putes Disci pline staff whe n n ecessary Check House

4、keeping associate s grooming, personal hygiene and appearanee Assist with the preparation of associate s duty roster Facilitate multiskilli ng Assist with staff tra ining and devel opment Provide ongoing advice and support to associate s under your supervision 20. Supervise associates performanee 21

5、. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Provide one to one in structi on to staff members whe n required Deliver high quality service to guests En sure guest n eeds and reason able requests are met Seek opp ortu nities to con ti nually imp rove guest service, by reporting guest comme nts Take approp r

6、iate acti on to resolve guest com plaints P romote the hotel and Sherat on p roducts and services Maintain a high level of pr oduct and service kno wledge in order to explain and sell services and facilities to guests Adher e to the hotel s security and emergency policies and procedures Log security

7、 in cide nts and accide nts in accorda nee with hotel requireme nts Adhere to hotel clea ning and maintenance pr ograms 职责义务: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 当班时负表所有分配的楼层和客房 与接待部门密切合作确保任何时间内正确的房态 确保所分配的区域的高度清洁 确保在请勿打扰”状态下客人的隐私被维护 监督夜

8、床服务 负责钥匙的严格控制 对客房的走廊和公共区域进行常规检查 迅速向工程部汇报维护活动 确保依照失物招领程序办事 维持楼层布草房的干净和整洁 监督单元工作效率 避免和调解抱怨 解决争端 约束员工遵守纪律 检查客房部员工的仪表,个人卫生和形象 协助准备员工排班表 鼓励员工掌握多技能 协助进行员工的培训和发展 给予所管辖的员工以不断的建议和支持 指导员工表现 必要时对员工进行个别面对面指导 提供高品质的对客服务 确保客人需求与合理的要求被满足 通过汇总客人的意见汇总,寻找机会不断发展对客服务 采取合适的行动解决客人的抱怨 促销酒店与喜来登的产品与服务 维持对产品和服务的高度了解以便于向客人解释和

9、销售服务和设施 AAAAAA 31. Ensure a high level of cleaning is maintained in your work area 32. Ensure all reporting and servicing deadlines are met on a timely basis 33. Carry out other tasks as directed by your supervisors 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 坚持酒店安全制度、紧急情况 依照酒店要求记录安全日志和事故记录 坚持酒店的清洁和养护 保持维护所在工作区域的高度整洁 保

10、证所有报告和服务都按时完成 完成你上级交待的其它任务 Job Knowledge / Skill: Good kno wledge of Housekee ping Guest floors daily op erati on. 专业知识技能: 具有良好的管家部楼层日常操作方面的知识。 Education: Graduate from college or can be rep laced by adequate exp erie nee. 教育: 大学毕业或具有与之相等的丰富的工作经验。 Exp erience: Mini mum 2 years to be room atte ndant

11、and 1 year sup ervisor in Housekee ping 经验: 至少具有管家部 2年楼层服务员和1年主管工作经验。 精品文档你我共享 北国风光, 望长城内外, 山舞银蛇, 飘。 上下,顿失滔滔。 dep artme nt. Additional Skill required: Good sup ervisor to people and commu ni cati on abalitity. Can sp eak some En glish at least can read from Housekee ping Fiedlio. 其它技能要求: 良好的管理及沟通能力。 能说简单的英文,能从电脑上读懂房态。 喜来登(S


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