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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟533大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟533大学三级(A)模拟533Part Listening ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After

2、each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Shee

3、t with a single line through the center. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.The mans teacher.B.The mans English score.C.The mans job.D.The mans study.答案:D解析M: Ive been working really hard in the past semester and I got a B in the English test.W: Well done. How about your maths?Q: What are the man and woman di

4、scussing?解析 此题属于推理判断题。题目询问男士和女士在讨论什么:闲为他们讨论的是男士的英语和数学测试成绩,所以选项D(男士的学习)为止确答案。避错指南 选项A(男士的老师)和选项C(男士的工作)文中都未提到,应排除;选项B(男士的英语成绩),文中虽提到男士的英语成绩,但女士之后又询问男士的数学情况,因此两人共同谈论的是男士的学习考试,所以选项B不如选项D合适。2.A.Why no news is good news.B.Why everything is so slow.C.Why her family has forgotten about her.D.Why she didnt

5、hear from her family.答案:D解析W: No mail for me today? They must have forgotten about me. I hope everything is all right at home.M: No news is good news. Remember many things are slow these days.Q: What are they talking about?解析 题目询问他们在谈论什么。对话中女士很失望地说“今天还没有我的邮件吗?希望家里一切都好”,由此可知答案为选项D(女士为什么没有收到家里的信)。避错指南

6、 选项A(为什么没有消息就是好消息)和选项B(为什么现在各种事情都很慢)只是男士安慰女士所用的话,而不是所讨论的问题。选项C(为什么她的家人忘记了他)只是女士没有收到家信而说的一句沮丧的话而已。此外要注意的是对话中“must have done”结构用于表示对过去事件的猜测。3.A.She is depending on the man.B.She might be able to help the man.C.She will do anything the man asks.D.She cant hear what the man has said.答案:B解析M: Could I ask

7、 you to do me a favor?W: That depends on what it is.Q: What does the woman mean?解析 题目询问女士的话是什么意思。男士问“可以帮忙吗?”,女士问答说“那要看是什么事情”,因此叫以推出女士必须先知道男士要求什么才能决定是否帮忙,所以选项B(她可能会帮忙)为正确答案。避错指南 选项C(她会做男士要求的任何事情)显然不合对话中女士所说的“要看是什么事情”,她并不是任何事情都会为男士做,所以排除。选项A(她依赖男士)和选项D(她听不到男士在说什么)显然与对话内容不符,应排除。4.A.She is unable to swi

8、m.B.She doesnt like swimming.C.She doesnt like the boy.D.She has no time to swim.答案:D解析M: Jane, lets go swimming.W: Swim? Are you joking? We have an exam tomorrow, and I must prepare for it.Q: What does the woman mean?解析 题目询问女士的话是什么意思。对话中女上表示很惊奇,因为第二天就要考试了,她要复习准备,可以推断出选项D(没时间游泳)为正确答案。避错指南 选项A(她不会游泳)

9、、选项B(她不喜欢游泳)和选项C(她不喜欢这位男士)这些对话中并未提及,也不能明显推知,因此均予以排除。5.A.He was on vacation.B.He was sick.C.He was moving a bed.D.He was working for another company.答案:B解析W: Nice to see you again, John. I hope youre feeling better.M: Im fine now. Having to work so hard, Im afraid Ill be back in bed again soon.Q: Wha

10、t happened to the man?解析 题目询问该男士发生了什么事情。由女士的话“希望你感觉好一点”以及男士说“我可能会重新回到床上”可以推断出男士之前生过病。因此可确定选B项(病了)。避错指南 这类需要做出推测的题目一定要根据对话内容加以综合考虑,做出合理而有逻辑的推测。选项A(在度假)、选项C(在搬床)和选项D(在为另一家公司工作)显然都无法从对话中推出。Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded

11、conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the

12、 corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Conversation 1 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名)1.A.At the same time.B.The woman.C.The man.D.Its not mentioned.答案:C解析 6-7M: Ive heard that you play the violin very well.W: Thank you. I like it. Thats my hobby.M: Its a nice hobby. Ho

13、w long have you played that instrument?W: (6)Five years. What do you do in your spare lime?M: I like taking pictures. In order to take good pictures, I have frequently been traveling for six years.W: Thats really interesting. Have you been traveling lately?M: Well, (7)I have been to Europe, Asia, an

14、d Ive just come back from Africa. I took a lot of pictures there.W: Great. Id love to see some of the pictures of yours.M: I would be glad to show you these pictures.W: And I would be glad to play my violin for you.6. According to the conversation, who took up the hobby earlier?解析 此题属于对时间的推理判断。题目询问谁

15、先开始从事自己的爱好的。对话中男士问女士拉小提琴多长时间了,女士说5年了,而男士说“. been traveling for six years.”因此他6年前就开始旅游拍照了,所以选项C(男士)的爱好开始的时间更早。避错指南 根据对话内容可以排除选项A(同时)和选项B(女士);对话中虽未直接指出开始的时间早,但可以根据谈话推理。故应排除选项D(对话中未提及)。2.A.North America.B.Europe.C.Asia.D.Africa.答案:A解析Which of the following places has the man not been to?解析 题目询问以下哪些地方男士

16、还没去过。只要抓住对话中的相关信息“Well,I have been to Europe,Asia and. Africa.”,听清其中提到的一些地方,就能做出正确选择,因此选项A(北美洲)是正确答案。避错指南 对话中男士说到他去过欧洲和亚洲,并且刚从非洲回来,只要听清这些名词,就能排除选项B (欧洲)。选项C(亚洲)和选项D(非洲)。 Conversation 2 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名)3.A.He is clever.B.He is severe.C.He is not naughty.D.He is naughty.答案:C解析 8-10M: Dont you reco

17、gnize me, Jean? Im Tom, Tom Green.W: Tom Green. Oh, you were the boy who used to sit behind me in the class and.M: And liked to pull your hair, right?W: Yes. Sine I remember you. (8)You were very naughty.M: Not any more, a lot of things changed in twelve years, you know. I remember you wanted to be

18、a doctor.W: Right. (9)But I turned out to be a computer engineer. And you?M: Me too. Strange isnt it that the best football player in school gave up sports?W: Which company are you working for?M: (10)This one. Im a new manager here.W: Oh, well done. Its beyond my expectation.8. How is the man now?解析

19、 题目询问男士现在怎样。对话中女上说记得男士很淘气,而男士回答说不再淘气了,12年里有许多事情都变化了,可知选项C(他不淘气)为正确答案。避错指南 选项A(他很聪明)和选项B(他很严厉)对话中并未提及,不能得出同样的结论。选项D(他很淘气)是他小时候的性格,现在已经改变了,也应排除。4.A.A teacher.B.A manager.C.A doctor.D.A computer engineer.答案:D解析What is the woman?解析 题目询问女士现在从事什么工作。由女士说“们是现在我却是电脑工程师”可知选项D(电脑工程师)正确。避错指南 对话中并未提及选项A(教师)这一职业。

20、对话中男士介绍自己是这家公司的经理,故选项 B(经理)是男士现在的工作。而选项C(医生),是女士在校时的理想,所以都应该排除。5.A.In a school.B.In a hospital.C.In a company.D.In a park.答案:C解析Where does the conversation most probably take place?解析 此题主要考查地点场景。题目询问对话很可能发生在什么地方。文章最后女士询问男士在哪家公司上班,男士说“这一家。我是这里的新经理”,可知他们就在男士的公司里谈话,选项C (在一家公司)为正确答案。避错指南 虽然他们一直在回忆以前同学时的

21、事情,但是这不能说明他们在学校进行谈话,因此选项 A(在学校)错误。选项B(在医院)和选项D(在公园)两个地点在对话中并未提及,也应排除。Section CDirections: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read two times. When you

22、hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase (in not more than 3 words). The questions and incomplete answers are printed in your test paper. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now the passage will begin. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.

23、How did the man travel abroad?In _ car.答案:a small red解析 11-15 (11)A man was traveling abroad in a small red car. One day he left the car and went shopping. (12)When he came back its roof was badly damaged. Some boys told him that an elephant had damaged it. The man did not believe them, but they too

24、k him to a circus which was near there. The owner of the elephant said, I am very sorry! My elephant had a big, round, red chair. (13)He thought that your car was his chair, and he sat on it! Then he gave the man a letter, in which he said that he was sorry and (14)he would pay for all the damage. W

25、hen the man got back to his own country, the customs officers would not believe his story. (15)It was only when the man showed them the letter from the circus man that they believed him. 11. How did the man travel abroad?解析 题目询问这位男士如何到国外旅行。从录音原文中的“A man was traveling abroad in a small red car.”(他开着一

26、辆红色的小汽车出国旅行。)一句可以知道答案为“a small red”2. What happened to the car when the man came back?_was badly damaged.答案:The roof解析What happened to the car when the man came back?解析 题目询问当这位男士回来时车子怎么了。从关键句“When he came back,is roof was badly damaged.”(当他回来时车顶被严重破坏了)可知答案为“The roof”,3. Why did the elephant sit on t

27、he car?Because the elephant took it to be his_.答案:chair解析Wily did the elephant sit on the car?解析 题目询问为何大象要唯在车子上。从关键句“He thought that your car was his chair,and he sat on it!”(它以为你的车是它的椅子,就坐上去了)可知答案为“chair”。4. What would the owner of the elephant do?To pay for _.答案:all the damage解析What would the owne

28、r of the elephant do?解析 题目询问大象的主人会怎么做。从关键句“he would pay for all the damage.”(他会赔偿所有的损失)可知答案为“all the damage”。5. When did the customs officers believe the mans story?When the man showed them the _ from the circus man.答案:letter解析When did tile customs officers believe the mans story?解析 题目询问海关人员何时才相信这位男

29、士的故事。从关键句“It was only when the man showed them the letter from the circus man that they believed him.”(直到这位男士拿出马戏团的人写给他的信时,海关人员才相信他)可知答案为“letter”。Part StructureDirections: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: I

30、n this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.问题:1. The presid

31、ent who has won the election _ on television next week.A.be to speakB.is to speakC.is speakingD.to speak答案:B解析 本题考查谓语动词的时态。句中的时间状语是表示将来的next week,所以谓语动词应该用表示将来的形式,选项A、B中的be to do sth可以表示将来,又出为要作第三人称单数的谓语,故选项B为正确答案。避错指南 A项和D项都不能直接作谓语,可以首先判断为错误。C项使用现在进行时,在此不当,因为next week既不表示即将到来的未来,speak也不能用进行时表示未来,故应

32、予以排除。问题:2. The project is designed to provide young people _ work.A.toB.forC.inD.with答案:D解析 本题考查的是动词provide的用法。动词provide可以有两种表达方式:provide sb. with sth. 和provide sth. for sb.,意思都是“为某人提供某物”,故选项D为正确答案。避错指南 A项“to”和C项“in”不与provide搭配;如果句中young people与work位置调换一下,则B项也是正确答案,但在本句中是不合适的。问题:3. He is one of the

33、leaders _ to attend the important international conference.A.who have been invitedB.who has been invitedC.whom they have invited himD.whom has been invited答案:A解析 本题考查主谓一致。句中的定语从句是修饰the leaders而不中He,所以从句的谓语应该用复数形式,故选项A为正确答案。避错指南 B项的谓语动词是单数,与主语不一致。因为关系代词需要在定语从句中充当成分,而在选项C中主、谓、宾三个成分都不缺,因此C项的定语从句不成立。D项中

34、whom不能作从句的主语,并且谓语用的是单数,故以上三项均不正确。问题:4. It is high time that you _ smoking.A.give upB.gave upC.will give upD.must give up答案:B解析 本题考查的是句型“It is high time that+从句”的用法。意思是“早该是做某事的时候了”,从句中谓语动词用一般过去时,故选项B为正确答案。避错指南 其他三项的时态均不能与此句型搭配,如果掌握了这个固定结构的虚拟语气用法,就不难排除其余选项。问题:5. He _ for her for one hour by the time s

35、he arrived there.A.has been waitingB.has waitedC.had been waitingD.waited答案:C解析 本题考查的是主、从句谓语动词时态一致的用法。by the time意思是“到什么时间为止”,从句的时态是一般过去时,说明主句的动作应该发生在从句的动作之前,且主句中有表示一段时间的状语for one hour,所以应该用过去完成进行时,故选项C为正确答案避错指南 A项和B项的时态不能与从句的时态保持一致;选项D的过去时态与从句时态不协调,其动作没有表示出在从句动作(arrive)之前,故排除。问题:6. He was fined by

36、the traffic policeman for he rode his bicycle on the _ side of the street.A.otherB.poorC.wrongD.another答案:C解析 本题考查的是形容词的用法。从主句的谓语was fined 一词可知原因状语从句一定是解释他为什么会被罚款,而我们知道只有违反交通规则的情况下才会出现这种情况,因此只能用on the wrong side这一词组,故选项C为正确答案。避错指南 D项“another”是表示多者中的另一个,而the street只有两边,所以无论什么情况都不能搭配;使用 A项可以构成on the o

37、ther side of the street,符合语法意义,但是与主句意思不一致,因为这样不会导致被交警罚款。B项不与side搭配,故排除。问题:7. _ wants to see the movie may get a free ticket.A.WhoB.ThatC.If whoD.Whoever答案:D解析 本题考查的是whoever的用法。whoever相当于no matter who,意思是“无论谁”,可用于引导主语从句和宾语从句,故选项D为正确答案。避错指南 此处不能用A项“Who”,因为根据句子其他部分的意思,空格中的词应该具有“不管都”的含义。B项“That”可引导主语从句,

38、但不在句子中充当任何成分。C项“If who”存在语法错误,没有这种表达方式。问题:8. I will not lend the book to you _ you can return it in time.A.in caseB.so thatC.unlessD.if答案:C解析 本题考查的是连词的用法。unless的意思是“除非”,相当于if not,是条件句的否定形式,与if意思相反,符合句意,故选项C为正确答案。避错指南 A项“in ease”的意思是“以防、万一”;B项“so that”引导目的状语和结果状语,而D项“if”引导表示肯定的条件句,均不符合句子的意思,放排除。问题:9.

39、 No sooner _ arrived at the station than it began to snow.A.had IB.I hadC.have ID.I have答案:A解析 本题考查的是句型no sooner.than+从句的用法。意思是“一就”,no sooner含有否定词,而含有否定词的状语位于句首时,主句的主语和谓语要部分倒装;又因为从句的时态是一般过去时,决定了前而的时态应该用过去完成时,故选项A为正确答案。避错指南 B项的动词时态正确,但主语与谓语没有倒装;C项和D项是现在完成时,与从句时态不一致,故排除。问题:10. _ I cant help admiring t

40、he mans courage, I do not approve of his methods.A.UnlessB.WhileC.SinceD.Although答案:D解析 本题考查的是连词的用法。Although引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然”,符合句意,故选项D为正确答案。避错指南 选项A“Unless”,引导条件状语从句,意思是“如果不,除非”;选项B“While”引导时间状语,表示“当的时候”的意思;选项C“Since”可引导时间状语从句,表示“自从以来”,此外也可引导原因状语从句,表示“因为”的意思。以上三个选项均不能引导让步状语从句,故排除。Section BDirections:

41、 There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.问题:1. Smoking (know) _ to increase a persons risk of developing lung cancer.答案: is known解析 本题考查被动语态的用法。sm

42、oking与know之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态is known。答题指南 动词的过去分词形式一般是在原形后面加-ed,但也有一些词的变化比较特殊,需特别记忆,如 know-known等。问题:2. The factory has developed a new way of dealing with (industry) _waste.答案: industrial解析 本题考查形容词作定语。本句的空白处介于介词with和名词之间,故需要用industry的形容词形式。 industrial是形容词,意思是“工业的;工业上的”,作定语修饰waste。答题指南 通过类似考法将某种产业的名词变为

43、形容词的还有agricultural(农业的),fishery(渔业的)等单词。问题:3. (Compare) _ with a national average of 2,400 units last month, the Shanghai branch produced 2,800.答案: compared解析 本题考查英语中的固定用法。compare一词的常见用法是compare A with B,表示“拿A与B相比”的意思,本句中the Shanghai branch作了句子的主语,实际上它是compare的逻辑宾语,所以把compare变成过去分词compared,作状语,与主语构成

44、被动关系。答题指南 compare A to B,意思是“把A比作B”。问题:4. Tears in eyes, she found his cat seriously (wound) _.答案: wounded解析 本题考查过去分词作宾语补足语。wound是及物动词,意思是“使什么受伤”,句中cat和wound是被动关系,所以用wounded作宾语补足语。答题指南 wounded也可作形容词,意思是“受伤的”,作表语或定语。此外还要掌握的是在英语中,常用“find sb./sth.+形容词/分词”表示“发现处于(状态)”。问题:5. Hospitals and universities ar

45、e (typical) _large professional organizations.答案: typically解析 本题考查副词用法。此处空白处之后的typical是形容词,不能直接修饰动词作状语,需要变为副词,因此答案为typically。答题指南 很多形容词变化为副词时可在词尾加-ly,但需引起注意的是,也有一部分在名词之后加如构成的单词,其性质属于形容词,如friendly(友好的),Lively(活泼的)等。问题:6. An (addition) _charge is made on luggage exceeding the weight allowance.答案: addi

46、tional解析 本题考查形容词作定语的用法。addition是名词,表示“加、增加的人和物”之意,在其后加上后缀可可以构成形容词形式additional,表示“额外的、增加的”之意。答题指南 addition经常和介词in一起构成介词短语in addition,表示“另外”的意思。addition之后可以接to或of,但是表示的意思有差别,请对比以下两句:It is a worthy addition to the Cambridge Encyclopedia series, (它很值得被添加到剑桥百科全书系列中去。)It was completely refurnished in 1987

47、,with an addition of a fireplace(它于1987年重新装修,增加了一个壁炉。)问题:7. I recommend you to buy the book, since it is really worth (read)_.答案: reading解析 本题考查英语中的固定表达方式。be worth doing sth是英语中的固定用法,意思是“值得做某事”。答题指南 要注意区别worth和worthy的用法。worthy常用于以下结构中:be worthy of sth. / be worthy to do sth.,意思是“应得某事物,值得做某事”。问题:8. H

48、is boss regards him as no more than a (type)_and he is not given career opportunities.答案: typist解析 本题考查动词与名词的转换。type是动词,而空白处需填入表示人的名词,即“打字员”,所以用typist。答题指南 英语中常用-ist这一后缀表示某一类人,如:artist,scientist等。此外,type的形容词形式是typical (典型的)。问题:9. If it (rain) _ tomorrow, the football match will be cancelled.答案: rain

49、s解析 现在或将来可能成为事实的条件句属于陈述语气,其基本结构为if+S1+动同一般现在时,S2+Shall/will+动词原形(将来时),表示“在条件或情况下,会产生结果”,时间指现在或将来。本句的S1是单数it,因此谓语用动词一般现在时的第三人称单数谓语rains。避错指南 判断出需要使用动词后,还需注意谓语动词的时态和单复数变化。问题:10. It is much (easy)_ to read French than to speak it.答案: easier解析 本题考查形容词比较级。句中出现了比较连间than,决定前面必须出现形容词或副词的比较级形式, easy是形容词原形,所以

50、变成其比较级形式easier.答题指南 有些词的比较级变化不规则,需特别记忆,如:badworse;far-farther等。Part Reading ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading material carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions: After reading

51、the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the eorrect choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. A new

52、 poll shows that people believe that computers and the Internet have made life better for Americans, but people also see some dangers in the trend toward computerization. The poll found that the public favors some government protection from cyber-problems(网络问题), but in general people are not especia

53、lly concerned about issues such as information overload or the never-ending flow of phone calls, faxes and e-mails. A separate survey of children aged 10-17 shows that they have a more positive attitude about computers than adults do, and most have made use of up-to-date technology in their schools.

54、 The survey found that enthusiasm for computers and the Internet is found in all income groups, all regions of the country, all races, and most age groups. However, people over 60 and those towards the lower end of the income rank tend to show lower rates of computer ownership and Internet usage. Th

55、e survey shows that some kind of gap has been crossed: Computers are part of everyday life for most Americans, and the Internet is close behind. 1. The first paragraph shows that _.A.the new poll about computers and tile Internet is helpfulB.people should explore the dangers of computerizationC.peop

56、le can not do without computers and the InternetD.computerization has its advantages and disadvantages答案:D推理判断题。本题询问第一段表明什么。根据文章第一段民意调查显示,电脑使美国人的生活变得更加美好,但是电脑化趋势也存在一些危险,由此可知电脑化既有其优点也有其缺点,故选项D为正确答案。避错指南 选项A(对电脑和因特网使用的最新民意调查是很有用的)主要强调民意调查的重要性,而第一段主要是突出电脑和因特网的优势和弊端,故此项不正确。第一段中虽然提到电脑化的危险,但并没有强调人们发掘电脑化趋势危险的必要性,故选项B不符合文意。选项C(人们没有电脑和因


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