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1、 Descripti on 中文对照 system 系统 BIOS versio n bios版本 System Info service tag 服务编号 Express service code 快速编号 asset tag 资产编号 None of these fields can be cha nged. 本页不能修改 processor type cpu类型 processor ID CPU ID curre nt clock speed 当前时钟频率 Processor Info Mi ni mum clock speed 最小时钟频率 maximum clock speed 最大

2、时钟频率 processor cache size 缓存大小 dual core prese nt 当前双核状态 None of these fields can be cha nged. 本页不能修改 Memory Info memory in stalled 安装内存 memory available 可用内存 memory speed 内存频率 memory cha nnel mode 内存通道 memory tech no logy 内存技术 Device Info Primary hard disk drive 主硬盘 modular bay device 光驱模板 video co

3、n troller 显卡 Video bios vers ion 显卡BIOS版本 video memory 显存 panel type 液晶类型 n ative resoluti on 分辨率 audio con troller 声卡 modem con troller modem Wi-Fi device mi nipci 设备 cellular device Celluar 设备 Blue tooth device 蓝牙设备 AC adapter device 电源类型 Battery Info the primary battery and the module bay 查看主电池和备

4、用电池充电状态 battery status. AC adapter status 电源状态 Battery Health Indicates the primary battery and the module bay battery status. 查看主电池和备用电池健康状态 Date/Time Displays curre nt date and time sett in gs. 显示当前系统日期和时间 The computer attempts to boot from the seque nee of devices specified in this list. 计算机将按列表顺

5、序来启动 Diskette or USB floppy drive 软驱 Internal hard disk drive 硬盘 Boot Sequenee usb storege device usb存储设备 CD/DVD/CD-RW 光驱模板 modular bay hard disk drive 第二块硬盘 cardbus NIC cardbus 网卡 D/Dock PCI slot NIC dock pci 插槽网卡 on board NIC 主板网卡 On board Devices Optio n Descripti on 中文对照 Fast IR OFF,COM1,COM2,CO

6、M3,COM4 选择红外端口或关闭红外端口 Default setting: Off 默认:关闭,推荐启用红外时选择 COM2 或 COM4 In tegrated NIC Off, Enable,enable w/ PXE or enable w/RPL. 启用或关闭NIC Default setti ng: e nable w/ PXE 默认:en able w/ PXE In ternal Modem En ables or Off the on board in ter nal modem. 启用或关闭Modem Default sett ing: En abled 默认:启用 Ext

7、er nal USB ports En ables or off the exter nal USB ports. 启用或关闭外置usb 口 Default sett ing: En abled 默认:启用 Parallel Port OFF,AT,PS/2,ECP 并口 Default setti ng: ECP 默认:ECP Serial Port COM1, COM2, COM3 and COM4. 串口设置 Default setting: COM1 默认是coml PC Card This field lets you enable and off the PC card Slot

8、启用或禁用pcmcia卡 Default sett ing: En abled 默认:启用,D820还可以控制1394 Video Optio n Descripti on 中文对照 ALS En abled off 关闭环境观光设备,需要通过调节亮度组 合键来调节亮度 en able 启用环境观光设备,系统将根据 quickset中设置好的亮度自动调节亮度 Bright ness 调整电池时亮度 Brightness (AC) 调整使用电源时亮度 LCD Panel Expa nsion off 关闭扩展lcd面板 en able 启用拓展led面板 Primary Video Dock v

9、ideo card Dock 显卡 On boad video 主板显卡 Security Optio n Descripti on 中文对照 Admin Password Not Set Not Set 表示现在没有设置BIOS 管 理员密码 Set set 不能对BIOS进行修改,如要修 改,先取消密码 System Password Not Set Not Set 表示现在没有设置系统密 码 Set set 开机将输入密码 In ternal HDD PW This field lets you set, cha nge, or delete the password on the sy

10、stems internal hard disk drive (HDD). 该页设置,修改,删除硬盘密码 Den ied - The system password may be modified or deleted without hav ing kno wledge of the adm ini strator password. 拒绝-系统密码修改或删除无须管理 员密码 Password Chan ges Premitted - A valid admi nistrator password is required to modify or delete the system pass

11、word. 许可修改或删除系统密码需要有效 的管理员密码 The factory default sett ing is: Pr emitted 默认:许可 Wi-Fi Catcher Change Permitted - The Wi-Fi catcher sett ings may be modified or deleted without hav ing kno wledge of the adm ini strator password. 许可不需要管理员密码可以修改或 者删除无线捕捉器设置 Denied - A valid administrator password is req

12、uired to modify or delete the system password. 拒绝需要有效的管理员密码 The factory default sett ing is: Denied 默认:拒绝 CPU XD Support This field en ables or disables the Execute Disable mode of the processor. The sett ings are: 该页设置CPU数据执行保护 Off - Do not en able the Execute Disable mode. When disabled the BIOS f

13、orces the 关闭CPU数据执行保护 Execute-Disable bit capability exte nded feature bit to always retur n to zero capability. En abled - En able the Execute Disable mode. 启用CPU数据执行保护 The factory default setti ng is: En abled 默认启用 This field lets you con trol the Trusted Platform Module (TPM). The settings are: 该

14、页是控制安全芯片 TPM Security Off - The BIOS will not turn on the TPM at POST. off关闭 On - The BIOS will turn on the TPM at POST so it can be used by the operating system. on开启 TPM Activati on This field lets you con trol the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is deactivated or activated. The sett ings are: 该页设置激

15、活或不激活 TPM Deactivate - The TPM will be deactivated and will not execute comma nds. 不激活 Activate - The TPM will turn will be en abled. 激活 Computrace?; This field lets you activate or disable the BIOS module in terface of the opti onal Computrace?; ; software. 这里允许启用或关闭可选的特定的追踪 软件在BIOS的设置(国内一般不支持) 默认:

16、不激活 Performa nee Optio n Descripti on 中文对照 Multi CPU En able or off Multi cpu 启用或关闭双核 HDD Acoustic Mode Bypass - Do no thi ng (n eeded for older drives) 不做任何设置 Quiet - Slower, but quieter Suggested - Allow drive man ufacturer to select mode 静音模式 Performa nee - Faster, but possibly no isier Default s

17、ett ing: Bypass 性能,但是噪音大 Speed step en able off cpu将以较低频率和性能运行 en able cpu将自动调节频率和性能 Power Man ageme nt Optio n Descripti on 中文对照 Auto On Mode Off 关闭自动唤醒 Everyday 每天唤醒 Weekdays 每周唤醒 Default setting: Off 默认:关闭 Auto On Time 设置唤醒时间 wake ON Ian/wan Off = Do not allow the system to power on when it recei

18、ves a wakeup signal from the LAN. En abled = Allow the system to power on when it receives a wakeup signal from the LAN. Default setting: Off 关闭或启用远程 LAN唤醒 Maintenance Optio n Descripti on 中文对照 Load Defaults Can cel 保留原有设置,不还原到岀厂状态 Con ti nue 还原BIOS设置到岀厂默认状态 Service Tag 查看服务编号 Dock ing Optio n Descr

19、ipti on 中文对照 Dock Device Info 系统自动检测连接 DOCK设备信息 hot undock 在windows 下支持带电移除 dock Un docki ng Method warm un dock 在window 下移除dock之前先进入待 机 PCI Slot Mo nitori ng en able 当插入或移除pci卡时,每次自检将弹岀 提示 Off 不检测pci卡状态 En able sile nt 检测pci使用状态,自检不提示 Uni versal Connect off 允许操作系统对于新dock创建新的配 置信息 en able 阻止创新新的配置信息

20、,最小化启动时间 POST Behavior Optio n Descripti on 中文对照 Adapter war ning off 不显示警告信息 en able 如检测到电源问题将岀现提示 FN key emulati on off 外接键盘任何时候都没有模拟fn键 scrolllk 当系统电源管理没有使用时,允许外接键 盘使用scroll lk 键模拟fn键 Fast Boot mini mal 最小化启动 thorought 完全启动 auto 自动模式 Keypad fn key only 通过fn键来控制小键盘 by num lk 通过numlk键来控制小键盘 Num led

21、 on 当系统启动时,该灯开 off 当系统启动时,该灯关 serial mouse 使用串口鼠标时,禁用触摸板 mouse/touchpad ps/2 mouse ps/2 口鼠标连接时,禁用触摸板 touchpad -ps/2 当外接鼠标存在时,保留使用触摸板 usb emulati on off 如设置关,将不能从任何usb总线设备 (软驱,硬盘,u盘,)启动 en able 将usb emulation设置为总是 Wireless Optio n Descripti on 中文对照 In ter nal Bluetooth Off (the in ter nal Bluetooth d

22、evice is off and not visible to the operati ng system) 关闭蓝牙 En abled (the in ter nal Bluetooth device is en abled). 启用蓝牙 In ter nal Wi-Fi Off (the in ter nal Wi-Fi device is off and not visible to the operati ng system) 关闭wifi En abled (the in ter nal Wi-Fi device is en abled). 启用wifi In ternal Cellular Off - The in ternal cellular radio cannot tran smit regardless of the Wireless Switch setti ng. 关闭 Cellular En abled - The in ter nal cellular radio is en abled. 启用 Cellular None - The wireless switch is igno red. 不启用无线开关 Wi-Fi - The wireless switch only con trols the Wi-Fi device. 无


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