1、1 HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST PROCEDURE水压试验程序1.General 概述1.1 All completed vessels fabricated in accordance with GB150-1998 shall satisfactorily pass pressure test.按 GB150-1998 钢制压力容器要求制造的压力容器在完成后应水压 试验合 格。1.2 A hydrostatic test shall be conducted on all vessels after all fabrication has been complete
2、d, except for operation which could not be performed prior to the test such as weld and preparation, cosmetic grinding on the base material which does not affect the required thickness.除了不能预先进行的焊缝表面、母材表面上不影响要求的厚度的外观 打磨处理,水压试验必须在容器制 造完毕,总体检查合格后进行。 除了焊接、准备工作以及在母材表面进行的不影 响要求厚度的外观打 磨处理不能预先进行之外,水压试验必须在容器
3、制造完毕后 进行。1.3 A hydrostatic test shall be conducted on all vessels after all examinations have been performed, except those required after the test.压力容器必须全部制造完成并经检查合格后,方可进行水压试验。2.All hydrostatic test process shall conform to the requirements of GB150-1998 and the requirements of SUPERVISION REGULATIO
4、NS ON SAFETY TECHNOLOGY OF PRESSURE VESSE L水压试验程序应符合 GB150-1998 钢制压力容器和压力容器安全 技术监察规程的要求。3.Pressure in dicat ing gages used in the pressure test must be in accorda neewith the following requirements:水压试验用压力表不许符合以下要求:3.1 Pressure in dicati ng gage shall be conn ected directly to the vessel. If the in
5、dicat ing gage is not readily visible to the operator con trolli ng the pressure applied, an additi onal in dicat ing gage shall be provided where it is visible to the operator throughout the durati on of the test.压力表不许直接与容器连接。如果容器上设置的压力表不能被压力控制操作人员很容易的看到,那么应在操作者能够明显清晰的部位增加一个压力表,以便于进行全过程的压力控制。3.2 Pr
6、essure indicating gages used in testing shall have a range over about double the inten ded maximum test pressure, but in no case shall the range be less tha n 1.5 nor more tha n 3 times test pressure.压力表的量程一般应为最大试验压力的2倍,在任何情况下都不能超过试验压力的1.53倍。压力表量程不得少于试验压力的1.5倍,不得 高于试验压力的3倍。3.3 All gages shall be cal
7、ibrated against a standard dead weight tester or a calibrated master gage. Gages shall be recalibrated at any time whe n there is reas on to believe that they are in error. The gages shall be used with in the effective period of six mon ths.所有试验用的压力表应采用压力表试验器或经校准的校准用精密仪表进行校验。无论何时发现试验用的压力表存在问题,都应重新进行
8、校验。压力表校验合格后的使用有效期为6个月。3.4 All reinforcing pad weld shall be tested by airtight test and no leakage befound form any joi nts. The value of airtight shall be betwee n 0.4MPa and0.5MPa.容器上的补强圈应通入0.40.5 MPa的压缩空气对所有焊缝连接部位进行气密性检查合格4.Preparati on for Test ing 试验准备4.1 Vents shall be provided at all high poi
9、nts of the vessel in the positi on inwhich it is to be tested to purge possible air pockets while the vessel is being filled.容器顶部所有高点都应设置排气口,以便于充水过程中将容器内部的空气排放干净。4.2 Prior to hydrostatic pressure test, the in side and outside of the vesselshould give a good clea ning to remove oil, grease, paint and
10、 other dirt. The exam ined area of the in side and outside of the vessel shall be kept clea n, without any dirt which in fects the test. The surface must be dried. In ter nal In specti on Report should be submitted for approve.水压试验前,容器内、外应清理干净,清除所有的油污、铁锈等污垢。试验过程中所有试验范围内的容器内、外表面应保持干净,没有影响试验的污物。容器的外表面
11、必须保持干燥。容器内部检查报告应提交 批准。4.3 Before applying pressure, the test equipment shall be examined to see that itis tight and that all low pressure filli ng lines and other appurte nan ces thatshould not be subjected to the test pressure has bee n disc onn ected.水压试验前,应检查试验设备是否连接紧固,检查所有不属于试验系统的低压填充物及其它附属物是否已经
12、分离。4.4 Before applying pressure, the temperature of the test medium and the wall temperature of the vessel shall be measured with the thermometer. The test pressure shall be applied after the vessel and its contents are at about the same temperature.水压试验前,应采用温度计测量试验液体和容器器壁的温度。当容器壁温与试验液体温度一致时,方可对容器进行
13、加压。4.5 During testing the temperature of the vessel and test medium shall not be lower than 5 C nor more than 40C .水压试验期间,容器器壁和试验液体的温度应控制在540 C之间。4.6 Temperature record shall measure the test medium temperature not the air temperature. Hydro testi ng water shall be clea n, fresh water.温度应测量试验液体的温度而非
14、气温。试验液体应是干净、新鲜的水。4.7 The reinforcement plates outside the vessels and the weld of the connecting pipe shall pass the leak test ing before doing pressure test.水压试验前,容器的补强圈与容器壳体、接管的焊缝应经气密性检查合格。4.8 Prior to hydrostatic pressure test, blasting and painting work shall not be carried out.水压试验前不允许进行喷砂涂漆工作。
15、4.9 Service bolts and gaskets shall not be used for hydrostatic pressure testing.After test service items will be rein stalled.水压试验用螺栓、垫片等不能使用正式的设备用部件,水压试验合格后应方可安装正式螺栓、垫片。4.10There shall be at least one high point & one low point pressure gauge pervessel.容器上至少在顶部和底部各设置一个压力表。5.Sta ndard Hydrostatic T
16、est标准的水压试验5.1 Test Pressure 试验压力For internal pressure vessel, the test pressure shall be at least equal to Pt every point in the vessel.承受内压的容器,容器内部任何部位的试验压力应大于等于PT。PT ( mi n.)二 1.25 P (笛)mi n.SDWhere: F T (min.) 二 minimum test pressure 最小试验压力,MPaP=design pressure 设计压力,MPaST= the stress value for th
17、e test temperature on the vess试验温度下的许 用应力,MPaSD= the stress value for the desig n temperature on the vesse 设计温度下 的 许用应力,Mpa冬) min.二 the lowest ratio (for the materials of which the vessel isSDcon structed) of the stress许用应力的最小比值(容器所使用的材料)5.2 Application of Pressure 试验过程The test pressure shall be gra
18、dually in creased un til the required test pressure is reached and held for a minimum of one hour. Then the pressure shall be reduced to a value not less tha n four-fifth of the test pressure and held for a sufficient time to permit inspection of the vessel.压力应缓慢上升直至要求的试验压力后,保压1小时。然后将压力降至试验压力的80%,保持
19、足够的时间进行检查。6.Exam in ati on 检查The visual in specti on of the vessel shall be performed in accorda nee withthe following requirements:For the hydrostatic test the visual in specti on of all joi nts and conn ecti ons in the vessel shall be made at a pressure equal to four-fifth of the required test pressure. Leakage is not allowed at the time of the required visual in specti o
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