1、Development of Feeder Messenger Wire Type Overhead Contact Line with One Copper Messenger WireTakahiro HAMADAAtsushi IWAINAKAResearcher, Former Researcher,Contact Line Structures, Power Supply Technology Div.Feeder messenger wire type overhead contact lines have drawn attention recently from the vie
2、wpoint of labor-saving for maintenance. A type that uses two PH356mm2 messengerwires was introduced into the Tokyo district, while another that uses an SBTACSR730mm2 messenger wire into the Kansai district. In terms of the number of messenger wires, the one-wire type is more useful, as it involves a
3、 smaller number of parts. As the material for the wire, copper is better than aluminum, since it does not require connection with different metals. To realize the advantages of the two systems, therefore, we developed a feeder messenger wire type overhead contact line that has only one copper messen
4、ger wire.Keywords: feeder messenger wire type overhead contact line, PH730mm2 messenger wire, current collecting characteristics1. IntroductionFeeder messenger wire type overhead contact lines have a structure to combine the function of feeder with the messengerwire. They have drawn attention recent
5、ly in Japan from the viewpoint of labor-saving for maintenance. They use two hard-drawn copper stranded conductor PH356mm2 messenger wires in the Tokyo district and an aluminum conductor steel-reinforced SBTACSR730mm2 messenger wire in the Kansai district. In terms of the number of messenger wires,
6、the one-wire type is more useful as it involves a smaller number of parts, and copper is better as the material for the wire than aluminum since it does not require connection with different metals. Therefore, we promoted this research for the purpose of developing a feeder messenger wire type overh
7、ead contact line that has only one copper messenger wire to realize the advantages of the two systems.In order to determine what wires suit the new overhead contact line, we chose a narrow-gauge line in Tokyo as a test site, studied whether electrical and mechanical characteristics of wires satisfy
8、the standard values, and examined the current collecting characteristics of various types of wires through simulation. As a result, it was proved that the PH730mm2 messengerwire was the most appropriate in the overcrowded railway sections in Tokyo.Based on this result, we actually constructed a PH73
9、0mm2 messenger wire and in vestigated its curre nt collect ing characteristics by using curre nt collect ion test ing equipment to find that standard values were all satisfied at the speed of 160 km/h. It was also proved that this wire type could be used for operati on at speeds up to 160 km/h.2. Ex
10、am in ati on of the optimum wiresTable 1 lists the wires exam ined as can didates of one on emesse ngerwire. We exam ined the curre nt capacity, wire resista nee, ten sile stre ngth, mi nimum han ger length and current collecting characteristics, to determine the applicabilityTable 1 Dime nsions of
11、wireWire nanieTyp亡号 of wireTotal mimber of strandsDiameter of strand mmHard-drawn copper stranded conductorPH670nwr1272.6PH730mm-913.2PH770nwi-ei4.0PHS40inm:1272,9Thenunl-proof hard- dra AT copper stranded conductorTHDC670nuii21272.6THDC730mm:913,2THDC770nun2614.0THDCB40miir1272.92.1 Current capacit
12、yWe exam ined whether the wire temperature is below the allowable limit at the conditions in Table 2. The allowable temperature is 90 C for the hard drawn copperstra ndedc on ductor (PH) and 150 C for the thermalproofhard draw n copper stra nded con ductor (THDC).Figure 1 shows the wire temperature
13、rises whe n a curre ntof 855 A, which is the maximum value for wiresused in Tokyo, flows for 3,600 sec on ds. The shaded porti on represe nts the surro unding temperature of 35,Table 2 Con diti ons of temperature calculati onSinroundui temperature35 t (rush hours in the monimgkInsolation0J W/cm2Eim
14、vity0.9Wind velocity0.5Load current855 A (Maxumun current at a line in Tokyo) for 3,600 secondsFig. 1 Wire temperature risesand the portion of slash mark the temperature rises by the Joule heat. There are no wires of THDC or PH that show a temperature rise over the allowable limit under this con dit
15、i on.2.2 Wire resista neeTo evaluate the wire resista nee, we compared several kinds of messe ngers with two PH356mm2 messe nger wires curre ntly used on the n arrow-gauge lines in Tokyo. In Fig. 2, the slash lined bars show the resista nee after the temperature rise at an 855 A curre nt flow and th
16、e shaded bars show the wire resista nee at2Q A comparis on of the resista nee of two PH356mm2 wires with that of test wires at 2Q C (shaded bar), proves that the resista nee of THDC67Qmm2 wire and PH67Qmm2 wire is higher tha n that of two PH356mm2 wires. Moreover, i n the case of the resista nee aft
17、er temperature rise (slash), on ly the resista nee of THDC67Qmm2 wire and PH67Qmm2 wire is higher than that of two PH356mm2 wires.Urire resistance (Q to)SAtanS55 A cunent flow At20t2.3 Ten sile stre ngthSi nee it is assumed that this cate nary system is con structed to a sta ndard tension of39.2 kN,
18、 it is a condition that the tensile strength is set at over 86.24 kN, as the safety factor of copper is 2.2 in Japan. All the tensile strengths for the test wires referred to in this paper are over 86.24 kN.2.4 Minimum han ger len gthWe calculated the minimum han ger len gth on the assumpti on that
19、the messe nger wire tension is 39.2 kN; con tact wire tension is 14.7 kN; and spa n len gth is 50 m. When we assume a sta ndard system height (850 mm) equivale nt to that of exist ing feeder messe nger wire type overhead con tact line in Tokyo, only the minimum han ger len gth of PH840mm2 wire is le
20、ss tha n 150 mm. If the system height is assumed to be 960 mm, the mi nimum han ger len gth of PH840mm2 wire is larger tha n 150 mm.2.5 Current collect ing characteristicsWe calculated the con tact loss rate and con tact wire uplift and stra in at support by simulation when we use each tested wire a
21、s a messenger, and compared the results with the standard values that can realize stable current collection. Tables 3 and 4 show simulati on con diti ons and sta ndard values, respectively. Figure 3 shows the con tact loss rate of the 2nd pan tograph. As a result of the simulati on, the con tact los
22、s rate of the 1st pan tograph was set at 0 % for all wires and con tact loss rates of the 2nd and 3rd pan tographsbecame several perce nt at speedshigher tha n 180 km/h. However, the con tact loss rate up to 160 km/h, which is practically the highest speed on n arrow-gauge lin es, is 0 %. Figures 4
23、and 5 show the con tact wire uplift and stra in at support, reTable 3 Con diti ons of simulati onConiposition ofCatenar)Contact wueGTM-SN170nun-Messenger tension39.2 kNContact wire tension147 kNSpan length50 mDiscaiice beturen two hangers5 mSvstem height850 nunPainographTyprPS26Number3Disraiice80 nr
24、 60 mSpeed100 200 kmTiC ontact loss rateLess thnn 5 %C ontact wire strain at supportLess than 500 X 10巧C onu匚I wire uplift mt suppo仃Less ttian 70 null90110130150170 IPO 210Speed (knili)Speed (hnh)Fig. 3 Simulati on results (Con tact loss rate)Y-PHdMnun:-B- PH670mm:-X-PHT70mm;e PH840min:社二uwuJSpeed (
25、kmh)Fig.4 Simulati on results (Con tact wire stra in at support)S PH670nimPHTOtnm-0 5 0 52 1 1I!_570 lxFig. 5 Simulati on results (Con tact wire uplift at support)spectively. Either is not over the sta ndard value up to the speed of 200 km/h with any wire.2.6 Exam in ati on resultsSince the curre nt
26、 capacity, ten sile stre ngth and curre nt collecti ng characteristics satisfied the standard values no matter which wire we use, we judged the appropriaten ess of the wires based on the wire resista nee. Table 5 shows the judgme nt results. Under the condition of an 855 A current flow, we marked O
27、if the wire resista nee satisfies the judgme nt sta ndard and X if not. Con seque ntly, we reached a con elusi on that use of PH730mm2 wire is appropriate with respect to the 855 A curre nt capacity.Table 5 Judgme nt resultsJudgmentPH670nmrXPH730mnroPH770mni20PHS40mm20THDC670irtm:XTHDC 730nmr1roTHDC
28、770mm2oTHDCS-KJnmr03. Test by curre nt collecti on testi ng equipme ntThe curre nt collect ion testi ng equipme nt of the Railway Tech ni cal ResearchIn stitute used for this test has a full le ngth of 500 m and can carry out running tests up to the speed of 160 km/h, by using an actual con tact wir
29、e and pan tograph. We chose a PH730mm2 wire among the wires which were appropriate for the test in Chapter 2, constructed it as a messengerfor the testing equipment, and examined its current collecting characteristics. Test conditions are as follows.3.1 Test con diti ons3.1.1 Basic compositi on of c
30、ate nary and used pan tographThe cate nary of the testi ng equipme nt was composed to the specificati on show n in Table 6, which is used for narrow-gauge lines in Tokyo. This system has two PH356mm2 messe nger wires and a GTM-SN170mm2 con tact wire.Table 6 Test con diti onsC omposition of catenarv-
31、Messenger wirtPH730min;Contact wireG-SN170nun:Messengertension39.2 kNC ontact wire tension14.7 kNSpan leueth50 mDistance between two hangeiE5 mSystem height1000 inmPantographTypeHPS26Static ttpward force53 .9 kNSpeed80: 100/120,140. 150.160 knili3.1.2 Pan tograph damperWe used a PS26 pan tograph wit
32、h a damper curre ntly used for the limited express trains on narrow-gauge lines, and also examined the case where the damper is removed to assume com mon vehicles.Figure 6 shows the cate nary compositi on and the measuri ng points of testi ng equipme nt.Fig. 6 Cate nary compositi on and measuri ng p
33、oints of curre nt collecti on test ing equipme nt3.2 Test resultsThe test results are show n in Figs. 7 to 9 whe n messe nger tension is set at the sta ndard value (39.2 kN). I n these Figures, the results in the cases with and without pan tograph dampers are compared.3.2.1 Con tact loss rateFigure
34、7 shows the relati on betwee n speed and con tact loss rate. I n the case where there is a pan tograph damper, it is 0.26 % at the speed of about 156 km/h. However, it is substa ntially less tha n the sta ndard value of 5 %. In the case where there are no dampers, the con tact loss is not gen erated
35、 up to about 150 km/h.3.2.2 Con tact wire strainFigure 8 shows the relati on betwee n speed and con-tact wire strain at support. Theallowable stress for oscillat ing fatigue of copper con tact wire is set at 60 MPa based on the results of an experiment, or 500 PH840ninr速度(km/h)图5仿真结果(支撑处接触线隆起)GTrSNl 7Qoiin:抬升,应变图6接触网的组成以及电流检测设备测量点3.2测试结果图7至图9显示的是支线张力设定在标准值(39.2千牛)时的测试结果。图 中的这些数字分别就受电弓在有阻尼和无阻尼情况进行了比较。图7检测结果(接触损失率)接触损失率(%3.2.1接触损失率图7显示了速度和接触损失率的关系。在时速为15
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