已阅读5页,还剩43页未读 继续免费阅读




1、实用标准文档1、Both his him .whats happened toknewB . have known C . must knowD .will know2、A.He has alreadybeen to Shanghai , has he ? B .neverC.everD . still3、A.Have you met Mr Li justB. ago?C .beforeD . a moment ago现在完成时专项练习题及答案单项选择。parents look sad . Maybe they文案大全4、The famous writerone new book in the

2、 p ast two year .A . is writingB .was writingC .wroteD .has written5、一 Our country a lot so far .Yes . I hope it will be eve n.A . haschanged ; well B . changed ; good C . has changed ; betterD . changed ; better6、Zhao Lanalreadyjn this school for two years .D. are ;7、WeXiao Li since shewas a little

3、 girl .A. knowB. had knownC. have knownknew8、Harry Potter is a very nice film .1it twice .A. will seeD .seeB. have seenC. saw9、一 These farmers have been to Really ? When there ?the United States .A . will they go B . didD. have they gonethey go C . dothey goA. was ; studying B . will ; study C . has

4、 ; studied study ing10、一 _ Yes . Iyouyour homework yet ?_ it a moment ago .A. Did ; do ; finished B . Have ; done ; finishedC . Have ; done ; have finishedD . will ; do ; finish11、His father the Party since 1978 .A . joined B . has joined C . was in D. has been in 12、一 Do you know him well ? Sure .W

5、efrie nds since ten years ago .D. have madeA . were B . have been C . have become13、一 How long have you About two mon ths .A.here ?been B. gone C. comeD. Arrived14、Hurry up! The p layforten mi nu tes .has begun B . had begun C . has bega nbeen on15 Itten years since heleftthe army .is B. has C. will

6、was16、Miss Green isnt in theoffice . sheto the library .A .has goneB . wentC .will goD . has been17、My parentsShandong for ten years .A.havebeeninB . havebeentoC .havegonetoD. havebeen 18、The students have cleaned the classroom,A. so theyB. don t theyC. have they D. have n t they19、Chi na?has Mr Whi

7、te been a member of Greener China since hetoA. How soon, comesB. How often, gotC. How long, cameD. How far, arrived20His unclefor more tha n 9 years.A. has come here there1、2、B. has started to work C. has lived D. has left the uni versity 二、句型转换。He has never surfed,?(改成反意疑问句)They have bee n here si

8、nee 2000.(对划线部分提问)have they bee n here?last year. HeThe old man词填空)4、This factory opened twenty years ago.同义句转换)This factoryfor twenty years.5、Miss Gao left an hour ago.(同义句转换) Miss Gao3、for a year(die) (动an hour ago.6、Her mother has been a Party member for three years(.同义句)Her motherthe Party three

9、 years7、The Green Family moved to France two years ago.同义句转换)two yearsthe Gree n family moved to Fran ce.8、The bus has arrived here. It arrived ten minutes ago.(把两个句子合并成一个句 子)1、汉译英。吉姆已做完作业,他现在有空了。2、他昨天收到一封信。3、我父亲以前到过长城。4、她还没有看过那部新电影。5、她去过上海。6、他这些天上哪儿去了?参考答案:一、单项选择。1、现在完成时主要强调过去发生的】、作对现在造 的影响,或过去发生的动

10、作还未结束,一直持续到现在或将来,重点在于对现在 的影响。这种考查难度较大,往往无时间状语,需要从上下文分析、推理才行。故上两侧根据上下文分析、推理,正确答案是B。already (已经),just (刚刚,正好),ever (曾经),never(从 before (以前),yet (仍然)等连用。故2应选B。2、现在完成时常与来,也不;从不),3、Crecently (近来),so far (到 目前为止),in the past/ “last4、现在完成时常与+ 一段时间”等时间状语连用。因为上述短语表示的是从现在起往前推算的一段 时间,句中的动作是从过去某一时间或时刻开始持续到现在的。故

11、 4应选D。5、C&现在完成时时常与“ for +时间段或since + 过去时间点”连用(含从句,从句 过去时)。故6应选Co7、C8、现在完成时还与 once( 次),twice(两次),three times(三次)several times(几次)等表示重复次数的词语连用。故 8应选B。9、现在完成时与一般过去时容易混淆,就是因为它们所表示的动作都发生在过去,但二者又有区别:一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的事、存在的状态或经 常发生的动作,说话的侧重点在于陈述一件过去的事情, 与现在没有关系;现在 完成时表示与现在有关系的发生在过去的动作, 它不与表示过去的时间状语(如 yesterd

12、ay , last week , a moment ago 等)连用。故 9 的正确答案为 B。10、B11、现在完成时中,非延续性动词不能与 for和since引导的表示一段时间的状语连用,通常是用相应的延续性动词来代替。故11的正确答案依次为:DoA。“某人去了某地(还未回来)”,指主语所 +地点”表示“在某地呆了多长时间”, bee n12、B13、A 14、C 15、16、“ have/has gone to + 地点”表示 指的人不在这儿。“have/has been in 常与表示时间的状语连用。“ have/has(但现在已不在那儿)17、 A18、D二、句型转换。1、has h

13、e?4、has been open7、It is, since三、汉译英。Jim has fini shed doing his homework already. He is free now.He received a letter yesterday.My father has bee n to the Great Wall before.She has nt see n the new film yet.She has bee n to Sha nghai.Where has he bee n these days。”故16的正确答案为19、C20、CtoA。+地点”表示“曾经去过某地

14、3、died, has been dead6、joined ; ago2、How long5、has been away8、The bus has been here for ten minutes.1、2、3、4、5、6、英语感叹句练习题Questi on:a clever boy he is !A. WhatB. HowC. What sshe dan ces!AHow goodB. How wellC. What wellquiet the p ark is!AWhat aB. HowC. How ahis father works!AHow carefulB. How carefull

15、yC. What carefulno isy they are mak ing!AWhatB. HowC. How a()6.delicious soup!HowB. WhatC. What aheavy snow!AWhat aB. WhatC. How()8.AWhat aB. What anC. How()9.exciting mome nt it is!AHowB. How anC. What anold bike Li Lei is ridi ng!()10.AWhat a deliciousB. How deliciousC. What delicioussupper we re

16、having today!()11.AHowB. What a C. Whatfine weather it is today!()12.AWhatB. What aC. How()13.the moon cakes are!AHow deliciousB. What deliciousC. What a delicious()14.surprising n ews it is!AHowB. WhatC. What afast the boys are running!()15.AWhat a goodB. How good C. What good()16.I miss you !AWhat

17、B. HowC. How do()17.Look!beautiful that lake is!AHowB. WhatC. What a()18.slowly Tom runs!AHowB. WhatC. What atime we re having today!snow looks!AWhatB. HowC. What a()20.useful in formati on it is!AWhat anB. HowC. What()21.beautiful flowers they are!AHowB. WhatC. What a实用标准文档文案大全()22.lovely a girl sh

18、e is!AWhatB. HowC. What a()23.they love their country!AWhatB. HowC. What a()24.long hair she has!AWhat aB. WhatC. How()25.beautiful music we are liste ning to!AHowB. What aC. What()26.exciting a football match it is!WhatB. HowC. What an()27.hard-working Chin ese people!AHowB. WhatC. How do()28.a lov

19、ely view!AIs itB. Isn t itC. Aren t they()29.time they had yesterday!AHow won derfulB. What wo nderfulC. What a won derful()30.worried they looked!AWhatB. HowC. How areAn swers: 1-5 ABBBB 6-10 BABCA 11-15 CCABA 16-20 BAABC 21-25 BBBBC 2630 BBBCB七年级上册词组Unit 1 My n ame is Gi na .1 n ame二n ame is名字是2 l

20、m=l am我是3 shes=she is她是he二he is他是youre 二you are你是(复数形式)theyre二they are他(她;它)们是that二that is那是isn =is not不是(单数形式)文案大全he not =he is not=he isnt他不是what二what is什么是where二where is在哪儿是Let 二Let us让我们4 Nice to meet/see you见到你很高兴5 how many + 可数n.复数多少how much +不可数n.复数多少姓氏名字8 tele phone nu mber电话号码二phone nu mber

21、电话号码9 ID card身份证10 Good morni ng (to sb)早上好6 last n ame=family n ame=sur name 7 first n ame = give n n ame下午好晚上好11 Good after noon12 Good ni ght /eve ning .13 Sit dow n, p lease.二Have a seat, pl ease. 请坐14 Thatall right.好;行;不用谢;没关系Thatright .对的、正确的All right .好的,行,好吧15 Not at all.=It a/my pleasure.二T

22、haOK.二Youre welcome.二Thatall right.不用谢Un it 2Is this your pen cil ?实用标准文档2 Thanks for.+n./do ing sth为而感谢3 very much很;非常文案大全1 pen cil case铅笔盒2 pen cil shar pener卷笔刀3 pen pal 二pen friend笔友4 Thank you. =Tha nks .谢谢你5 in En glish用英语6 compu ter game(s)电子游戏7 Lost and Found失物招领8 a set ofa set of keys串钥匙9 w

23、ho=who is谁是11 it二it is它是12 look at朝看13 ball-point pen圆珠笔14 call sb at+电话号码打电话给某人15 gold ring金戒指16 school ID card校卡17 See you later.二See you soon .再见Unit3 This is my sister .1 how old几岁4 pen frie nd笔友实用标准文档5 arent二are not不是(复数形式)1 n ext to在旁边文案大全长城7 the Great Wall8 Thanks for your help为了感谢你的帮助9 in th

24、e picture在图中10 matchwith 把与搭配11 which one哪一个12 look at朝看13 talk about谈论关于14 take turns to do sth.=do sth in turns 轮流做某事15 family p hoto家庭照片16 add- to 把添加中17 family tree家谱18 what about二how about关于怎么样19 draw a picture画画20 a p hoto (p icture) of的一张照片21 on the back of the p hoto在照片背后22 take p hotos (a p

25、 hoto)拍照23 dark blue深蓝24 light gree n浅绿Unit 4Wheres my back pack ?2 dont二do n not不是(动词主语形式)实用标准文档成对的再见3 in P air 4 Goodbye.二 Bye-bye1 tennis racket网球拍文案大全5 behi nd the compu ter在电脑后面6 write dow n写下;记下7 Im sorry对不起8 act out表演出来9 alarm clock闹钟10 video cassette录像带11 soccer ball英式足球12 school bag书包13 in

26、the back pack在书包里14 un der the bed在床下15 on the chair在椅子上16 on the dresser在梳妆台上17 math book数学书18 take sth to (there/him/+地点)把带去19 bring sth to (here/me/+地 点)把带来20 the math book这本数学书21 the notebook这个笔记本Unit 5Do you have a soccer ball ?2 baseball bat棒球球拍实用标准文档3 doesnt二does not不是(动词三单形式)3 running star赛跑

27、明星4 lots of = a lot of + (C)复数 / (U)大量;许多文案大全4 watch TV看电视5 have /p lay sports做运动6 a good idea一个好主意7 every day/morning/Sunday/ 每天/每个早上 /8 watch a game(s)看比赛/游戏9 like doing喜欢做某事(爱好)10 like to do喜欢做某事(特定时间)Would you like sth to eat?你喜欢吃什么?11 want to do sth想做某事12 That sounds in teresti ng那听起来很有趣13 a gr

28、eat collecti on伟大的收藏家14 be in terested in sth=take an in terest ii对感兴趣不用谢15 Youre welcome .16 welcome to+地 点欢迎来某地17 go and find去找到Unit 6Do you like bananas ?1 Fre nch fries薯条2 ice cream冰淇淋5 Fre nch chicke n leg炸鸡腿实用标准文档文案大全6 ice stick冰棒7 have+三餐 /breakfast/l un ch/d inner/supper 吃 餐8 movie (film) st

29、ar电影明星9 music star歌星10 healthy food健康食物11 eat food吃食物12 lose weigh减肥13 have a look (at sth.)看一看(某物)14 at school/ at home在学校/在家里15 relax sp orts休闲运动16 some runners一些运动员17 go out on a picnic去野餐18 fast food restaura nt快餐店多少/多少钱Unit 7How much are these pants ?1 how much + (U)2 how ma ny + (C)复数多少3 Here

30、you are.给你4 bag for sp orts运动包5 come dow n to到达6 Im sorry.对不起7 can I help you?二What can I do for you?需要我帮忙吗?8 want sth. /to do sth想要sth /想要做某事实用标准文档什么颜色10 Can you believe it?你相信吗11 want sb to do sth想要某人做某事12 ThatOK.二 It my pleasure.(5种)不用谢13 Thats not all.不只这些14 black and blue黑白相嵌15 on sale在出售16 at

31、the p rice of以的价格17 at a very good price一个好价钱/价格合理What the price of sth ?=How much 多少钱like someth ing chea p喜欢便宜的东西18 that time of year一年中的那个时候19 in all colors各色20 in+颜色着色21 see for yourself亲眼看22 boys and girls=class同学们9 what color25 I don th ink so.我不这么认为26 natio nal flag国旗文案大全服装店服装店23 clothes stor

32、e= clothes shop =clothi ng store= clothi ng shop24 ask sb to do sth叫某人做某事Un it 1-7实用标准文档22 in April在四月文案大全1 over there在某地2 How are you?你好吗Im fin e.= Im OK.二 Im well.我很好6 this morni ng/afterno on /eve ning 这个早上 / 中午 / 晚上7 in a restaura nt在宾馆8 free meal免费的午餐9 free charge免费10 have meals用餐11 in the cent

33、er of+地点在某地的中央(大地点)12 in the street在街上on the road在马路上14 be quickly二 hurry up赶紧15 Natio nal Museum国家的博物馆16 go sho pping去购物17 go hik ing去远足18 clime the moun tai n(s)/hill(s)爬山19 great p rize好价钱20 play with a ball玩球21 what eve nt什么比赛项目Unit 8When is your birthday ?1how old几岁实用标准文档文案大全2 school tri p郊游3 b

34、asketball/ volleyball game篮球赛/排球赛4 hel p sb with sth帮助某人某事5 school day学校上课日6 be born in/on出生于7 day of birth二birthday出生日期8 Art Festival艺术节9 Music Festival音乐节10 pop con test流行音乐会11 sp eech con test演讲比赛12 soccer ball game足球赛13 birthday party生日会14 fill in one calendar写填某人日历/历程安排15 chorus comp etiti on合唱

35、比赛16 each year =every year每年一张纸动作片2 what kind (of sth)哪一种/何种东西17 a p iece of paperUnit 9Do you want to go to a movie ?1 acti on movie一种all ki nds of sth (复数)各种各样a kind of sth (单数)differe nt /ma ny /some kinds of sth 复数)不同/许多/ 一些种类京剧呆在家里3 Beiji ng Opera4 stay at home =be at home5 for the reas on因为,因为

36、某种原因6 in a word一句话,总而言之7 in fact事实上8 look for寻找(动作)find找到(结果)find out(经过一番努力)找出9 look at sth朝看look like二be like看上去象look the same看起来一样look out (of sth)朝外看/小心look sth up (in a dicti onary)查找look around环顾四周look after=take care of=care for照顾look after sb well=take good care of sb=care for sb well很好照顾某人1

37、0 see a comedy/tragedy看一场喜剧/悲剧感谢某人13 tha nks = tha nk you /tha nk sb.非常感谢为而感谢某人14 lear n a lot / much学会了许多thanks very muchthanks for (sth. /doing sth)想成为15 want to bebe going to be打算成为/将成为16 for the same reas on为了同样的理由17 at a very fast sp eed以一个很快的速度18 succeed in doing sth成功做某事19 What do you like be

38、st?二What your favorite ?你最喜欢什么like sth best = be ones favorite最喜欢某物20 go to school去学校/去上学go home回家go to do sth去做某事go to see sth /sb去看某物/某人go to (see) a film(s)去看电影=go to (watch) a movie(s)去看电影=go to the cin ema去看电影go to + 地点 Japan/Hebei/West Lake去go to +the+地点 n./the museum/the mountaingo doi ng/swi

39、mmi ng/hiki ng/sightseei ng 21 at ni ght = in the eve ning在晚上实用标准文档22 read a story /stories读/看故事23 tell sb sth告述某人某事tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事24 in Beiji ng /+ 大地点在北京/在某地25 youn g/old people年轻人/老年人26 on weeke nd(s)在周末27 p ictures of Beiji ng Opera京剧剧照28 Chin ese /America n h

40、istory中国历史29 excit ing story /stories振奋人心的故事30 Chin ese acti on movie(s)中国动作/武打片31 great actor(s)巨星famous actor(s) /actress(es)著名演员Un it 10Can you play the guitar ?1 can 二ca n not不能2 summer camp夏令营3rock band摇滚乐队4 tale nt show天才表演5 a little少量6 fill in填充7 p lay the guitar弹吉他8 p lay the piano弹钢琴文案大全9 g

41、o dancing去跳舞10 sp eak En glish说英语11 a job一个工作12 in summer在夏天13 talk to sb对某人讲话14 talk with sb与某人交谈15 on Sun day(s)在星期天16 in Japan在日本17 little girl/boy小男孩/女孩18 join the-club参加俱乐部七上 320 En glish club英语俱乐部21 chess club象棋俱乐部22 art club艺术俱乐部23 swimmi ng club游泳俱乐部24 painting club绘画俱乐部25 singing club唱歌俱乐部2

42、6 dancing club跳舞俱乐部27 p lay sth well玩得很好28 be good with sb和某人相处愉快29 p lay the drums打鼓30 sing or dance唱歌或跳舞文案大全实用标准文档31 school con cert学校音乐会32 sth/sb wan ted征聘 sth./sb.33 tell sth. to sb = tell sb sth告述某人某事35 be in 成为的成员36 for more in formati on需要更多信息37 call sb at+号 码打电话给某人38 in the auditorium在礼堂39 m

43、ake a list列一份清单40 show sb sth=show sth to sb把显示给某人看41 show me your ID card把你的身份证给我看几点2 go to school去学校/去上学3 go to work去上班4 slee p a little longer睡晚一些5 get up 反义:go to bed)起床6 put on (反义:take off)穿上/脱掉Unit 11What time do you go to school ?1 what time=whe n8 liste n to.听9 go to bed上床睡觉文案大全7 get to=arr

44、ive at/in/reach+地点到达某地做作业10 do homework实用标准文档回家12 take/have a shower沐浴13 be busy (with sth)/doi ng sth忙于做某事14 make a schedule制作一张时间表15 take a bus/taxi/train/subways乘公共汽车 16 have/eat breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner吃 早 餐 / 吃 午 餐 / 晚 餐17 have a rich lunch吃一顿丰盛的午餐11 go home29 take the Number 7 bus坐17号公共汽车

45、30 walk all n ight工作整晚文案大全早饭后写信给某人18 after breakfast/l un ch/s upper20 write and tell me sth请写信告诉我某事21 an swer onds letter回信给某人22 do on ehomework做某人的作业23 Class begi ns.开始上课24 make a breakfast做早餐25 p ractice (do ing) sth练习做某事26 p ractice (p lay ing) the guitar练习弹吉他27 p ractice(s peak ing) En glish练习说

46、英语28 make a survey作调查31 watch the morni ng n ews on TV早间新闻19 write to sb实用标准文档32 a tired but happy man一个疲惫但快乐的人33 Chi nese Kung Fu中国功夫34 go to bed early早睡35 get up early早起36 slee p a little later/l on ger睡晚一点Unit 12My favorite subject is scie nee .1 p hysieal edueati on 二PE体育2 year(s) old岁(年龄)3 appl

47、e tree苹果树4 three apple trees三棵苹果树5 five wome n/me n doctors五个女/男医生6 Fuzhou city福州城7 finish doing sth完成某事8 finish doing sth完成做某事9 want to do sth 二would to do想做某事10 be strict with sb对某人严厉/严格使确信11 make sure14 in class上课文案大全12 be sure of /about sth确信13 write a note写便条15 have+学 科上课have math/E nglish/Chi nese上数学课/英语.实用标准文档从到从星期一到星期五16 from to 17 from Mon day to Friday22 in troduce sb to sb向某人介绍某人文案大全18 five d


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