已阅读5页,还剩30页未读 继续免费阅读




1、科普版英语六年级下册全册教案设计2021-1-29Unit 1 Im not feeling well 教材分析通过图片导入引出本课内容,让孩子们掌握Whats the matter? 以及Could you.等实用句型的用法。 教学目标【知识目标】1、学习有关病症的单词:cold, fever, cough, headache, toothache;掌握wear, coat, sleep, tire等4个单词。2. 学习Lets learn的句型 ;3. 能用所学的有关生病的单词句型进行交流。【能力目标】通过绘本,图片和游戏的运用,通过听音、跟读、反复练习等形式让学生在轻松愉快的环境下学习知

2、识,掌握知识。【情感目标】通过对生病这一话题的讲解,让学生学会如何与别人用英语谈论“生病”。并且让学生了解避免生病的方法以及有一个良好习惯的重要性。 教学重难点【教学重点】1.学习wear, coat, sleep, tire, cold, fever, cough, headache, toothache 这9个单词;2.学习 Im not feeling well. Whats the matter? I have a cold. 这些重点句型。【教学难点】如何灵活的运用有关生病的句子进行沟通交流。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程(1)导入新课A学习

3、生词:将本课的生词及其词义写在黑板上,逐个领读几遍,然后将中文词义擦掉,再让学生朗读并说出词义。B导入对话:本课对话的话题是“生病”。教师可采用听音问答导入法进行导入,将本课Lets talk按教材所示分成两段,在听每段录音或教师朗读前,教师可以先提几个问题,第一段可以提Where is Tom? Does he have a cold? What does he want? 等问题,然后开始听录音,大约听23遍,教师再重复一次前面提出的问题,然后找学生回答问题。第二段教师也可以采取类似的方法进行导入,提出的问题可以是Does Tom want to see a doctor? Is it w

4、arm outside? What does Tom want this time?(2)Lets talk可利用挂图进行操练。操练的顺摩是:1) 教师在挂图下写上关键词作为提示,让学生结合关键词听录音并逐句跟说。 2) 教师领着学生复述一遍,再给学生两分钟时间,让学生自己根据关键词看图复述。3) 教师领着学生进行集体复述。4)让学生单个复述。5)教师将学生分成若干组复述全段对话,或者进行两两表演。(3)学习Lets learn学生们在Lets talk部分的学习过程中已经对动词接双宾语结构有了一定的了解,而在此部分教师要先带领学生复习人称代词宾格,教师迅速出示I, you, he, she,

5、 it, we, they等词,让学生迅速说出它们的宾格形式。然后教师可参考教学内容分析中的语言结构部分,重点讲解动词接双宾语结构。此部分还涉及五个日常生活中的常用短语,其中cough, fever, toothache都是生词,教师应该对其进行重点教读,并利用这五个短语进行替换练习。教师也可以让学生自创情境进行结构对话练习。(4)学习Ask and answer本课的问答练习是将本课所学语言结构应用到交际中,在学生读熟书中所列句子后,让学生根据手中所拿的图片进行替换练习,也可以鼓励学生在对话时加上相应的动作和表情,以增加形象性。(5)学习Listen and number本部分是训练学生综合

6、能力的一个板块。主要是练习疾病的表达和动词接双宾语结构。教师先指导学生认真观察图片,让学生注意每幅图的特点,然后再播放录音。要求学生根据所听内容,为图片标序号。(6)学习Read教师先用汉语介绍故事大意,然后按下列步骤导入:1)教师放文章的录音,让学生通过听录音初步感知故事内容。2)放第二遍录音,让学生边看图边听录音,理解每幅图的内容。3)教师参考教学内容分析中的Read部分给学生讲解阅读中所包含的知识点。4)逐句放录音,让学生跟说并译成汉语。 教学反思做练习册中的相关练习。略。Lesson 2Did you play basketball yesterday? 教材分析通过谈话导入引出本课内

7、容,让孩子们掌握一般疑问句的提问Did you.及回答Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.等实用句型的用法。 教学目标【知识目标】1.学生会听说读写下列单词:visit, photo, angry, high;2.学生会听说读以下单词和短语:once, trip, build, play basketball, take photos, yesterday evening, work late;3.理解和掌握使用一般疑问句句型:Did you play basketball yesterday? Yes, I played basketball yesterday afterno

8、on.掌握play, wash, watch, work等动词的简单过去时态动词形式的规则。【能力目标】学生能结合自己的生活经验和英语知识,使用句型:Did you.应用于生活中,能用此句型进行提问和回答。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,用过去时态来描述发生过的事情。培养学生对时间变化的感受力,培养珍惜时间的情感态度。 教学重难点【教学重点】掌握简单的过去时态的一般问题。【教学难点】1.复述课文。2.掌握简单过去时态动词形式的规则。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Greetings and warm

9、-up activities1. Free talk: - Did you do your homework yesterday?- Yes, I did. No. I didnt.- Was it difficult? 2. Learn the new words and phrases:/vizit/ - visit- visit a friend -to find the meaning in the dialogue;/futu /- photo (try to spell phone) - photos, potatoes, tomatoes - find out the phras

10、e in the dialogue.3. Learn the dialogue:A. Q: 1. Whos talking with Lulu? 2. Does Tom often play basketball on Sunday afternoons? 3. Did Tom play basketball yesterday? 4. Did he have a good time? 5. Did Tom like photos?B. listen to the sound recording and answer the questions.C. Read the dialogue aft

11、er the recording.Pay attention the v-ed: did, went, showed, liked (underlining and remembering them).Step 2 Lets learn.1. 简单问答:Did you play basketball yesterday?did went showed liked 选择一些学生背诵或表演对话。2. 回顾简单的过去时态:1、一般情况下,动词词尾加 -ed,如:work -worked play-played wanted-wanted act-acted 2、以不发音的 -e 结尾动词,动词词尾加

12、 -d,如: live-lived move-moved taste-tasted hope-hoped 3、以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把-y变为-i 再加-ed,如:study-studied copy-copied cry-cried carry-carried 4、以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 -ed,如:stop -stopped 5、不规则动词的过去式变化规律性不强,须多加记忆。 如: go went make made get got buy - bought comecame fly-flew 3. 尝试用在Lets learn中学到的表达(ac

13、tions + time ) eg: I worked late last night.使用这个句子结构来进行对话Eg: Did you wash your clothes yesterday? Yes, I washed my clothes yesterday morning.4. Activities:Ask and answer in pairs;Do the “Match and say”;To read the chant after the sound recording.Step 3 ReadAsk and answer in pairs. (CAI)1. Learn the

14、words and phrases:(To remember the words in different ways, and the students can give their advice)angry, high(-igh /ai/ ), once, trip, built(build);come back, a long trip, from then on2. Learn the text:1. Read the text fluently and answer the questions: A. Did the giant have a big garden? B. What w

15、as there in the garden? C. What was the gaint see when he came back after a long trip? D. Why was the giant sad?2. (PPT/flip charts) To offer key words, pictures, and sound recording, let the students to read.3. According to the information, let the students to retell the text.3. Learn the text:A. L

16、isten to the sound recording and perceive the text;B. Listen to the sound recording and understand the pictures;C. Listen, read and translate;D. To underline some difficult sentences and v-ed:look-looked, find-found, are-were, sing-sang, come-came, pull-pullled4. Practice: 1). Read the text fluently

17、 and answer the questions: A. Did the children play in the garden again? B. What happened when the giant looked out one morning? C. Did the giant allow the children to play in the garden? D. What did he do with the wall at last? 2). (PPT/flip charts) To offer key words, pictures, and sound recording

18、, let the students to read.3).According to the information, let the students to retell the text. 教学反思做练习册中的相关练习。略。Lesson 3 Did you go boating last Sunday 教材分析听、说、读和写单词:boat, zoo;听、说、读的单词和短语: last, life, protect, mine, middle, off, world, have a good look at, do ones best, wait for, in the middle of,

19、 after some time 。理解简单过去时态的用法。理解和掌握句子结构: Did you stay at home last Sunday? No, I went to the zoo. 理解,说出和使用句子结构进行对话。理解课文,回答一些问题,然后复述课文。 教学目标【知识目标】1.学生会听说读写下列单词: boat, zoo;2.学生会听说读以下单词和短语: last, life, protect, mine, middle, off, world, have a good look at, do ones best, wait for, in the middle of, aft

20、er some time ;3.理解和掌握使用一般疑问句句型: Did you stay at home last Sunday? No, I went to the zoo. 【能力目标】理解和掌握句子结构:理解、多说、多用句子结构进行谈话。理解课文,回答一些问题,然后复述它。了解简单过去时态的用法。学生能结合自己的生活经验和英语知识,使用句型:Did you.应用于生活中,能用此句型进行提问和回答。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,用过去时态来描述发生过的事情。培养学生对时间变化的感受力,培养珍惜时间和生活以及爱护动物的情感态度。 教学重难点【教学重点

21、】掌握简单的过去时态的一般问题。【教学难点】1复述课文。2.掌握简单过去时态动词形式的规则。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Greetings and warm-up activities1. Free talk:- What did you usually do on Sundays?- I usually- Did you do your homework last Sunday? - Yes, I did. No. I didnt. - Was it difficult? 2. Learn the new words and phr

22、ases.boat (coat, road), last(fast,), last, life, protect, do ones best, have a good look at(read, translate)3. Lets talk.A. Answer the following questions: 1. What does Dali usually do on Sundays? 2. Did Dali go boating last Sunday? 3. Where did Dali go last Sunday? 4. How did they see the tigers? 5

23、. Do the people protect the tigers?B. Listen to the sound recording and answer the questions.C. Read the dialogue after the recording.Step 2 Lets learn.Did you stay at home last Sunday? No, I went to the zoo. 过去式:did went showed liked 1. 选择一些学生背诵或表演对话。2. 回顾简单的过去时态(1)一般情况下,动词词尾加-ed,如: work -worked pl

24、ay-played wanted-wanted act-acted;(2)以不发音的 -e 结尾动词,动词词尾加-d,如: live-lived move-moved taste-tasted hope-hoped; (3)以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把-y变为-i 再加-ed,如: study-studied copy-copied cry-cried carry-carried; (4)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 -ed,如:stop -stopped (5)不规则动词的过去式变化规律性不强,须多加记忆。 go went make made get got

25、 buy - bought comecame fly-flew 3. 尝试用在Lets learn中学到的表达。(time actions) eg: I worked late last night.使用这个句子结构来进行对话.Eg: - Did you stay at home last Sunday?- No, I went to the zoo.Step 3 Write and sayStep 4 ReadRead (1.2.3)1. Learn the words and phrases (read and translate):mine, middle, in the middle

26、of, drivealong, in front of, with sth on ones back2. Learn the text: A. Listen to the sound recording and perceive the text;B. Listen to the sound recording and understand the pictures;C. Listen, read and translate;D. To underline some difficult sentences and v-ed:- Drive my car along the road.- A m

27、other koala with a baby on her back.am/ is - was, stop - stopped, get - got, are - were, think - thought, walk - walked, do - did, see - saw, want - wanted, sit - sat3. Practice: 1) Read the text fluently and answer the questions: A. Where was the writer when the story happened? B. How many cars wer

28、e in front of the writers? C. What did the writer see when he walked to the first car?D. What was the mother koala doing? 2) (PPT/flip charts) To offer key words, pictures, and sound recording, let the students to read.3) According to the information, let the students to retell the text. Read (4.5.6

29、)Look and say1. Listen to the recording;2. Read after the recording and translate.Step 5: Homework:1. Read the text five times or retell it;2. Answer the question: How to do our best to protect the rare animals? 教学反思做练习册中的相关练习。略。Lesson 4What did you do last Saturday? 教学目标【知识目标】1、学会读写以下单词supermarket,

30、 taxi, sweater, cool, young, clothes;2、理解并掌握一般过去式特殊疑问句句型;3、学会使用句型What did you do.? Who.? How.?【能力目标】学生通过结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能用句型:“What did you do”,进行日常生活的提问和交流,培养学生独立阅读的能力。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,培养学生懂得关心他人的情感态度。 教学重难点【教学重点】What did you do? 句型的正确使用。【教学难点】学生结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能用句型:What did

31、you do? 进行提问。理解并掌握句型结构。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Greetings and warm-up activities1. Free talk:What did you do last Saturday?Lead-in:The teacher introduce “my last Saturday”. Then ask students: What did you do last Saturday?Show the picture and ask: What did Kate do last Saturday?St

32、ep 2. Read“Lets talk” and answer the questionsT: Li Jun and Kate are good friends. They are talking on the way from school. Lets take a look at what they talked about.(课文导入)Questions: What did Kate do last Saturday?Who took her there?How did she go there?What did she buy?Step 3.Lets learn“What did y

33、ou do.?”方式:跟读,自读,分角色朗读等。What did you do last Saturday?I saw a film.What did you do last Saturday?I made a cake.What did you do last Saturday?I flew a kite.What did you do last Saturday?I did my homework.Step 4. Listen and circle & Look and sayShow four different pairs of pictures. Let students selec

34、t one from each pair of pictures according what they hear.Tony and Liu Fei had a happy holiday last summer. Let students look at this calendar and talk about what they did in JulyStep 5. ReadStudent read Cinderella by themselves. And fill in the blanksStep 6. Homework Copy the words and text of Less

35、on 4.Recite the text well and practice the words. 教学反思略。Lesson 5第一课时 教案(1)复习检查A听写第一课和第二课的单词(对于不同要求的单词采取不同的方法)。B复习动词接双宾语结构的用法。(2)导入新课A.导入对话:本课对话可采用自问自答(或手指木偶)的方式导入,教师同时扮演萨姆和李老师两个角色,可先站在左边扮演萨姆说Miss Li,I feel bad.再转到右边扮演李老师说Whats the matter,Sam?其余依次类推,直到把整段对话表演完。表演两遍后放录音。先将全段放一遍,然后逐句放,让学生逐句跟说并译成汉语。第二部分

36、的对话也可用以上方式导入。(3)操练可利用挂图进行操练。操练的顺序是:1)教师在挂图下写上关键词作为提示,让学生结合关键词听录音并逐句跟说。2)教师领着学生复述一遍,再给学生两分钟时间,让学生自己根据关键词看图复述。3)教师领着学生进行集体复述。4)让学生单个复述。5)教师将学生分成若干组复述全段对话,或者进行表演。第二部分莉莉和杰克的对话也可按上述方式操练。(4)布置作业安排学生两人一组于课后练习该对话,下次上课时表演。Lesson 5第二课时 教案(1)复习检查A复习第三课的单词(对于不同要求的单词采取不同的方法)。B复习对话:复习上一课时学的对话,先听录音,然后按上一课时布置的作业分组表

37、演对话。C复习一般过去式肯否问答特的句型变换。(2) Revision exercises第1题:听录音,判断对错。听力材料为:1.I have a fever. Give me some water, please.2. It was October last month.3. We saw an elephant at the zoo yesterday.4. He went to the library last Sunday.答案:1Yes.2No.3Yes.4Yes.第2题:听录音,选择正确的图片。听力材料为:1. It will be windy tomorrow.2. Its c

38、old outside. You must wear your coat.3.- Was it Childrens Day yesterday?- Yes, it was.4. My sister washed clothes yesterday afternoon.5.1 went to the park last Sunday.笞案:1-5 AAABB第3题:单词分类。答案:1. windy 2.taxi 3.zo0 4.uncle 5.cool 6.rain 7.China 8.study第4题:根据所给图片信息,判断对错。答案:1 2 3 4 5 6(3)布置作业做练习册的相关练习。L

39、esson 5第三课时 教案(1)复习检查A复习第四课的单词(对于不同要求的单词采取不同的方法)。B用所学的语言结构和交际用语进行自由对话。(2) Revision exercises第5题:根据所给句子完成对话。答案:1-6 cedbaf第6题:写出与所给词相对应的反义词。答案:1. small 2.dirty 3.out 4.under 5.stand 6.down 7.tall 8.happy 9cold第7题:仿照例句写句子。答案: 1.I watched TV yesterday.2.I visited a friend yesterday.3.I wrote a letter ye

40、sterday.4.I took some photos yesterday.5.I made a kite yesterday.6.I did some shopping yesterday.(3)阶段检测教师可根据教材第31页的表格,考查学生对四会单词以及语言结构的掌握情况,考查形式可为听写单词、师生对话等。教师可自行组织设计。(4)布置作业预习新课。Lesson 6Is there a library near here? 教学目标【知识目标】1、学会读写以下单词library, left, end, surprised, at the end, on the right, next t

41、o, look for;2、理解并掌握Is there a near here?句型;会应用此句型。【能力目标】学生通过结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能用句型:“Is there a near here?”,进行日常生活中的提问和交流,培养学生独立生活的能力,获得社会生存的基本能力。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,培养学生独立自主独立生活的态度。 教学重难点【教学重点】Is there a near here? 句型现的正确使用。【教学难点】学生结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能用句型:Is there a near here?进行提问。理解

42、并掌握句型结构。会问路和给他人指路。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Greetings and warm-up activitiesFree talkLead-inLi Ming traveled to America last month. He got lost on the way to the museum. How can he ask for directions in English?Step 2. Read“Lets talk” and answer the questionsT: Mingming wants to go

43、 to the library to read an English book, but he doesnt know how to go there. How should he ask for directions? (课文导入)Questions: 1. Is there a library near here?2. Are there any English storybooks in the library?3. How can Mingming get there? Step 3.Ask and answer方式:跟读,自读,分角色朗读等。Excuse me. Is there a

44、 near here? - Yes, there is. - How can I get there? - Go down this street. You can see it on the . Step 4. ReadStudent read the text by themselves and answer the questions.1. What did Jack do on Friday? 2. What wrong with Jack?3. Who helped Jack?Step 5. Revision ExerciseDo revision exerciseStep6. Ho

45、meworkCopy the words and text of Lesson 6.Recite the text well and practice the words. 教学反思略。Lesson 7Where do the tigers come from? 教学目标【知识目标】1、学会读写以下单词lovely, a lot of;2、复习一般现在时和对其肯否回答特定句式进行变换,复习there be 句型及where do the. come from?【能力目标】能听懂、理解本课的句型并进行交际会话练习,能用句型:“Where do/e from?” What do.?

46、 进行日常生活中的提问和交流,培养与人进行良好沟通交流的能力。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,培养学生爱护动物、保护珍稀动物的意识。 教学重难点【教学重点】Where do/e from? 特殊疑问句句型现的正确使用。【教学难点】学生结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能用句型:Where do/e from? 进行提问。掌握一般现在时的句型结构。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Greetings and warm-up activitiesFree talkDid

47、 you have been to the zoo?What animals have you seen? What is your favorite animal?Step 2. Read“Lets talk” and answer the questions1. Show some pictures about different animals.2. Read and talkT: Gao Tao, Nick and Helen went to Beijing Zoo last weekend. They saw many lovely animals. Lets learn this

48、article and find what kind of animals they see.(课文导入)Questions: 1. What are the animals in Beijing Zoo?2. Where do the tigers come from?3. What do tigers and bears eat?4. What do elephants eat?5. Are there any pandas in Beijing Zoo?6. Do pandas only live in China?3. Learn the new words and phrases:

49、lovely, a lot of, many others.Step 3.ReadStudent read the text by themselves and answer the questions.Questions: 1. When is Toms birthday?2. What did he bought in a shop?3. What time does his birthday party start?Step 4. Revision Exercise1. 介绍说明动词的第三人称单数的变化规律。2. Do exercises.Step5. HomeworkCopy the

50、words and text of Lesson 7.Recite the text well and practice the words. 教学反思略。Lesson 8Who are you going to play? 教学目标【知识目标】1、学会听说读写以下单词:between, hour。能听说认读team, later, cloud, clear, shine, raincoat。2、能听懂、会用词组造句:talk about, laugh at, go out.会使用将来时的句型表达计划。【能力目标】能听懂、理解本课的句型并进行交际会话练习,能用句型:“Where do/does

51、.come from?” What do.? 进行日常生活中的提问和交流,培养学生良好的口语表达以及英语思维的能力。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,培养学生热爱生活,关爱他人及健康的审美情趣。 教学重难点【教学重点】Who/Where are you going to ? 等询问日程计划句型的正确使用。【教学难点】学生结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能用英语进行日程计划的提问,并会回答I will. 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Greetings and warm-up activities

52、Free talkHoliday is coming. I think you must have your own plans and arrangements. Say your plan with your classmates.Step 2. Read“Lets talk” and answer the questionsT: Buzz and Dongdong are good friends. Its Sunday tomorrow. They are talking about their plan on a bench. (课文导入)Questions: 1. What is

53、Buzzs plan?2. What is Dongdongs plan?3. What time is the football match between Japan and China going to start?4. Who is Dongdong going to play?3. Learn new words and phrases.between, hour, team, later, cloud, clear, shine, raincoatStep 3. Lets learnPlay the game Game学生几个人一个小组,接力问问题回答,如果谁回答不上来就会被淘汰,

54、最后选出优胜者。例如:A: What will you do tomorrow?B: I will go swimming. What will you do this evening? C: I will go dancing. What will you do?Step 4. ReadThe weather in the UK.1. Ask and answer the questions:1. Why people often talk about the weather in the UK?2. What are you need to take when you go to the UK?3. Are you sho


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