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1、unit 3 marys diary 单元教材分析 单元主题: 会话 语篇教学(阅读理解)本单元的教学目标:1. 掌握不规则动词的过去式 wrote, was, went, ate, gave, got, felt, had等。2. 初步了解日记的书写格式,以及与微信和微博的不同之处,并能用正确的格式与时态 书写日记。3. 能听懂谈论周末计划的对话,并借助图片理解、认读单词或词组:listen to music, go riding, do maths exercise, read, play football, watch tv, play table tennis, paint。完成排序和

2、补充句子的练习。4. 能听懂、读懂三篇日记。5. 能借助图片读懂故事ice cream for oswald, 正确朗读并表演。6. 能运用图片、按照故事情节给句子排序,并讲述故事。7. 能运用一般将来时谈论自己或他人周末的打算。学情分析: 第三单元共七个部分,主要是围绕diary这一话题展开,旨在让学生通过阅读外国小朋友的日记了解他们的日常生活,在本单元中有短文阅读、故事等类型的文本,涉及到校园生活、闲暇时光、旅游等话题。通过这一单元的学习,学生能够掌握日记的正确格式,了解与微信和微博的不同之处,并能用正确的格式与时态书写日记。主备人:胡奇芳参与教师: 单元课时安排:6课时 第一课时:1 第

3、二课时:2,3,revision1-6(p29)第三课时:4 第四课时:5,p24-pairwork (建议p64-3)第五课时:6a,6b,7 第六课时:日记写作练习 (建议p63-1&2, p64-4)课题unit 3 marys diary part 1课时(1) text teaching教学目标1. 能借助苏格兰的风光视频及音乐初步感知了解苏格兰,以及苏格兰的传统乐器风笛。2. 听懂、读懂介绍mary自我介绍的文段,并回答问题。3. 能用第三人称转述文章,注意人称的转换。4. 掌握不规则动词的过去式: write-wrote5. 能进行介绍自己的家乡及自己最喜欢的格言。教学重点1.听

4、懂、读懂介绍mary自我介绍的文段,并回答问题。2.能用第三人称转述文章,注意人称的转换。3.掌握不规则动词的过去式: write-wrote教学难点1. 能进行介绍自己的家乡及自己最喜欢的格言。2. 能用第三人称转述文章,注意人称的转换。教学准备ppt 课前预习内容阅读并理解1文段 班级学情分析本节课主要是让学生能听懂、读懂介绍mary的文段,了解mary的家乡苏格兰以及当地的文化,希望通过视频,孩子们能喜欢上苏格兰这个国家,对对古堡兴趣,从而激发孩子们的英语学习兴趣。课时安排一课时过程师生教学活动设计教师活动学生活动个性教学设计课堂导入1. warm-up 1. introduce my

5、hometown jiangxia, and my favourite saying. t: my hometown is a beautiful place. my favourite saying: east, west, home is the best.2. learn: diaryt: what is it?a. poster b. weibo c. diaryin your diary, you can write about your day, your feelings, your dreams, your families and your good friends.3. l

6、isten to marys sound: this is my first diary, i wrote it at seven. introduce this is marys diary. listen and learn the word: diary.合作探究presentation: 1. listen and fill in the blanks about name, hometown and hobby.2. watch a video about the scene of scotland. introduce castles and bagpipe. 3. listen

7、again and fill in the blanks about what she does every day, what to write, favourite saying, when to start keeping a diary.4. read the text and find out which castle mary talks about in the text.5.read the text that is not complete.watch a video about the scene of scotland.交流展示pairwork:tell your par

8、tner about mary. then change roles.mary lives in she likes her favourite saying is she every day.in her diary, she writes about 归纳小结summarize:mary lives in she likes her favourite saying is she every day.in her diary, she writes about work in pairs to talk about mary.当堂练习work in pairs to talk about

9、mary.1.用第三人称转述文章。2.朗读全文比赛。作业设计必做题:1. write about mary.选做题: recite the whole text in 1.提高题:introduce mary and her hometown scotland in your own words.板书设计 unit 3 marys diary 1 mary lives in scotland. her home town is a beautiful place. she likes. she keeps a diary every day. 课题unit 3 marys diary 2, 3

10、, revision1-6课时(2)diary teaching教学目标1. 能用英语正确表达具体日期。2. 能谈论及表达天气。3. 初步了解日记的书写格式,以及与微信和微博的不同之处,并能用正确的格式与时态书写日记。4. 能听懂、读懂这两篇日记。5. 掌握不规则动词的过去式 wrote, was, went, ate, gave, got, felt, had等。教学重点1.能用英语正确表达具体日期。2.能谈论及表达天气。3.掌握不规则动词的过去式 wrote, was, went, ate, gave, got, felt, had等。教学难点初步了解日记的书写格式,以及与微信和微博的不同

11、之处,并能用正确的格式与时态书写日记。教学准备ppt. 课前预习内容总结以前学过的一些科目类、天气类的名词班级学情分析本课要学习两篇日记,外加一个练习,内容多,任务重。那么怎样才能化多为少,化繁为简,让学生轻松愉快地完成本课学习呢?设置任务引导学生,掌握阅读的技巧。课时安排一课时过程师生教学活动设计教师活动学生活动个性教学设计课堂导入1. warm-up free talk: what day is it today? whats the date today? whats the weather like today?how many subjects do you have at scho

12、ol? review the words about day, date, weather and subjects. 合作探究presentation 1. look at two different sum papers, one is 100, the other is not. they are from xiaoxin and xiaowanzi. xiaowanzi: she is good at maths. maths is easy for her.xiaoxin: he isnt good at maths. maths is difficult for him. he f

13、elt very sad. “i will work harder.” but he is good at music.2. write the past tense of the following words.3. listen the first diary and judge. 1. mary wrote this diary on a cloudy day. ( )2. maths is not different for peter. ( )3. peter is going to help mary. ( )4. read the first diary and answer.w

14、hy was mary sad?what will mary do?1.write the past tense of the following words.dram visit get give love study have/has feel write eat am/is交流展示5. read the second diary and find out which castle mary visited.dunvegan castle eilean donan castle edinburgh castle归纳小结6. read and answer the questions.1.

15、did mary have a great time yesterday? 2. who visit the castle? 3. how old is the castle?4. what did she dream? 5. what did the ghost love? 6. was it funny?yes, she did.her uncle sam, her cousin dick and her.it is 800 years old.she dreamed about dick and the ghost.it loved ice cream.yes, it was.当堂练习

16、p29-6 match and fill in the numbers. then listen and check.read two diaries and fill in the numbers.作业设计必做题: read two diaries correctly.选做题: write a diary correctly.板书设计unit 3 marys diary 2, 3, revision1-61. when did mary start keeping a diary?2. where does mary live?3. what does mary do every day?4

17、. what subject is difficult for mary?5. who will help mary with her maths? 6. who did mary dream about one night?课题unit 3 marys diary 4课时(3) story teaching 教学目标1.能借助图片读懂故事ice cream for oswald.2.能正确朗读故事。3.能表演故事。教学重点1.能借助图片及老师的引导理解、认读单词:shouting, flavour, vanilla, guide, horrible, tour.2.能借助图片读懂故事ice

18、cream for oswald.3.能正确朗读故事。教学难点1.能正确并有感情地朗读故事。2.能小组表演故事。教学准备ppt.课前预习内容跟读故事,掌握正确语音、语调。班级学情分析学生在前一节课时学习了mary的两篇日记,分别描述了她的心情和梦,那么这个故事就是mary的梦,更深入的了解苏格兰的古堡以及对于古堡的传说,故事的音乐也是来自苏格兰的传统乐器bagpipe, 进一步的进行苏格兰的文化熏陶。课时安排一课时过程师生教学活动设计教师活动学生活动个性教学设计课堂导入1. pre-reading ppt: a sound:ahh!q: what happened?who lives in t

19、he castle?what does he like?2. while-readingpart 1(picture1,2)listen and fill in the missing words.teach: shouting oswald.he likes ice cream.800, oswald, ice cream, shouting. 合作探究part 2(picture3-5) listen and read, than answer the questions.what is he going to do?what flavour does he like?how much i

20、s it?does he get the ice cream? why?teach: flavour, vanilla.buy ice cream.vanilla, chocolate and strawberry.one pound.no, he doesnt. he has no money.交流展示part 3(picture6-13) students read the text and learn the words: tour, guide, horrible. discuss the questions: what is oswalds idea? does he get the

21、 ice cream? do you like oswald? he dressed as the guide to make money.归纳小结what do you think of him?cute, clever, cool, wonderful, lovely, outgoing, fat, friendly, tall, strong, kind, warm, old, wise, poor, polite 当堂练习3. post-readinggroup work: 1.role-play to read the story. 2. role-play to act out t

22、he story.work in groups. 作业设计必做题: 1. read the story in roles.选做题:role-play to read the story.提高题:role-play to act out the story.板书设计 unit3 marys diary(4) what do you think of him? cute, clever, cool, wonderful, lovely, outgoing, fat, friendly, tall, strong, kind,warm, old, wise, poor, polite课题unit 3

23、 marys diary (5, p24-pairwork, p64-3)课时(4) read training教学目标1.能理解故事,理清故事脉络,给句子排序。2.能发表对故事里城堡的看法。3.能了解微博微信与日记的不同,并能阐述自己的观点。教学重点1.能理解故事,理清故事脉络,给句子排序。2.能发表对故事里城堡的看法。教学难点能了解微博微信与日记的不同,并能阐述自己的观点。教学准备ppt.课前预习内容阅读故事,尝试复述故事。班级学情分析学生在前一节课时学习了故事ice cream for oswald, 阅读并表演了故事,故事表演是她们最感兴趣的,每人参与进来,从精心准备道具、角色分配到创

24、新表演,热情洋溢,所有人都乐在其中,在规定的时间内达到整组脱稿表演。在小组里,连平时开不了口的学困生都有着深深的小组合作意识,反复练着自己的那两句台词,教师内的所有物品都能被他们利用,没有jessica, 有的组甚至派本组一位长相帅气的男生充当。扮演guide的为自己贴上了纸胡子,冰淇淋店老板带上了家里的围裙,当oswald向他走来时,很自然的说出:can i help you? oswald在思考时说出: i have got a great idea. 当oswald介绍jessica时游客们说出:great. yes, she is beautiful. i dont think so.

25、等。表演故事是帮助学生内化并创新的过程。对于学生们的每一种表演方式我们都应给予相应的激励。课时安排一课时e过程师生教学活动设计教师活动学生活动个性教学设计课堂导入1. review. read the story again and try to retell the story. teacher can give these key words: eat-buy-doesnt get-make some money-lock-show-like, give-happy, buy teach: edit(编辑) + or = editor(编者) visit(参观) + or = visito

26、roswald eats a boys ice cream.oswald loves it and goes to town to buy an ice cream.oswald doesnt get his ice cream, because he hasnt got any money.oswald wants to make some money.oswald locks the guide in a room.he shows the visitors how henry the horrible killed people.they like it and give oswald

27、money.oswald is happy. now he can buy lots of ice cream.2. read, choose and fill in the text.3. find nine mistakes and correct them.oswald eats a boys lolly. he hates it and goes to town to buy some more ice cream. he doesnt get his chewing gum, because he hasnt got any shoes. oswald wants to make s

28、ome paintings, so he locks the goldfish in a room. he shows the children how henry the horrible killed people. they like it and give oswald lollies. oswald is tired. now he can buy lots of ice cream. do part 5. put the sentences in the correct order.oswald eats a boys _. he _ it and goes to town to

29、buy more ice cream. he doesnt _ it, because he hasnt got any _. oswald wants to _ some money, so he locks the _ in a room. he _ the children how henry, the horrible killed people. they _ it and _ oswald money. oswald is _. now he can _ lots of ice cream.learn new words: lolly, chewing gum, hate=dont

30、 like合作探究4. pairwork.1. how do you think of the story about the old castle?scared, boring, funny, fictional, stupid, horrible, interesting, great, wonderful, excellent, humorous交流展示2. if you hear an interesting story, would you like to write it down in your diary or share(分享) it with friends on your

31、 weibo or weixin(wechat)?归纳小结3. how is weibo or weixin (wechat) different from diary?words bankdirectly easily communicate on-line instantly interact offline express private当堂练习4.complete the table,then communicate with your partner.(根据自己的实际情况完成表格,然后与同伴交流。)作业设计必做题:how do you think of the story about

32、 the old castle?选做题:complete the table,then communicate with your partner.提高题:how is weibo or weixin (wechat) different from diary?板书设计 unit3 marys diary like dislike often sometimes never diary weibo weixin qq课题unit 3 marys diary (6a,6b.7)课时(5)phrase and tense teaching 教学目标1.能借助图片理解、认读单词或词组:listen

33、to music, go riding, do maths exercises, read, play football, watch tv, play table tennis, paint. 2.能听懂谈论周末计划的对话并完成排序和补充句子练习。 3.能和他人谈论周末计划。教学重点1.能借助图片理解、认读单词或词组:listen to music, go riding, do maths exercises, read, play football, watch tv, play table tennis, paint.2.能听懂谈论周末计划的对话并完成排序和补充句子练习。教学难点能和他人

34、谈论周末计划。教学准备ppt.课前预习内容复习所知的动词短语,尝试表达周末两天的活动。班级学情分析这一部分是对一般将来时的学习,本节课的教学目标是能运用一般将来时谈论自己或他人周末的打算,对于“will”“be going to”的用法,在此之前课本也有提到,学生并不陌生。课时安排一课时过程师生教学活动设计教师活动学生活动个性教学设计课堂导入1. warming up.1. look at the pictures and guess what i will do this saturday.teach: compare early and late, to teach earlyi will

35、 do housework early in the morning.at nine oclock, i will go to the supermarket.at eleven oclock, i will cook.after lunch, i will wash the dishes.in the afternoon, i will go to the park.after dinner, i will watch tv.2.pairwork ..9.10.11. what will you do this weekend? i will合作探究2. pres

36、entation1. t: what will sally do this saturday? ss: she will2. listen and number what sally will do in the correct order. students look at the pictures and read the phrases: listen to music, go riding, do maths exercises, read 交流展示3. listen again. then fill in what sally will do this saturday.will d

37、o maths exerciseswill listen to musicwill go ridingwill read a storybook归纳小结4. what will simon do this weekend? he will on =what is simon going to do? he is going toonin,on,at用法口诀:年月季节前用in, 遇到几号要用on,上午下午前是in。说到某日上下午,用on换in要记清。当堂练习4.pairwork what is he/she going to do? he/she is going to work in pair

38、s. 作业设计必做题: 1. write about your plans for this weekend.选做题:talk about your plans or his/her plans.提高题:write about his or her plans.板书设计 unit3 marys diary(6a,6b,7)what will heshe do? what is heshe going to do?heshe will heshe is going to 教学反思课题unit 3 marys diary (diary-writing)课时(6)diary writing 教学目标

39、1.能读懂并完成补充练习中的两篇短文。2.进一步了解苏格兰,两大城市格拉斯哥和爱丁堡及尼斯湖。3.能正确书写日记。1.教学重点1.能读懂并完成补充练习中的两篇短文。2.能正确书写日记。教学难点理解并认读nonsense和its all nonsense.教学准备ppt.课前预习内容预习书p63-64以及掌握日记的书写格式。班级学情分析这一部分包括补充练习的剩余部分以及日记书写练习。课时安排一课时过程师生教学活动设计教师活动学生活动个性教学设计课堂导入1. warming up. review some information about scotland.t: scotland is a be

40、autiful place. there are about 1180 castles in it. it is called “the country of old castles”. dunvegan castle, edinburgh castle,eilean donan castle and so on.2.presentation.1. write the missing words.hi, im _ . i live in glasgow,the biggest _ in scotland. my _ _ in scotland is dunvegan castle. its a _ place and _ _ say that there _ two ghosts there. 2. introduce the city: glasgow.3. write the missing words.ian lives in edinburgh, the _


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