复杂化的简约 《傲慢与偏见》中服饰的研究毕业论文(英文)_第1页
复杂化的简约 《傲慢与偏见》中服饰的研究毕业论文(英文)_第2页
复杂化的简约 《傲慢与偏见》中服饰的研究毕业论文(英文)_第3页
复杂化的简约 《傲慢与偏见》中服饰的研究毕业论文(英文)_第4页
复杂化的简约 《傲慢与偏见》中服饰的研究毕业论文(英文)_第5页
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1、江淮学院本科毕业论文(设计)题目:复杂化的简约 -傲慢与偏见中服饰的研究 学生姓名: 王晓瑜 学号: jg084030 院(系): 江淮学院 专业: 英语 入学时间: 2008 年 9 月导师姓名: 宋筱蓉 职称/学位:_讲师/硕士导师所在单位: 安徽大学外语学院英语系 毕业论文(设计)提交时间:二一二年四 月安徽大学江淮学院教务处制complicated simplicity the study of clothing in pride and prejudicea thesis submitted to the faculty of the school of foreign studie

2、s of anhui university jianghuai college by wang xiaoyuin partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of bachelor of arts under the supervision of lecturer song xiaoronghefei, anhuimay2012viacknowledgementsthis paper is accomplished under the inspiration and instructions of my respected su

3、pervisor: lecturer song xiaorong. i am extremely grateful to her for her illuminating directions, valuable suggestions and constant encouragement throughout the writing of this paper and other relative studies. first of all, she introduced me into the field of thesis; the courses she offered and the

4、 academic experience she imparted enlarged my horizon and imbued me with initiative and creativity. moreover, she made a lot of corrections and suggestions as to the language and improved some ideas in my paper. without her supervising, this paper would never have come to the present form.i would al

5、so like to express my gratitude to all my teachers in the school of foreign studies, to whom i owe much of my knowledge in the english language, linguistics, literature and translation theories during four-year study. their lectures have broadened my knowledge and horizon. i have benefited a lot fro

6、m their earnest teaching and enlightening which are of great help for my study.at last, i am also here sincerely expressing my gratitude to my classmates. they have many valuable suggestions to the topic selection of the paper and references that are of great help to the paper.complicated simplicity

7、 the study of clothing in pride and prejudicewang xiaoyugrade 08 english majorteacher : lecturer song xiaoronganhui university jianghuai college, hefei, anhui 230039abstractpride and prejudice is jane austens masterpiece. this work taking everyday life as the material, vividly reflects the conservat

8、ive and occlusion state of britain township life and their customs from the end of 18th century to the early 19th century. clothing description in pride and prejudice is rare, but only a description contains a wealth of information and plays an important role in the text. the limited words about the

9、 clothing greatly enrich the images of roles. through close reading and literature study, this paper attempts to demonstrate the character, men and womens social status, as well as the authors attitude towards clothing by analyzing character costumes and conflicts caused by the description of clothi

10、ng. this paper constains four parts. the first part gives an introduction of the whole thesis. the second part well-done review the abroad and domestic research. the third part analyses reflections of clothing in pride and prejudice including reflections of the personalities, the social view towards

11、 men and women and the authors attitude. finally, a conclusion is made that the brief dress description shown women characteristics, the different social positions of men and women, the authors attitude towards clothing.keywords: pride and prejudice ; jane austen ; clothing description ; character ;

12、 social status 复杂化的简约关于傲慢与偏见中服饰的研究王晓瑜 08级 英语 指导教师 宋筱蓉讲师安徽 安徽大学,合肥 230039摘要傲慢与偏见是简奥斯汀的代表作。这部作品以日常生活为素材,生动地反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情。傲慢与偏见中的服饰描写很少,但是仅有的几处却蕴含了大量的信息,在文中起了重要作用。少量的关于服饰的描写却极大的丰富了角色的形象。本文从傲慢与偏见中的服饰描写出发,通过分析文中人物服饰以及因服饰所引发的话语冲突来分析人物的性格,当时社会中男女地位差异,以及作者自身对于服饰的态度。整片论文分为四个部分。第一部分是对整片

13、论文的介绍,第二部分是回顾国内外对这方面的研究,第三部分是对于服饰描写的分析,包括反映出的人物性格,反映出的对于男女地位的社会观点和对于作者自身的反映。最后得出结论,文中简明的服饰描写片段反映了人物的不同性格,当时的社会上男女地位的差异以及作者对于服饰的态度。关键词:傲慢与偏见; 简奥斯汀; 服装描写; 人物性格; 社会地位 thesis statement: although the description of clothing in pride and prejudice is not much and even simple, its complexity lies in its re

14、flection of the characters personality, the contemporary social status of both genders and the authors own attitude towards clothing. outline1. introduction12. literature review2 3. reflections of clothing in pride and prejudice33.1 reflections of personality33.1.1 lydias fanatical attitude towards

15、clothes vanity33.1.2 miss bingley s ridicule towards elizabeth pride and prejudice43.1.3 elizabeths attitude towards blotted petticoat self-respect53.2 reflections of the social view towards men and women in that period.63.2.1 officers red uniform males dominant position.63.2.2 the ladys skirt of ta

16、ll waist females passive position63.3 reflections of the author s attitude towards clothing73.3.1 hate of vanity 73.3.2 fashion guilt.74.conclusion8bibliography10complicated simplicitythe study of clothing in pride and prejudice 论文完成时间:2011年4月28日;作者:王晓瑜;出生年月:1990年8月;民族:汉;专业:英语。1. introductionjane au

17、sten is a english writer who first gave the novel its modern character through the treatment of everyday life. her best-known books include pride and prejudice(1813) and emma(1816). virginia woolf called austen the most perfect artist among women.in the late 18th century to the early 19th century, e

18、nglish literature is full of the sentimental novel and the gothic novel, while austins novel show the daily lives of the british rural middle class and rural scenery which is uninfluenced by capitalist industrial revolution in an unconventional way. her work often mocks peoples contemptible and ridi

19、culous weakness such as stupid, selfish, snobbish and blind self-confidence through comedy scene. as jane austens masterpiece, pride and prejudice vividly reflects britain township life and the state of the world favor conservative and occlusion state in the end of the 18th century to the 19th centu

20、ry, and draw attentions from scholars globally. both of the content or the roles are very attractive. in jane austens private letters, there are a large number of detailed descriptions about dress, but in pride and prejudice dress description is rare, the obvious characteristic gives readers a kind

21、of feeling that jane austen made it on purpose. therefore, if read carefully you will find that in this novel a small amount of clothing description secretly provides a lot of detailed information. different characters different attitude towards dress also reflects the unique features of the role. t

22、he typical red uniform and white petticoats reflect the characteristics of that time, and the unique description tactics draw readers attention. this thesis is divided into four parts.the first part gives an introduction to the thesis. the second part displays research work made on aboard and domest

23、ic. the third part analyses reflections of clothing in pride and prejudice, including reflections of the personalities, the social view towards men and women in that period and the author herself character. the fourth part draws a conclusion the limited words about the clothing description greatly e

24、nrich the images of roles, and play an significant role in the novel.2. literature reviewjane austins masterpiece pride and prejudice is listed as the worlds top ten of the classic novels by maugham who is a famous british novelist and playwright. i believe that the general reader has already decide

25、d that pride and prejudice is a masterpiece of austin, i think their evaluation is very relevant. make a work become classics, not the appreciation of the critics praise, studies of the professors or used as a school textbook, but to make a generation of many readers in reading this work to get the

26、happiness of the enlightenment, deeply by educational. personally, i think pride and prejudice overall is all the most satisfying work in the novel.(w. s. maugham, 1874-1965), pride and prejudice is not only the british wonder in the recorded history, but also the collection of world library. most p

27、eople study pride and prejudice in the direction of marriage and feminism, such as the matrimonial value orientation in pride and prejudice (王欣,2006 ), and on marriage standard in pride and prejudice(贺小华,2010 ). those articles study jane austins view of marriage and feminism from the content of the

28、novel. however, in this article , the author studies the characters,social environment and the author herself character from the clothing description which can be seen as an innovate angle to study this novel. in this paper, the study of clothing in pride and prejudice is a new research direction.3.

29、 reflections of clothing in pride and prejudiceclothing description in pride and prejudice is rare, but a few descriptions contain a lot of information and play an important role in the text. clothing description has significant effects in the novel pride and prejudice, it not only reflects the char

30、acters of figures, the british social status of men and women at that time,but also reflects the authors attitude towards clothing.3.1 reflections of the personality traitsfrom the plots of the novel, elizabeths sister lydias pursuit of luxuriant dress gives readers a image with vanity, miss bingley

31、s laugh at elizabeth with the muddy petticoats shows a female image of prejudice, and the heroine elizabeths attitude towards the petticoat shapes an independent lady with self-esteem to us. these different attitudes all display these womens characters. these dress description makes female images pl

32、ump and impressive.3.1.1 lydias fanatical attitude towards clothes vanitylydia spent all the money in the store, just to buy a hat which she is not fully satisfied with, she has the self-confidence to open it and do some decent reconstruction, when all the sister abused it as ugly, first she excuses

33、 since shire have left meryton, it doesnt matter what to wear in summer, finally she comforted herself: i bought a hat, is really happy, even if specially a cap box acquire, but it is interesting!” “look here, i have bought this bonnet. i do not think it is very pretty; but i thought i might as well

34、 buy it as not. i shall pull it to pieces as soon as i get home, and see if i can make it up any better. austen, 1983 and when her sisters abused it ugly, she added, with perfect unconcern, oh! but there were two or three much uglier in the shop; and when i have bought some prettier-coloured satin t

35、o trim it with fresh, i think it will be very tolerable. besides, it will not much signify what one wears this summer, after the -shire have left meryton, and they are going in a fortnight.“i am glad i bought my bonnet, if it is only for the fun of having another bandbox!”austen, 1983lydia is crazy

36、about the officers red uniforms, and when she wants to go to brighton for travel, red uniform appears in her sexual fantasy. the original description:in lydias imagination, a visit to brighton comprised every possibility of earthly happiness. she saw, with the creative eye of fancy, the streets of t

37、hat gay bathing-place covered with officers. she saw herself the object of attention, to tens and to scores of them at present unknown. she saw all the glories of the camp-its tents stretched forth in beauteous uniformity of lines, crowded with the young and the gay, and dazzling with scarlet; and,

38、to complete the view, she saw herself seated beneath a tent, tenderly flirting with at least six officers at once. austen, 1983when run away with wickham, lydia didnt realized that she had made a serious mistake, she still talked a lot about dance and clothes in the letter she left: i shall send for

39、 my clothes when i get to longbourn; but i wish you would tell sally to mend a great slit in my worked muslin gown before they are packed up. austen, 1983 but she didnt know that at this time wickham havent planed to marry her, and a chastity-lost woman is hard to return to her home. lydia is a self

40、-centered woman, an impulsive woman. she is fascinated with reckless acts, even spending out all the money in a hat which is unsuitable to her. she did not know how to control her desire, and chased the officers red uniform as chasing one kind of fashion. lydia submerged by desire fantasy and treate

41、d elope as a trifling matter, all these acts shows her lack of sense, and the uncontrollable lust. she couldnt restrain the desire to talk about clothes, and always talk on improper occasion, exposing her lack of education and sense of shame.3.1.2 miss bingleys ridicule towards elizabeth pride and p

42、rejudiceas a member of upper society, miss bingley was born in a rich family. she has extremely high requirements of outlook. to her, dress not only stands for appearance, but also the performance of the personal accomplishment. in the novel, elizabeths visiting to her sister in the rain makes her c

43、lothes dirty, and the blotted petticoat caused miss bingleys strong reaction, “miss bingley began abusing her as soon as she was out of the room. her manners were pronounced to be very bad indeed, a mixture of pride and impertinence; she had no conversation, no style, no beauty.” yes, and her pettic

44、oat; i hope you saw her petticoat, six inches deep in mud, i am absolutely certain; and the gown which had been let down to hide it not doing its office. “it seems to me to show an abominable sort of conceited independence, a most country-town indifference to decorum.” austen, 1983the irony of the w

45、ords directly reflects her discontent to the so-called the lower strata as elizabeth, reflects miss bingleys pride, conceit, and prejudice to the lower strata. this article has few words with direct description of the evaluation of dress in the part of miss bingley, the special examples play an impo

46、rtant role in molding miss bingleys image, and embody the different values of different classes .to miss bingley, it is very rude to have silt in the petticoat, and have silt in the petticoat is a kind of disrespect to others, this is happened in no circumstances in upper society. elizabeth s behavi

47、or causes miss bingleys antipathy and taunt, which is regarded as acceptable by people of upper class in that time . this petticoat event also deepened miss bingleys prejudice to the lower strata.3.1.3 elizabeths attitude towards blotted petticoat self-respect to visit her sick sister who lodges in

48、other peoples house, elizabeth gets up early in the bad weather, and does not notice her muddy cloth, all these create a strong, courageous and independent image of women in front of readers. no doubt, elizabeth is special, her bold, informal behavior made her appreciated, at the same time, also dev

49、alued.in fact, elizabeth also focuses on her own appearances, but in that situation, the well-being of her elder sister is superior to her own looking. elizabeth wants to take her sister to home so urgent that even let her improper appearance be seen. elizabeth treats her sisters wholeheartedly.3.2

50、reflections of the social view towards men and women in that period in this part, jane austen writes mans clothing with red color, shows the initiative of men and the leading position of men in society, while women are more in a subordinate place. however, in the brief dress description shows women

51、characteristics and the different social positions of men and women.3.2.1 officers red uniform males dominant positionthe phrase red uniform appeared frequently in the novel. as the most representative thing of male role, red uniforms represents not only the enthusiasm, initiative, but also represen

52、ts authority, revolution and power. red is the royal color at that time, represents the rights in the dominant position. in the novel, clothing of men have centered on red uniform from beginning to end, it is not a coincidence. we can consider that the author jane austen made it on purpose; red unif

53、orm suggests that the men stand at the leading position of society. combined with the novel background, we can know better of england in the 19th century, it is a time that males are treated as the center of the country, and men are the main status in social activities. and the womans high praise to

54、 red uniform reflects mans leadership undirected. “i remember the time when i liked a red coat myself very well-and, indeed, so i do still at my heart;”austen, 1983 3.2.2 the ladys skirt of tall waist females passive positionskirt is a symbol of gentleness. in social activities, women act as a vulne

55、rable group. compared to man, women are in a passive position. pride and prejudice depicts womens attachment position to men no matter in economy, society or family status of the late 18th century british, the caste system is heavily. in austins age, the male is the center of the family and society,

56、 womens status is very low. womens responsibility is to contribute every day even every hour to her husband and parents. women do not have property inheritance in law, and do not have a chance to self-reliance; they can only take marriage as the most important choice, what kind of marriage they choo

57、se is very important to the female at that time. in pride and prejudice, all topics related to the dress also link up with the marriage, girls have a crush on the hat or luxuriant skirt is to attract the attention of the man, bid for a good marriage, this also shows the low position of women, women

58、can only change their status through the marriage.3.3 reflections of the authors attitude towards clothingin the novel, the author jane austen gives elizabeths sister tragic ending, reflects her hate of vanity, against these showy things character, and the use of exaggerated irony technique express the authors antipathy to l


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