1、caplandcaplandcapland plaza,plaza,plaza, qingdaoqingdaoqingdao 凯悦凯悦凯悦凯悦 国际,青岛国际,青岛国际,青岛国际,青岛 developmentdevelopmentdevelopment consultancyconsultancyconsultancy reportreportreport summarysummarysummary 项目定位顾问报告摘要项目定位顾问报告摘要项目定位顾问报告摘要项目定位顾问报告摘要 q qqingdaoingdaoingdao caplandcaplandcapland p p p ropert
2、yropertyroperty g ggrouprouproup l l l tdtdtd . . . 青岛凯悦置业集团有限公司青岛凯悦置业集团有限公司青岛凯悦置业集团有限公司青岛凯悦置业集团有限公司 february 2006 二零零六年二月二零零六年二月 contents目录目录 capland plaza, qingdao 凯悦国际,青岛- i - february 2006 二零零六年二月 chapter章节章节page no.页码页码 1.0project overview 项目分析项目分析 . 1 3 1.1introduction 项目简介 1.2site analysis地块分
3、析 1.3characteristics of surrounding areas周边环境 1.4development outlook 区域发展展望 2.0economic overview经济情况回顾与分析经济情况回顾与分析. 4 5 3.0property market analysis 房地产市场研究房地产市场研究. 6 12 3.1residential sector住宅市场 3.2retail sector商业市场 3.3office sector写字楼市场 4.0market positioning 市场定位建议市场定位建议. 13 19 3.1market positionin
4、g for residential住宅定位 3.2market positioning for retail商业定位 3.3market positioning for office写字楼定位 5.0design issues 设计要点设计要点. 20 29 5.1overall development strategies 项目整体发展建议 5.2major design issues 物业设计要点 6.0financial analysis 财务分析财务分析. 30 35 6.1basic parameters and assumptions基本参数及假设 6.2construction
5、cost 建安成本费用 6.3development cost开发成本费用 6.4assumptions of taxation and others税务支出及其他假定 6.5construction programme 工程进度 6.6investment schedule of the development cost投资进度 chapter章节章节page no.页码页码 6.7assumption of sales and leasing performance 租售情况假设 6.8profit where vehicles should pass office and apartme
6、nt and drive out at the south end. 为避免车流过乱、过杂,建议本项目在燕儿岛路上各留一个主出/入 口。在靠燕儿岛路北侧的方向安排主要的入口,经过写字楼和公寓, 从南侧安排出口将车流导出。在北侧同样安排进入地下车库的通道, 合理分流车辆压力。 the vehicle flow and pedestrian flow should be carefully separated, but a good connection between each sector of the property should also be taken into account. 对
7、于项目内部的道路系统则应清晰流畅,车行与步行系统分开。合 理安排不同功能区的人流、车流,既能保障不同区域的有效连接, 又要避免相互干扰。 the number of car park spaces, the allocation of car park space to each sector of the property, and the positioning of the drop-off area are critical issues. 项目应该具有充足的车位,并考虑到不同功能区域的车位配比。并 在写字楼及公寓门前安排出租车及私车的临时停靠车位,方便客人 上下车。在地上安排部分临时
8、车位,方便写字楼及公寓的来访客群。 5.1.3 landscaping 绿化景观绿化景观 is seems difficult to have any large amount of landscaping, due to the site being small and landscaping in the vicinity being not well developed. therefore, the retail rooftop space should be planned to house landscaping works. 项目周边的城市景观较差,且项目的占地面积较小,绿化率及
9、绿化 景观的营造较难提升到一定的规模与档次,因此建议本项目在景观 设计方面应该充分挖掘商业裙房屋顶绿化的视觉效果以及室内景观 的观赏性,提升项目的品质,增加项目的吸引力。 the weather of qingdao should be considered in landscape design. 绿化中要考虑到青岛的特点和季节的变化。 the incorporation of sea views and scenic vistas should be taken into account in the design. 在各个物业的平面布局和户型设计方面,应充分考虑对室外景观, 尤其是海洋景
10、观的观赏视角,加强人与自然、与海洋的沟通。 5.1.4 building style 建筑风格及造型建筑风格及造型 the building style is positioned as modern, bright, vigorous, and harmonious. in addition, it should be distinctive with a fresh, creative style, which would make it unparalleled in the area. 5.0 design issues 设计要点设计要点 capland plaza, qingdao
11、凯悦国际,青岛- 22 - february 2006 二零零六年二月 建筑风格定位于现代风格,以明快、活力、动感、和谐为诉求,并 具有地域特性,造型手法应新颖,富有创造性,在区域内营造一种 卓越超群的感觉。 a consistent theme, with individual properties being slightly different, will create a good faade. the office will be in a modern style, apartments being more classical, and the retail area shoul
12、d focus on detail and taste. 应注重整体项目的协调,各单体建筑风格可有适当变化,有利于方 便识别;但应有一根主线贯穿全局,形成和谐怡人的景观空间。写 字楼部分应突出现代、稳重的品质;高档公寓应突出尊贵、典雅的 气质;商业部分则要突出精致与品味,增大展示效果。 the technology of image design requires it to be easy to operate and maintained at an affordable price. 要求造型设计的构造技术合理稳妥,易于施工和维护,工程造价适 中。 careful use of mate
13、rials will extend the high quality and durability of the project. 合理使用建筑材料,突出项目自身高档物业的特点和未来发展的活 力。 the space and renovation standards should be well understood when preparing the design of the lobby, lift room, and public passageways. the design shall not only embody the luxury and exclusivity of th
14、e space, but also meet the demands of comfort and cost. 对大堂、电梯间、公共走廊等公共空间的设计,应把握良好的空间 尺度和装修标准,既体现大空间应有的豪华和开敞感,又能满足人 们对于舒适尺度和建造成本的要求。 5.2major design issues物业设计要点物业设计要点 5.2.1 residential 高档公寓高档公寓 (1)unit mix户型配比户型配比 according to the market trends of the development of high-end apartment and insight o
15、f market positioning of cb richard ellis, the following unit mix for the residential part is recommended. 根据世邦魏理仕对高档公寓市场发展以及项目定位的把握,我们建 议凯悦国际项目公寓部分的户型配比如下: table 5.1: unit mix 表 5.1:高档公寓户型配比 unit types 居室类型居室类型 one-bed room 一一居室居室 two-bed room 二居室二居室 three-bed room 三居室三居室 four-bed room 四居室四居室 duplex
16、 apartment 跃层跃层 number of units 套数 9414263106 sales area (sq.m) 可销售的建 筑面积(平 方米) 60-80100-120140-160170-200200-300 rationale of unit mix 户型安排原 则 lower floor or upper floor with bad orientation 较低楼层或 较高楼层朝 向差的位置 middle floor or upper floor with bad orientation 中高楼层以 及高楼层景 观较差位置 可适当穿叉 higher floors 较高楼
17、层 upper floor 高楼层 upper floor 高楼层 source: cb richard ellis 资料来源:世邦魏理仕 5.0 design issues 设计要点设计要点 capland plaza, qingdao 凯悦国际,青岛- 23 - february 2006 二零零六年二月 based upon the above unit mix, it is anticipated 315 units of 111 sqm be developed. 按照上述户型配比计算,本项目所能提供的套数共计 315 套,户均 建筑面积 111 平方米。 in order to e
18、nsure better value for money, the efficiency of the project should not be lower than 70%. if studios are considered, the width of each room should not be less than 4 metres. 为提高项目的相对经济性及实用性,本项目公寓产品的使用率不得 低于 70%。如果在设计上不可避免的出现了零居室,那么,零居室 的面宽不低于 4 米。 the above data is merely for the architect reference
19、 only, and will be subject to the final design. 以上面积配比仅作为设计师参考,设计师可根据平面布局条件对户 型面积及配比进行适当调整。 (2)fit-out suggestions 装修及配套建议装修及配套建议 the units under the 29th floor will be provided in a finished condition, and those above the 30th floor will be delivered in bare shell condition. the common area will be
20、 in finished condition. the details of the areas as follows: 建议本项目 29 层以下及高楼层的小户型采用精装修标准交付,30 层及以上的大户型以毛坯标准交房,在每层的公共空间提供精装修。 高档公寓的装修标准如下: table 5.2 fit-out suggestions 表 5.2:高档公寓装修标准 items 要点类别要点类别fit-out standard 装修标准装修标准 exterior 建筑外观 use light colours to provide a simple modern design style. ston
21、e material along the wall base and floor to ceiling windows should be installed. the exterior of the building should be harmonious in colour and shape. 选用浅色系列以突出现代、时尚、简约 的风格。底部铺设石材,配以玻璃幕墙。石材体现大气及档次,玻璃幕墙颜色的 选择应与写字楼相统一。 ground level lobby 首层大堂 the ground level is made up of high-quality granite or mar
22、ble; the wall is decorated elaborately using high-quality stone materials. the ceiling is plaster plate equipped with elegant lamps.地面优质花岗岩或大理石,墙身以优质石材搭配室内精装修处 理,顶棚石膏板天花吊顶配装优雅灯饰。 ground level lift waiting hall 首层电梯厅 the ground is made up of high-quality granite or marble; the wall is decorated elabo
23、rately using high-quality stone materials. 地面铺砌优质花岗岩或大理石,墙身 以优质石材搭配室内精装修处理。 public hallways and elevator lobbies 标准层/公共走廊/及 电梯厅 the ground is paved with high-quality floor bricks; the wall is decorated elaborately using high-quality facing bricks, wallpaper and emulsion paints. 地面铺砌优质地毯或石材,墙面优质壁纸或乳胶
24、漆。顶棚配装美观顶灯,涂乳漆。 stair wells 楼梯间 the first floor and floor steps are paved with high-quality facing bricks; the wall and ceiling are pasted with emulsion paints. metal or iron handrail or fireproof door will be equipped. 首层地面、踏步铺设优质面砖,墙面及顶棚涂乳胶漆,装金属或铁艺 栏杆,装设装饰防火门。 ceiling height 层高 interior net storey
25、 height:over 2.8m. some parts: over 2.6m 室内净高在 2.8 米以上, 局部层高在 2.6 米以上。 exterior windows 外窗 high-end aluminium alloy windows, hollow glass, imported hardware 高档铝合金窗, 中空玻璃,优质五金件。 gate 分户门 high-end and high-quality door; imported hardware. 高档优质实木子母门,优质五 金件。 inside door 室内门wooden door with high-quality
26、hardware 模压木门,配优质五金件。 living room and bedroom 客厅及卧室 hardwood flooring, top quality wallpaper on walls 地面为实木复合地板,墙面为高 档壁纸。 bathrooms 卫生间 the floor is paved with high-quality floor bricks / stone and the wall is paved with high-quality facing bricks; the ceiling is aluminium plate and equipped with la
27、mps and ventilation system. the toilet is facilitated with high quality utensils.地面铺砌优质地 面砖/石材,墙面铺砌优质贴面砖,顶棚用铝扣板吊顶配装灯具,附设排风系统, 配备中高档洁具。 kitchen 厨房 a set of cupboards is installed and a high-quality smoke trap and cooking tools are equipped. the floor is paved with high-quality floor bricks and the wa
28、ll is paved with high-quality facing bricks. the ceiling is decorated with aluminium plate and lamps. . 装设套装组合橱柜,用优质五金件,配装优质抽油烟机和灶具,地面铺设优质地 面砖,墙面铺砌优质贴面砖,顶棚用铝扣板吊顶,配装灯具。 source: cb richard ellis 资料来源:世邦魏理仕 5.0 design issues 设计要点设计要点 capland plaza, qingdao 凯悦国际,青岛- 24 - february 2006 二零零六年二月 to ensure
29、a high quality and consistent style, it is suggested inviting professional companies to be involved in the interior design. multiple design options need to be provided by the design company for clients to choose. 室内装修设计聘请专业公司进行设计,保证风格和谐和高品质。建 议在装修标准上提供 35 种不同的装修方案供客户选择。 most ancillary facilities for
30、 the residential section will be placed within the club. although clubs have a slow take-up in qingdao and are not deeply accepted by house buyers, the existence of the club represents the quality of the residential building. therefore, having a club in the project is considered a necessary facility
31、 to serve the residents. the size of the club should not be too big because most retail needs can be fulfilled in the retail element of the project. 高档公寓的配套建议主要集中在会所。虽然目前青岛市会所的经营 状况不佳,购房者对会所的接受度也较弱,但对于本项目以自住为 主的公寓产品来说,为了体现公寓的高品质,会所配套是必须的。 由于本项目有配备的底商,很多活动及业态可以在商业中完成,因 此,本项目会所的面积不宜过大。 some club facil
32、ities can be arranged in the lobby floor of the apartment building (i.e. the childrens court and library), which can use the unused space and add a family atmosphere to the lobby. 另外可以在公寓的首层安排部分会所配套设施,如儿童活动中心、 阅览室等,既可以利用首层除大堂外的多余面积,又可以增加大堂 的亲情主题及文化氛围。 table 5.3: supporting facilities for the residen
33、tial 表 5.3:高档公寓配套设施列表 items 项目gfa 建筑面积(平米) floor可放置区位 indoor pool, includes junior pool and sauna 室内泳池(包 括儿童戏水池、桑拿浴室) 500 top floor of retail 商业顶楼 gym and health club 健身中心(球类/器械) 200top floor of retail 商业顶楼 childrens court 儿童活动中心 100 lobby of apt.公寓大堂 library 图书室60 lobby of apt.公寓大堂 laundry 洗衣房40 lo
34、bby of apt.公寓大堂 coffee/tea house咖啡厅/茶座150in retail centre or top floor 商业内或顶楼 convenience store 便利店50 in retail centre商业内 facilities 配套设施 hairdresser 美容美发100in retail centre or top floor商 业内或顶楼 total 面积合计1200 car park 车位 not lower than a ratio of 1:0.8, all are in basement. 在可能的情况下,为保证项目品质,建议车位配比不少于
35、1:0.8,全部为地下,以保 证人车分流。 source: cb richard ellis 资料来源:世邦魏理仕 the childrens court can also double as a babysitting centre. the facility within the apartment building should be provided for the use of residents only. 儿童活动中心同时具备儿童看护功能。公寓内的配套设施仅为业主 提供服务。 (3)equipment and other services设备及其他服务 5.0 design is
36、sues 设计要点设计要点 capland plaza, qingdao 凯悦国际,青岛- 25 - february 2006 二零零六年二月 table 5.4: equipment provision 表 5.4:高档公寓设备配套列表 equipment 设备配套standard 标 准 lift 电梯 jv brand, high-speed lifts; zoned; with two lifts going to the basement car park. 中外合资高速电梯,高低分区,至少 2 部电梯可直达车库,内饰配合 公共部分装修设计。 ac/heating 空调/采暖 系统
37、 in-unit air conditioning 户式中央空调系统制冷。 tv 电视cable tv connection 有线电视入户。 network 网络broadband connection 宽带接入户。 telephone 电话two dedicated lines per unit 每个单元配有两条电话线数据接口。 security system 保安系统 cctv and 24-hour patrolling 全方位监控、可视对讲,具有呼叫保安管 理中心功能。24 小时巡更等,可设立访客登记、报刊邮件分拣的专门 设施。 sprinklers installed in comm
38、on areas. 在公共区域设置自动喷淋消防系统。 property management 物业服务 all-around security, day-to-day cleaning, maintenance and concierge service to be provided. 除日常保安、保洁、维修服务外,建议提供代客 租赁、宠物托管服务。 parking 停车位管理smart car park controls 智能化车位管理系统。 other 其它dual line power supply and water supply 双路供电、双路变频供水。 source: cb ric
39、hard ellis 资料来源:世邦魏理仕 (4)major design issues主要要点 green open space should be maximised. the provision of green space naturally needs to fit in with the overall design of the project and also meet government criteria. from a market point of view, the provision of high quality greenery/landscaping is c
40、ritical to the success of a project. buyers are increasingly demanding quality open spaces and landscaping. careful attention should therefore be paid to this requirement. 建议尽量将绿化面积最大化。当然,项目最终的绿化率要根据建筑 设计和政府部门的批复为准。从市场推广的角度来看,提供高质量 的绿化对一个项目来说是非常重要的。消费者对绿化,开放空间以 及居住环境的渴望增长很快,所以在该项目的设计中应该反映这种 需求趋势。 ce
41、iling height should not be lower than 2.8 metres; ceiling height under air ducts/ventilation should not be lower than 2.6 metres. the units should be wider (with more window exposition), and not too deep (to avoid dark zones). 建议楼层净层高不少于 2.8 米,局部净层高不低于 2.6 米。适当增 大面宽、减少进深。 large and semi-detached uni
42、ts should be arranged along the south side of the building where residents can enjoy better views. 建议大面积的户型及跃层尽量多的设计在景观较好的南面。这部分 户型将是本项目的亮点户型,为大面积的使用者提供良好的景观优 势和居住氛围,同时提高项目的品质。 the design of the apartments should be incorporated with the most up-to- date technologies and concepts to create a comfort
43、able living environment. 公寓设计应该秉承现代化的设计理念,以客户为本,设计出具有时 代气息、舒适实用的户型,满足不同目标消费群体不同的居住需求。 努力营造高质量的居住环境。 open space, landing windows and sunlit rooms are favourite features of house buyers. it is suggested to try and upgrade the product by adopting the above features. kitchens and bathrooms with windows
44、should be considered for the larger units. 大开间、落地窗以及阳光房是消费比较喜欢的户型要素,因此建议 在户型设计中加入上述元素为户型增值。对于大户型来说,在设计 上应注重明厨明卫。 5.0 design issues 设计要点设计要点 capland plaza, qingdao 凯悦国际,青岛- 26 - february 2006 二零零六年二月 5.2.2 retail 商业部分商业部分 the retail component should be on the pedestrian side of the street so that it
45、enjoys good consumer flow and visibility. large landing windows and lighting can be used to improve the visual image and quality of the retail component. 商业应该位于步行街的一侧,充分利用佳世客的人流优势,加强本 项目商业部分的可视性,通过大面积落地橱窗、夜间照明效果等增 强商业部分的视觉影响力,充分展示本项目高品质商业的档次,提 升项目的知名度。 the retail component is positioned as a high-en
46、d shopping centre, and the design of the facade, internal layout and circulation should fully reflect this targeted positioning. 本项目商业的定位为高档购物中心,所以在外观设计、购物环境、 人流组织等方面的设计上应该充分体现出高档商业的品质。 careful consideration should be given to the shopping centres fit both within the project and its greater surround
47、ings, as well as to its tenant and merchandise mix. this will help create synergies between the different elements of the project and improve its overall quality. 注重商业设施各业态的相互协调,商业设施和整体项目以及周边环 境未来发展趋势的协调,发挥综合协同效应,提升商业设施的品质。 ingress and egress to the shopping centre need to be carefully arranged. sep
48、arate access should be provided for tenants with different operating hours, such as f the basement should not be less than 5.5 metres. on other floors, floor- to-floor height should not be lower than 4 metres. 首层的层高要在 5 米以上,地下一层若有商业经营面积,层高应在 5.5 米以上,其他楼层层高不得低于 4 米。这里所指的层高为楼板到 楼板的距离。 there should be
49、ample vertical transportation, including both escalators and lifts. 楼层与楼层之间有足够的连接,包括扶梯和直梯。 the layout of horizontal transportation is also very important. secondary corridors should be avoided because this lowers the visibility and accessibility of some shops. 在商业设计时应该注意加强水平交通能力,注意人流引导,最好不 要出现第二通道,从
50、而降低一些店面的可视性和客流量。 the connection between retail and other components of the project should be convenient and smooth. it should be very easy for the apartment and office occupiers to access the shopping centre, while still protecting their privacy. 要保证项目内各组成部分与商业的连通性,使公寓及办公人群可以 方便的到达商业,又要保证他们的私密性。 com
51、petition between tenants and merchandisers should be avoided. 在业种业态的分布上应该尽量去避免竞争的存在。 the retail design should ensure the best visibility and access to each floor and store in the centre. 在商业设计中,应注意使每一楼层以及每个商业店铺的可视性达到 最好。 washrooms should be arranged in the back areas of stores and shops. 卫生间的位置尽量安排在
52、较为不明显的商业区域,利用较好的位置 5.0 design issues 设计要点设计要点 capland plaza, qingdao 凯悦国际,青岛- 27 - february 2006 二零零六年二月 安排其他商铺,以便提高其他商铺的可视性和可到达性。 loading docks should be located close to those tenants who have big cargo flows. the position of the cargo lifts and their number should be carefully taken into account
53、in order to meet requirements. 卸货场应尽量靠近需求较大的商业客户。货梯的摆放和数量应仔细 加以考虑以满足运输需要及提高商业面积利用率。 signage and advertisement space should be planned out within the overall design in order to avoid lowering the image of the centre because of wild signage. 在设计中考虑为商家统一预留单位牌铭及广告位,避免广告铺设的 随意性而对整体物业价值的影响。 food and bever
54、age outlets should be concentrated in a single area. kitchens will need to be equipped with special loading passages and flues to avoid disturbing other tenants. the arrangement of water, power, gas, drainage, toilet, kitchen space and ceiling height will also need to be carefully considered. 餐饮区的分布
55、应该尽量集中,以方便硬件设施资源共享。餐饮部分 的厨房设施应分别配备专用卸货通道和排烟风道,避免货流和废气 对其他用户的干扰;而水、电、煤气、上下水系统、洗手间和厨房 空间、层高的安排等方面都需要加以重视。 lighting should ensure the centre is sufficiently bright. it is proposed that the lighting effect should be vivid, changeable, and harmonious to illustrate the themes of sports and health relating
56、 to the retail centre. 灯光设置应保证商场的充足照明度,配备充足的接入口将有利于满 足商户二次装修和未来商场升级的需要。建议在公共部分营造出柔 和、自然、和谐的灯光效果以体现商场高档舒适的主题。 escalators are recommended as the main means of vertical transportation for customers of the shopping centre. large capacity lifts should also be provided for goods. small lifts can be added
57、to improve the penetration rate of consumers to higher floors. 在电梯方面,建议采用滚梯作为商业主要客运工具,设置大载重直 梯满足货运需要;可设置小型客用直梯提高客流对高楼层的渗透。 with regard to interior finishes, it is proposed to adopt a bare-shell standard to save costs and allow individual tenants to fit-out the shops. in the public areas, it is propo
58、sed to apply stone, glass, steel and so on to coordinate with the style of the projects other elements and to illustrate the modern, vigorous, comfortable, and superior characteristics of the scheme. 室内装修方面,建议采用毛坯形式以节省成本,且有利于商户的个 性装修;公共部分建议采用石材、玻璃、钢构件等材料,配合公共 空间的规划,营造出时尚、活力、舒适、高档的气息。 the width of co
59、rridors should be wide enough to accommodate peak customer flows. the corridor layout should also direct the circulation and increase the efficiency rate of the retail units. the choice of floor materials should take into account both the grade of the centre and the demands of cleaning and maintenan
60、ce. 走廊的宽度应充分考虑到消费者舒适购物的需要,同时走廊动线的 设计应满足引导人流,充分提高商业面积实际利用率的需要,地面 材料的选择应兼顾档次和实际清洁、维护的需要。 an a/c system with large power is recommended. the volume of new air should be considered carefully to meet the demand of larger retail units. 空调建议采用大功率冷暖空调,新风量和空调风口应仔细加以设计 以满足商业空间的高效空气调节需要。 car parking will be a
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