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1、CS12.2调试,CS12.2业务流程及常见问题分析以主叫起呼并挂机为例,说明CS AMR 12.2K的整个信令过程。为清晰起见,将整个信令流程分割为以下几个独立阶段进行描述。在每个阶段中,再进行流程介绍,关键技术点分析,重要信令参数说明以及常见问题解答。出现问题的首要标准排查方法:u 首先比对标准信令过程,看看从哪一条信令开始和标准信令过程不吻合,查找实现流程不吻合的原因;u 排除流程原因后,查看是那一条信令出现异常。从异常信令的位置开始往前,逐条检查每条信令内容,和标准信令配置参数比对。如果参数不一样,则先逐个排除参数,将参数调整为一致,看看是否参数原因导致的异常u 如果全部排除参数和流程


3、消息和Uu口消息配置内容大部分类似,在格式上略有不同。所以将以Uu口消息为主来说明。NAS消息内容主要是UE和CN交互的,和2G相比差别不大,在本文就不做额外说明了。在本文中, UE指的是带有NET MONITOR的NOKIA UE或者带TRACE的高通UE。可能会通过UE的辅助功能来观察某些现象定位问题。1. 第一阶段:RRC 建立过程1.1. 信令流程介绍RRC连接的建立是UE和UTRAN建立信令交互的第一步。u UE在RACH上上报RRC连接建立请求u RNC依据后台设置,决定将RRC连接建立在DCH上u RNC先在Iub口建立RL(radio link),RL建立成功后,Iub口对应的

4、FP层进行传输同步过程,随后NODEB上报RL恢复指示(radio link restoreindication),表明RL可用了u RNC在FACH下发RRC连接建立消息,通知UE进行RRC连接建立,相关RRC连接的配置消息也在该消息中携带给UEu UE建立RRC连接成功后,在DCH上回复成功的RRC建立响应消息。1.2. 关键技术点接纳在专用信道(DCH)上建立RRC连接,需要进行接纳判断。接纳判断由无线资源模块RRM中子模块CAC完成。CAC判断是否能够接入到当前小区,需要考虑当前上报小区的负载情况,包括网络拥塞情况和码资源情况。当拥塞过载或码资源缺乏时,根据RRC建立请求消息中信元Me

5、asured results on RACH进行小区选择,选取新的小区进行RRC连接建立,在新小区中建立CCIU、无线链路等,并在RRC连接建立消息中将新小区通知给UE。如果连新小区都负荷较高,无法接纳,那么拒绝UE的接入。RRC建立传输信道选择后台有对应选择的控制项目,在RNC一级的参数中,取值有u “强制DCH”,使用3.4kbps普通信令,初始接入建立在CELL_DCH状态,所以需要建立Iub口无线链路(radio link),如上面的SDL图所示u “强制FACH”,使用3.4kbps普通信令,初始接入建立在CELL_FACH状态,无需在Iub口建立无线链路u “不强制”,使用RNC本

6、身的控制策略,目前是使用3.4kbps普通信令,根据RRC建立的原因值来决定建立在CELL_DCH状态还是CELL_FACH状态。对于后续没有业务流程的,如注册等,建立在CELL_FACH状态;对于后续有业务流程的,如主叫被叫等,建立在CELL_DCH状态。默认配置中,选择的是第一种“强制DCH”。另外,后续的版本将加上13.6K相关高速信令的选择UE能力信息UE的能力信息即可通过RRC建立后发起UE能力查询过程获得,也可在RRC建立时从消息RRC Connection Setup Complete获得。目前实现的流程是后者,在RRC建立时从消息RRC Connection Setup Com

7、plete获得。后续RNC进行无线资源管理和安全模式控制过程,以及物理层传输层参数计算等都需要具备UE的能力信息信令无线承载RRC连接建立过程创建由RB#1- RB#4所指定的信令无线承载SRB:RB#1 用于所有在DCCH和RLC-UM上发送的信息;RB#2 用于除了直接传送消息之外的所有在DCCH和RLC-AM上发送的信息;RB#3 用于传送高层信令的直接传送消息(使用DCCH和RLC-AM)。RB#4 实际上是没有用的,原则上是用于传送高层信令的直接传送消息(使用DCCH和RLC-AM)。利用两个传送高层信令的SRB,UTRAN就可以处理信令上的优先级,RB#4用于低优先级的NAS信令,

8、RB#3用于高优先级的NAS信令。RLMM模块涉及的标识与对应关系NBAP专用消息中涉及了如下几种ID,根据其体现的对应关系,RLMM模块需要利用这些ID组织管理实例、处理流程以及专用资源。l CRNC Communication Context ID CRNC通信上下文(Communication Context)可以理解为UE在CRNC的一个映象,在RNC上统一分配,代表了特定UE在CRNC上占用的全部资源的集合,同UE间存在一一对应的关系。鉴于目前RLMM模块的实现考虑,RLMM模块的实例RLMI实际上也同UE存在这样一个对应关系,所以NBAP消息中涉及到的CRNC CC ID均可同具体

9、实例直接挂钩。l Communication Control Port IDCCP ID用于标识某个具体Node B同RNC间的信令承载,由Node B分配并在该Node B唯一。由于CCP相对于NBCC或者CRNCCC是个宏观的概念,基本不存在直接的对应关系,所以在目前RLMM模块的实现中,可能会考虑将CCP的概念淡化。对于大多数专用流程或消息,无论是Node B还是RNC对CCP都是不关心的。目前RLMM模块需要考虑CCP ID的情况:专用测量流程:如果发起的专用测量在指定NBCC时使用了保留值All NBCC,则该测量是对CCP范围内生效的;复位流程:如果Node B发起了面向某个(些)

10、CCP的复位过程或者RNC需要发起面向某个(些)CCP的复位过程。具体的解决办法将在下文详述。l Node B Communication Context IDNB CC的概念同CRNC CC相仿,由Node B进行统一分配。但是由于UE本身是可以在多个Node B上存在这样一个上下文的,所以对于RLMI而言可能同多个NBCC相对应,这些NBCC ID本身的值可能相同。Node B将根据NBCC ID对UE进行区分。所以RNC侧应当维护这样一个一对多的对应关系,即当前CRNC CC所对应的UE在某个Node B上对应的NBCC ID,具体到RLMI,则是每个RLMI应当维护该UE对应的Node

11、 B列表及相应的NBCC ID。l Transaction IDTransaction ID用于标识流程。NBAP的专用消息涉及了多种流程,流程的发起方将分配一个唯一标识用于确定具体流程,在流程结束之前,用Trasaction ID确定一条消息是否属于本流程。对于Node B发起的消息,由Node B保证该Transaction ID在当前NBCC内全部Node B发起的流程中唯一;对于RNC发起的消息中,由RNC保证该Transaction ID在相应NBCC内全部RNC发起的流程中唯一。l Radio Link IDRadio Link ID对于一个特定UE能够唯一标识一条无线链路。RLM

12、I应当可以使用RL ID作为无线链路队列的一个索引。l Radio Link Set IDRadio Link Set ID用于在一个NBCC的范围内唯一确定一个链路集。RLMM模块不关心该信息体现的RL间关系l Measurement ID由于测量任务均由RNC下达,所以由RNC保证Measurement ID在一个CCP范围内的唯一性。RNC根据Measurement ID判断测量上报消息、测量失败消息对应的测量任务。以上提到的几种标识均将作为某个NBCC的重要参数保存在该NBCC对应的数据区内,分别是RLMM模块在进行消息处理时的参考。1.3. 重要信令参数说明RRC CONNECTIO

13、N REQUESTRLC-SAP: TMLogical channel: CCCHDirection: UE UTRANInformation Element/Group nameNeedMultiType and referenceSemantics descriptionMessage TypeMPMessage TypeUE information elementsInitial UE identityMPInitial UE identity causeMPEstablishment cause erro

14、r indicatorMDProtocol error indicator value is FALSEMeasurement information elementsMeasured results on RACHOPMeasured results on RACH UE标识信息元素initial UE identity initial UE identity是在RRC连接建立时提供一个唯一的UE在空闲模式下的非接入层标识。UCPM_C根据initial UE identity选择SCCPCH(RLC根据SCCPCH获取FACH信息)

15、。UE对非接入层标识类型选择原则为:(1)若UE中的变量SELECTED_CN值为GSM-MAP,UE根据下列优先级在信息元素initial UE identity中选择UE id type:1) TMSI(GSM-MAP):TMSI若有效则选择。当使用TMSI时信息元素initial UE identity中应包含信息元素LAI以保证其唯一性。2) P-TMSI(GAM-MAP):若无有效的TMSI(GSM-MAP)且存在有效的P-TMSI(GSM-MAP),则选择。当使用P-TMSI时信息元素initial UE identity中应包含信息元素RAI以保证其唯一性。3) IMSI(GSM

16、-MAP):若无有效的TMSI及P-TMSI(GSM-MAP),且存在有效的IMSI(GSM-MAP),则选择。4) IMEI:若上述条件均不满足则选择IMEI。在使用时信息元素TMSI(GSM-MAP)、P-TMSI(GAM-MAP)、IMSI(GSM-MAP),LAI和RAI应设置为与USIM或SIM存贮的相应标识值相等。(2)若UE内变量SELECTED_CN值为ANSI-41,UE应根据3GPP2文档3GPP2 C.P0004-A,选择信息元素Initial UE identity中的UE id type。2. Establishment cause RRC建立原因,当后台选择“不强制

17、”时,各类原因有对应的RRC建立信道选择趋向:1) Originating Conversational Call:专用物理信道2) Originating Streaming Call:专用物理信道3) Originating Interactive Call:专用物理信道4) Originating Background Call:专用物理信道5) Originating Subscribed traffic Call:专用物理信道6) Terminating Conversational Call:专用物理信道7) Terminating Streaming Call:专用物理信道8)

18、Terminating Interactive Call:专用物理信道9) Terminating Background Call:专用物理信道10) Emergency Call:专用物理信道11) Inter-RAT cell re-selection:专用物理信道12) Inter-RAT cell change order:专用物理信道13) Registration:公用物理信道14) Detach:专用物理信道15) Originating High Priority Signalling:专用物理信道16) Originating Low Priority Signalling:

19、公用物理信道17) Call re-establishment:专用物理信道18) Terminating High Priority Signalling:专用物理信道19) Terminating Low Priority Signalling:公用物理信道20) Terminating cause unknown3. Protocol error indicator 为一Boolean 值,TRUE表示有协议错误发生;FALSE表示没有协议错误发生。缺省值为FALSE。UE在启动RRC建立过程时应设置该变量为缺省值。4. Measured results on RACH UE测量报告,测

20、量报告内容根据系统信息块11中信息元素“频率间测量RACH报告”、“RACH报告小区最大数目”决定。RRC_CONNECTION_SETUPRLC-SAP: UMLogical channel: CCCHDirection: UTRAN UEInformation Element/Group nameNeedMultiType and referenceSemantics descriptionMessage TypeMPMessage TypeUE Information ElementsInitial UE identityMPInitial UE identity

21、C transaction identifierMPRRC transaction identifier timeMDActivation time value is nowNew U-RNTIMPU-RNTI C-RNTIOPC-RNTI State IndicatorMPRRC State Indicator DRX cycle length coefficientMPUTRAN DRX cycle length coefficient

22、 update requirementMDCapability update requirement value is defined in subclause Information ElementsSignalling RB information to setup listMP3 to 4Signalling RB information to setupMPSignalling RB information to setup Information ElementsU

23、plink transport channelsUL Transport channel information common for all transport channelsOPUL Transport channel information common for all transport channels or Reconfigured TrCH information listMP1 to Although this IE is not required when the IE RRC state indicator is set to CELL_FA

24、CH, need is MP to align with ASN.1Added or Reconfigured UL TrCH informationMPAdded or Reconfigured UL TrCH information transport channelsDL Transport channel information common for all transport channelsOPDL Transport channel information common for all transport channels

25、ed or Reconfigured TrCH information listMP1 to Although this IE is not required when the IE RRC state indicator is set to CELL_FACH, need is MP to align with ASN.1Added or Reconfigured DL TrCH informationMPAdded or Reconfigured DL TrCH information10.3.5.1PhyCH information elementsFrequency infoMDFre

26、quency info value is the existing value of frequency informationUplink radio resourcesMaximum allowed UL TX powerMDMaximum allowed UL TX power value is the existing maximum UL TX powerCHOICE channel requirementOPUplink DPCH info Uplink DPCH info SET In

27、foCPCH SET Info radio resourcesDownlink information common for all radio linksOPDownlink information common for all radio links information per radio link listOP1 to Send downlink information for each radio link to be set-upDownlink information for each radio link

28、MPDownlink information for each radio link RRC transaction identifier RRC连接事务号,标识UTRAN相对特定UE唯一的一个RRC连接,为(0,3)间Integer值;2. Activation time 以CFN值表示的本操作生效frame number/时间,为(0,255)间Integer值;3. New U-RNTI 标识UTRAN内与当前RRC连接对应的UE,由SRNC identity 和S-RNTI组成,在整个PLMN中是唯一的,Serving RNC为每一个具有RRC连接的UE分配一个

29、SRNC identity。4. New C-RNTI 标识UTRAN内与当前RRC连接对应的UE所在小区,由控制RNC在创建一个新的UE上下文时分配,在当前小区公共传输信道上通讯时使用,为UE在UTRAN连接模式下分配的一个无线网络临时标识。5. UTRAN DRX cycle length coefficient UE对寻呼记数使用的非连续接收DRX周期长度。6. Capability update requirement 指示UE是否上报能力信息信元。 Information Element/Group nameNeedMultiType and referenceSemantics d

30、escriptionUE radio access FDD capability update requirementMPBooleanTRUE indicates update requiredSystem specific capability update requirement listOP1 to In this version, a maximum size of 4 for the list shall be applied and any items after the 4th item in the list shall be ignored.System specific

31、capability update requirementMPEnumerated (GSM) UE radio capability FDD update requirement 确省值为TRUE。7. Signalling RB information to setup 包含RB ID, RLCInfo,RB MappingInfo等,在实例数据区中直接获取,UE应按信元RB ID、RB MappingInfo替换以前存贮的无线承载复用选项;按信元RB ID、RLCInfo配置其无线承载的传输及接收RLC实体功能。RB ID为(0,4)间Integer值,RLCInfo定义上下行RLC模式

32、(AM, UM or TM)及相应参数。UE根据RB MappingInfo初始化信令链路参数。(1)RLC Info 包含以下内容;Information Element/Group nameNeedMultiType and referenceSemantics descriptionCHOICE Uplink RLC modeOPIndicates if Acknowledged, Unacknowledged or Transparent mode RLC shall be used. AM RLCTransmission RLC discardMPTransmission RLC d

33、iscard window sizeMPInteger(1,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,768,1024,1536,2047,2560,3072,3584,4095)Maximum number of RLC PUs sent without getting them acknowledged. This parameter is needed if acknowledged mode is used. UE shall also assume that the UTRAN receiver window is equal to t

34、his value.Timer_RSTMPInteger(50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000)Elapsed time in milliseconds. It is used to trigger the retransmission of RESET PDU.Max_RSTMPInteger(1, 4, 6, 8, 12 16, 24, 32)Defined in 16Polling infoOPPolling info RLCTransmissio

35、n RLC discardOPTransmission RLC discard RLCTransmission RLC discardOPTransmission RLC discard indicationMPBooleanTRUE indicates that segmentation is performed.CHOICE Downlink RLC modeOPIndicates if Acknowledged, Unacknowledged or Transparent mode RLC shall be usedAM

36、 RLCIn-sequence deliveryMPBooleanTRUE indicates that RLC shall preserve the order of higher layer PDUs when these are delivered.FALSE indicates that receiving RLC entity could allow SDUs to be delivered to the higher layer in different order than submitted to RLC sublayer at the transmitting side.Re

37、ceiving window size MPInteger(1,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,768,1024,1536,2047,2560,3072,3584,4095)Maximum number of RLC PUs allowed to be received. This parameter is needed if acknowledged mode is used. UE shall also assume that the UTRAN transmitter window is equal to this valueDownlink RLC status Info

38、MPDownlink RLC status info10.3.4.1UM RLC(No data)TM RLCSegmentation indicationMPBooleanTRUE indicates that segmentation is performed.l Transmission RLC discard 运行定时器;l Transmission window size AM RLC模式下用于流量控制的接收窗口大小信元;l Timer_RST 重传RESET PDU定时器,用于探测来自对等RLC实体的复位ACK PDU是否丢失;l Max_RST 复位PDU重新传送次数的最大值。该

39、参数是计数器VT(RST)的上限。当VT(RST)的值达到MaxRST 时,将通知高层RRC;l Polling info 确认模式传送时轮询检测信息,用来请求从接收者RLC得到状态报告(确认模式下接收者向发送者传送状态报告,每个状态报告包含一个或多个状态PDU,通知发送者哪个PU收到哪个PU没有收到);l In-sequence delivery RLC PDU按序投递功能开关,即是否要求接收端按发送端的发送顺序将PDU投递给RRC层。(2)RB MappingInfo包含内容: Information Element/Group nameNeedMultiType and referenc

40、eSemantics descriptionInformation for each multiplexing optionMP1 to RLC logical channel mapping indicatorCV-UL-RLCLogicalChannelsBooleanTRUE indicates that the first logical channel shall be used for data PDUs and the second logical channel shall be used for control PDUs.FALSE indicates that contro

41、l and data PDUs can be sent on either of the two logical channels.This parameter is not used in this release and shall be set to TRUE.Number of uplink RLC logical channelsCV-UL-RLC info1 to MaxLoCHperRLC1 or 2 logical channels per RLC entity or radio bearerRLC 16Uplink transport channel typeMPEnumer

42、ated(DCH,RACH,CPCH)CPCH is FDD onlyUL Transport channel identityCV-UL-DCHTransport channel identity is the ID of a DCH that this RB could be mapped onto.Logical channel identityOPInteger(1.15)This parameter is used to distinguish logical channels multiplexed by MAC on a transport chann

43、el.CHOICE RLC size listMPThe RLC sizes that are allowed for this logical channelFor radio bearers mapped to RACH, Explicit list is the only valid choice. The UE shall regard all other choices as undefined IE values and handle these as specified in clause 9.AllNullAll RLC sizes listed in the Transpor

44、t Format Set. RLC sizes configured for this logical channel in the Transport Format Set. if present in this message or in the previously stored configuration otherwiseExplicit List1 to Lists the RLC sizes that are valid for the logical channel.RLC size indexMPInt

45、eger(1.maxTF)The integer number is a reference to the RLC size which arrived at that position in the Transport Format Set logical channel priorityMPInteger(1.8)This is priority between a users different RBs (or logical channels). 15Downlink RLC logical channel infoCV-DL-RLC infoNumber o

46、f downlink RLC logical channelsMD1 to MaxLoCHperRLC1 or 2 logical channels per RLC entity or radio bearerRLC 16Default value is that parameter values for DL are exactly the same as for corresponding UL logical channel. In case two multiplexing options are specified for the UL, the first options shal

47、l be used as default for the DL. As regards to the IE Channel type, rule is specified in transport channel typeMPEnumerated(DCH,FACH,DSCH,DCH+DSCH)DL DCH Transport channel identityCV-DL-DCHTransport channel identity DSCH Transport channel identityCV-DL-DSCHTransport chan

48、nel identity channel identityOPInteger(1.15)16 is reservedConditionExplanationUL-RLC infoIf CHOICE Uplink RLC mode in the IE RLC info that applies for that RB (i.e. either the one stored or received in the same message for the RB for which the RB mapping info was received, or the on

49、e stored or received in the same message for the RB pointed at in the IE Same as RB in the IE RB information to setup stored or received in the same message) is present this IE is mandatory present. Otherwise the IE is not needed.DL-RLC infoIf CHOICE Downlink RLC mode in the IE RLC info that applies

50、 for that RB (i.e. either the one stored or received in the same message for the RB for which the RB mapping info was received, or the one stored or received in the same message for the RB pointed at in the IE Same as RB in the IE RB information to setup stored or received in the same message) is pr

51、esent this IE is mandatory present. Otherwise the IE is not needed.UL-RLCLogicalChannelsIf Number of uplink RLC logical channels in IE RB mapping info is 2, then this IE is mandatory present. Otherwise this IE is not needed.UL-DCHIf IE Uplink transport channel type is equal to DCH this IE is mandato

52、ry present. Otherwise the IE is not needed.DL-DCHIf IE Downlink transport channel type is equal to DCH or DCH+DSCH this IE is mandatory present. Otherwise the IE is not needed.DL-DSCHIf IE Downlink transport channel type is equal to DSCH or DCH+DSCH this IE is mandatory present. Otherwise the IE is

53、not needed.l Number of uplink RLC logical channels 上行配置默认两条逻辑信道;l RLC size 其配置可以有All、Configured、Explicit List三种方式,目前都按照最后一种来进行配置,目前版本不考虑RLC size的动态调整;l Number of downlink RLC logical channels 下行配置默认一条逻辑信道,也可配置两条。8. UL Transport channel information common for all transport channels UCI_U根据UE的IMSI,从数据

54、库配置选择上行传输信道相应内容。Information Element/Group nameNeedMultiType and referenceSemantics descriptionPRACH TFCSOPTransport format combination set IE should not be included in this version of the protocol.CHOICE modeOPTFC subsetMDTransport Format Combination Subset10.3.5.22Default value is the complete existing set of transport format combinationsUL DCH TFCSMPTransport formation combination set Added or Reconfigured TrCH information list 需增加或重配置的上行传输信道信息列表,此信元在公共信道上建立RRC连接时不用填。


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